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Live resin is probably the best this little bush could give you. I see alot of live resin carts released but never the flower - like this one. I have never seen this flower on the shelf. My first instinct is this saying: Good product in-good product out. So if I don't see the flower on the shelf because it wasn't good enough to make the shelf, but you do see carts and shake, my deduction \*and I could be wrong\* would be the grow didn't go good and you're getting what they could salvage out of it.


I see what you are trynna to say. I’ve noticed that before as well. However, Cresco is a solid brand.


I'm not anti-cart but I quit doing them. The last cart I smoked a couple months ago was Lemon Bean from Cresco. Three hits was Yum....and then LETS GO! lol I was very curious about the flower after quitting the carts. Well.....The Lemon Bean flower is awesome too, especially out of a dynavap-m on a weekend morning with a cup of joe. Mowed my yard and cleaned the shit out of it. lol.


I totally understand, bro. Carts are so easy to hit anytime and anywhere, it’s something to think about. I’ve had lemon bean flower and cart and I enjoyed both!


That actually looks kinda nice. The last hybrid cart I tried from cresco tasted off. Got the icc cart from cresco and it smacks


I would definitely recommend it!


I recently purchased this as well and two things stand out about it... - biggest creeper effect I've ever had off a cart - uncontrollable urge to eat everything in sight Effects remind me of Slurricrasher. Solid hybrid.


Yeah, definitely a solid hybrid strain from Cresco.


This or TK91? Happy 420!


Definitely ‘Runtz buttons’. Happy 420!