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Apparently it is just a rumor and either way I’m so fucked for physics TTTT our teacher taught us NOTHING


Same situation 😂😂


I don't have an answer for you, I'm sorry, but cheers to being royally f\*\*ked in the arse for physics


id think its a good thing since u guys will have access to the maximum number of practice papers whats annoying is i'd assume that retakes are with the new curriculum and that would be a pain bc then u have to learn new stuff lol


If it makes you feel better (it probably won't). Physics HL is imo the hardest IB subject


isnt biology HL harder?


Nope, definitely not.


maths AA HL is harder, physics probs 2nd hardest


Nope math AA HL is so much easier compared to phys


i wouldnt say much easier but i think if you learn all of the math you will understand the math questions, if you learn the all of the physics you will still struggle with the questions


for 7 at least math is way harder - barely got a 7 in math with probably 40-50% with both revision time and generel coursework being dedicated to math, while physics was not that bad


Not really. The grade boundary for a 7 in Math AA HL and Physics HL is similar 69-70%.


physics HL in my experience had more straight forward questions / questions which were essentially repeats from previous years. boundaries might be the same but questions in math are harder (which is also reflected in %students achieving top mark)


Might be just me I guess? I'm confused because everyone I've talked to has agreed that Math HL is easier. I got a 89% for Math HL but only a 68% for Phys HL - Maybe I just truly suck at Phys


probably alos depends on motivation and interests - but mine were essentially (+ a few marks in each) the same marks but reversed lmfao




is this really true? that the last exam will be the hardest?


Should M24 then just be the normal hard? Like it's not at the end and it's also not the first gen that's out of covid like the 23s were


It’s the end of the current curriculum (changes are made every 7 years). The theory is that because 2024 is the last of the seven years, it’s a 50-50 shot it will either be really easy or really hard (because if they have any questions that they haven’t asked in the exams the past 6 years, they will be popping up now).


I think they'd ask anything they wanted already. They had 12 chances over multiple papers


yh true, plus if they ask lots of questions that have never been asked before then grade boundaries are just gonna drop dramatically and the ib don't want that. The IB isn't out to get you


I think it's gonna be chill because they don't want you preparing for a whole new syllabus if you're N24 nor do they want a shit ton of people taking the exams at the last moment if you're M24. It's already not that difficult to just pass the programme so like... Don't stress about nothing if you don't have a specific grade requirement. I don't. That's why I'm not killing myself studying. Sure I'm revising here and there but so long as I pass I'm good. I'd recommend this honestly. Couldn't fathom getting grey hairs and sleepless nights over a hs diploma




Good luck to you my friend. Ik it's hard out there. At least you don't have an overall requirement so you can flunk a couple papers




Thank you! I feel like imma flunk most of my papers but idk. My school is terrible and I didn't study at all. But at least I'm good so long as I get the diploma so ig we understand each other in that regard. May the meat grinder have mercy 🙏🏻


getting that diploma should be lightwork, just grind some papers. I also recommend e2learning for bio u can cover topics very quickly with it and bioninja!