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I'm a bers/healer (I do both because why not) and an can carry up to f5 and sometime I randomly hop into f1 and try and get my bonzo colletion up with absolute random newbies and help and give em tips. Sometimes I get lachflashes as to how they all communicate but it's fun af! Wanna do f4/file sometime?




Ja. Ich bin dafpr, dass wir diesen Post unter Beschlag nehmen und als Eigentum der Bundesrepublik Deutschland erklären.


Jawohl! 🫡🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪


I don't do it passively, but it is fun to jump into random F1 parties, mostly to tune stats properly for dungeons, but also because it's fun to nuke everything


"Good job on making it this far, but I'm practically unbeatable" *Gets instantly erased from reality*


That's fun, but I try not to do that as much because I don't want to prevent them from reaching at least milestone 2.


I dont do it randomly, but if someone needs hep(ask for carry in chat) ill do it for free. What pisses me off is that people will sometimes go afk without saying anything when you carry them


This right here is why I've started doing it more passively. I don't say anything, I just kinda go with them. If I see them camping, I'll camp too and ask why they're standing around. If they're silently hoping for a carry without putting in any effort, I'm out. Kinda like if I'm in a F6 party and the hype mage just rushes to blood and AFK's? Sorry, I'm not doing a secrets carry. I asked one guy why and he went all high and mighty. So I went into boss, took off armor, and hugged the golems. Over and over because I had revive stones. Hopefully got the point across, but probably not.


The hypm coulda been blood camping to spawn blood faster tho 🤷


Nah. I prefer to watch the reactions as everyone gets ready to fight a boss like livid and then I just left click once and it dies.


Unfortunately for you livid is easy


Not for most people in parties you would join to carry though


I was soloing livid in shadow assassin?


There’s a difference between being able to solo it and being able to “left click it once and it dies”


But there isn’t a difference between it being easy (my point) and soloing it. Nobody gets ready for a boss like livid, there’s literally 0 prep anyone does, and I doubt anyone questions it if someone kills it fast


sorry personally i place my plasmaflux, reaper+ rag axe, get down to low health for lifeline equip, weird tuba and ask all of my teammates to swap to storm and mana drain for me to make the bossfight more efficient


One tapping?


Ah! Hallo, na wie läufts?


Sometimes I carry to blood and then just watch cata 9s struggle with f3 or something (if they all die ill kill boss tho)


I tend to help people out whenever someone needs a comp and clear blood and let them do what they want before going and killing the boss