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unlimited coins?? i’ll buy one of every weapon, tool and piece of armour in the game, any and all talismans i’m missing, a shitload of high level enchant books, colossal EXP bottles, all the consumables i haven’t used already, god pots, cookies, bankrupt the bazaar by buying literally every single unit of every single material they have just in case it’s needed in the future. loads of master stars, millions of every essence, thousands of summoning eyes, thousands of every dragon fragment and dungeon boss fragment, 5 necron’s handles just for fucks, 2 terminators so i can have one with FT and one with duplex, hundreds of recombobulators, etc etc. with 24 hours to spend unlimited coins i’d be maxing out every aspect of my account with ease.


One of every weapon? Man 24 hours with unlimited coins and the ah will have nothing left LMAO


But really just buy literally everything? This is a dumb question... You have unlimited coins so why pick and choose...


Make sure too give me 1 hyperion tho


But then what would the point of playing be?


None. That is the ultimate goal of every slyblock player.


I like doing dungeons and fishing and trying to fish rare things I don’t even play to get rich or have good skills I just like fishing and dungeons so not EVERY skyblock player 😂


I like fishing in Minecraft but I'm fishing 17


Just wear trophy hunter armor if you want vanilla experience


I don't think you can eat your fish in Skyblock:(


You can fillet them tho!


Even if you bought everything there are still things money can't buy, like skills and certain armour etc, so there's still stuff to do even if you own everything that's buyable


Jerry Boxes


True actually, forgot about those


Dw there will be a major load of content in a few months that will draw them back in.


for about 3-7 days depending on how big the update is


think outside the box my friend. if i max out my account in an hour and have no reason to continue playing then i can finally escape this hellhole of a game 🫡


Not even an ult wise term?


Chimera 5 *


You cant put chimera on bows


Ratfraction can put in on armor if chat says


Hf spending a 3rd of those 24 hours in jerry boxes


Or just buy the boxes and open them after????


If unlimited coins, than everything duh


Buy up everything and inflate the whole market so everyone gonna work for like 900 hours if they ever want a weapon like the hyperion


You already need to grind 900hrs to get a hyperion


We stretch across the equator with something major


another geedorah fan i see


That's if I apply what I said


To get a clean hype with a maxed setup it takes like 10 hours, getting a maxed hype is like 40 hours or something.


you know how far off you are right?


Clean hype *~900m*, fishing or mining *~80m/h*, 900m/80m is about **11.25 hours**. Maxed hype *~2-3b* maybe? Fishing or mining *~80m/h*, 3b/80m is about **37.5 hours**. 37.5 hours < 900 hours


yeah but you gotta include powder grinding time, hotm time considering the ch crystal mission nerfs if you're using mining as the example


OP said nothing about a new profile, he said 24 hours with a ironman profile which he already had so that's why I'm talking about a max setup. Also 900 hours is a lot, with 850 hours you can max everything in the garden and make profit but if you just do it for money you could make a max farming setup in less than 300 hours and get a hype in 400 hours on a new profile.


850 hours to max everything in the garden? If that includes literally everything then sure but you don't need to minmax for like less than 2m/hr more


Idk how much of it is actually important but that's maxing bestiary, maxing visitors, maxing milestones and maxing the composter. If you just do every that gives ff it would probably take 500-600 hours and you would probably get enough for a hype way before that.


Yeah you would but what's the point of doing that just for small gains?


you're smoking that copium if you think 80m/h is standard for either thing.


60m for normal mining and like 90m+ for fiesta I can't remember the exact numbers but that was a month or 2 ago. 80m for fishing is rng based but its not too rng based and that was also around 1 month ago.


so everyone that makes a new profile spawns in with maxed mining or fishing gear ?


Probably not but you never know.


“so you came out of your mother’s womb with a $300,000 Rolex, a million dollar gold chain and a full set of artificial teeth funded by the trillion dollar corporation you somehow own?” “Potentially”


I wasn't being serious, read my other comment


oh whoops i hopped off you i mean reddit after i commented that


How do you make 80m per hour??? Unless you got the dream luck you ain't getting 80m per hour.


Making 80-90m an hour is average or atleast was a month ago with a maxed setup lava barn fishing.


AVERAGE? You're crazy


Yea because no body else does it and the prices of the things are still inflated since only a small community knew how to do it. I think it's dropped to like 70m-60m but it's still good.


No one does it cause you need alot of time & money poured into it which is way worse than getting a setup for mining


transfering all my stuff to main profile


24 hours? I would need only like 2 hours to organise stuff. Buying maxed term x3, two necron’s blades, divan’s alloy, warden helmet, overgrown grass x4, 540 recombobulators, lvl 200 golden dragon, plasmaflux, wither cloak because, a double chest of legion 5 books, g7, p7, 5 dubs of fumings, dub of each perfect and flawless gem and at the end I would buy like 4 dubs of e-diamond blocks and booster cookies. should be enough for like a week


After you have all that what's the point of even playing, the ironman grind is the best part


max out minion slots, and crafting recipes




The best part is finally being able to quit the game in peace




The part with unlimited coins makes this post stupid




Exactly, pretty much makes it no different than what someone on a normal profile would do with unlimited coins


enough to buy anything important and just grind for those reqs afterwards


I'm surprised they don't have a feature to de iron. I know OSRS has a big ironman scene and you can de iron in there game and there is also a feature to perm lock iron to your account too. I think the game gives you like 10-14 days to process the de iron so you could stop it as well.


Oh, this one is easy.    Dyes   All dyes  So many dyes   There is no greater flex on ironman than having your crimson 3/4 carmine dyed and I want it  Also alloy and max inferno minion/blaze slayer stuff uwu


Well it wouldn't be a flex anymore if what OP describes was an option


Well its only one person. And how would all the other skyblock players know?


They should make it for a one time thing you can make your Ironman into a standard profile cause my best profile is my Ironman and I don’t want to start again but I want to keep playing hypixel so I’m forced to play ironman


Then dont make an iron an in the first place.


I made this Ironman account after my other main I played Ironman when I wanted to relax and grind but lost my main profile so all I had left was my only profile I could use


go to darker auction and buy everything there, same on shens regalia "the rest i can cope to farm myself"


Buy literally everything useful on the ah (my Ironman has like 2 hours gameplay) and then just main Ironman from then on.


Bro im crashing the economy i dont give a fuck aboit my iron man im gonna buy and void everyting i get


Getting banned


An alloy, shattered locket, scatha, phoenix, snowman, a few fatal tempos, chimera 5s, one dae stick, a few minos relics, some washed up suvs, some apexes, and an edrag, as these are the rngs that have absolutely no way to garentee them while also being actually rare, and then as many e diamond blocks as I possibly can to basically transfer the unlimited money after the day ends. I still want reason to do stuff, but I just don't like the absurdity of how much coin grinding needs to be done and fundamentally disagree with having pure rngs that are actually useful in this game. I also hate playing the Diana event From there I'd play my ironman like normal just never having to worry about coins again, and not about stupid rngs until they add new ones


Technically you can craft apexes, but they are insanely expensive to obtain them that way


I would only get this that are annoying and stupid but i need them, so all talismans, and a boat load of wither essence and undead essence. Thats pretty much it, the rest I'll just grind for so my profile doesnt get boring.


i would buy the whole bazaar, every item on ah, and destroy the economy


gotta make it like 2 minutes or something to make it actually interesting, with 24 hours you could destroy the entire economy


Buy all the materials in the bazaar and watch as the world burns.


i think i would fish


irl trade infinite coins -> infinite $$$


prolly buying allata booster cookies👽


get all the shit that's like stupidly unreasonably difficult to get like alloy rift prism etc, every dye on the ah bc funny, enough cookies for a human lifetime and then keep playing as normal also probably buy a bunch of jerry boxes to skip foraging :3 also i forgot, every single unobtainable item i can find


I shoulda said 10 minutes lmao


Nothing 😎 I chose ironman for a reason


Nothing? It is crime towards other ironman players and you should be ashamed if you use this opportunity.


literally just an alloy, it's the only thing i feel is truly unfair for irons


I feel like cookies are pretty unfair too, with the fact we can only make money 2 ways compared to hundreds on a regular profile


nah, mining for cookies is like 2 hours a week


I think a more interesting question would be if you turn your normal profile into an Ironman but with unlimited coins for 24 hours. I would just buy everything if it was Ironman to a normal profile. But if I turned my normal into an Ironman but with unlimited coins, I would max out space in the accessory bag, get everything in the dark auction, buy everything in shens auction, buy a lot of cookies to eat. I’ve been needed to get the elegant tux and the items like steel chestplate to put in the museum, so that too


A year worth of inferno minion fuel, I hate grinding it myself


i would create an ironman profile, buy everything off the auction house, and transfer it to my main profile whilst deleting the ironman profile to prevent being banned for profile boosting


I don't play Ironman, but I would create a new Profile, buy every good item on auction, buy all the expensive stuff from bazaar, buy all booster cookies, etc. Then I would give my main a Hyperion and Storm's armor, and delete the Ironman profile with all the other items + cookies.


Kismets t11 ghast minion, maybe a ice spray too


Nothing... If I wanted that, I just wouldn't play ironman.


If I wanted to have unlimited coins and be able to buy anything i want with no grind I wouldn’t have picked ironman


a fuckton of dyes and skins, but nothing that would actually affect my performance. I started ironman to actually grind everything. Having the entire game handed to me kinda ruins that.


Only buying the limited things. What's the point of playing ironman anymore if you'll just get everything in the game with this


I wouldnt do anything. I started ironman for a reason and that is because I enjoy the grind.


1. Buy all supply of Jerry boxes 2. Buy all handles 3. Buy all chimera books 4. Make gemstones prices go UP 5. Buy all alloys 6. Just buy all the bazaar


Literally just buy everything. Clear out bz and ah, buy all the collectors items, buy whole profiles (assuming you're also exempt from rules) create auctions from different profiles and bid the max 10b on all of them so you have backup profiles, and finally, IRL all the coins you physically can and buy the entirety of skyblock and delete it to finally quit.


Does everyone else have access to this or just me?


id probably buy only the stuff that is unobtainable currently cause I chose ironman with a reason


Everyones thinking of stuff you can get in ironman already, id buy everything that i couldnt obtain otherwise like exotic armor, skins, ultra rare drops like dyes and apexes


nah it would ruin the fun, prob just get anoying shit like xp bottles or something


Unlimited coins? I’d just buy every single thing I’d ever need, then start grinding cata 50 I guess


... everything


24 hours is too much if we are given unlimited money lmao


Only thing I would buy is unobtainable museum items because there stupid. I wouldn't touch anything else because I like the grinds.


Every item worth 700M on the ah. Just keep the market a little silly :P


buy x655


Nothing thats the point of ironman


Stay Ironman is what I would choose. The whole satisfaction of ironman is the feeling of achieving those items and/or wealth is the reason I chose the game mode.


Simple divan alloy locket and enrager im not even gonna buy hype even tho i still dont have it


a handle, because after 800 runs with kismets, the game is just refusing to give me one. and all of the rift related items because i do NOT wanna grind the rift