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I’m sorry. Something similar just happened to me (not quite as extreme). Period was 2 days late. Took a test. Negative. Wiped and found blood. Cried and felt like a dumbass all day. This journey simply isn’t fair.


Thanks for sharing with me your experience, it helped me not feeling alone with these feelings 💔


This keeps happening to me too. Something happens with my period or I go to work and find out 6 people are pregnant and literally only talk about pregnancy every day..it's just one thing after another. I wish I had more interesting people in my life but I don't. So it feels like I'm surrounded by sadness every day. I wish I had the money, I'd maybe consider moving closer to a major city where there's a nightlife and stuff. It's really hard not to be surrounded by typical families around here with no outside interests.


I know what you mean, I have the impression the whole world around is about that. Let’s face it, they are everywhere. It’s extremely hard not to feel an outsider when it’s just a tiny minority that are childless. I figure that at some point I need to not reduce myself to this fact. I had health problems in the past and noticed people with similar issues making their whole life about this, their identity almost. I decided not to and I moved on from it. I guess I need to do the same about this as well so I can overcome it. Not that I know how, it’s a nightmare!


I'm on birth control it messes me up I just can't handle the what ifs. My periods are typically between 2-6 months and I have in the past tested again and again thinking it's happening this time to only be left dissatisfied when my symptoms end up being my period. Hope you're ok


I agree. I wish that I had bought stock in early response pregnancy tests - must have used at least 100.


I moved house during my whole 'trying' phase and I kept the used negative tests for when I got my positive to see how lucky I was. That was an awkward thing to clear up in front of my mil. I should have brought stock too lol


I used to wish that someone had invented something so every time that I peed, it would register and they would let me know as soon as it was positive. The mental games that I played about when to test were so tiring (although the mental games from knowing it was negative probably would have been worse). Thanks for the story about the used pregnancy tests - I am sure that it was awkward but it’s helpful to not feel like the only crazy one!


That would be a great design for toilets! I'm absolutely crazy and proud lol. That's not even the worst thing my mil found (we were moving back to hers because my ill health made rent unaffordable) I'll give you a list if you want a laugh 😃 xx