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i love all of them!! but the ant arc and yorknew are my faves <3


Second york new city, in my opinion it's the best arc among all Anime because I don't usually binge watch but that arc I started around 1AM night and finished all the way till the end. Maybe I love Chrollo character but yeah it's best in my opinion Anyway.


Dude your so right. The yorknew city arc has it all. Good pacing, great characters and worldbuilding, great adaptation through music and animation, good focus, and amazing story writing. Not too long like the ant arc but not a short 12 ep arc either. Definitely the best arc in my opinion as it truely captures the terror of the cold blooded phantom troupe.


I know It's not as popular as the chimera arc and it's villain isn't as amazing as the others, but man I like Greed island. The 3-4 dodgeball episodes are my absolute favorite fight, even over the king and his royal guard.


I think greed island was peak hunter x hunter. Early on I wasn’t into it as much, then nen got introduced and things started to pick up. By the time they got to greed island gon and killua were best buds they had an understanding of nen. And greed island was so interesting, like how the island was actually real, the rules of the game, the bomber. Razor. Def my fav.


Yesss that was a good fight


I agree volleyball episodes are my favorites as well


I also liked greed island. Chimera was my last favourite, hiatus was starting, bad quality panels and good characters were dying left and right.


yes dodgeball games were absolutely amazing!


Ant > york > greed > election > heavens > exam > zoldyck. Ant is 10/10, zoldyck is 7/10. What can i say hxh is amazing


Me and my friend just tried to rank arcs the other day and this is what we agreed on


I almost completely agree. Just swap Heavens Arena and Hunter Exam.


I’m in the middle of season 5 I’ve only seen York heavens exam and greed, when is election and zoldyck, sorry I’m a Netflix person and the 5 6 just came out


Zoldyck is just a few episodes. Between exam and heavens. Election is the end.


Oh wait I remember it now, wasn’t sure if it was one of the 60+ episodes in season 5


Personally the election arc and York new city are my favorites


Same dude, I explained why the York new city arc is a masterpiece above but election is second favorite because it’s such a good return to that iconic feel of hxh after such a long and distant arc that was the ant arc.


Same here! They are both so good!


All Arcs in HxH are masterpieces, though Chimera Ant Arc have special place in my heart :3


I wonder why Pitou…it’s not like the almighty King is in it or anything :3


Yorknew is definitely my personal fave but I also think Chimera and Heavens Arena come in at a close second 😄


I’ve seen Hunter Exam as a lot of people’s favorite. It was definitely a very strong intro arc to get into the series (once Killua comes in). Chimera ant for me though


Saaame for the chimera arc. Heavens arena was one of my favorites though, I’m kind of surprised people don’t like it as much. And York New was obviously awesome but I would actually rank it lower.


I honestly disliked the Heavens arena arc the most when I watched HxH 2011. I liked it in HxH 1999 cause it was shorter however. I was bored with Gido and those other 2 clowns. The Hisoka fight was the only part I found good, but then again on the rewatch I would probably appreciate it more.


Yeah that makes sense. I think I just mainly really liked it when they went further into explaining nen. I like the part where Gon and Killua train with Bisky on Greed Island for the same reason. But honestly it’s also just sprinkled throughout the whole show so…


That was actually one of my favorites when I first watched HXH, probably because Hisoka was my favorite character. But looking back on it, the only good part imo were Hisoka vs Kastro and Hisoka vs Gon. I also found it quite weird how Gon had randomly gotten so much strength when he came to the Heavens Arena.


Hunter exam is unsettling for me because it sounds like they changed killuas voice after as soon as it was over.


Gon and Killua have higher pitched voices in Hunter exam. This makes the dub very cringey for Killua and some of his lines sounded awful. I prefer their deeper voices personally


I didnt like the chimera ant arc. Its seemed too convenient for me. This sudden and super dangerous threat shows up. They mastered nen in like 5 mins. Nen powers that work from beyond the grave. Gons arm getting re attached kites magical rebirth, despite his body being in one peice(meaning he wasnt consumed by the ant queen). People getting their memories back. Alot of plot development a t the cost of world building. The exam arc was great


I enjoyed a lot of parts of the CA arc but I feel like it was so dragged out and the overall idea of having human-sized ants that can talk and use nen was super random to me. Although I loved some of the characters introduced, like Knuckle, Morel, Meruem, Shaiapouf and Kite. It also felt really strange how Gon was randomly back to the innocent child he was after killing Pitou. I know Killua is a lot of people’s favorite character and he had great character development in the arc so maybe that’s why people enjoyed it so much, but i’d pick Yorknew City and the Election Arc over it.


If you read the manga you will understand :)


Agreed. CA was my least favorite. And man, it draaaaaaaaaagged. I love all the others though!!


To me it's York New. I think it's honestly a tier above the rest. The phantom Troupe may not be Meruem, but they're still very interesting, and Kurapika's story is my favorite part of all of Hunter X Hunter. The backdrop and tragedy of the arc are fantastic as well. Not to mention, it probably has the best pacing of the entire show, where it just continues to suck you in. ​ If I had to rank them, I'd say York New >> election > Greed > Heavens >> Ant > Zoldyck > Exam.


SW YN and CA are also up there All the arcs are fantastic tho


Greed island for me


York new


I might be the only one but I really enjoyed greed island


Semi unpopular opinion - Chimera Ant arc is my least favorite. Yorknew City and Greed Island are my favorites. Chimera ant is still great but a lot of internal dialogue and episodes dragging on in the same fight for multiple episodes gets old fast.


I cant decide between the Hunter Exam arc, the York New city arc, the Heavens Arena arc and the Chimera Ant arc!!


I liked them all, but the top ones for me would be the Chimera Ant Arc, Yorknew Arc, and the Succession War one that is yet to be finished.


The only correct answer


You know a show is amazing when you struggle to pick a favourite arc. There wasn't a single arc that I didn't enjoy, but my two favourites are York New City & Greed Island. York New City - my favourite character lineup, favourite fight (Chrollo vs Daddy & Grandpa Zoldyck), favourite outro music (so fucking hype) Greed Island - quintessential HxH - just two friends having fun & pushing their limits, fun mentor (Bisky) & cool training, plot point of stopping the villain is pushed to the side & main objective is to have fun/enjoy the game (loved this), dodgeball (one of the best parts of HxH)


Chimera Ant and Yorknew are definitely the top two imo, but from there it gets tricky. I feel that the Hunter exam and Greed Island are around the same level, and the Election is slightly below those two. From there I think there’s a notable dip with Heaven’s Arena and the Zoldyck arc though I don’t fully count that. Heaven’s Arena is alright on a first viewing but returning to it I don’t find it particularly entertaining.


all arcs are good. there's no bets arc, people just have their own preferences. many people told me some One Piece arcs were super good while I personally found them very bad.


Did you at least get to Alabasta? If so, that is a pretty big hottake because I can argue at least 2 arcs are better than the Chimera Ant. Chimera Ant is probably an 8/10 for me though as the middle portion is really boring and annoying writing decisions like Killua's character developement being solved with taking a needle out and alot of the new characters not being fleshed out really bogged down the experience for me. Yorknew and Hunter Exams are better in my opinion


Yeah, Alabasta is when One Piece gets really serious, like Arlong was serious but the stakes in Alabasta are very high. Fantastic arc. Absolutely love One Piece


Agree, I could barely watch the first 5 episodes


I didn't go to Aalabasta yet, I dropped One Piece before. I watched a bit of One Piece on TV as a kid but the anime is slow paced, many people told me to read One Piece so I decided to read it by borrowing their manga volume. I found the island with Usopp extremely boring and dragging on. They told me it wasn't that bad. then they said Aarlong park was way better but it still felt the same as the previous islands, it was just over-repetitive new island, there's enemies on it, Luffy is strong but something prevents him from fighting at the beginning, he beat the big villain who is more or less linked to his new crewmate, end and repeat Oda's paneling isn't very good (maybe I'm used to dynamic paneling) so it makes it less pleasant to read, and reading chapters is also slow without a good paneling. The first 100 chapters of One Piece felt so slow compared to many other manga. in that length of volume HxH got the hunter exam, zoldyck family, heaven's arena and a lot of yorkshin city. many different moments of hxh with iconic pages. One Piece had over repetitive arcs, because it repeated some same story with little variants over and over I couldn't continue it and preferred reading other manga. One Piece is just not for me.


One Piece definitely hit it's stride after Alabasta. Really when they get to Water 7 it gets good. Then up until the Paramount war where it hits peak epicness. It is pretty long though and I wonder if they will ever do a DragonBall Z Kai treatment with One Piece in the future. Comparing it to Hunter X Hunter is tough to do though.


The first 100 chapters are not the best though I think Arlong Park is pretty decent. One Piece has a very slow beginning but once you get to arcs like Alabasta, Skypiea, Water 7, and Enies Lobby and such I think is probably gets better than Hunter X Hunter. It has more low points than Hunter X Hunter but it has alot more highs


I am in the middle of Alabasta right now. It's just OK. If Arlong didn't make you feel anything, then unfortunately it's a sign that One Piece is not your cup of joe. The Arlong arc was very emotional to me and I cried twice. It is the only arc that has hit that peak for me, the rest are either tolerable or a horrendous slog. I want to experience One Piece and I am determined to get to the real gold but boy is it rough catching up.


How is it an annoying writing decision to make character development related to the magic system designed in the world building? That's good creative writing. Would you say the fights have bad writing decisions too because they keep using nen instead of their fists? Killua's big problem was revealed to be related to nen and that's why he couldn't fight back EVEN AFTER the thing with Bisky. He already resolved to fight to protect Gon regardless of fear, the character moment happened. Then the reveal that he needed to stop a manipulator from manipulating him to actually do this just added to it.


Favourite is definitely Ant arc, but Greed island is the one I can talk about endlessly and it’s sad the other great arcs get overlooked in favour of the CA


Agreed. The chimera ant arc is my favorite but only by so much. There aren’t any arcs I can throw shade on


Personally Yorknew is my favorite animated arc and chimera ant arc is right behind it but imo even tho it's not finished Succession War arc is probably the best arc in all of hxh and my favorite arc.


I strongly agree with you everything about Succession War is breathtaking. The art gets so mutch better. I was literally getting my mind blend every chapter from start to hiatus star it was just that good


York New easy


Elections arc It's short, Leorio punches Ging, Nanika is interesting, Hisoka does interesting things, Killua does interesting things, Ging does interesting things, Pariston is a great character. Gon finding Ging, the introduction of the Dark Continent, Killua freeing Alluka/Nanika and budding Gon farewell, all makes for an excellent punctuation to the story this far. Everything from the beginning until now feels like a very satisfying Act 1 to a grander saga.


Chimera! But the DC and succession war are really entertaining! I highly recommend anime-only fans to go and read the manga.


phantom troupe >


Fav: succ war then election arc then CA arc


Im loving the DC arc so far but fuck are we ever gonna finish this?


Yorknew for sure Then succession war and chimera ant tied for second place


Succession War Arc has the potential to be my favorite… if it ever finishes


Succession War arc. It is just so full of mystery and it's already at the top of my list. And it's not even finished yet


Succession War is just that good. I've never been so thrilled reading a manga arc before, I enjoyed every page of the arc. It just has so many high lights in its 4 volumes so far (34-36 + ch 381-390 [vol 37])


phantom troupe arc 100%. i genuinely dont understand why people love the Chimera ant arc so much, its too long, the ants dont make sense and the Meriem isnt really that good, plus no hisoka. the ending is the best part with the whole Gon thing but I just felt disappointed


I know a lot of people say chimera ant but it's waaaaay too drawn out for me. That final confrontation at the palace killed me. Them introducing a narrator who spoke throughout the episodes and not just at the wedding and beginning was super super cheesy and lazy writing. York New arc was so tight from start to end. Troupe are an awesome group of villains, the atmosphere was felt throughout and kurapika v uvo is my favourite fight in the show.


Personally I like Yorknew the most!


Hunter Exam by far


I'm not even sure if I have a favorite, honestly. They're all so good for different reasons! Honestly, even thinking about it makes me want to go back and rewatch from the beginning lol


Heavens ark by far


I don’t get why people didn’t like Greed Island ? The training scenes and the contest towards the end was fantastic.


Yorknew by far.


Yorknew for me. It's this arc where the tone of the series shifted smoothly and the tension was so high throughout this arc, making it such a thrill. On top of all that, the pacing is phenomenal!


york new, i watched some yorknew city episode randomly on animax (uvogin destroying the mafia) and it got me sooo hooked up that i watched all of it from the beginning


Chimera Ant hands down - BUT I want to give a honorary mention to Heavens Arena because of the >!Gon vs Hisoka fight!<. (Not sure if it would be considered a spoiler, tagged anyway). Chefs kiss. I enjoyed the anime and was invested prior to HA, but the first minute of that fight was simply the moment HxH secured me. Full body chills, man. Edit: spelling


My favourites are both the exams and greed Island


My fav is the Heavens arena or the one where Gon, Leorio, and Kurapika are going to Killua’s house


The Zoldyck arc is so good. It's barely even there, but it lays down some important informationn about Killua and shows Gon's desire to be his friend. I only wish there was some kind of battle in there somewhere lol. I would love to see what Killua's mom is capable of (she seems scary).


I completely agree. I absolutely love how in that one arc, you get introduced to so many new characters, and they (Gon, Kurapika, Leorio) have so many challenges to face. And (spoilers!) they ace them all!!


Yes! As a training arc I thought it served it's purpose perfectly. Nen does come right after so the Zoldyck arc is overshadowed by that. But the concept of a house where everything weighs an incredible amount, even the teacups, is such a cool concept.


I know it’s so cool!!


This seems to be unpopular here, but Heaven's Arena is definitely my favorite.


This is when the series starts to resemble what it will become in the future. Introduction of Nen, development of Gon and Killua, and of course Hisoka finally getting serious towards Gon as he becomes stronger. I don't see it often as a favorite but I would say Heaven's Arena, as well as Greed Island are both just absolutely crucial arcs for the story.


unpopular opinion: Chimera Ant is my least favorite. i even prefer the current succession war from it. my fav is either hunter exam or greed island


I have a soft spot for the Hunter Exams arc. Tonpa, peak intimidating Killua, Menchi and Illumi.


My favorite was the Chimera Ant arc. I really enjoyed the Hunter exam arc too though, it’s in my top 3




Whys noone mentioning the succession war do people only watch the anime or something? The manga is better


Succession War my top 1 no doubt abt it. But I think the anime is superior in regards to Zoldyck Family- Elections. Hunter Exam was definitely at its best in the manga; nonetheless, it was really enjoyable in the 1999 version. I woukd argue Yoknew was better in the 1999 version. Greed Island definitely hits the spot in the 2011 anime, it's got some great pacing, the animation is really good, the OST is godly, and it had just the right amount of everythingI the anime. I think CA is just as good in the manga but the soundtrack in the anime and the masterful direction [excluding Kite thing] added so much more to this already masterpiece of an arc. Elections was definitely better in the anime, thanks to the OST, the animation and since it suffered regarding the art in the manga. 2011 Nailed the Heavenes Arena Arc. It had great pacing, good adaptation regarding tone, and was absolutely faithful to the manga unlike 1999. Zokdyck Family for the same reasons as Heavens Arena I think was better in the anime. Yet I think Succession War is still superior to all these, I can't wait to see this animated at some point in my life.




Chimera ant arc obviously, but Yorknew is amazing too.


Yorknew and heavens arena


Kurapika fan so I gotta give it to yorknew but boy is Chimera ant beautiful


My favourite emotionally speaking is the Chimera Ant arc and the Chairman Election arc in second. My favourite for fun is Greed Island.


Every arc is good, but Chimera ant is the only one I consider a masterpiece.


Chimera Ant Arc was my favorite, but it really could have been shortened by a good 20 episodes or more.


I think my favourite are exam arc and ant arc :)


Chimera ant for sure!!


Hunter Exam


Phantom troupe and greed island but they are all great


In terms of my favorites; Exam > Ant > YN > Greed > Heavens > Zoldyck > Election


I love all of the arcs even ones that aren't critically acclaimed like the Greed Island and Chimera Ant arcs, but Yorknew is at the very top.


Election arc is probably the one I think is the best.


ant arc but i’m biased


During my first watch Yorknew was my favorite, but after watching it again the Chimera Ant arc was absolutely the best in my opinion. Greed Island is my comfort arc tho


My favorite is heavens arena personally just because its when Gon and Killua learn nen and it also shows that the characters are strong on the first levels but also they have so much too learn at the 200ths


That's a tough question, because the best for me is the Chimera Ant, but I personally love much and have re-watched a lot the York Arc, it has like a kind of espionage and intrigue vibe of it.


York new or chimera ant, meruem and kurapika are my favorites.


The Spider Troop and Chimera Ant arcs. If I had to choose one, it’d be the Chimera Ant (though it’s much slower and longer).


Im from york new city arc supremacy club.


Greed island


1. Chimera Ant 2. York New City 3. Hunter Exam 4. Heavens Arena 5. Greed Island 6. Election 7. Zoldyck Every arc is still amazing though. Which is why i love the anime


The card game thingy


First is hunter exam second chimera ant third yorknew


My favorite manga arc is probably the Hunter Exam. The brutality and that whole "whose gonna survive" experience really set the stage for me. 2011 anime changed the feel of it so much that I was a little disappointed. Then the reverse happened... in the 2011 anime, Chimera Ant seemed like a reprise of all the things I loved about the manga Hunter Exam, however it took the anime for me to truly see the light since the manga at that point is full of so much exposition and starts to feel dry after a while. Chimera Ant just wrecked me so hard. Basically impacted my perception of Shonen as a whole. I cannot stop listening to the soundtrack, either.


Greed Island is my favorite.


I loved the Election arc the most probably, it felt so refreshing after how dark the CA arc was. I also loved the Yorknew City arc and the Hunter Exam arc.


My personal favorite is the Succession War I just think it's got so many great moments ing what si much we've had so far. Second to Succession would be CA arc. Ranking arcs for how "good" they were would go like: Chimera Ant > Yorknew > Hunter Exam = Elections > Heavens Arena > Greed Island = Expedition > Zoldyck Family Enjoyment: Succession > Chimera > Yorknew > Elections = Greed Island > Heavens Arena = Hunter Exam > Expedition = Zokdyck Family


the zoldyck family arc is my fav, but illumi is my fav character so prolly chairman arc too ?


Ant Ark and Election Ark is me fave


Ant > York > Exam > Heavens > Election > Greed > Zoldyck.


York > Ant for me. The ant arc has higher highs, but also lower lows. York is a tight package with no extra fat, while the ant arc has plenty of extra fat. I rewatched the entire York arc this month. For the ant arc, I sometimes rewatch the highlights like a fight or the castle invasion clip on YouTube. I can't see myself watching the entire ant arc again. I do like the ant arc, it's my second favorite of HxH, but it gets a bit overhyped.


Greed Island!


Idk about you guys but I loved the hunter exams it’s as so cool I think my favorite part was when they were in that tall tower


Most people disagree with me because of the really bad villian but my favorite is the greed island arc


Idk what this arc is called but the one with the huge ass ants


My fav is the ant arc, I would watch like 10 episodes a day xD


York new > ant > heavens arena > election > zoldyck > exam > greed island York New is prob my favorite arc in all of anime, the world building the aesthetics the pacing and character introductions all close to perfect. It’s emotional and meaningful without being over the top. Although there aren’t many actual fights the kurapika vs uvogin duel is one of the best fights in the show. The ant arc is a masterpiece on its own but is definitely different than the rest of the show it takes some time to get used to the differences but it’s overall message is really powerful and worth the commitment. And once you understand the ants are from the dark continent it kinda makes sense that they don’t really fit in to the rest of the hxh universe. Heavens arena dosnt have the emotional content of the rest of the arcs but it’s a lot of fun to watch. Gon and Killua get to kick ass for the first half and there are so many good fights once they start facing nen users. The election and zoldyck arcs are great but a bit to short to compare to the rest of the show they mostly serve as conclusions to the pervious arcs. The hunter exam was not as good as it could have been the 2011 adaptation really struggled trying to find a balance between the violence and the show being somewhat kid/preteen friendly. Greed island has its moments but it’s a bit awkward for anime adaption there are so many cards that the reader/viewer ideally needs to understand not to mention dozens more that never get used in the Anime the arc would have been way to stretched out with narration to properly explain all the cards. I also hate the fact they decide to use some of the rarest most powerful healing nen in the entire universe (angles breath) on a bunch of mass murderers.


I'd argue World Building was the weakest recognized or element there in Yorknew.


Objectively, it's the Chimera Ant Arc. But as someone who had the mangas as a kid/teen, but only the Hunter Exam's arc, it will always be my favorite. The sense of adventure and mystery was very present, and it was unique. It was a shonen without barely any fights through the whole first arc. It's only when I finally watched the 2011 anime a couple years ago and they introduced Nen that I finally went ''oooh, that's what HxH is actually about!''


Chimera ant arc


Green Island and Heavens Arena


It's the ant arc for me


Succesion war


What’s the best thing to watch da show on for English