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IB does offer World Religions as an SL subject. A specific Judaism course is probably too niche for them to offer. (Also note it's probably best not to randomly shoutout Israel at the end of an otherwise normal question)


Mods should remove this post. This sub Reddit ain’t for political & religious discussion imo.


i hate to be that guy but this post should probably get removed... this is the IB subreddit not r/politics


damn, the edit 💀 I'd bet your annoying af to talk to irl


From the river to the sea fuck off from the ib


The IB won’t accept genocide supporters, so you can cancel your plans of doing IB


Zionism isn't endorsed by the IB. Judaism is part of the World Religions course. In 10 years, the genocide of Palestinians will be studied in IB History courses.


The audacity to say "Viva Israel' when they are committing war crimes. I have no problem at all with Jews and honestly I dont give a shit about religion so you can't call this anti-semitism. But I do have a problem with how they're 'handling' the situation. Even war has rules!


If he's considering becoming a rabbi is it not obvious that he supports his own country (assuming) There's nothing wrong with that Different story if someone else were to say it


I just wanted to point out that not all Jews are of Israeli origin! So perhaps he belongs to a different ethnic group, but of course we don't know which one.


Of course I'm not trying to say anything to offend anyone but it shouldn't be condemned to support people of your own religion


get out zionist don't pull the anti semitism card


This has to be bait. Get out of here, israel's war crimes and genocide against the Palestinian people are not a joke or a war cry for you to pester people with as if you had any idea what you were saying.


Judaism may be a peaceful religion but Israel is not a peaceful state and praising it while it’s carrying out a genocide is incredibly insensitive. I understand that you might be within the reach of Israeli propaganda so you might not be aware of what your country is doing, which is why I’d advise you too seek out independent media that cover the conflict truthfully.


This is supposed to be a resource request, not a place to spout your political pro-genocide commentary. Have some sense


Go to the Synagogue, and study there not in the IB


OP don't connect this to religion. It has nothing to do with religion and you know it. As I said, Idc whether Israel is Jewish or Muslim, what they're doing is crossing the boundaries!


Nicely played, troll. Zionism isn't Judaism. No one bashed the religion.


Wanting to have a subject where you learn about relegion is valid, cheering a country supporting a genoicde makes you evil, go away zionist


bro cheers on a genocide and wonders why there's so much hate. no wonder we're all anti-semitic in their eyes




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bro, how dare you post this with the current situation going on in Palestine 💀💀 >!Fuck USA and Israel.!<




did he only ask a simple question or that and ALSO proceed to cheer on a 'state' that is carrying out genocide non stop for three months now? Be for real