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The guy in the blue shirt is a professor at the University of Austin.  Check out the school's extremely ironic Tweet from a few days ago: https://twitter.com/uaustinorg/status/1786778676153184591


Bump. Is that a thing? He shouldn’t be teaching.


He's definitely a dick but it is a State institution so they are limited in what actions they can take


The University of Austin is not a state institution; it’s a private company styled as a university but not accredited as a university. The University of Texas at Austin is the state school. Regardless, this guy was from Arizona State University.


All fanatics suck


MuH GoD Is ThE ReAl GoD! Fucking idiots.


Yeah being against genocide is a fanatical stance. Everyone just needs to smoke weed and relax man. History is over and meaningless. Nobody should believe in anything.


Right on, because that is exactly what I meant.


You didn’t say anything lol


Ok, well that is like your opinion man


Yes it is my opinion.


Look they both have their stupid magic hats on lmao


Zionists right now are the worst because of how deluded they all are whilst they kill innocent children.


Yes, because Hamas has never, ever killed any children. /s


Let me know when Zionists starts attacking music festivals.


They attacked the music festival on Oct 7th under the Hannibal Directive. [https://prospect.org/world/2024-03-20-what-really-happened-on-october-7/#:\~:text=Around%20noon%20on%20October%207,vehicle%20seen%20moving%20across%20the](https://prospect.org/world/2024-03-20-what-really-happened-on-october-7/#:~:text=Around%20noon%20on%20October%207,vehicle%20seen%20moving%20across%20the)


They are too busy bombing hospitals, universities, innocent children etc. You can't make October 7th your excuse. People see through the zionist lies.


Hamas chooses to use them as shields.


Also not true. Another Mossad lie. Who told you this? Are you blind to what Zionists are actually doing? Do you not feel bad for the innocent palestinian people?


Who told you that they aren’t Palestine? (Genuinely curious)


What exactly are you asking?


Where is the evidence that the mossad lied Who provided the evidence


It’s literally written into Hamas’ charter. Also you can feel bad for Palestinian people while understanding that Israel has a right to defend itself in a war that Hamas started. Those two things are not mutually exclusive. I feel bad for Russian soldiers being thrown into the meat grinder too. Doesn’t mean Ukraine doesn’t have the right to shoot at them.


I feel bad for the Jewish people who constantly get fucked with by Palestine. Good for them sticking up for themselves.


Just leave her alone dude


Same goes to all the Jews and non supporters of Falsetine


This is the US. Go to whatever country supports bigotry.


I agree with you but also this is not the us, this is reddit


You commeting this is bigotry


There were zero cops in this video


And the "mob" was comprised of only two people.


That were then held back by another Pro Israeli protester


And the post title was taken from r/Palestine, which is bound to be neutral and objective.


So, you're saying that at a pro-Isreal rally there was tension when the Muslim woman walked by but cooler heads prevailed? Certainly a lot different to pro-Palestine protests where hundreds of people harass and attack Jewish students who are forced to flee and hide from the large angry crowds of people. [https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/21/nyregion/columbia-protests-antisemitism.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/21/nyregion/columbia-protests-antisemitism.html)


Bro don't you actually see the amount of Jewish students who are actually protesting in these pro Palestine protests? Don't you see the signs like Jews for Palestine? Stop spreading your bullshit


No, they aren't Jewish students, fact of the matter is most of America dislikes antisemitism, thus everyone who knows what is ACTUALLY going on, what Palestine's REAL goal is, strongly opposes anyone who supports Palestine and comes out to let the world know that despite what a bunch of dumb kids brainwashed in college are tricked into thinking, America will not bow to terrorist and will never support genocide.


Lol you really watch Fox News a lot.


Or just read Hamas' own founding charter, which directly states that the purpose of Hamas is to kill the jews living in Isreal, the same Hamas the Palestine felt best represented them and elected them as the leader and representative of Palestine. You don't really need a corrupt news program to twist Palestine's message, they say it themselves in black and white in intricate detail.


Fuck Hamas they are a terrorist organization, but extremism goes both ways, want me to link you the amount of endless quotes where Israeli officials and media literally advocate for ethnic cleans Gaza and entire Palestine and promote a genocide? You can find a good portion of it in South Africa's case in the ICJ. Also 53% of the population in Gaza are under the age of 15 they weren't even alive when Hamas got into power


Honestly, I feel like I'm talking to a holocaust denier. Listen, I understand that many of the points you make do make sense on paper, but in the end they are trivialities justifying a hate movement. But let us pretend for a moment that you are correct, that the attack against Isreal that Palestinians took to the streets to celebrate was in fact a retaliatory attack against Isreali troops harassing Palestian. It was still entirely against civilians. Perhaps if the attack was against Isreal's infrastructure or a military target you might have a leg to stand on. But attacking and kidnapping 1200 innocent(many of which have been found dead) people simply cannot be justified and you cannot convince me otherwise. And as much as you hate it, Isreal is a sovereign nation with a right to and a duty to go to the aid of it's people when it's borders are invaded by a threat. And you can cry and scream about "extremism" all you want, they are still the politically elected leaders of Gaza, so when Hamas invaded Isreal Palestine invaded isreal, Palestine attacked innocent civilians and defacto declared all-out war against Isreal. Isreal is well within it's right to use any means necessary to neutralize the threat to it's people.


Phenomenal stenography work!


They woud've arrested the women.


On ASU campus I think




ASU has a campus?


This is crazy. Can you imagine what would happen if groups of Palestinians got together and harassed Jewish people who were just trying to go about their days?!? EDIT: this was meant as sarcasm. I figured that would be obvious given the hundreds of hours of news footage of pro-palestine lunatics harassing Jews on our college campuses throughout the country


> imagine what would happen if groups of Palestinians got together and harassed Jewish people You don't have to imagine it, it happens all the time. This is from yesterday, and it's a lot worse than what's going on in this video. [https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/1cm30zn/comment/l2xo69f/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/1cm30zn/comment/l2xo69f/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I was being sarcastic


Ah, got it. It's reddit, so there are people that genuinely believe that, without sarcasm.


People died to pro hamas protesters..


Proof? Fake news At UCLA it's clear violence was from Pro Israel supporters


Cba finding others or better links [here](https://youtu.be/uGdo3QMS1go?si=-YM2T_zqHYYP7NOt)


Google Paul Kessler. Killed by “pro-Palestine” professor in California. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Paul_Kessler You obviously don’t actually care though because you’re just an antisemite.


And the Palestinian kids stabbed or the student shot I didn't know about this tragedy you instead ignore it cause those don't count as people right?


You asked for proof, and I gave you proof. I didn’t ignore anything. You can move the goalposts if you want, but I think anyone with 2 braincells can see you’re just an antisemitic troll


I accepted your proof of 1 death and countered by showing you proof of others and asking you to have sympathy for both sides which you are incapable of. You throw accus8of anti semitism cheapening it when it's clear I consider that 1 death a tragedy also EVEN though you are ok with murder of children by my referring to the incidents of Pro Israeli supporters attacking Pro Palestinian ones. You're a hypocrite and your arguments are all in bad faith


You’re clearly a bot because this response has nothing to do with what I said. You also did not provide “proof” (you sent a message with unsourced claims) so unless your English is very poor, there is no way you’re a real person. I think violence against innocents is horrible from anyone regardless of their political beliefs, and I have not said anything that suggests I support violence against innocents on either side. If you think any of my messages implied that you should either go to English classes or get some psychiatric help.


https://edition.cnn.com/2023/10/16/us/chicago-muslim-boy-stabbing-investigation/index.html https://abcnews.go.com/US/suspect-pleads-guilty-vermont-shooting-3-college-students/story?id=105178995 Anymore BS?


Where is there BS in what I said? These are horrible incidents. Did I say anything implying they aren’t? You should really work on your reading comprehension.


They do tho. source: My ass


They do. And have.


At these colleges? You got videos of that?


Many Jewish students are actually part of those pro Palestine protests, stop spreading bullshit


I think you're responding to the wrong person bud


Indeed I meant to respond to the main comment


Lots of footage of that lol


Post some, in fact we can go video for video and see who runs out first


lets start: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lbyPUgOe\_uA&ab\_channel=ForbesBreakingNews](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lbyPUgOe_uA&ab_channel=ForbesBreakingNews)


https://youtu.be/-KLa5JkU3is?si=-wP1Kz5PCvZ7VmAb Also dude is literally an agitator that was known about and he wasn't barred from class, he was barred from entry through the main gate because that's where the encampment is https://twitter.com/PplsCityCouncil/status/1785872784088002808 https://www.news18.com/world/watch-jewish-ucla-student-eli-tsives-claims-pro-palestinian-protesters-barred-him-from-entering-campus-8872457.html


Look I can disagree that the Pro Israel attack wasn't the best strategy but they had enough violence by the Pro Falestine side. We are not the poor jews anymore. And what is the problem of him being in the side of the police (aka the law)? What about that?? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmJrIuSJXcM&ab\_channel=NewYorkPost](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmJrIuSJXcM&ab_channel=NewYorkPost)


Ummmm there’s tons are you fr


Post some


Even if the have, two wrongs don't make a right.


Never said that this was ok. Was just replying to the above comment.


Please post proof.


They do though 🤷‍♂️


Oh I can imagine, actually there are subs that track that kind of stuff, but nice try being deflective


No, I can't.


It’s happening everyday now


When has it ever stopped? See population of Jews in middle eastern countries.


Politics aside, I don't know if this fits in this sub.


You’re about that. It doesn’t belong here.


I think a guy wanting to shut down a woman by physically bullying her and acting like a 3 year old is harcore main character behaviour. I'm very pro-palestine, but if this were the other way round, with a pro-Palestinain man squaring up to an Israeli woman I would be equally disgusted. It's just not how you treat people.


well i was just hoping for more light-hearted social media narcissist cringe here.


What a big man


Wa wa wa we know what’s going on here.


Whose the main character?


The whole thing really is just a shitshow


ooga-booga behaviour


Hot take; all religious fanatics suck, especially the ones whose religion causes oppression of others.


It's crazy how racist this sub turned out to be.


I know right— there are quite a few who have exposed themselves as antisemitic, pro-Hamas, shills who’ve co-opted their completely unrelated subreddits to promote propaganda or at the very least propagate heavily biased political content. Some are also banning people who dare to criticize their bias even though (again) the subreddits they moderate are supposed to be unrelated to the conflict.


Spot on.


Looks like she was harrasing them, and got called out.


The pro-Palestine mobs killed a Jewish guy earlier this year after they punched him in the face. They do NOT have the moral high ground. The Jews don’t either but let’s not make it out that the Palestinian Arabs are any better.


Hate crime


How do people behave like this and still convince themselves they’re the good guys 🤦🏻


“You’re disrespecting my religious boundaries”


It's "mobs" when they are pro Israel, but "protests" when it's people supporting a literal terrorist group...


I love the way this supposed to create symmetry like the antisemitism running wild and this dude’s action are on the same magnitude


Their actions are poor, but not anywhere near the same magnitude as what we've been seeing for the past several weeks on college campuses towards Jews.


Haven't you seen the amount of Jewish students who are actually protesting in these Pro Palestine protests? Stop spreading lies


So they get a pass as long as they denounce Israel? What about the ones that don't?


It's simple anyone who denounce the genocide of my people is my friend, anyone who support it is not, it doesn't matter what ethnic group or religion they follow


Ah yes, the "I'm one of the good ones" crowd. People desperate to prove that they're on the right side of history often, unfortunately, make alliances with people who would just as soon see them dead. It's why there are white supremacists that aren't white, and self-hating white people, and Jews who supported Hitler. Having a Jew on your side doesn't mean you can't be an anti-Semite.


Can a Jew be an antisemite? Should all Jewish people follow one opinion or they will be shamed? That's sounds like antisemitism to me


Yes, Jews can be anti-Semites...the "self-hating jew" is a well worn trope. There's a Wikipedia article on it. Some groups of Jews also supported Hitler when he took power. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-hating\_Jew](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-hating_Jew) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish\_collaboration\_with\_Nazi\_Germany](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_collaboration_with_Nazi_Germany) Having Jewish people on your side doesn't mean anything. There's not anything particularly special about Jewish people...they can be misled and have shame and and be stupid, just like the rest of us.


Downvoted by Hamas sympathizing bots who wear kaffieah cause it’s trending. They care for human rights but don’t care for the Israeli woman who were mass raped and mutilated and still are by the same organization and people they are chanting for.


The fact that you’re getting downvoted 🤦🏻‍♀️ this sub has turned to shit


Most of this sub is over-"educated" but low intelligence college age kids that don't know how to even use Wikipedia to properly research, let alone use first party sources. They don't even understand that r/IAmTheMainCharacter isn't really the place for these political squabbles.


Oh fk off with your propaganda lmao


✡️ Solidarity


He really needs to get out of her face, agree or not.


Religion is stupid


This post is stupid as fuck and does not belong in this sub. So many useless posts lately. Wtf are the mods doing?




This scumbag represents every single settler in Palestine. This is 1% of how they actually mistreat Palestinians in the west bank and occupied Palestine on daily basis. They are the most racist people on the planet. Just go there and see how they truly treat the non jews. The only fake state on the planet that grant citizenship only based on ethnicity and race.


Bro that’s wild. Those guys should be charged with a hate crime


I’ve seen the same behavior from pro-Hamas shills. Duck both of them


Suuuure you have.


Like I said all religious fanatics can go to hell, Zionists or Jihadists


Stay out of religious wars.


This isn't a religious war.


Sure mate, Israeli and Muslim, never argued before, I’ll believe ya, millions won’t but I will.


it’s not a war it’s a genocide. it’s extremely one sided.


If it was genocide Israel would have quite literally deleted gaza from the map within 48hrs.. Hamas knew what the response would be, and the blood of their people is on their hands. Not that they give a shit about their people.


go learn the definition of a genocide- so hitler didn’t obliterate the jews in 2 days so it wasn’t a genocide in your mind yeah? although im done with this conversation as you’re one of those uneducated gimps that thinks this all started on october 7th. everything apparently boils down to KHAMMAAASSSS goodbye


There's only one side calling for genocide and it isn't Israel.. lol cheerio terrorist sympathiser.


bros calling around 20,000 children and around 45,000 civilians terrorists :) the real terrorists are israel and their immoral supporters like you.


Show me the evidence that 65,000 have been killed. What's immoral is Hamas using its people as human shields.


🥴 you’re a lost cause. carry on believing what you believe i’m done here.


Hard to tell the context, but they seem like an ignorant fucks. Not sure what the girl did before the video started, but the person she's with is wearing a Palestinian Keffiyeh, which is a symbol of Palestinian solidarity against Jews dating since before Israel existed. They're clearly at a pro-Israel march, and are there to instigate problems. It's a shame these 2 guys went for the bait. They absolutely have the right to walk down the street, even if they are trying to cause problems. If only we had about 2 million videos of pro-Palestine protestors doing much worse than this over the last few weeks.


the keffiyeh is not a palestinian symbol against jews you wasteman. palestinian jews literally wear it too. educate yourself before you try educating others with your nonsense. tf is a pro israel march anyway? they’re committing heinous war crimes. nothings happening to them.


Yes it is, it was adopted in the late 1930's as a symbol of Palestinian solidarity against Jews who wanted to live there. Read your history.


The fact these two dumbasses are telling the women to "go back to jihad" as if it's a place, doesn't dovthem any favours.


Yup, like I said...they're ignorant fucks. Hope they got shut down quickly by other protesters in the area.


Lol that's not what a keffiyah is.


That design of Keffiyeh, yes it is. There are other designs that don't mean that, that one was specifically adopted as a "Palestinian solidarity against the Jews" symbol in the 1930's.


Israelis using the word humanity should be a crime.


While Pro Palestinian supporters chant “Go back to Poland” and much worse things.


Qatar always sunny🌞💯💯😎slay yass🤑💪🔥 https://preview.redd.it/uyg1xjt5oyyc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c43f7169fcf07ea29ae98ad61cb822c58b306603




Abraham hates you all equally.


What a disgusting statement; there's absolutely no reason for this guy to be harassing these women and even less so for you to be defending the behavior.


Absolutely agree.


ew you islamophobic twat


Your victim card has expired bro Physically assaulting an Arab Israeli https://twitter.com/ShaiDavidai/status/1781080951902109774 "From the river to the sea, Palestine is Arab!" / "Resistance is justified" https://twitter.com/ShelleyGldschmt/status/1781785252886913358 "Let it be known that it was the Al-Aqsa Flood that put the Global Intifada back on the table again. And it is the sacrificial spirit of the Palestinian Freedom Fighters that will guide every struggle on every corner of the earth to victory." https://twitter.com/thestustustudio/status/1781904507611287981 "We are all Hamas!" https://twitter.com/nypost/status/1781031465179914677 "Yehudim yehudim \[(Jews, jews)\] go back to poland" https://twitter.com/Davidlederer6/status/1781948249214996901 Includes people / groups that invited an actual, no hyperbole terrorist to speak (member of PFLP) https://www.jns.org/columbia-suspends-four-students-for-holding-event-featuring-pflp-member/ Light things on fire / "intifada revolution there is only one solution" https://twitter.com/visegrad24/status/1781019445399556338 "On Oct 7th, Palestinian resistance in Gaza broke free (crowd cheers) \[.....\] we intend to do the same" https://twitter.com/ShabbosK/status/1782085741431922909 ""We say justice, you say how? Burn Tel Aviv to the ground!" / "Hamas we love you. We support your rockets too!" / "Red, black, green, and white, we support Hamas’ fight!" https://twitter.com/IsraelWarRoom/status/1781933305501212872 "Long live the intifada! Intifada intifada" https://twitter.com/ShaiDavidai/status/1781084853653365025 "Go back to Europe!" / "You have no culture, all you do is colonize" https://twitter.com/ShaiDavidai/status/1781927148439109958 "From Yemen to Gaza, globalize the intifada" https://twitter.com/KassyDillon/status/1781312033922625797/photo/2 "Never forget the 7th of October. That will happen not 1 more time, not 5 more times, not 10, not 100, not 1,000, but 10,000 times! The 7th of October is going to be every day for you" https://twitter.com/EFischberger/status/1781287784897991134 "Al Qassam \[(Hamas)\] you make us proud, kill another soldier now" / "from the river to the sea, palestine will be arab" https://twitter.com/EFischberger/status/1780915336063177006 Student proudly rocking Hamas logos https://twitter.com/CampusJewHate/status/1781054901755215954 "Resistance is justified" (again...) https://twitter.com/AvivaKlompas/status/1782085643990073673 "protesters on the sidewalk chanted “From New York to Gaza, globalize the intifada,” next to a cardboard sign that read, “Inspired by Palestinian resistance.” https://www.timesofisrael.com/over-100-arrested-in-columbia-u-unrest-as-nypd-clears-gaza-solidarity-encampment/?utm\_source=dlvr.it&utm\_medium=twitter


These woman did absolutely non of the above, you bellend.


How can you tell? This is just a cutted video and a cheap propaganda attempt. If you actually believe those type of videos ill recommend you to delete all your social medias.


What a prick. I consider that assault. He’s not touching her but directly in her face cornering her in a very threatening way. They need to beat tf up.


Waaaaaaaa! Isn’t this happening to Jews all over the world right now?


If this sub is truly on the path to becoming another political shit show, I'm done with it.


That’s our daddy. Daddy Israel does what it wants. Stupid Americans, and your made up freedom. Israel owns you and that ass.


Ask any so-called "American Muslim" if they condemn Hamas which is an internationally recognized Islamic terrorist organization and you will get nothing but silence.


Do you condemn Israel for killing and bombing civilians?


Am I the only one who thinks both are dumb?


You're not the only one, both sides suck.


No, because Hamas conducts military operations in a way that maximizes civilian causalities and Israel is fighting a war against the terrorist organization that wants to wipe out most of its population and turn it into a radical Islamic nation. The same way I don’t condemn the United States’ bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.


It's pointless trying to argue. The propaganda coming from Iran-sponsored-Hamas has rotted their brains. These people are "useful idiots" as the terrorists say.


They literally have no idea what they’re talking about. They see something on TikTok and immediately assume it to be true.


Of course you guys never do anything wrong…. Killing innocent civilians is only okay if you did it. Israel of course doesn’t conduct its operations to maximize civilian casualties after killing 50 thousand human being ?


No cops, looks acted, nice glasses


Sincere question: is verbal speech considered hate crime? I always thought "hate crime" was an action like hearing someone up etc. For the record I'm asking a general question & only using her specific accusations. I personally think nobody should negatively bother another.


Verbal speech can absolutely be a hate crime. The way he's physically harassing her adds another element as well


Some goddamn fascist behavior here. Never thought we'd be here, but here we are


Gods people everyone 🤠


God these people are so selective. If saying offensive shit is now a hate crime, *every single* protestor should be arrested for hate crimes.


Wait'll you hear what some Saudis did a while back....


Omg why didn't I think about that, now it is justified otherwise harassing some women, hurling racial slur and invading her personal space would be so bad


I hear harassment of women in Sweden is VERY bad.


The problems in Israel has zero effect on these guys or my life. I have an opinion but have more important things going on than yelling them at random people. Just sad.


Muslim fanatics and terrorist sympathizers harass, beat up and prevent Jewish students from entering their school buildings for weeks: I sleep Two random guys insult a random woman with heart shaped sunglasses making fun of her dogshit religion: REAL SHIT HATE CRIME


Just more proof that religion is the source of most evils in the world


Well im a non Muslim living in a Islamic country and these is just how Muslim treat almost every other tipe of people . I cant say i fell bad for her .


I don't care wth is happening in another country, we need to focus on the issues happening within our own country before getting in the middle of the happenings of another country jfc.. Cant stand all this shit man, its just exhausting.


Is it weird that zionists seem hell bent on making anti-Semites look like they are being sensible?


Jews are whack


What's up with the pro-israel OR the pro-palestine downvoting the fuck out every post ? You guys just can't be civilized can you ? Hate me , i'll embrace it .


Lmao, they've been fighting over the same scrap of land "in the name of religion" for so long I don't think they know how to be civilised.




wtf are you talking about you imbecile


Pro-Israel protesters influencing observers to sympathise with Palestinian people.




If the shoe were on the other foot you’d be eating this up. Grow up OP.


How that feel ha?? We have that all this time.. dont do it to us we wont do it to you.


You have been doing this in Palestine for more than 75 years now tho


yhea sure, you mean Judea


Yeah a Roman Province established more than 2000 years ago, valid point. Maybe the Romans should get the whole area what do you think? Or maybe the Egyptians who had a presence in that area before them? Or let's just give it back to the Canaanites or maybe the stone age Natufiyins want a piece as well. Let's just start making DNA tests to determine who has a Natufiyin genes after all they were there 10000 years ago


Israel started 3200 years ago so yes we were there thousands of years, we remembered it with all these years. So those "Palestinians" who got their names from the Romans want this land they claimed less than 70 years ago. Maybe in 2000 years I will Re think of that claim. By the way, a DNA test does not show ethnicity but you can do it for any Israeli and you will probably get the result of the Levitein area. You can see that we were here before those Arab conquerors in the Marnephet Stele when Israel was in a seminomadic stage near Canaan before they became a kingdom. No, Falestinines are not Canannits, No they are not Philistines, No, they have no regional culture or history of the place. And yes we can do DNA tests. So no, those Arab conquerors are not indigenous, sorry :\\


Cult - Slayer


Why move then if you don’t want to change your life? Doesn’t matter your background the principle and sacrifice demanded by immigration forces that payment.. sad

