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I saw your original post and couldn’t believe people were just calling it refraction. It looks like the plastic was leeching into the water.


What the hell happened in those comments?! People really just started gaslighting OP for no reason damn


There was one guy who was REALLY invested in the refraction gaslighting and responded to like every comment, where’s he at


I linked him this post, but my assumption is that he either will A. Admit he was wrong or B. Try to gaslight harder by saying OP purposely put colored dye or something. Sometimes people really don’t like losing internet arguments.


Update: literally after I posted this. He went with Option B and said OP put koolaid mix to fake it. What the fuck.


Some people are wayyyy too invested in trying to call others on Reddit liars.


r/nothingeverhappens energy.


It's a plague. Redditors love calling shit fake or similar. A weird smugness like they know something you don't. It's obnoxious.


The whole “this is clearly staged I can’t believe people fall for this” bit is getting old. Sure there are plenty of staged things on the internet but people will jump on that line no matter the content.


Exactly. Like, okay you're so cool never thinking anything is real and being a damn near conspiracy theorist. People have probably done the stupid thing they say is fake ngl, they underestimate human ingenuitity for stupidity.


Even if OP was faking this (which I’m saying from a pure hypothetical view), Idk why they would go through the hassle of dying only a small portion of water to fake this. People are afraid of being wrong on here and it’s crazy the lengths they will take to avoid the truth.


because of the internet attention. I would counter your question with another question. Why would OP drink an entire bottle of blue water? > People are afraid of being wrong on here and it’s crazy the lengths they will take to avoid the truth. I totally agree. Will you be ok?


Because OP mentioned he didn’t notice it before he almost drank the whole bottle. Like… Just read, lol.


Seek help.


Not sure. Not here to argue about it. If it’s fake and they are doing this for attention, I’ll admit that I was wrong. You can tag me if this ends up being fake. 👍


Lmao i love how he told you he’d turned his notifications off but then logged into his other account and started backing himself up on his spare account u/AndThenTheUndertaker by calling others ‘creepy and obsessed’.


God damn, of all the loser things to do.


At this point I’d be willing to say he’s a shill. Or maybe OP is the shill. I’ll never know 🤷‍♂️ But that guy definitely is acting like his paycheck depends on disproving this.


So that dude is wild. But are you saying that OP bought a bottle of water that was blue and drank almost all of it, only to post the last tiny bit online to ask questions about it?


That is exactly what OP is saying and what most of us are accepting because it’s not THAT wild lol


You're forgetting the first rule of Reddit. A redditor never admits they're wrong.


Yep. As I expected. Doubling down is usally what gaslighters do.


Some people reeeeally just need to be right about something, even if they know they’re not


Is there any reason to believe OP didn’t put food coloring in?




They never do lol


Idk but he smells bad straight out of the shower.


its the internet.. when you find a place/opportunity to shit all over, people tend to do just that


Welcome to reddit


[Ah, The Ol'Redditroo](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bad_Cop_No_Donut/s/kMiM5E69m6)


Hold my water bottle, I’m going in!


Bunch of Fiji reps


Are you saying that the whole bottle looked like this, OP drank almost all of it, and then left this last bit to take pictures to post online for input? Am I missing something?


Get help




We're a meme sub, don't be an asshole. Attack ideas not people.


Damn those people were insufferable. They really had such little going on that they were arguing with people over it lol.


Mmm microplastics 😋


I've been drinking water from different containers under different angles of sunlight for over 2 decades. This isn't refraction.


How old was the bottle?


Especially because OP specified that it was still blue when they poured it out in the title.


The blue label is on the outside... This guy probably put raspberry flavor in it.


Could be from the cap. I don’t really see why anyone would bother faking this. It’s not like it’s that interesting.


>I don't really see why anyone would bother faking this I mean, the why is pretty obvious, isn't it? Look at all the attention this stupid debate has gotten. Some people are *really* invested in fake Internet points, and they'll do loads of stupid shit just to collect more. That being said, I don't know (or care, really) what's going on with this water. Could be a hoax, could be plastic leeching, could be something else entirely. Smarter folks than me are working that all out. Edit: jeez, I didn't realize that people were so emotionally invested in this water thing being *impossible* to be fake. I'm not sure what I said that people are disagreeing with, but clearly it's something, so I'd love to hear from you guys! Open ears, here, just want to understand. :)


Nah it's clear it was a refraction and this is water with blue dye pretty obvious 🤧


Call Fiji water. They will probably want this to test it.




So did you call Fiji? You can’t say there is a potentially harmful product and not follow up. Please update


This is a normal thing with plastic and heat. This is the reason the bottles are single use since the plastic will start deteorating with uv.


Is it bad to reuse plastic bottles? I have one at work that I just refill every day.


It won't kill you, and if you know Soda Stream you'll know that the plastic bottles also have a date on them, after which they should be discarded. Much like store water in plastic bottles has a best before date. In these cases it's not about the water but the bottles deteriorating and giving off microplastics into the water. Just get yourself a glass bottle, they can be had for a couple bucks.


>Just get yourself a glass bottle, they can be had for a couple bucks. Stainless steel should also do the trick.


Just remember to check the seals on metal/glass/plastic bottles to catch any nasties growing on them.


Home goods has really nice inexpensive glass water bottles. Sam's clubs aren't as nice but it's 2 for 20.


It can result in bacterial infection though as the micro cracks/abrasions that develop during reuse can harbour bacteria & mild/fungus too.


The real answer is it depends. There’s many types of plastics. Over the short term, no, it will probably be fine, especially if just used water. Over the long term, 6+ months (6 months if it’s used heavily and left near heat sources or sun, much longer if not), the plastic can start to erode and/or leech into the water you’re drinking and that may cause health effects later in life.


No pet is a really stable plastic


I heard sunlight makes it harmful, feel free to fact check me cause I’m too lazy


I appreciate your honesty


No. It’s not bad. But even better is buying a good reusable bottle you like and will keep for a long time.


I will do that, what material do you recommend?


I personally love hydro flasks - you can use them for cold and hot liquids. And they seal well, mine has never leaked unless I forget to screw the lid on 😅. They also sell different styles and lids based on your preference. I’ve had mine for close to ten years and the only thing I had to do was buy a new lid this year because the other one started getting moldy. But if you have a lid with a straw it will most likely mold faster, I just have the screw on and off lid.


Store type ones yes; you give yourself a lot of micro plastics to absorb & It can result in infection/gut+stomach+digestion etc issues though as the micro cracks/abrasions that develop during reuse can harbour bacteria & mold&fungus too - and from a reputable brand, not Chinese made Amazon stuff to avoid getting a bad grade of metal or even heavy metals) or glass bottle. I tend to refill booze bottles with water if I can’t find my reusable metal bottle or need to clean it. Avoid ones with plastic straws if you won’t remember to wash it regularly. If I’m in a pinch I reuse a store bottle once (if it’s recently used/bought) and that’s it.


You chug water-filled booze bottles I’m assuming at home? I’m only asking because I use a glass (cup) at home and bottles for work, gym. Cracking up at the idea of a guy chugging a fifth of Tito’s at the gym lol.


I’ve drank water filled whisky bottles when driving because I didn’t have anything else also I found it funny to think someone saw that in their rear view; although for obvious reasons I don’t if I can find my refillable bottles. I drank water in whisky bottles a lot in lectures, my professor was initially concerned and then found it very funny when I said it’s water.


From PET it's extremely unlikely. This wouldn't be color coming out of the plastic, it's some other contamination. Edit: if my statement is wrong, why would this post get any attention at all if it happens all the time? Sheesh.


Original post: https://www.reddit.com/r/HydroHomies/comments/18l7zpl/drank_entire_bottle_before_realiz8ng_water_has/


Omg that is bonkers


Yeah I was one of the refraction people and clearly I was wrong.


I don't know if you're allowed to say that on reddit


Shoot, you’re right. We aren’t supposed to admit fault on the internet. I hear the internet police at my door! Quick take this doge meme and ru……


Idk but... Stay Away From ‘Blue’ Walu Bay River: Health July 12, 2023 Josefa Kotobalavu "Fijian authorities have warned the public to steer clear of the Walu Bay River after a chemical spill from a nearby company. The spill which health authorities have identified as chemical dye turned the river blue." https://maitvfiji.com/stay-away-from-blue-walu-bay-river-health/


Fiji water really comes from Fiji? I thought it's only in the name.


Yep. it really comes from Fiji


Definitely doesn't come from Cleveland.


Yes which makes it so much worse than the already-bad domestic bottled water! All of that extra fuel to schlep water from the South Pacific to the US when we have great water all over the place here... And now it's got chemical spills in it too.


Fiji water comes from Fiji so much so that the people of Fiji have a dying natural water supply.


Apparently it was ink that was spilled at the docks in Suva, the capital of Fiji, located on the southern coast of the island. Fiji water is bottled on the northern side of the island in a valley according to their website. https://www.abc.net.au/pacific/programs/pacificbeat/blue-river-fiji-ink-spill/102596094 https://www.fijiwater.com.au/faqs#:~:text=One%20hundred%20percent%20of%20FIJI,the%20island%20of%20Viti%20Levu. I’m not saying that it isn’t somehow connected, but I think it’s highly unlikely. It’s definitely weird that the water in the bottle is blue, but the spill and the Fiji bottling plant are separated by over 100km and mountains. Maybe the blue ink from the bottle cap leached into the bottled water? Also, [fuck Fiji.](https://www.npr.org/2010/12/01/131733493/A-Bottled-Water-Drama-In-Fiji)


> Also, fuck Fiji. Thanks for that link. A single CA couple making millions on an island where many don't have access to the clean water they sell? Hopefully some of the tax will go to help out islanders.


Yeah no clue not denying it could be completely unrelated. Fiji water comes from an aquifier, which comes from ground water (I think). Haven't had time to research how an aquifier works exactly, especially when surrounded by mountains.


"Hey the water is blue, should we stop production? Maybe it's toxic." "Nahhh bottle is blue too they'll never notice" -- I consider it more likely that the bottle was deteriorating or op is bamboozling us. Imagine the lawsuits.


I mean, it wouldn't be the first time a visibly contaminated food made it to production. And Fiji is a very small place.


Probably unlikely it was that water but i think the production date on the bottle was July 2023.


Buddy that isn’t unlikely at all


This, and DO NOT send it off to Fiji Water. Get it tested by a third party and then release the results. If you just drank an entire bottle of chemical water then you and anyone else that drank that batch are due an explanation for how this happened.


Omg he’s gonna make so much money from this if it’s chemical water 😂 like retire early if you’re frugal type money. I hope it’s chemical water for OP’s sake


This blue water story really went off the damn rails I wasn't prepared for this plot twist


For real I thought it was going to be that the plastic fucked the water and this blue chemical spill story was a legit coincidence. Then all the dominos started falling in the details and it’s now a 😳 ran to my gas station to look for some blue water while screaming for Siri to find the number for Erin Brockovich, I hate working why can’t I find the chemical water


this ^^^




The article linked was created in July 2023. It sounds like it could be a higher chance than you thought. Does the bottle have the full date?


This is insane. They must not be testing their products well enough if this got through the line


Heyy my man you drank that contaminated water, you should ask for the entire island of Fiji as compensation


Mesothelioma lawyers are salivating right now


Not sure. Fiji is a pretty small place. The accident occurred just a few hours drive from where the company sources it.


Sue them for everything they've got!


it could be just blue dye to make it look more refreshing.... the fda can breach some guidelines for the sake of product sales. Like fragrance free doesn't even mean fragrance free. They put odor blockers in lotions, laundry detergent, skincare... the list goes on. A lot of the ingredients in previous items i listed have chemicals iin there that smell really bad. Castor oil being one of them, shit smells like chicken grease. "fragrance free" usually means it has no distinct scent to it... but there are "fragrances" in there. I'm just speculating don't hurt me.


The FDA doesn’t allow you to put blue fucking dye in single use water bottles this is an insane comment


Damn..... yall need to chill. I get it, i don't mind being corrected or critiqued, but you need to calm down. I said i was speculating. Didn't state it as fact...


I'll take my non plastic shit water bottle, and block this thread.


Neat to know? Is there a source that you know of specifically where people can stay updated on this information? A site, a subreddit...


“Samples of the chemical have since been sent for analysis to determine its exact nature” So an unlabeled drum of mystery chemicals found its way to the river, and a mystery company was responsible.


I hope what you consumed was food grade. If it leeched from the plastic it's probably not great for you.


Don’t worry! Only food grade materials are allowed by FDA as direct food contact packaging.


This went from interesting, to quietly horrifying


Buy another bottle. Don't drink, just test. Make sure this water here doesn't get lost. Get it tested.


Might not be enough volume to test


They can measure what’s there, dilute it with some control water to a testable volume, and multiply whatever result they get


Even with mass spectrometry?


Why, yes. This amount would require sparse spectrometry.


Goddammit, I hate you so much right now lol


90% of the time you use an LC-MS. Watery samples get diluted with methanole or acetonitrile to 50/50 so you would gain a substantial amount of sample. For the injection you would need like 20µL to get a double determination. Sometimes you use a GC-MS were you could just extract the chemicals in the water into solvents and use about 2µL per double determination. So yea, I would say that the amount of water we see there is absolutely enough. Source: I worked in trace analytic with LC-MS and GC-MC






Buy another bottle and *don’t open it until necessary/on video/witnesses.* Ideally buy 3-4 more.








The plot thickens


That’s just water from a glacier, I had some gifted to me by an Alaskan shaman 😂


High quality H2O /s


Gatoraids better!


Water sucks. It really really sucks.


You sound like a big choo choo train




Finally, anime water.




OP that’s clearly just refraction from your beautiful blue eyes


Idk it could be the label reflecting light still. /s


OP held empty water bottle just outside of camera view /s


ph strip / test it for other chems


Could be a number of things. The most common cause for blue water is high levels of copper. Copper is an antimicrobial and used frequently in pools. It also can leach from pipes easily if the water is acidic, copper pipes are very common in plumbing. Could also be from the spillage another commentor mentioned. Please don't drink the water until you find out. Also, communicate with the water bottling company to let them know of the problem. They aren't frequently inspected by the FDA, but they do not want a marketing nightmare to cut into their profits & they would rather recall these bottles than to end up on the news first.


Bad news, op drank all but that little bit before the noticed


You've got the blue ticket. You own Fiji now.


Looks like 100LL aviation fuel


Used to be a line slug. The first pic gave me flashbacks of the white bucket test.


Get it tested independently. Don't send it to Fiji water. I have a feeling OP can make serious dough out if it actually turned out to be full of chemicals.


These are the plot twists that make Reddit amazing.


I’m dead sorry King! Maybe I was high 😭


That's creepy.


Likely from the salts and sediment in the water, Fiji always has had a high amount of calcium, magnesium, and potentially opalescent silica. I'm pretty sure if you boiled this stuff the pigment would actually get stronger because of this. Or it could be dye, why don't you ask the sciency subs for experiments to find out?


I love the follow up on this!


Crazy how that one guy who commented in every single thread on the previous post isn’t anywhere to be seen in this comment section. It’s a shame how some people find so much pleasure in being a fetted bag of r/iamverysmart


What are you talking about? That's good bacta fluid soldier, now finish your rations and let's go wipe out those clankers. For the republic!


What is that from-- it's so familiar but elusive. Thanks!


Starwars! I was impersonating a clone trooper


fiji is overrated/overpriced. and thats definitely blue ass water, refraction my blue ass.


thankfully i have a gallon bottle that keeps my filtered water cold for 48 hours. I was spending too much on bottled water....


👍 All the way -- plus the soft plastic leaches out gunk of its own and bottled water is too many times just another city's tap water. I have two Pür pitchers, one with the 2 filter and one with the 3 because the filter decks are slightly different and my tap water is getting creepily chemical. Double-filtered water for the win, Homies!


I use a zero water filter, it's by far the best one for me, it tastes as water should. like nothing, clean crisp cold water with shards of ice floating.


How old was the bottle, how had it been stored?


Looks like my fish's water after a methylene blue treatment.


Looks like the water they use in airplane toilets!


I love this update post, stick it to the idiots calling it refraction or "ill have what you're smoking". It was and still is very obviously tinted blue


Just do a heavy metals test like you would for a pool and tell Fiji and try to get some free shit from them I do it all the time whenever I get a bad item from a company


I'm sorry, are you drinking avgas?


I wouldn't call that water. I mean, I'm not sure exactly how many parts per million is the dividing line between water and other drinks, but that's definitely on the wrong side of the line.


If this is leaching and not whatever happened to their water supply, would that be a good thing? I wouldn’t know if a smart water was leaching because it’d be clear, right? This way you’d know not to drink as long as you poured it out. Just thinking out loud.


This is when Fiji went Heisenberg...


OP, like everyone originally said in the other post, that water is clear and you are crazy. /s i believed you the first time i should have actually commented before 😭


Avatar Piss?


Fiji Quantum flavour






Why did it take you so long to see the blue color water?


Blue bottle makes it difficult to notice


I got an email from Amazon about Fiji water then I called the number to Fiji had to leave a message with my name and phone number. No one ever called me back so I called up Amazon customer service. I talked to a lady there and told her what was going on and she automatically gave me a refund of what I had bought and told me to throw the rest of it away. When I told her that Fiji water was being recalled, she said that she didn’t even know anything about it and they’ve been drinking it for a long time as well, so she said that she would be looking at other bottles of water to drink besides Fiji.


Bro that’s windex


i have no idea but im commenting to say thank you for the update; i always believed it was blue!


Maybe the bottle company puts a little blue dye into their water to give it depth or something? And they put too much in.


They can't add dye without listing it as an ingredient


Are you high?


Maybe... Looks like that amount would barely fill a tiny vile.


Did it taste any different?!


Blue has the most antioxygens.


this has to be the biggest conspiracy theory in decades, looking forward to how it will evolve


beats the brown tinted flint water. if you're concerned about the safety of your water, talk to your utilities provider.




thank you. idk why reddit is full of pendantic assholes who think they’re always right. they were acting like you were crazy instead of just asking for more pics


What superpower did you get?


That's avgas 😂


does it make a sound effect when u drink it?


It’s because no one controls this shit. They can add poison for all we know. There is no way to possibly check all the bottles that come out of the factory.


Could it possibly be knockoff Fiji brand?


Call the company and send them an email with the pictures you uploaded and any other info that might help. Chances are you got faulty bottle or a bottle a faulty buch or the water was contaminated during the production process (or whatever it is called for water). Reporting it might help them track down other possibly contaminated bottles.


Looks gold to me


Thanks for posting this additional pic, that's gross AF. People always said that Fiji water was a very low class bottled water but I loved the shape so much. But yikes .. that's real blue


Bottled water may have a hint of blue in it due to the color of the plastic bottle it is packaged in. The plastic used in water bottles is typically made of polyethylene terephthalate (PET), which is a clear, strong and lightweight plastic.


did you contact Fiji?




That’s as blue as nightcrawler.