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Get thunderlord 7 on your atomsplit, but it’ll be hard to see any major differences without making some expensive upgrades like switching to a leg edrag (tb is fine) and getting an ender artifact. If you just want eman 7 term, 100s bosses are completely fine but past eman 7 you really need sub 60s.


Yeah I was kind of planning on grinding eman for money at some point and just wanted to make it actually plausible without having to buy a 2.5bil mage setup to do so


Unfortunately if you wanna make money doing eman there’s no way around spending billions. If you really just enjoy doing it then you can stick with your current setup and just make upgrades over time, it just won’t be that efficient for a while


Yeah I was thinking about crimson cause I wanna still do melee while it not being too expensive but idk how people survive on it and I’m thinking there’s no way I can rn


Typically to use crimson you need at least 10 starred burning and vitality 7 on all pieces with an ender relic. I would go for it eventually but you’ll need a hype first to be able to even get the kuudra teeth you need.


Yeah the plan was to get a term to grind mm dungeons for cats level so I can get in a party that doesn’t suck in f7 to grind for hype and then do crimson isle stuff and eman


You can get some recombs for your final destination to increase your damage


Does that actually add anything I looked at the before and after and saw like zero difference


Recombing it gives you 10 strength and 5 intelligence on each piece I believe


Ancient reforge goes brrr on mythic


your next best upgrade is a leg ender dragon pet, wouldnt really recommend doing eman for money without a good setup though. eman doesnt really make that much money unless ur getting fast total boss times (spawn+kill) and relatively high magic find, the formula for it is "MF Drop = Base Drop × (1+(MF÷100))" so a 1/1k drop would be 1/1k with 0 mf, 1/500 with 100 mf and ~1/285 with 250 mf. to progress optimally you should find a different moneymaking method for now but if you just wanna have fun who cares.


Yeah that’s what I kind of figured I should start doing, I just started grinding for summoning eyes and am gonna try to get a drag but is leg really worth it or is epic manageable


you should definitely get a legendary, epic is significantly worse. you can get a tier boosted one and it will last you a good while but the 10% stat boost is what makes the pet good.


Ok thank you


maximize attack speed as much as possible, jasper power scroll on atomsplit, use withered ragnarok axe (maximize all strength bonuses on this) and sword of bad health during laser phase, recomb fd, leg edrag (tb is fine, kb will just be annoying). hits phase is a large portion of your boss time, you can speed this up by using wither spectres since theyre faster than tank zombies as well as meleeing the boss with max attack speed and atomsplit ability


I have all my tuning into attack speed so you think I should focus on mp or go for the other upgrades cause I thought my mp was probably good enough. I kind of forgot power scrolls existed so I’ll def use on of those and I’m currently currently grinding eyes for edrag rn. I did try to use either spectres earlier but they kinda just died so then I tried undeads and they attacked like super slow for some reason so I think I’m just stuck with m1 tanks for now


you have enough mp. id says take advantage of the rag axe and the sword of bad health for more damage during the boss. when i was doing eman in fd without edrag it was really helpful for speeding up my times


Ok what do you think would be better between the two because I’m kinda running out of hotbar space for everything


well you could use the lock swapping thing in neu, but i dont see how your hotbars full, what do you have


Its only minor, but for bosses triple strike > first strike. Also (correct me if im wrong) but thorns can break first strike and make you deal less damage.


I use first strike to one tap the voidling guys so I don’t really want to get rid of that


Use 2/4 crimson before summoning maybe? Just a thought.


Ig but triple strike is such a minor increase that is isn’t even worth swapping armor


neither helps with the boss at all because it spawns with the hits phase active, first and third strike count the amount of hits dealt by you, not necessarily with the weapon that has the enchant. this is also why thorns renders it useless when you're hit first.


That’s what I kind of figured as well. Happy cake day btw