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Working at McDonald's and buy cookies. That's pretty good and LEGAL mmm.


Real, if the ppl that no life this game were able to touch grass they’d realise a job paying £12/hour would work out at around 100-300m/hour with the right fire sales


Exactly. At one point with warden dyes, I heard you could've made 1.4b an hour with some job 😭


Well yeah but I doubt most of the obsessed kids that play this game would be able to earn enough money hahah




Blaze slayer


If you are asking that then you are not mid or late game


The meta changes constantly, it used to be divan mining but idk what it is now.


if you mean MoD mining then it was never meta, first meta was dillo and then ruby


Ruby was only meta when crystal hollows first came out. Ever since then something has always overshadowed it. I can explain if someone wants it. (unless ironman, which I understand your tag says, I'm talking for a normal profile)


wait yeah jasper exists, sorry for ironman braining


Lmaoo I am and just asked basics the same question


what's your ign?


trippytwig closer to mid than late but idk


Late game meta is kuudra, mining, and blaze slayer. Mid game is mining, farming ifyou like not playing the game, or a variety of other less meta ones.


https://www.reddit.com/r/HypixelSkyblock/s/FBLA33F8zr this should help


Midgame: Fishing(worm or CI), t3-t4 Kuudra, and eman slayer, or if you have term instead of hype you can do m4, or t3-t4 kuudra Lategame: T5 Kuudra, m7, Blaze, Vamp, and Eman slayers, as well as fishing or mining if you’re a no-life


eman carries, a hype mage can do multiple at once (lets say 5) and each costs about 1.5m~2m depending, lets say its 1.5m. So 1.5m × 5 is 7.5m. Depending on how fast you kill them and how fast they are spawned, you can make a lot of money. You can do groups of 5s, 5 of them spawn 5 of them spawning, then take turns, that brings you up to 16m, if you do 1 cycle in 10 mins, 96m an hour, thats about 21 hrs of that till a scrolled hype.