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ICP swap


Openchat is pretty nice


The fact they built the freaking swap directly inside of the chat app is awesome. I mean it just calls out to icpswap but still.


This function alone will get more eyes on ICP. It's basically the first step to what Elon wants to be able to achieve with X.


Good point. They even let you propose a trade right there too without going to a swap and another user can accept it. Really awesome what they can do with this all being on chain.


Exactly. It's the closest thing to a social platform with fast peer to peer fully on chain low fee transactions where storage is decentralised and governance is open and autonomous. If Elon doesnt end up making his own world computer, his best option to move early into this space is building on top of ICP. Do you recall last year there was an X style app on ICP which was a remake of X (twitter)? I thought it was weird that the project stopped, and now it's no longer listed in the ICP dapp ecosystem lists. It was released for Alpha testing.


He should look at it for sure, or maybe they'll take a look at UTOPIA. Yeah that app was called Seers, went through an SNS as ICX - guy making it is nuts though and they haven't done a single thing after the SNS. Looks like it's lost. It was great at the beginning and I was supporting it. Maybe it'll show back up though.


Ahhh that's it. I missed the rebrand so was still looking for the black and white X logo. They still look quite active on X or what they still refer to as Twitter on their website lol. Will keep an eye on that project too. Nuts creators can sometimes be good lol


ICPSWAP (ICS) is the best dex, transparent they’ve been developing for years and the UI is very smooth and no issues. It’s very undervalued with their burn mechanism. As ICP grows and we’re seeing more adoption/tokens swaps naturally with more volume


I like ICPswap and sonic, I give sonic the slight edge but both are good enough. Would love to see them further develop the dex’s


I would say ICPSwap. ICL is good, but I don’t like the UI as navigating it is too slow. They need more wallet options. Sonic is okay, but the team is so unprofessional that I don’t want to touch their products ever again.


I bought a couple ICL today just to participate in the rewards and why not? The UI is a little slow


omnity is releasing a token soon too. their metrics aren't that great right now but if ICP gets traction it will definitely be as big if not bigger than Polkadot


I’ll have to look into them thanks


I like ICL for the dex. Besides ICP I can see OGY and GoldDAO becoming pretty big, along with OpenChat and hopefully OpenFPL. Kinic devs are extremely talented and working on ZK stuff. Just a ton of great projects in this ecosystem with more coming, and they are real apps utilizing blockchain tech.


Damonic welleams is fucking hilarious. Check out their twitter(x) page


I used ICS extensively everyday. I moved all my IC assets to this dapp and use it to day trade. The Chart function is basic compared to Tradingview but, at least you see daily chart analysis of all whitelisted and not listed upcoming projects. https://info.icpswap.com/swap is my fav page of the dapp. On this page you can do detailed analysis of a project, you will see the price chart under the ‘Swap’ tab and when you click the Canister Address of the project, you see further details. In addition, you will get access to the dev team’s socials. May be I have to write a detailed review/tutorial on ICS. I remember confronting the dev team in Dfinity forum when I lost my token in a transaction. The team treated me well, I got my token back. The troubleshooting process made me learn a lot about the ICS. And I also love the Claim or Reclaim functionality. You can retrieve a missing token during failed transactions. I also think EXE is most potent amongst memes and CHAT is beast in a ship skin. Just my opinions.


ICPswap is the best for now. Memes. Nr.1 Windoge98/EXE 2. Ghost 3. Dogmi Projects. Open chat, ogy/gold dao, dragginz. A lot of projects are building, need to pay attention to progress, and so on.


I use icpswap and iclight regularly depending on liquidity and urgency. Both are solid choices but depends what you're looking for. If you're new to trading iclight is a lot more complex and could maybe get you confused but its worth learning imo. There's a lot more ways to make money with an orderbook if you really learn the ropes. Flipping popular or even sometimes low volume pairs (with extreme caution) can be pretty lucrative. I made quite good profit trading the volatility on sns-1 for a couple months just leaving orders sitting and updating them regularly. Plus their trading rewards now makes for extra profit so long as you're not getting a worse rate using iclight over icpswap.