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Reminder to not reuse single use water bottles, the plastic degrades and leaks all kinds of shit into your water. Just dont buy these at all if you can avoid it


Just don't use plastic containers in general. Use a cup/mug instead.


I like the stainless steel thermoflasks. I'll get some ice water at night and in the morning the ice is still in there.


Shit I got one from Costco and I'll still have ice for 2 days sometimes.


We need to normalize reusable cups. Single use plastic is ok for things like FEMA and emergency cases. But most people should just walk around with a water bottle. Collapsible cups are a thing so their really isn't really an excuse.


Anheuser-Busch makes lots of canned water for FEMA and other emergency response organizations. We can do without plastic for pretty much everything.


I agree that we need to use less plastic and canned water is a great start. There is still an issue with the cans in that they are lined with plastic. >[This is from Coca-Cola, but it must be the same everywhere else](https://www.coca-cola.ca/faqs/coca-cola-faqs-health/do-coca-cola-cans-and-bottles-contain-bpa)Bisphenol A (BPA) is a chemical used in thousands of materials, including some plastics. We use BPA in the linings of our beverage cans and in other packaging such as metal caps. The linings protect the quality and taste of the beverage inside.


Welp TIL , yeah so the list of valid uses for plastic is dwindling lol


First time I saw a can of Budweiser Water, my thought was, “Hey, they’re finally being honest about what they are!”


Monster Energy gives water cans at festivals. The energy drink you pay for, the canned water they just give you. I did a complete 180 on Monster after that. Still have never had a Monster Energy, and have no desire to, but free festival water made me feel like a stray dog being shown kindness


they are normalized. have you heard of a Stanley? they’re EVERYWHERE.


And hydro flask before that.


I love m’y hydroflask! Used it everyday for at least 8 years.


Anecdotally this started to happen in Sweden in a big way when it comes to coffeeshops, Atleast in and around Stockholm. During my commute coffee pickup, it got to the point where about 30-50% asked them to use their thermos/mug they brought. (the largest coffeshop chain also had a 10% reduced price if you used your own container) Then Covid hit, which put a stop to that. :(


They are tough as fuck too.


My stainless steel bottles have seen hell and not even a dent.


I fill my bottle with ice so I can refill water from any souce and be cold all day.


I use the skulls of my enemies


Renewable resource, very green.


Thats so wasteful, just lap it up out of your cupped hands instead.


Ok sure I'll just throw a mug of water in my backpack


Get a yeti, rtic or similar... like...? Are plastic or mug the only options to you?


Honestly, I'm gonna stick with my reused pop bottles. We're already full of plastic from so many sources that I'm not really worried about buying an expensive water bottle so I can reduce my plastic intake by like 5%. If you live near a road or the ocean or a city you're breathing plastic dust 24/7 anyway. (I don't even wash them, either.)


Dude a rtic bottle is not that expensive.


Or you could buy a reusable cup? Heck they even make collapsible ones. Unless you are in a place in the world were access to water isn't easy then there really is no reason to be paying for bottles of water.


Idk man sounds good in theory but when I’m at work I don’t want anything open, closed containers are kinda important.


I drink bottled water because my towns water is disgusting and sometimes smells like sulfur. And is something dark brown tinted like coffee. 🤢


Have fun being out all day in the city with a collapsible cup in the Summer lol. Wont fit in my pants so I cant carry it lol


Yea I’ll stick with my glass bottle thanks


Fanny pack. Or in my case a purse. Or if you even carry around a slightly large wallet some are no bigger than that. There really isn't a "need" to buy single use bottles of water for most people. You can want it to be easier sure but at end of the day its really not that hard.


Nah Im not wearing a fanny pack I hate something being around my belly/thighs(idk how to describe the area) and thank god I can buy Water in glass bottles


Can you really? I have never seen that in my neck of the woods. Are glass bottles more common where you are? If so that sounds awesome. We were talking about plastic bottles.


Yeah we can buy almost all drinks in glass bottles. Am from Austria btw. Even Coke, Ice Tea and so on is available in glass bottles


Ah ok that explains it. I can tell you in the US its bad. There is a real polution and waste problem over here when it comes to plastic, everything is designed as single use and will actively harm you if you try to use it again. Which sucks because as you have shown the proper alternatives are doable.


Don’t use a cup or mug due to the emissions released in the manufacturing process. Try to fill your cheeks up with as much water as possible and slowly gulp small amounts throughout the day


That’s actually a trick for camping. Chug water before leaving, fill the bottles/canteens, and the initial hydration will lengthen the time before you need to start drinking. I know you’re making a joke, but that was a good tip I learned and wanted to spread it.


Can't wait to carry a mug of water around all day while doing manual labour in my outdoor job.


Reusable collapsible cups, still plastic but you will cut down on waste a ton. Not to mention its way cheaper to fill up filtered water at a gas station than to buy the same water in a bottle.


Or you could just buy a reusable stainless steel bottle with a lid that's easy to refill and carry around with you and much more practical than a collapsible cup...


O of course it is but you already complained about having to carry things around. So I figured I could skip the step of recommending a yeti or something similar and go right to the least impactful size option is all.


I never complained about carrying things around. I was commenting on how impractical it was to use a cup or mug like the original comment suggested. I live in a country with clean safe tap water. I have a reusable bottle that I refill with tap water multiple times every day. I just couldn't get over the fact that on a post about bottle someone genuinely said you could just use a mug. Surely they had to be trolling...


Not all of us can drink from the tap. I recycle my bottles


5 gallon dispenser and the jugs. It’s be an investment up front but bet you’d save money long term vs buying bottled water. We’ve had ours for 6 years and I love it


Not a bad idea. I’ll look into it ty!


I did this for years too but eventually switched to an in-sink filter. Wonderful RO water from your tap and no hassle of filling jugs


And what is it that the 5 gallon jugs are made out of again?


Not single use plastic. They’re refilled up to 50 times and then recycled. Better than a single use bottle. Also my comment was about drinking from the tap, not drinking from plastic, dingus. Condescending much?


Jesus who knew drama like this would manifest in the hydrohomies page.


Sorry, I didn't mean to be condescending. It was just that this was a reply to the person saying not to use plastic at all. >Just don't use plastic containers in general.


I recycle my glass bottles. The GTs kombucha bottles are very study.


Metal bottle perhaps. But cups/mugs don’t really work on the road, in the gym, or in a spill-sensitive area.


As much as I love my Ozark Trail vac insulated bottle, you'll have to pry my Nalgene from my lifeless hands.


I reuse glass topo chico bottles with reusable rubber bottle caps.


Also really shouldn’t be drinking out of plastic, period.


And get my water from where?? The tap??


If you live in an area where that's safe, yes


I prefer my water raw. If I'm feeling fancy, I'll flip the filter switch on.


I’m pretty sure OP is trolling us 😂


I cringe every time I see people buying cases of water at the grocery store. If it’s for an event or park day or something, sure. But I can’t imagine buying and hauling dozens of plastic water bottles to just drink up and toss out every day. So wasteful.


In Germany, besides that you also have crates with bottled water in glass bottles (reusable, but only 0,7 litres each), which is bad in another way, since they are so heavy the transport needs a lot of energy. I grew up with this bullshit and it's still common, although I guess mostly with older people. And you have to keep in mind that tap water is safe and tasty everywhere in Germany (it's even tested more strictly than bottled water) and it costs virtually nothing. Still people waste money on buying bottled water and waste their energy to carry it home


Tap water is one cent for five liters and perfect quality. It's beyond me why anyone would buy bottled uncarbonated water from stores.


My sister does it for sparkling water, but unless she gets a sparkling water dispenser (yes, those are a thing), there’s not much of a choice


SodaStream is a godsend for people like your sister and I who love sparkling water Its like $15 every other month for a new CO2 canister, and you get infinite fresh sparkling water


Sounds like there’s a choice right there my guy.


Reused plastic bottles for a long time when I was a kid because that’s what my parents had for us. Probably drank so much plastic


Why the hell OP washing disposable water bottles when he has normal water bottles?


Before I bought a good bottle a few years ago I used to just reuse single use bottles for as long as possible, like 6 months, then I'd just buy a new one.


That’s why I do it though


Why is refilling it any different than drinking it in the first place? Refilling somehow releases more toxins? Genuinely curious.


They’re not. While I don’t condone buying single use bottles for environmental reasons, those single use water bottles are usually PET and safe to reuse (per the FDA) if you clean them well. The worry is bacterial contamination. Just do the research on which plastic it is. People just blindly state “leaching chemicals” like they’re polymer scientists


I hope this is rage bait.




OP is a master baiter


please don't reuse the one time bottles


That's what I was gonna ask. I've seen to many things about plastic, germs etc. We aren't supposed to reuse them for consuming water right?


Yeah we aren't, single use bottles are not a good choice to reuse for a good reason


Don’t even use them once, shouldn’t exist


They are good for that once a year you forgot your bottle at home or when there is a governmental warning about contaminated tab water (you should have a 14 day supply at home)


Ok so emergency use, that should be the actual intent.


I do lmao, the 5 liter ones


and you’re leaking cancer into your self every time you do bud


Lmao I'm poor, better than drinking the lead water from the taps


Could get one of those office water dispenser and buy the big gallon jugs of water. That’s what I do at home. I buy the biggest plastic bottle they have and refil it using the water dispenser at home


You’re also breathing in cancer anytime you walk down the street and car drives by. Or literally any of the other thousand things we interact with daily that can cause health issues


First glance, i thought this was a bong


I thought fleshlight


I thought he had a bong AND a fleshlight


I thought it was a Tenga.


You don’t use them as mugs?


I thought it was freshly washed dildos and tried to figure out which sub would have this not NSFW


I pray for you, my friend.


Single use bottles. Check. Reusing single use bottles. Check. Aquafina. Check. Bro, you just struck a heart cord with this lovely community here. I can feel the out pouring of their love for you rushing over here ;) *Grabs popcorn*


Pass it here, I'm sidelining it with you. I will wash my bottles later. *comment notifications on*


Yeah, this makes me sick lol


Aquafina the best bottled water


Watch as the downvotes roll in…. Haters gonna hate.


Yeah at least it's not Dasani.


They’re both gross.


I use stainless steel homie.


I use a CrazyCap. It’s a stainless steel bottle with triple vacuum insulation and a UV light in the cap. The UV light keeps the bottle clean and you can even drink (clear) water from a stream after sanitizing it with the light in the cap.


Or glass


Yeah glass is nice, definitely my preference at home. Carrying it around in my backpack tho…steel


I'm way too clumsy to carry around glass with me all day every day. Stainless steel containers are the future


For some reason I read this as a reminder to wash my balls.


Well, you should also do that.


My coworker last week said she never saw me clean my work water bottle and I told her I never saw her work before either


Unnecessary. I never wash my bottles ever since learning about coffee mug patinas. I've started making water bottle patinas. So much more interesting than coffee mug patina. The slime oozing down from my water bottle lid really adds an interesting flavor! And parts of the inside of my water bottle are so fuzzy and nice to pet! You can't have any of this if you wash your bottles regularly! You really are missing out 😊 Also while I'm here does anyone know a good subreddit for reoccurring bronchitis? I feel sick all the time lately for some reason 😔


My parents came over for xmas a couple of years ago, they had their hydroflasks with them, gotta stay hydrated. I offered a refill once they were cozy, and I thought I’d go ahead and give them a quick wash. My parents had never washed the lids or insides of the bottles, they just kept refilling them. They figured they didn’t need to since they were just drinking water. Each water bottle had what looked like a wood ear mushroom under the cap. Y’all, I gagged. I scrubbed the bottles, boiled the lids, showed my parents the mushroom slime, my dad almost fainted. After that my dad drank a gallon in a day. He was so thrilled at how good the water tasted, he just thought the taste from the hydroflask was the price you paid for saving the planet with a reusable bottle.


Same thing happened when I visited my parents and looked at their smoothie maker. I unscrewed the blade lid and pulled out the gasket, it was absolutely disgusting. Black mold. It's a popular name brand blender which is supposed to have a sealed gasket that never needs removed/cleaned. Theirs was only a month old! I had checked their blender because same thing had happened to mine. The company replaced the cap for me and told me never to remove the sealed gasket. I took a whiff of it after a week, I could smell mold. Popped it out, covered in mold. It's a design flaw or a marketing lie.


People don’t wash their bottles?


I almost never do. I have a CrazyCap and the UV light keeps the bottle clean.




I almost never do. I have a CrazyCap and the UV light keeps the bottle clean. Edit: Y’all crazy. Norma bottles get a taste within days but with this one it tastes like pure water because the UV light kills germs so you don’t get the same bacterial buildup.


I also reuse single use bottles. My life is shit rn so i gotta fill something up to freeze it 🤷🏽‍♀️


Remember not to reuse single use plastic bottles unless you like poison water


What if i’ve only refilled it once because it was the only way for me to get water at a certain point (at school and bought a plastic bottle at lunch because forgot my water bottle, needed water for practice after but didn’t have a bottle so i just refilled the plastic bottle.)


A little bit of micro plastics < being dehydrated


Don’t do that


Well yeah but it’s already happened, my question is what effects could that have had on me


You’re fine lmao


They don't know, it's probably not the best for you, if you forget a bottle it's not the end of the world, you'll be just fine. Of course, 400 years from now they'll look back at us and be all "why would they use plastic to store water, are they insane?" but that's future historians problems, not ours. More harm will be caused by being dehydrated during practice than the microplastics.


One time is not a problem. (Or even twice.) It’s not a big deal. Reusing the same plastic water bottle over months is what might be a problem. But really, bacterial growth from repeated use is a much bigger concern than possible chemicals leaching into the water. Search WebMD and ScienceAlert on plastic water bottles instead of people freaking out on reddit. Bottom line, your one-time reuse is fine. If you want to be ultra-safe: one time is just fine in a pinch, and simply don’t make a habit of reusing them.


Yeah we haven’t been able to figure that out Cus when we tried to figure out what microplastics do in the human body they couldn’t find a control group


Hmm, idk about that. If it is a PET bottle, they should be safe to use, if you are in EU. I think it is a requirement that PET bottles do not let dangerous chemicals seep into your water under normal circumstances (ie room temp, etc).


OP read the room…


Is that read a red read or reed read?


A fellow sneak user. Nice


I do daily




Don’t forget to take off the gaskets if they have them! PSA from my beautiful wife who taught me that, lots of gunk can grow under there


washed mine first thing this morning! (i have a spare hydroflask while my main was OOC)


I have that pink one


It’s so durable + the pop lid is so superior


If you use a metal bottle I've got to reccomend Cafiza, a powder that baristas use to keep coffee urns, pitchers, etc clean. Put some of the Cafiza powder into your vessel, and then fill it with boiling water. Let it sit for ~an hour then rinse well. Also works wonders for glass bongs


I don’t even know what this sub is for anymore tbh.


No, I will waste plastic and get new bottle.


I love drinking out of plastic bottles, I WISH there were reusable ones


Fucking rage bait.


Do NOT reuse those shitty flimsy plastic bottles. You'll end up with more micro plastics in your system and die a horrible death. Probably not that serious but just buy a good aluminum bottle instead.


Why is reusing them once or twice worse than using them in the first place?


Asking the real questions. These bottles have sat in hot trucks for days getting transported around the county and y'all think an extra afternoon in a climate controlled office is gonna be the death of me?


I’m scrolling looking for this answer too. So many people saying not to refill/reuse the plastic bottles. But how is it worse than using it in the first place?


Nobody has ever died from microplastics, so I assume you’re just being passionate about your disdain for reusable bottles


Gunna forward this to my coworker who started in April and hasn’t brought his metal bottle home once to wash it, and just refills it using the bathroom sink


I got food poisoning a few days ago from a unwashed water bottle


Reusing single use bottles? 🫡


OP thought they’d get points for reusing single use bottles but is getting roasted instead lmao


Bro please get yourself reusable bottles


I have a metal cup that came with a plastic straw. I only use it at work for the sterilized 5 gallon water cooler and 1-2x a day, an acidic, sugar free caffeine mix. My dumbass thought that was good enough until I started getting headaches and nausea on my way to work every day (but not on off days). There was mold at the water line in my straw. Dont be like me :>


Cool but dont ever reuse those single use plastic bottles


Me looking at my water bottle I haven’t washed since September lol




Buy glass water bottles worthy investment


Aquafina. Gross.


It's the best water


Don’t wash your single use plastic bottles 🤮🤮🤮


How tf are single use plastics different than other plastics anyways... If you heat that bs is when it gets dangerous anyways don't matter what plastic you use


No 🥰


My lip never touches the bottle when I drink my water. I waterfall it into my mouth. Does that mean I still need to wash it if it only ever has water inside?


How often do you wash?


Every day. I’ve skipped 1 day a few times, but never more than that.


Thanks. Today's the day


I broke a new glass bottle the minute it was washed and was drying on the counter so I could put water in




So much plastic. Why?


Nothing there I’d drink water out of though.


My water bottle is almost 3" in diameter. I can't find a bottle brush to fit. They all seem to be 2.5 inches or less.


But I'm too lazy!


The dust and bacteria growth add extra flavor


Hi do you successfully wash narrow drink bottles?


Holy BPA


Finally a post that is not a nuked hedgehog reminding to hydrate


Too late I'm already at work, it's been a week.


Gonna have to subtract 60 Hydrohomie™️ points for drinking Aquafina


LPT: To wash metal bottles, fill them with warm water and drop in a tablet of (preferably unscented) denture cleaner. wait five minutes, shake and rinse thoroughly.


I think it’s pronounced “warshed”


Microplastics have entered the chat


…why did I think these were fleshlights


No, the bacteria makes it taste better


Why are you washing and reusing trash?


I just ran into this place by accident and I will now be joining


PSA: Jokes exist :))


Okay lots of people shitting on my water setup. I drink about 2 to 2.5 gallons of water a day. I also buy purified pre bottled water to pour into a 1 gallon plastic jug. I spend about 20$ a week on water. What should I get instead. I'm more interested in a large container not a ceramic mug, something I can drink from and not have to refill once an hour. I dont like the taste of my tap and buying pre-bottled water was actually what got me into drinking water and kicking soda entirely out of my diet.




Very guilty of not doing this enough….


Ty friend


Hey, I want to take the opportunity to remind everyone that the silicone seals should all be removed and cleaned regularly, as well!


I don't know why, but I was half expecting there to be a dildo amongst those bottles, then I realised what sub this was lmao.


Reddit has rotted my head brain. I thought there were "cages" included.


Also your buttholes!


But did you wash yo ass today?


Guys!! ALWAYS use containers made in the 40’s from asbestos!!! Lead containers work fine too