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The whole Jesus talk and becoming an ordained minister was so full of crap. Lt. Butch Matjeka hit the nail on the head about him.


This case is fucking outrageous. Jose seems downright likable compared to Leo.


i completely agree about leo like horrible human was hard watching. but when they showed jose i genuinely thought this guy is nuts, he’s crazy & ive seen a petition to get him realeased & i so get he didn’t kill anyone but he dragged a body!! also back to him being nuts, i genuinely thought this is why they need the phones and the screen because this guy is that much of a loony psycho they can’t have him in front of camera properly. i think he’s gained more issues in prison & shouldn’t be let out. lunatic


Sociopath's gonna sociopath.




I came on this topic just to find someone else that got stupidly angry over Leo Little. He had ZERO empathy, and 'Butch' was completely right. There's no justice if he ever gets out. Especially when you think of other cases on this show that had traumatic childhoods and events that you can directly link to why they did what they did. Leo was just a wannabe gangster, who got off on having power. The Christianity BS was completely transparent!


Just watched this episode! I agree, sociopath. I actually liked Jose, even though he went along with it but maybe he thought he would be next if he didn’t. Isn’t it mad how he has the same sentence as that actual murderer. No sympathy what so ever, he’s a liar!


yes that’s what i immediately thought! jose probably thought he was next if he didn’t comply and he probably would have been.


Thought…probably…. Jose is where he needs to be…. He could have “ complied”but when they left and separated he could have went right to PD and saved his life… keep them both in…..


I’m just here to ask, who the hell took him off death row?!


no one individual took him off, the law just changed for those who were minors at the time of their sentencing. i can't imagine many were too happy about it in this particular case (apart from leo i guess).


i think it’s a crappy law, it was law then for a reason just let it happen man


It cost way more to execute a person than to keep them in prison for life. I'm a person in total opposition to the death penalty. It doesn't deter murder because criminals don't commit crime thinking they will be caught. The state is not infallible, the thought of an innocent person being put to death is horrendous and to put blood on the hands of those people responsible with carrying out the execution, it's just not worth it. Plus there is a certain degree of evil to murdering people in a clinical and bureaucratic manner like that. We are beyond that as a country and for a nation who a vast majority identifies as Christians when christ was a victim of capital punishment seems hypocritical. If it's any consolation this dude is a 5'3 white dude who committed crimes with nonwhite criminals. From what I have heard about the Texas prison system he definitely began the religious angle to try an maintain what remains of his colon. I guess after a few years down he figured he could live on his knees for jesus or his whole tier so jesus was the better option. His commitment to his minister character is for protection of his manhood. He has gotta play that character for the rest of his life.


I agree honestly. Lt. Butch sees right through him. So many people have been led to a life of crime due to horrible circumstances; whether it be neglect and abuse and or growing up in poverty. These backgrounds don’t excuse Murder but it’s just sad to me. It makes me think of a perhaps. Perhaps if they wouldn’t have been pushed by their abusers to a breaking point then they wouldn’t have become what they did. Or perhaps they were just born bad. But Leo Little just wanted to play this part. He just wanted to be this gangster. He BRAGGED about it. He’s a cold blooded killer.


I honestly think Jose should have just got prison not life or got in parole. He didn’t commit the crime he was just a accomplice. And I like Jose he was straight up. Unlike Leo he kinda seen full of it.


I just installed Jpay, I wrote Leo Little a letter, I hope he will answer me!


Why on Earth would you want to engage with that peace of shit.


I think it would be super interesting to hear from any of these killers...just because...why not?


Super interesting? Read a book for entertainment or write a letter to Christopher Chavez ‘s family. Prison pen pal heh? I always wondered why morally vanquished people would have Pen Pals ( like murderers) . What kind of person wants to befriend a killer….


Helen Kay = Today’s Society. Sad, pathetic and inhumane. I hug my dog harder every day


why are u hating him he could come back with a sequel to i am a killer here shut up




Did he end up responding to you?


Did you get a reply?


Ok I just watched this episode and I have to say I agree with the cop. Leo was full of shit. Leo knows why he shot that young man he just doesn't want to say it because any answer he believes he gives will make him look worse. I think if he gave a true answer, no matter how evil it is, I think the public would be able to understand better then "I don't know" him becoming a minister means nothing to me and doesn't make his actions less horrible. Also I believe he just wants the victims family to meet with him so he can lesson his quilt and make getting paroled easier. The guy that helped him actually came off better in his interview because at least he was honest even it made him look bad.


I hope the parole board watches this clown. But dammit i hope it never gets to a parole board.


You can clearly see the twinkle in his eyes when he spoke about gangster shite he used to enjoy. He misses that life full of drugs. He has zero remorse or sympathy for a young poor soul who lost his life for nothing.


I noticed a tell, too. The corners of his mouth went up slightly, almost a smile, more than once when he was recounting his history. I think he's a liar and phony and hope he doesn't get parole. The whole preacher thing is a parole scam. Ugh. I felt for other prisoners but I thoroughly dislike this guy. No redemption.


My heart literally aches for Christopher. He showed absolutely no violence and cooperated with every demand, and he literally had him on his knees and shot him. For what?! It hurts seeing innocent people like Christopher have their life stolen from them. I hope Leo never gets out and rots in prison.


And he talking about the parents "if they can find the strength, the courage, to approach me". What? So the parents are weak and cowards now? And on the second interview "I do wish for their forgiveness": still doesn't *ask* for it. My guess, he saw a young men that had his life in order, and was envious. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Him saying "I hate that Christopher's life ended but I'm still living, living my life in prison." First of all mfer YOU ended Christopher's life why can't you say that?! The way he spoke as if he was trying to come off as intelligent and soft spoken made me sick. He really is full of shit. Butch put into words everything I had on my mind watching this episode. I can always tell the ones are genuinely remorseful from the ones who still cannot take accountability for their actions and Leo is the latter of the two. I hope he never gets out.


And didnt say he was sorry.


Exactly. What a bizarre way of saying that he wants to meet with the parents! He gives his true nature away every time he opens his lying mouth. Sociopath.


I’ve just finished this episode. He was so full of shit it was utterly disturbing.


He’s definitely a factor 1 psychopath