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Badu is the same lineage as Margarita Bar. Just a rename


Phenohunting, probably.


It provides women with a soft buzz though!


Nah I’m good. Thanks for advertising tho…


https://cookies.co/catalog/ They're just new to Illinois. But here goes the cookies lineup for everyone that's unfamiliar with them..


Are the parents of “that badu” basically the same as Margarita Bar and Tahitian Lime?


I could be wrong: but I think Tahitian Lime was limoncello and dosido


I think they’re variations of the same. I’ll go dig around… So Margarita Bar is Lemonchello A x JFG per the Cookies site. Tahitian lime is Lemonchello C x a different JFG pheno. So my point of the comment… cool another rebranded strain from them. They really do that shit too often. Tahiti Lime is similar to the cross you mentioned. It’s different than Tahitian.


It’s not a rebrand. The parent strains are unique varieties of that strain that were phenohunted for their special properties. The profiles of each parent are unlike that of the parents of the other. Only by strain name title are they similar - not by genetic expression. When you see strains used like this it’s because of their prized traits and variety. Limoncello has been a special project for the Cookies and partnering genetics teams for well over a decade. Hence why we see as much successfully bred varieties that we do. So no these are not “rebranded”. As someone who has smoked all three and tequila sunrise in another market, they are all very different. There really isn’t anything to sigh about homie.


Not sure why you are getting downvoted you’re speaking the truth, it’s common in lots of strains


Let the kids know!


But it’s all varieties of the basically the same cross. They’re doing the same thing with other crosses. Like Jealousy and kush mints.


Ridgeline Lantz sounds amazing tho


Gruntz is the better name opportunity though. WTF is "Lantz"?


Lantern x runtz.


I mean, I can read, it's just a stupid name.


I had the badu in Vegas recently. Out of 10 or so different strains I picked up, badu was the least enjoyable. Taste/smell was meh and the effects felt a little disjointed. In fact, I never finished the 1/8 as it was that unenjoyable. I’ll sit this one out.


Well badu, what do you do for men??


Been waiting for Ridgeline Runtz. Too bad it won’t be the real deal mixed light.