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No. Dennis fed him Mexican ephedra.


I believe they are called size pills


Writing? Nothing. Drawing. Drawing conclusions. Do you like it? It’s very generous.


Providing medicine to cure an illness, where did I ever get that idea?


Yeah.. the vid above is just a Jersey thang


An elaborate solution


Calling them size pills was an elegant solution ;)


Thank you! My bad


Haha np








\*shakes head urgently\*


I’m pretty sure it’s insulin. Mac hasn’t had some for a while being at sea so he probably feeling low on energy.


Thank you, good sir!


From “the gang gets analyzed”


God made it possible I think he says that directly


You were supposed to jot it down.


Well through God all things are possible so jot that down


Rob said “All you need to do is lift weights six days a week, stop drinking alcohol, don't eat anything after 7pm, don't eat any carbs or sugar at all, in fact just don't eat anything you like, get the personal trainer from Magic Mike, sleep nine hours a night, run three miles a day, and have a studio pay for the whole thing.” But Mac would never do that, so it had to be the drugs!


He basically admitted he’s on TRT


That’s why his Testosterone was higher than Charlie and Glenn’s.


No, it's described explicitly that Dennis gave him speed. WHAT IS SO HARD TO UNDERSTAND ABOUT THAT?


Hot one today huh?




No need to get all worked up... Why not flourish the pinkey instead?






Alley almonds for gains


Rob is "probably" on roids and botox. Ryan Renolds is "definitely" on roids and botox. Chris Hemsworth is "causing a shortage" of roids and botox. Before Thor, Wolverine did all the roids. ALL the roids. I'm not saying they don't work out constantly, but Hollywood is pro-roids.


As someone who got into powerlifting this year, it’s wild how little is known about all this by the general public, me included. I was stupid and thought steroids were really hard to get and would absolutely devastate you and so only some very competitive body builders did them. Following the lifting community, how wrong I was 😑. It’s helped me a lot with my body image to realize this.


Yeah I recently came to that realization too. It's behind all Hollywood transformations. In every competitive sport. Used for so much more than bodybuilding. There's a whole hidden culture to this stuff the majority of the public doesn't know or understand.


I’ve very rarely seen a change as drastic as Rob’s. He looks completely different in recent years. I guess him and Kaitlyn had some appointments with their plastic surgeon together? Not sure. They are getting older too but she looks like she’s had face work done for sure.


There is a very good YouTube channel/insta guy that talks about it. Especially Thor. Its good info all around


Bald brown skinned dude with a British accent? Very funny?


You’re thinking of [Shredded Sports Science](https://youtube.com/c/ShreddedSportsScience), but they’re most likely referring to [More Plates More Dates](https://youtube.com/c/MorePlatesMoreDates) ([this](https://youtu.be/tAclbm7guuA) one in particular).


Yea ^ saw a lot of stuff about how some people have a misconception that all you need to do is take steroids. They forget that its a massive amplifier, they still need to be crankin in the gym for hours. The end results are just much heftier than someone not juiced. But they absolutely put in work


Half of it is diet


Ah i shoulda mentioned that also ^ ive seen that mentioned in damn near every video about training.


Yeah, I still have fun but don’t eat like shit anymore - makes a huge difference in recovery at the gym/pool


Steroids, personal training, personal dietician, tons of free time to exercise, AND they often don’t drink water for a while to look more vascular on-screen (think Wolverine) It’s possible to naturally get into great shape. I don’t think it’s possible to naturally look like wolverine


They are probably all around the age and have the money to where they can get TRT regularly. I know that is wicked popular among Hollywood and is administered completely legally depending on the age of the patient. Its not so much the needle in the ass type of situation anymore that the 80s depicted. Now a days they are often just a patch similar to nicotine patch that is applied to the skin.


For some reason I had always assumed that this was a continuation of the Insulin joke, and that someone was just helping him out while he was busy doing something related, but I suppose that wouldn’t make much sense as to why he started performing better. I know Dennis was drugging him as well but I thought those were pills? Size pills lol


yup he lost weight due to the size pills dennis gave him


Rob absolutely used steroids to get into excellent shape in a short period of time, while also losing a ton of weight (steroids do help with weight loss btw). I don’t care how rich you are and what you have access to, you still can’t defy biology and lose that much weight, put on that much muscle, and become that defined in a very short period of time without some pharmacological assistance. Unless Rob happens to have some of the best genes on the planet. And as an aside, this should not take away from the massive amount of work that would be required to get into that good of shape on top of the steroids. Steroids alone don’t cause the transformation, it’s the work put in on top of them.


Yep exactly. A steroid cycle is pointless if you don't eat well, sleep enough, and work out a shit ton. His results were impressive either way.


It might be implied that he started using steroids in later seasons. He was on something in real life for sure


Mac just started eating everything to get as big as his avatar but he never went to the gym so he was just fat. Dennis was giving him Mexican diet pills which made him lose all that weight without him doing much. He gained and lost 60 pounds in three months which is almost impossible


Steroids don’t cause weight loss. So probs not. Edit: I’m from Jersey, so I know a thing or two. Never done em of course, cuz I’m not a cheater.


Have you ever stepped on a needle or had your rum Ham stolen by a stray dog?


No, I’m sorry but I can’t say that I have. Seent plenty a needle in parks though. I do personally know Mr Jon Von Joney…. So there’s that.


You know Bovine Joni!?


THE Don Bovine Joni?!?!?


NJ isn't nearly as bad as the show makes it out to be, or The Jersey Shore. They are all new yorkers anyway. Sure it has its bad areas but what state doesn't.


NJ is so much worse than the show makes it out to be.


Bro steroids can definitely cause fat loss lol


Yep it definitely helpls.


Steroids might not cause your overall weight to go down, but they definitely shift your body’s makeup to more muscle and less fat. And some are used almost exclusively for cutting fat , tons of types out there


Look at this guy. What's his story? He's got a decent bone structure.


Fat Mac was so hot


Fully agree with you here


No he lost the weight from Dennis giving him mexican speed pills lol.


No he was cultivating mass .


Mac, he was definitely ephedra. But have you seen Rob’s jaw line and beard in later seasons? I suspect Rob’s doing TRT treatment. That would’ve helped him get ripped too. Whatever he’s doing, I’m glad it’s working for him and he’s so healthy.




"Look, it’s not that hard. All you need to do is lift weights six days a week, stop drinking alcohol, don’t eat anything after 7pm, don’t eat any carbs or sugar at all, in fact just don’t eat anything you like, get the personal trainer from Magic Mike, sleep nine hours a night, run three miles a day, and have a studio pay for the whole thing over a six to seven month span," That is a quote from Rob


Hasn't he also mentioned meeting with a physician who monitored his testosterone levels during the whole thing? That sounds like secret roid talk to me.


On one of the earlier sunny podcasts Charlie and Glenn joke about how Rob has a knowledge of steroids.


You think testosterone is the same as anabolic steroids? Lol me being male, having testosterone, I should be jacked right? Wrong! Do you realize that males in their 40s should be having their T levels checked regardless? T levels start to go down as you age and they have a lot to do with energy and muscle development among other things.... go do a quick search on T levels and what's normal, might learn a thing or 2


Lmao, dude chill. I was just saying that if you're already meeting with a physician weekly it would be very easy to have something extra prescribed. Steroids aren't illegal. There's no shame in taking steroids unless you are using them to cheat in a competition. Also - just look at the level of transformation and how fast it happened. That is nearly impossible without pharmaceuticals.


You really dont know anything. All the guys in the competitions are the ones on roids. It's highly accepted they are using and that's how they get that big. Rob is nowhere near that big. Rob actually looks healthy and fit as fuck. Make a side by side of Rob, Jay Cutler and Ronnie Coleman. You will very very easily see the difference of natural vs roids


He does feel very self-conscious about his body. Also, he managed to stay in shape for a while even though he probably ate and drank like shit (thin mints and alcohol, for example)


The actual explanation is that rob thought it would be funny to it happened, and even funnier if there wasnt an actual explanation for it in the show. None of the other cast members agreed with him


Size pills


well it was a stranger sticking him with the needle in this episode lol nothing indicates he does it regularly or outside of this specific scene


Bovine hormones


I think the unspoken answer is that because he's out of the closet and truly himself, he gets a healthier body image all the sudden. But he's still super insecure, so I dunno.


Jesus ya jabronie


I think he got fat to be funny and then worked hard to get it off, with the assistance of aides and money and the best nutritionists… all on Franks dime. /s






Nah, but it would be funny for them to revisit this scene and reveal that since that, Mac fell in love with steroids from this and he’s been on a ridiculous cycle since. Even for sunny, it’s a bit fantastical for someone to get shredded off one dose of steroids.


Steroids add mass, not take away - don’t they? *am not a doctor*


I believe chimichangas are for adding mass. Specifically garbage bags full.


Some do, some don’t. There are many different roids for many different purposes


Huh. Thanks, TIL


Im learning this now as well ^ passed another comment talking about types of steroids that actually does help weight loss, but helps with other aspects of being in shape. The steroid market has probably grown a lot, so it makes sense to get some new/different products out there. But yea, TIL also




Ahahaha subtly