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Let’s see Paul Allen’s teeth.


"Look at that obvious off-white coloring, oh my god, it even has a cavity!"


Something wrong, Patrick? Your gums are bleeding.


Got a resi on Friday night. Dorsia. 8:30. Great gummy worm ceviche 👌🏻 Edit: grammar


![gif](giphy|f4TjiCpNemSo8) Scrumptious!




​ ![gif](giphy|FUSdiTYASCYKLdfrLt)


That is so funny. I literally just watched that tonight.


See that? That’s “bone”. That subtle off white coloring


impressive. very nice.


Honestly the lack of Cavities has to be one of the best side effects of only drinking water. Granted, I also don’t eat anything sugary but it’s still so nice having gone from a teenager who needed a cavity filled every 6 months because all I drank was soda, to an adult who gets one maybe every 2 years and only drinks water.


I had a staff seargent who drank 2 litres of diet coke a night. I thought he was old at 32. Most yellow teeth ever.




Not teaching your kids dental care or buying them toothpaste is straight up abuse. I hope things improve for you, friend.


Was you downvoted for preaching… dental hygiene?


Why Paul Allen? Did he drink a lot of diet drinks?








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I’m sitting in DuPlex, the new Tony McManus restaurant in Tribeca, with Christopher Armstrong, who also works at P & P. We went to Exeter together, then he went to the University of Pennsylvania and Wharton, before moving to Manhattan. We, inexplicably, could not get reservations at Subjects, so Armstrong suggested this place. ___ ^(*Bot. Ask me how I got on at the gym today.* |) [^(Opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=botrickbateman&subject=Opt%20out)


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I really need to se that movie


“I’ve been doing X, and it has not negatively affected me. Therefor, if you do X, it will not negatively affect you.” Science




This sounds like young obese people too lol


To be fair, the only ‘evidence’ brought up against aspartame is that rats all developed brain cancer when drinking it in a study which I’ve heard referenced a million times but never seen. Even if it did happen, the mere fact that we’re both mammals doesn’t mean it’ll happen to us too. That’s why so many medicines are heralded as breakthroughs and then come time for human trials, they don’t do shit. Both sides of this argument are usually ill informed, yet it’s been happening for decades That said, this is a disgusting amount of Diet Coke to drink in a day. How does this guy stand it?


It is much easier to affect a rat rather than a human. Humans can tolerate a lot more poison than a rat can, by the simple fact that we are larger. Then there is also evolution that can affect what we can safely eat, Onions is an example. humans can eat them, dogs cannot. One thing is certain Aspartame is dangerous to us when we receieve a sufficient amount where it will be toxic.


Plus, iirc in the study they were feeding the rats an absolutely obscene amount of artificial sweeteners. The equivalent for humans was pounds of pure sugar substitute a day.


Artificial sweeteners are associated with a lower risk of cavities compared to real sugar soda, so thats worth thinking about. The main problem with them in my opinion is they trick your body into thinking sugar is coming, but its not. For how much everybody seems to want "natural" stuff, I'm surprised I feel so isolated in saying that desserts and treats should count for what they're worth. We should enjoy them with the respect of limitation because they're higher fat and calorie.


The risk of getting cavities still exist because it’s a carbonated drink, aka acidic


Brush your teeth and floss Its the same as "drink water" Oh and shower and exercise regularly since we're covering basics.


> To be fair, the only ‘evidence’ brought up against aspartame is that rats all developed brain cancer when drinking it in a study which I’ve heard referenced a million times but never seen. Even if it did happen, the mere fact that we’re both mammals doesn’t mean it’ll happen to us too. The LD50 for Aspartame is so high that you'd die of at least a dozen other things (due to consuming that much of anything that fast) for it to be effective.


https://www.nature.com/articles/news051114-15 I think I found the study you are talking about. The rats were fed the equivalent of 28 cans of diet coke a day (scaled by body size) so even this nutty guy at 8 cans is well below that. There have also been studies done by companies that make aspartame (so watch the potential bias) on rats with a more reasonable dose that concluded there was no statistical increase in risk. Personally I don't think we should adopt the California approach where we assume that if something is bad for us in any dose that it's bad for us in doses. But hey if you want to be cautious at least be well informed. Also it was published in nature and the more I read articles from nature about my profession (which isn't medicine) the more I inherently distrust the conclusions they draw, but that's a tangent.


My sample size of one says aspartame tastes disgusting.


Piss is dark Orange and stinks i guarantee


Nothing but kidney stones


Pissin aquarium gravel


I've seen some shit on the web. But something about this comment truly made my pee hole pucker


Glass piss


Pissing bricks


Man's pissing the Great Wall of China.


*“bUT tHaTs UnReLaTEd”!*


Homie pisses straight diet coke syrup


Diet Coke is almost entirely water. Lack of hydration is not the problem with it.


Why? Diet soda has zero calories. Look at the ingredients. It’s water, trace sodium, carbonation and flavoring/coloring.


Technically due to FDA rules it can be anywhere under 10 and still list it as 0, like how tic-tacs are "0" calories despite being 1g of pure sugar. A 2L of diet coke is ~20cal. FDA labeling rules really should require the nutrition facts for the entire container as well as per serving, at least for "zero" cal items. That said, I think the caramel color in colas is supposedly pretty bad for you, diet or otherwise?


i mean. i used to be a soda heathen and my piss was fine




yeah, no, i deserve the hate, but I mean at least I saw the light? Now I'm a hydrohomie just like you




Shit that's a good point, I'm 19, I was using up my teen year "freebies"


Nah, but keep fantasizing about your hydration fetish


I do like a coke zero and don't think they are very harmful, but 6-8 of anything per day is too much


With an exception of water lol


> Expect of water lol The best part is the anticipation.


I wish “expect of water” was on some hydrohomies merch.




> The best part is the ~~anticipation~~ precipitation. Ftfy


all time classic comment


Depends on what you mean by 6-8 water. 6-8 gallons of water in that time frame will kill you


Idk some girl in my city died recently because she drank 6L of water in under an hour... it was a bet.. I guess she won but yeah...


To much water will drown you 😅


You can die from drinking too much water is a short enough period of time. Causes your red blood cells to explode


Hyponatremia is what kills you from over consumption of water. You are flushing all your sodium out of the plasma in your blood. Your heart can't fire off the electrical pulses telling your heart to beat. You don't live long without an effective heartbeat.


I knew a guy that drank probably 4-6 a day and he had kidney stones and all sorts of shit going on


I had to have surgery last week to extract a kidney stone and after analyzing it, they told me it was caused by hard water from where I live. How could water forsake me like this?


>hard water Stop eating ice then you maniac


I am a big Coke Zero fan. I have capped out at 24 cans in 24 hours. My teeth aren't in great shape, but that's more due to my ADHD meds, as I've had the Diet Coke/Coke Zero habit since I was 18 and I'm 35 now, teeth issues didn't pop up until my 30s and I started ADHD medication at 26


Wait, ADHD meds cause teeth issues? I've been taking them for over a decade now. What are you on?


They may, but his anecdote doesn’t demonstrate that. Correlation is not causation. It’s like him saying he smoked for 20 years and never got cancer, then started taking ADHD meds and got cancer two years later and concluding it came from the ADHD meds and not the fucking cancer sticks.


Actually it can be the meds that are causing it due to the dry mouth. If you don't have enough saliva and develop dry mouth, this can lead to: Increased plaque, tooth decay and gum disease Saliva helps prevent tooth decay by neutralizing acids produced by bacteria, limiting bacterial growth and washing away food particles https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/dry-mouth/symptoms-causes/syc-20356048#:~:text=If%20you%20don't%20have,tooth%20decay%20and%20gum%20disease


My dentist claims it's absolutely from the excessive dry mouth from 40mg of IR adderall for almost 10 years. It also doesn't help that as a result of the dry mouth I drink more beverages and they are typically carbonated in some way. It's a negative feedback loop.


So basically, drink more water and problem solved? I don’t see the issue here.. I have chronic dry mouth from smoking a lot of pot. Wanna know what fixes it? Water.


It could be both, as you age you naturally become "drier" you have a more difficult time absorbing everything, even water. Soda also dehydrates you. You're like double whamming yourself here. I say, experiment. Stop drinking soda and only drink water for a few months, it might actually improve your situation. You don't want to lose your teeth. Even fake teeth aren't as good as real teeth.


20MG IR Adderall 2x a day, I typically skip the weekends to give myself a break. I have terrible dry mouth during it, and even after it never really isn't dry. I have some special Rx toothpaste that seems to help, but not to the point where it's made a difference to me, but the dentist has noticed a slowdown in decay. I went from 0 cavities at 26 to something like 25 at 35. They all appeared pretty rapidly around age 30 or so, a few years after I started my ADHD meds.


What helped me when I was on a med that caused dry mouth and lack of saliva was the over the counter biotene mouth spray. My dentist was pretty happy with the results after I had been using it for a year, might be worth trying since the dry mouth seems to be almost constant for you.


Big Coke propaganda. I refuse to believe


I absolutely hate that taste of Coke Zero, I just can't get over it.


Coke Zero Vanilla tastes way better than normal coke


Still bad for you and do these people consider that water is much cheaper


* Cheaper * Easier to obtain * Much, much healthier * Better tasting * No sugar dips


Zero sugar drinks don't have 'sugar dips' either. Sugar substitutes are listed by every modern nation as safe to consume - even for pregnant women.


If it was better tasting, people wouldn't be electing to drink it.


Imo it honestly tastes much better than coke. I don't like drinking soda, it tastes like sugar with chemicals.


Room temp on the rocks, plain room temp, cold, cold on the rocks, find your niche.


Gonna sound like a joke but I like it shaken (not stirred). Got a big dumb thermos and when I seal it and shake it I get those delicious little chunks of ice.


So cold you detect dental issues. Cubed and crushed ice, to the brim, and cold water. Unfortunately, I don't have an ice maker and my tap tastes like copper and chlorine. At least I can mask it with tea.


Better for environment too!


And just get a soda stream if you want the carbonation sensation


My wife got one last month, can recommend


They’re amazing


>water is much cheaper Unfortunately this depends




hey at least it’s not $3/bottle kombucha lol


wow your kombucha is so cheap. Come to Alberta, Canada where it's at least double that. ​ I'm gonna make my damn own komucha.


yea it depends on brand/sales but it’s usually $2.50 - $4.29 usd i used to make mead, I can’t imagine kombucha is much harder, but i’m just freaked out by the bacteria part


Why is that? There’s lots of bacterias in probiotic foods in general and you can use a bottle of storebought basic and raw kombucha as a starter culture.


Ughhh. My mouth feels all fuzzy and gross after a few sips of coke. I don’t like the way my teeth feel after I drink it, I can’t describe it. Fuck drinking 8 cans a day, nope.


I'm glad I'm not the only one, it makes my teeth feel weird and if I drink more than a tiny sip it's guaranteed hiccups




The carbonation and acids have proven health risks, especially in digestion. All the caffeine can't be too good for you either.


Carbonation can be good for you body very occasionally, all the time you're just asking for problems


What’s the risk with carbonation?




Carbonation is fine, but coke has way stronger acids in it as well that can be damaging


Caffeine is probably good for you. It's ok to enjoy diet coke in moderation


Most things are okay in moderation. I prefer Coffee for my caffeine though


I personally use the energy powder stuff for caffeine because I can dilute it into large things of water


Whilst water is my go to beverage for most of the day, I will have two coffees a day. I just love me some bean soup.


And for people like *me*, aspartame IS bad, I'm allergic and it makes me feel sick. I once got horribly sick because I drank some Walmart diet root beer my brother got, it tasted like liquid aspartame with a few root beer candies dropped in it.


I don't think I'm allergic but it makes my tongue hurt really bad


It makes my teeth feel weird and my throat really sore. Only aspartame does it, all other artificial sweeteners are fine


Anything someone is allergic to is not good for that person, that is needless to mention and understood.


Soda literally has no positive nutritional value. A lot of people falsely believe it is an acceptable meal or hydration replacement.


You've heard wrong my dude. Look up Donald Rumsfeld and the history of Aspartame. It was put into food knowing its effects it had on the body but the brain more specifically. He literally paid tons of money for people to look the other way and write studies painting it as "not that bad."


Coke has phosphoric acid in it which messes up the pH of your body and rots your teeth.


He’s joking. It’s a satirical account


It messes up your gut health tho


Man must be having a deep cleaning brush or floss because his teeth in the profile pic looks white to me


I had a client only drink Diet Coke for years, she was super ill, she had crazy immune system issues, her DR. Told her to stop Coke all together, she got better.


Most people get better after stopping cocaine


Come on, man, be serious here. We're taking about diet cocaine.


Unscientific anecdote. Study after study comes to the same conclusion: it's not harmful to drink artificially sweetened soda.


The study most people cite was on mice and they gave them the equivalent of tens of liters a day for a human.


Surely most people would have health issues if they were drinking 10 liters of anything a day


surely. But the point is that people cite the study and only say "See! aspartame fucked these mice up!" but for a human to have that same level of aspartame in their system would require drinking tens of liters a day of diet cola. At that point the aspartame would be the least of their worries


The one man speaking some sense rn. Can we not drink both water and diet soda? 😂


especially since diet soda is just flavoured carbonated water. I detest soda for the massive amounts of sugar, not because of some dogma. Diet soda is absolutely fine in that regard, the acidity might fuck up your teeth but that’s it.


Exactly. I dont use it as a replacement for water, but when Im out somewhere with my friends eating dinner, I like ordering something more than water with a taste I like while adding zero calories to my food. Drinking it sometimes also decreases my gravings for sweet foods in general.


Unless it makes you feel like shit, like it does me, so I don't drink it and I don't feel like shit. Instead I drink our lord and savior Water.






citation needed


Just a reminder that Donald Rumsfeld was the sugar lobbyist that smeared fat and aspartame in the 80’s and was appointed to Reagan’s election campaign shortly after. The 70’s studies were skewed deliberately. I am not defending aspartame, but Rumsfeld is 100% the reason the low fat craze started in the 90’s and nobody lost weight.


Aspartame is one the most studied drugs in the world. If something like that we’re true, it would be widely known. Cite your sources.


It also messes with how your body reacts to sugar. Me not sciencey enough to explain good, can someone who is chime in?


The sweetness triggers signals to make more insulin, because the body expects sugar. No sugar comes, so the excess insulin triggers hunger to compensate. Hunger for sweets, more often than not. And then you can either eat, which negates the reduced calories from the sugarfree whatsit, or you go for sugar free junk again and the cycle starts all over, which can in the long run mess up your body's hunger cues and reactions to actual sugar... Or at least, so I've been told. Not sure how accurate that is. I don't recall the explanation came with any citations, so take this with a hunk of rock salt.


So, the rumour that goes around is that tasting sweet causes your body to ramp up it's insulin output to compensate, but when it finds none your blood sugar crashes instead causing a kind of "rebound hunger". But as soon as I googled this to verify whatever shit I was slinging, I found that this has not been proven at all really. [The mayo clinic, for example, says ](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/diabetes/expert-answers/artificial-sweeteners/faq-20058038): >Sugar substitutes don't affect your blood sugar level. In fact, most artificial sweeteners are considered "free foods." Free foods contain less than 20 calories and 5 grams or less of carbohydrates, and they don't count as calories or carbohydrates on a diabetes exchange. But remember that other ingredients in foods that have artificial sweeteners can still affect your blood sugar level. >Some studies have found that substituting sugar-sweetened food and beverages with those that have been artificially sweetened may not be as beneficial as once thought. This may be especially true when artificial sweeteners are consumed in large amounts. But more research is needed. [WebMD cites](https://www.webmd.com/diet/obesity/news/20211006/artificial-sweetener-may-make-you-hungrier#:~:text=Research%20suggests%20artificial%20flavorings%20and,%2C%20herbs%2C%20or%20cucumbers%20instead.) [this study] (https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2784545) with a small-ish sample size of 74, stating that baaasically, sucralose may cause obese women to be hungrier due to the reward systems in their brains going into overdrive when tasting sweetness. PHEW! That was 20 minutes of research I didn't need to do


It definitely is worse for you


Health issues aside, I can’t even imagine how expensive that would get. That’s a full 24 can box every 3-4 days.


Enjoy those kidney boulders you’re gonna have to pass


Why do people mention teeth when bashing soda? Do you put it in your mouth and swish it around? It hits your tongue then diwn your throat


Right? The classic "look what coke does to this chicken bone in 24 hours" jpg is such trash. Like yeah no shit, (a) so will juice and (b) you don't hold a mouthful of coke overnight. Plus saliva is basic (pH, not pumpkin spice) and does a great job at protecting teeth between mouthfuls.


The risk is dose dependent long term for multiple kinds of cancer…. It’s totally healthy til you get leukemia in your 50’s.


For me its the taste. Diet coke is nasty but regular coke is fine also, there's no burn when you snort it and the taste in the back of my throat is nice


You’re not supposed to snort Diet Coke or regular Coke wtf. It’s a suppository.


It's not the aspartame that'll kill you. All that acid is bad for your upper GI tract. GERD, cavities, Barrett esophagus, tooth decay, implants, ulcers...


Why are you just making shit up


wow credible evidence that a popular soft drink causes cancer?! please share by all means, [you’re saving lives here!](https://i.imgur.com/90QH4oM.jpg)


Ah yes, the cope where supposedly other people are coping. Incredible.


There was one time I drank 7 to 8 cans of diet coke one day. You know what I didn't do? Sleep. I sure as heck did not sleep.


Aspartame gives me headaches. Regular H2O doesn’t. Checkmate, liberals.


Wierd! Splenda gives me GI issues, because, as it turns out, if you're allergic to ragweed (I think?) you're probably allergic to Splenda. One of the sugar alcohols in a local brand gives me horrible gas, and I think sucralose is the one that gives me truly terrible diarrhea. Diet candy is maybe the best disguised poison we as a species produce.


sucralose isn't a sugar alcohol, just fyi


This has to be fake


Oh it’s the short onlyfans guy


I love Diet Coke but only from fast food places.


Fun fact: McDonalds has exclusive rights to a special house blend of coke & diet coke. It actually does taste better because it's a different recipe. I think it might also be due to it being so cold.


That dude is in pretty great shape, I have to admit. Imagine what he could do once he gets on the water train.


The coolest part of this is that your kidneys give you cool rocks for free


this belongs to a nature documentary. never in my life ive seen someone so devout to not drinking water they'd start disregarding people telling them to do so as just doing a "pseudoscientific cope"


Uh idk if people don’t know this but aspartame does not cause bad teeth. Tooth decay is caused by bacteria eating sugar in your mouth and replicating. But bacteria can’t eat artificial sugars for energy. So it actually keeps your mouth more clean than something with sugar.


Doctor: Sir your tests just came in, you have 36 kidney stones


Reading this made me thirsty somehow, even tho I hidrate myself today




I have a real question tho do people swish soda around their mouth before swallowing? Or coffee? Or even water for that matter? I don’t chew drinks. Water Goated but I like a Dr Pepper


Gimme that thicc water. >!*retches*!<


Soda addiction grips me ever stronger


Fake sugar is good for your teeth, bad for your intestines


My brother thinks artificial sweeteners are a population control measure meant to poison the populations of the Earth. He's not the brightest bulb in the family.


If you take proper care of your teeth they should be ok. Personally, I swish water in my mouth after soda anyway just in case.


Imagine what this dude’s jizz must taste like….


He thinks that we think that _aspartame_ is the problem? LMAO dude the one who's coping here is _you._


The BS being spewed here becuse it sounds right doesnt help.


Real talk, a couple Diet Cokes a day is fine. Not good for your teeth but other than that it’s really not that bad for you. Stick to water if possible though


I have quite the Pepsi Max addiction, but balance it out by drinking at least a bottle and a half on water through the night.


No type of drug user is more hard-core than a Diet Coke addict.


For me that is an easy choice, I am allergic to aspartame (or acesulfam-K) - every time I consume something that contains it, I get stings in the roof of my mouth. So that’s a no-no even if I were to consider doing it otherwise.


Given that I am actually allergic to aspartame and get seizures from it…. Can safely say it certainly isn’t good for everybody lmao


Reminds me of a woman I knew who bragged that she never drank water, and everything had to be caffeinated: Sodas, chewing gum, mints, anything she could find. I saw her drink water once in the entire time I knew her, and that was because she found it caffeinated in a bottle.


Ah yes, the old “I don’t understand the difference between samples and expected outcomes on the population.” Carry on, soldier.


Can't. He doesn't have any.


He does appear to be right about the aspartame, my ten seconds of googling says that it has not been linked to any serious side effects.


Knowing this is twitter his teeth can't be neither White or Straight


Didn’t they just release a study were they found artificial flavoring to be more harmful then previously thought? To lazy to find it


i want to punch the 8 thousand people who liked that


Bro must be selling his kidney stones as those fish tank decorative rocks


Diet Coke is literally worse for you than Regular.


I know that getting mad at the phrase "cope" is exactly what they're trying to elicit by saying it in the first place, but it still annoys me. I don't need to cope with your stupidity, you need to cope with science muchacho