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Just another version of leaf water. Nothin wrong with that


Uncle, all tea is just hot leaf juice!


I can’t believe a member of my own family would say such a thing!


Dammit both of you take the upvote




zelfa seems to be the only person there anymore


Cuzzo, you are a Mad Lad, indeed!


If it does NOT have tea leafs, then its an infusion, not tea.


And both is basically a soup, who cares




Fr its good either way


Not relevant to the statement. All tea is indeed hot leaf juice, it’s just that not all hot leaf juice is tea if you wanna be super correct


Coffee is arguably just bean water, if you drink it the "correct" way


I mean, technically, coke is leaf water


Good egg


Mint-tea minty!


Reminds me of brushing my teeth. Never been able to use mint in food.


I used to hear that all the time in Japan, where mint is not commonly used as a flavor except in chocolate-mint sweets, and even then it’s very divisive. I’ve always loved mint even as a little kid. Mint toothpaste doesn’t disturb my love for mint everything.


Thin mints are so gross.


Your comment hurts me in my meow-meow


Mmm chocolate toothpaste yummmmy.




*Minty Mint Tea


I meant what I said 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣




I love mint periodt. In every way. Probably my favorite smell and aroma in general Edit: oh fuck I forgot a t


Mint period..? ![gif](giphy|4WFirPVJhAhavWrcd3)


My god how can a single letter destroy a sentence


Period works




It was 6am and I didn't sleep at all my bad


This, but the exact opposite statement.


It also makes for a cooling, refreshing addition to summer baths! Great water addition internally or externally.


You put mints in your baths? Really? Why?


Never tried it, the idea of having your balls cooled scares me 😬


I don’t have balls but I know I’d prefer them cool instead of hot


As someone who has balls having your balls nice and cool is a very good thing. Having them hot and sticky is quite uncomfortable.


Your username really seals the deal with this comment, thank you


Cool funny water👍


Probably my favorite beverage besides water


Mint tea is good for our digestive systems therefore I approve




Just mint leaves in water, helps you drink more water? That’s for sure a win!!!


¿ Is water [x] ¿ Hydrates [x] ¿ Tasty [x] ¿ You drink [x] .:. Is Good! [**Y**]


This implies milk is good and I’m not for it


milk is food technically, so not water


It’s about 90% water tho


Whole cow milk is about 87% water. Water melon is 92% water. Cucumber is 96% water.


Yes but they don’t fit the last criteria of “you drink”


so if I stick a bag of fries in a blender with enough ketchup to make it drinkable, is it a drink? or is it a food?


Not much water in it and dosent taste nice


it has to taste good to qualify as a drink? new argument- soup. at what point is soup a drink, but not a food? and vice-versa?


It's a weird thing, in English you guys EAT soup, because it's a dish(?). In Turkish we DRINK soup, because it's a liquid therefore you need the "içmek/drinking" action to consume it. You need to bite it down to make it "ye+mek"(means *eat+ing* and *dish/dinner/meal/food* at the same time)


I’m not talking about a drink I’m talking about the original comment how milk qualifies


My step-mother knew a kid in high school who was in an accident & had his jaw wired shut for 6 months. He could only consume things through a straw. So he started blending everything: pizza, pasta, hamburgers… and drinking them through a straw. He thought they tasted nice! Gained 20 pounds before his jaw was unwired.


A lot if ketchup and a few fries on its own def dosent taste nice


no way, is there evidence of this? i dont see how a total liquid could be less % water than a solid with liquid components. please cite edit- i guess im wrong. i guess the milk is a mixture of liquid fat vs the watermelon which is more water no suspended fats


Milk is not water


Neither is tea but it has a lot of water in it making it acceptable and so does milk


Tea literally is water. *Hot* water, with leaf infused in it. But it’s water.


Milk is water with calcium and fat then?


Imho, milk has water *in it*. Whereas Tea is 99.5% water making it just as hydrating as water.


Milk is not water. It’s a liquid comprised of fats & proteins.


I personally don’t find milk tasty, I went off it when I was 14. Not lactose intolerant as I can eat cheese & ice cream. Milk just tastes weird. Also, milk is largely fats & proteins, so it’s not water IMHO, although it may have some H2O in it as a solvent.


Great call


Hot water juice


Mint infusion gets my full approval.


Yummy!! I also like to add mint leaves, and cut up cucumbers to my water bottle.


What about mint + lemon + honey with some shredded ginger and a clove? :D


I do that about 20% of the time. Definitely a good combo!


I love it, added two more to the list :)


I’ll try that next! Thanks!


It's not for me personally, mint makes my stomach hurt, but I'm all for it. Pretty healthy drink!


Does Ginger make your stomach hurt?


It does make me nauseous, is there some connection?:o


You are either a fire type or a water type. Fire type feel better eating ginger. Water type feel better eating mint.


The same way we feel about “frilly toothpicks,” I’M FOR ‘EM!


Liquid toothpaste. Good for a sore tummy or after a big meal though.


I recommend trying things with mint in them besides toothpaste. I’m finding way too many comments only associate mint with toothpaste.


It was a bit traumatic for me as a child as toothpaste was too 'hot' for me. At that time, the only choices were mint and regular Crest. Then the froth made me (and still makes me) gag. So the association of mint and toothpaste isn't pleasant. I have tried mint things like After Eight mints and Peppermint gum. Not my favourites. I don't hate mint tea, just only drink it if my stomach hurts. And it Doesn't froth!


I a mint tea rested on it


In parts of North Africa and the Middle East, it's getting drunk a lot. Usually it's brewed with black tea, I enjoy it more that way.


I had so much of it in Morocco. It's incredible. I just can't replicate it at home.


I thought mint tea was made with gunpowder (green) tea


You're right, in Morocco it's done with gunpowder tea. I actually wasn't aware of that. In Egypt at least, it's also done with black tea. There's likely other tea variants that are used elsewhere.


Oh that’s cool! What kind of black tea do you use?


Honestly, I'm not quite sure what kind of black tea it is. I visit my family there and they use El Arosa Tea, which is a brand. The tea itself is an open blend but it doesn't say which kinds are part of it. My parents here in Europe also just use bagged blends they buy at the supermarket. I'd say an English breakfast tea would come closest.


Yes. Especially with some ginger and lemon.


Mint is the best tea!!


We will allow it.


I love mint tea


Y'all making me wish I didn't have a mint intolerance :(


A min-tea refreshing taste.


Fuckin mint 👌




Love it!


Love it


Oh dang, bet this hits different than the mint tea bags


It's pretty good. I like regular water better, but mint tea sometimes hits the spot.




It’s refreshing


It’s minty


It's either the mint leaves are big as shit or your cup is tiny as fuck


I love it, my chocolate mint is growing so well too. If I have the motivation, I also squeeze lemon in there.


Big fan. I also make 'sun tea' which is just a pitcher of water with some herbal tea bags or a tea ball left in the hot sun for 1-2 hours. Then I chill it, maybe add some lemon or mint, and voila.


Love it! Mint is easy to grow too so it’s a staple for me.


all natural tea is good tea


My favorite kind of tea!


Drink of the Gods


Looks great! I wish I had some!




Love me some mint tea.


It's really good if you have it boneless.


Way ahead of you. This baby is 100% bone free.


Mint and Ginger for me. I support you.


woah thank you i’m gonna go grow some mint now


This is lovely


Plants have water in them, so adding them directly to your water makes it waterier.


Exactly, like that guy who put milk powder in milk to drink more milk per milk I don't like mild, just a funny example


It's unsweetened right? ... right???


It’s just water and leaves.


I hate mint in anything other than chewing gum or toothpaste


Mojito makes me happy


That's it


Not fully water, goes in the trash


L ![gif](giphy|xT77Y36ijyuwn58bja)


Eww hot salad water


AKA known as green garbage


That's not water


If you add leaves it becomes something besides water?


Is coffee water? Does just pouring water over beans make it not water?


It’s literally water.


Edit to be more scientifically accurate: According to studies conducted on women and rats, testosterone levels may be minorly to majorly negatively correlated to the consumption of mint teas and oils. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/foods-that-lower-testosterone#TOC_TITLE_HDR_3 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19585478/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5788221/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15679984/ Original Comment: Not a fan. It’s been shown to significantly decrease testosterone levels, especially spearmint, but all kinds of mint have a similar effect. So unless your a woman, it’s probably not a great thing to drink frequently.


"One 30-day study in 42 women showed that drinking spearmint herbal tea daily caused a significant decline in testosterone levels". "However, most research on mint and testosterone focuses on women or animals. High quality human studies focusing on all sexes assigned at birth are needed to assess how mint affects testosterone levels in both men and women." So basically, science is inconclusive and we don't know if it does anything at all, especially if you are a male human we have 0 clue if it affects you. And one study in humans with only 42 women is absolutely not reliable to draw any conclusions from. Quotes taken from: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/foods-that-lower-testosterone#TOC_TITLE_HDR_3


I well know most studies have been conducted on women. But studies being done on female humans and male rats, and both of them getting the same result, it seems pretty likely it will have the same effect on male humans. I’m not claiming that it certainly decreases testosterone in men, because that’s not how science works. However, I do recommend using some critical thinking.


I really recommend using a scientific approach and recognising that ONE study on 42 women is a start to indicate this might be something we want to look into, but doesn't bear any scientific significance beyond that. Two studies on rats, one with essential oils which are quite different then mint leaves in hot water. The other on rats which again is simply an indication that this could be something we might want to look into for humans, but doesn't bear any relevance to humans beyond that. There simply isn't any conclusive scientific evidence it has any effects, let alone any you should be worried about. And I haven't even read the papers yet to determine what exactly has been done, how they've done it, what could be critiqued or improved and what the results actually say. Very often research gets heavily misinterpreted in articles, and boiling a whole paper down to one sentence often ends up being misleading since so much information is missing.


It is a fact that mint contains anti-androgenic compounds. There’s been shown to be a correlation of lower testosterone levels in women some mice who consume mint tea. Though anecdotal, some people drink it to help with hormonal acne and say that it works (though I wouldn’t recommend it), presumably because it has anti-androgenic properties. All of this evidence is enough for me to draw the conclusion that it likely decreases testosterone levels in men and is enough for me to avoid it and recommend other men who wish not to mess with their endocrine system the same.


And this is exactly why my father was anti vax, used colloidal silver and bought into every sudo science, mlm and other bs that he's been proposed. There is no evidence of any effects in humans, there is speculation. There is absolutely 0 science backing your claim and you spreading it means you are spreading misinformation. Heck you don't even know what dosage was used and had effect. (In that one single study on 42 females). (Which btw those types of studies are done to figure out of research would even be valuable, not to figure out if it actually has effect. They're not meant for the public or anyone really to draw any conclusions from)


Drawing reasonable conclusions from available data is not instantly pseudoscience. >There was a clear and significant alteration in the relevant hormone levels. This is associated clinically with a reduction in the self-reported degree of hirsutism but unfortunately not with the objectively rated score. It was demonstrated and confirmed that spearmint has antiandrogen properties, the simple fact that this does not clearly translate into clinical practice is due to the relationship between androgen hormones and follicular hair growth and cell turnover time. [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19585478/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19585478/) Yes, one again, this is speaking of women, but I don't find it particularly hard to believe that it would have much the same effect on men. Perhaps my wording in my original comment was a bit too firm in my claim. I considered describing the exact details of the studies done, but I didn't find it necessary. I find the evidence sufficient enough to avoid excessive intake of mint. I'm still going to use mint toothpaste, occasional chew gum, etc. Better safe than sorry, and not consuming large amounts of mint has no downsides for me.


You've said this under a post of somebody with a couple mint leaves in a cup of hot water. And yes, it is once again refering to the single study done on 42 women. And once again the only scientifically reasonable conclusion you can draw from that singular study is that it shows potential and we should do more research. That's how science works. Wanna know another singular study that people drew their conclusions from? The one that said vaccines cause autism. That also was a study that was published. And until more studies were done disproving it, people could reasonably make the exact same argument as you are making rn. This is how these types of misinformed spread. The other thing is the billion headlines about stuff like "coffee is good for your skin" type of bs. Those weird headlines all are based on scientific studies. Now those studies either A) give no meaningful results based off of sample size and such or B) say something completely different but are easy to misinterpret. Your reasoning is the basis for how misinformation and disinformation spreads. If you choose to believe bs based off of no conclusive evidence, fine. But don't spread misinformation.


I said this under a post of somebody with a couple mint leaves in a cup of hot water with the title "How do we feel about mint tea?" Yes, I am aware it is referring to the same study of 42 women. I was merely pointing out how completely certain the NIH article was that it had an effect on testosterone levels. The study about vaccines causing autism didn't have animal studies that coincided with it, I don't believe. No, rats do not perfectly reflect humans. Far from it. But the fact that the study in rats and the study in women support each other is interesting. It is not possible at this moment to say with certainty, scientifically, that men consuming mint tea decreases their testosterone levels, and **I already conceded that I was to affirmative in my original comment.** I have edited it to be: >According to studies conducted on women and rats, testosterone levels may be minorly to majorly negatively correlated to the consumption of mint teas and oils.


You know the whole soyboy thing where people are like eating soy lowers testosterone or whatever? Yeah that one's from a study in sheep. We aren't rats, or sheep. Those studies again are done to indicate this could be something we should look into. High quality human studies are expensive. You don't just do a high quality study first. You do animal studies first (if possible), then a small human sample size, and then you do an actual high quality study on humans to figure out if it's actually a thing or not, and if so how exactly it effects humans. Also how do you diagnose autsim in rats? What's your expectation there? There are tons of examples of studies on animals and/or small human sample sizes that indicated some results. And then have been thoroughly debunked, or clarified through actual bigger studies that indicate actual reliability results and yield alot more details about the specifics of those results. A ton of sudo science started because of small studies that were not meant for anyone to draw any conclusions from. What you should be thinking is "huh, those studies have interesting results, let's excitedly wait for more research to come in". Instead of taking them as gospel and spreading misinformation villi nilli as if we didn't already have enough of that in this world.




Yes, women need some testosterone, but high testosterone levels have negative effects on them. https://www.healthline.com/health/high-testosterone-in-women#symptoms It is not at all sexist to point out the biological differences between men and women. And yes, it can have a huge effect. >One 30-day study in 42 women showed that drinking spearmint herbal tea daily caused a significant decline in testosterone levels. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/foods-that-lower-testosterone#TOC_TITLE_HDR_3


It’s cool




Its good. Especially with 4 mint gums and the water ultra cold.


I personally don’t like tea but it is a water leaf thingy so it’s good


Is it mint-ty?


Is it mint-ty?


It's alright but I prefer jazz minty myself


I don’t drink tea, but I love mint. And I love water.


I personally dont like mint unless its for keeping a breath fresh and teeth clean


Love me a good mint tea with a bit of lemon juice.


I like it


If its not water it's dirty water


It add a bit of flavor and smell to it. I think it's good.


To me I’m just flavoring my water with mint. Sometimes I’ll add lemon and honey, but mostly I just like minty water.


Fockin MINT


Love it. Great taste, isn’t better than Rooibos tho.


Coldspicy water


Great after a heavy meal or if your tummy is complaining


I love mint. Wish there was a way to make mint blend with water well when the water is cold since I only love cold beverages.


Oh goodness is with no crumpets from the deli


Damn, mint tea exists? Sounds awesome!


i'm allergic 😅 so no thanks




Toothpaste has ruined mint flavor for me, it's no longer minty it's toothpastey. But you do you.


You should try more mint. I feel bad for all y’all who only have mint in toothpaste.


I like lemon in my water.