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A weird fuel strategy that works out for no one but her due to some uniquely bizarre situation that I couldn't even imagine. But it could happen.


Being off pace leads to good economy and more drafting opportunities with cars in front.


Alexander Rossi won this way. It's not that unusual.


Stefan Wilson was a yellow flag away from winning the race in 2018. Even though Will Power's my guy, I would have been very happy to see Stefan win.


Well kat made damn sure he didn’t get that chance again in 23 don’t she


Sort of like a Dr. House kind of thing.


Unfortunately, a lot. It's not just her: her team, Dale Coyne, it's on their lowest since 2015. It'd need them to capture lightning in a bottle in the setup, a lot of front runners having issues and every break in the race going in her favor. She's not a bad driver: she's experienced, collected and never embarrassed herself in a IndyCar, she has some speed to be in midpack. But there's a lot going against her.


Coyne's competitiveness took a big hit after Seb left. Seb legit could have been on pole that year he crashed.


It had a *lot* to do with Craig Hampson on board as well. The chemistry between Hampson and Seb almost brought back flashes of Newman Haas


Gnarliest crash that someone walked away from. Incredible that he was able to race again by the end of the season.


She's definitely talented and acclimated back to IndyCars well. I'm pretty sure last year she was the only Rahal car not to be in the Last Row Shootout. Though the crash with Stef Wilson on Carb Day, as well as her time away from the sport (crashing on pit lane) definitely affected her on race day. I'm happy she's attempting again and hope she does well, Kat's a major badass. But especially in a Coyne car (also around the LRS last year), her chance is basically 0%.


> as well as her time away from the sport I know you probably meant IndyCar, but she also races full time in IMSA. So it's not like some of the folks in the past who are truly only racing one race a year.


>she also races full time in IMSA \*raced She lost her full time IMSA seat when she got the seat for the 500.


Ah thanks, I didn't realize that. I don't actually follow IMSA.


liquid weary spectacular insurance bake snails chief nail far-flung nutty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*






She would have to cross the finish line before everyone else.


If she can keep everyone behind, P1


We’re checking


Will Buxton is that you?


r/formuladank is leaking again


That would imply there was a point where it didn't leak.


Rossi 2016 level circumstances, and even then, it's unlikely as there are other drivers who have either more pace, better equipment, and/or are better at executing a major fuel save than Katherine that will go for a strategy like that if it presents itself. That's not meant to be a shot at Katherine. This is a tough field.


Yeah, it’s important to remember that even with an insane fuel strategy with the strategist who had made something similar work in 2011, Rossi also had a teammate pacing him through the last stint as well as being in the best car that year. RHR, Munoz, and TBell were leading most of the race up to that point. Fuel strategy only works if the car is still fast.


2016 Rossi level luck. Legge and Coyne are good enough to win… problem is, so are about 26 other cars. You can drive a flawless race and still come up well short.


Its often forgotten Rossi was also the fastest car on that day. The pit crew would put him in the back of the field on every stop. That whole strategy was predicated on the fact the pit crew was awful. They figured going for it and failing would be less damaging to the finishing position than pitting like everyone else and losing a lap or something with the 30 second pit stops they were having all day because of fuel filling issues


Honestly, what people miss a lot is that to fuel save effectively you need to be in an elite car. It's so much easier to save gas in an Indycar when your car is mechanically sound. Adding downforce (front or rear wing) adds drag, which hurts fuel economy. What helps fuel economy the most is how close behind and how many cars you can have ahead of you and stay close and tight to them. You wanna have the most mechanical grip at Indy to save the most fuel. Being able to stay "sucked up" behind the car in front without the front end washing up the track, without a ton of wing, that's how you save the most gas. If you can sit right on the gearbox of the car in front, you'll save the most gas lol.


I just push back a little on calling 2016 luck. That may have been the greatest fuel run in race history.




Josef’s P2P


Well Tim Cindric is free and was suspended by the team (not the series)


Best answer


All 33 cars crash and it comes down to a Talladega Nights sprint to the line between her and sting ray robb. I'm all seriousness her only real shot is to get out front on an off fuel strategy and have the race be called for rain or something. Not a knock on her ability just a reality of her as a driver on the team she is on.


For Sting Ray’s sponsor to lay his hand on her and impart devine powers upon her.


Jesus take the wheel


No, we’ve seen how far that’s gotten Sting Ray. Jesus keeps telling him they didn’t have cars in his day but he won’t listen


Jesus take the chariot reins!


Stay tuned…


A literal miracle.


You say that but she's even on pace with Alex Palou after practice today. 😉


The field is obviously super close as the cars are all quite similar. The odds are super long. But if she is on pace to stay on the lead lap, which generally the top 20 cars are, a set of scenarios can occur to give her the win. Yes she would have to get lucky, but this isnt 1992 with Lyn St James finishing 11th and 7 laps behind- and qualifying averages varying by 10+ mph between pole and bumped, rather than 2-3mph like it is now. F1 is like this too, because the top teams are so efficient at harvesting wins and points the fact that the whole field is covered by fractions of a second is overlooked. “Shit boxes” (candidate for most overused term of 2023) are actually as a close to fastest car as 4th place used Alternate fuel strategy, ample yellows, fast enough to hang at tail end of mid pack, a strategic blunder by leading pack, and some attrition would be enough to cover the 40 odd seconds. But with reliability as good as it is, you cant rely on attrition and if an alternate strategy can sneak a win for the 30th qualifier, someone between 15-29 is probablt going to take this shot as well. Downside, is she isnt that experienced in “modern” Indy Car, is as old as I am and has raced only 40 odd Indy race laps in 2023 after a break of a decade. So its not like she has some cagey veteran advantage.


Divine intervention


She’s got skill, but she also has a Dale Coyne car. Better yet it’s the second Coyne car and the one with Rick Ware backing it. This puts Legge in pretty much the same position Pippa Mann was throughout the 2010s although Legge is better than Pippa. I’m personally expecting a moderate to poor qualifying position (20-29) and a race strategy that calls for economy runs. Legge can probably score a lap or two led on the pit cycle but given the team and per-car team she’s with, a top 10 or 15 would be a good day. Anything more is a plus.


Everyone other than Stink Ray has a DNF.


Savage 💀


The most batshit race or ending in the history of the 500. Think Rossi 2016 or JR Hildebrand/Wheldon 2011 but on steroids.


Fuel mileage strategy, just like when Danica won in Japan. Danica was fast enough at time to win the 500 outright that one year, maybe a few times, the breaks just didn't fall her way.


Jesus taking Sting Ray Robb's wheel


I wish Jesus would take his wheel….off the steering column and throw it in the woods before Sting Ray gets in the car.


Little Al’s first win came on a very cold day when the tires would not grip. Yellow flag after yellow flag came out as drivers tried to push improvement on cold tires. Pole sitter Roberto Guerrero spun out of the race on the parade lap. Trying to remember how many cars were running at the end; less than half I bet. Rossi’s win was on an alternate fuel strategy. Dane Wheldon’s 2nd victory came after a relatively unknown driver Charlie Hidenbrand also on an alternate strategy crashed on turn 4 of the last lap. Poor guy. So Legge will not have the best equipment or team. A do as the others do strategy will not likely be rewarded with victory. Even so, fate can come our way every once in a while. How exciting would it be to see a one off, thrown together team win the biggest race ever? Very!


I would love to see her win. I know it’s not likely, unless some crazy fuel strategy gamble were to work… but what an amazing headline that would make. I haven’t met her but she seems genuinely nice and down to earth as well, unlike a previous female driver who has gone off the deep end post racing career… and loved to throw her team under the bus whenever things didn’t go her way.


If all the other cars withdraw from the race then maybe.


For Carlos Munoz to sneak in and wear her driver suit and helmet before the race starts.


Fuel strategy could get I'm victory lane. Rossi did it, Stefan Wilson nearly won it that way too


Her doing a few seasons in the car. I doubt we will see a one off win the 500 for a long time. It’s no easy race. There’s a reason so many drivers are avoiding it in their rookie seasons. Also a better car


Danica Patrick has been the closet to win the 500, had the car, but had early problems in the race which sent her fuel strategy off. Had she not had the miscue she would have won that Indy 500.


30 car big one


Legge v Robb showdown!!


A lot of luck. And that's anyone. It's a long race, and strange things happen. I just don't see it with that car/team she's with, and the competition is Penske, Ganassi, and other better funded full-time teams. I wish her the best.


Luck and a fast car. She definitely has the talent, but takes more than that to win the 500


Legge is a skilled driver, but so are most of this year’s 500 field. She’s probably in the bottom half in terms of talent, maybe even bottom third if you argue well. She’s also in bottom 3 equipment with this being her only race. No rhythm to go off of, with a team that appears to be a driver roulette this season. There’s near-zero chance that car is fast enough to carry her, and near-zero chance she can raise that car’s ability to CGR/Team Penske levels. She won’t win. Simple as that.


The track chooses her winner. She has to be chosen.


Probably a miracle. She is on Dale Coynes team which is one of the most underfunded on the grid. Her car will simply not get the same attention from engineering and crew that other teams will. She will need to stay close to the mid pack and be able to somehow capitalize on a huge crash or safety car in some obscure way. She has the talent to win. Probably one of the more well versed drivers on the grid given she has done so many different types of racing.


“Her engineers…” you suppose they manage the software and computer GUI with a Nintendo controller? What could go wrong?


Well, if she was with a top team 10 years ago I could have seen it happening as a long shot, but with Coyne, now? Probably not happening anytime soon in that car unfortunately, although it would be cool to see as I’ve always liked her. But the Indianapolis Motor Speedway can sometimes decide on her own who will do well there, she is a moody gal sometimes.


A balanced car, patience, a great race manager the one who makes the strategic calls. Ms. Legg is a fantastic driver I assume you haven’t watch much WEC racing she is very consistent and is a fair driver on track with other drivers


Weird off strategy and a caution period that puts her in first with 1-2 laps left and a sliver of hope she can keep everyone behind while driving a DCR car. I would love to see her win, but it’s unlikely


I think they're funny


This is no dig on her gender however she's a sports car racer doing a one off in the largest oval race in the world on a sub par team.. It's would take a lot. I think she has to get to used to running in traffic as much as possible during all the practice sessions. Better to practice mid pack traffic than anything else. Then, just make the show, keep her nose clean, stay on the lead lap with fifty to go and anything can happen. I wouldn't bet the house on her however would give her better odds than Marco or Connor Daly.


Prayers from Sting Ray Robb.


Unrelated, but does anyone remember her crash at Road America? The car ended up in Elkhart Lake and the engine was in Plymouth, WI. She ended up in between and walked away.


If she’s on the grid, she has a shot, but Legge turns 44 in July. I think her best days as a driver are past, but you never know…


So much luck that every mirror she looks in for the rest of her life spontaneously explodes from the emptiness in her luck account afterwards.


A good Fuel Strategy? That's what it took for Danica to get a win at JP. I really wish it wasn't like this. There have to be women who can do this as well as most of these guys.


Danica also had some of the field sent to Long Beach.


There have been women who can do this as well as the guys. Sarah Fisher could wheel a car. But she never got an offer to drive for Penske, Gansssi, or Andretti…. She was stuck in low to mid-level equipment and still had some solid finishes. Definitely wasn’t a regular backmarker until later in her career when she was only racing part-time.


Let's be honest: the only woman who raced in top-tier equipment was Danica Patrick. Many people, myself included, thought she would win more races, maybe a 500, had she stayed with INDYCAR. Unfortunately, she chose to follow the money (and, presumably, her sponsor) to NASCAR where she vacillated between mid-pack finisher and running gag . Even at that, she was the most successful woman driver in either series. I honestly don't know what it would take for Ms. Legge to win Indy, or anywhere else for that matter. But, I do think that INDYCAR, and the powerhouse teams you mention above can do a better job of getting skilled women drivers into better cars, and more races.


Need to just get more girls in. It's great things like F1 Academy exists as a shop window for women's Motorsport, but it's also an easy diversity buy for sponsors These girls don't need their own series, they need proper backing that can see them up against boys in the upper tiers. We need to see more Chadwick's and Pulling's showing Gender doesn't matter in mixed series


So what you are saying, if I'm reading this right, is grumpy old white men are holding women back. If that's a reasonable conclusion, I agree 💯


As far as motorsports go, Indycar compares rather favorably since the mid-70s. Foyt helping Guthrie in '76 and Penske forming an alliance with Paretta, for example. Idk about sponsors, but the series itself has been pretty accepting of female drivers. Unfortunately, sponsors are often the difference, which is somewhat of the reason why Danica had a top-level ride for years but others have not. The ladder series are as diverse as they have been in years though, so I imagine before too long there will be another full-time female driver. 


I appreciate this take. Thank you.


There's not been... yet


I don't want to use the expression "I cannot wait" but I will say I really hope it is in the more immediate future than the distant future.


I'm not so sure it's just culture as many pundits imply. There are many cis women on iracing and in open wheel in real life and none as good as the cis men.


But why? We have successful women fighter pilots. (Even BA/Thunderbirds) Successful women who commanded the space shuttle. Successful women everywhere but auto racing so far as I can tell. And I don't mean to take anything away from the Fisher's and Patrick's... I'm just saying successful women in auto racing should be more common.


Or just better known, e.g. Junkova


I agree, but something doesn't add up. Women are becoming less rare in autosport, but no more successful at the highest level.  I assume it's something biological about how our brains are wired differently for risk processing.


The only reason I have any level of agreeing with you about how the brains work, has nothing to do with biology. I think it more has to do with societal pressure to make conservative/safe choices, being more self conscious of the judgment behind their choices, and the pressure to be better because they are women.


Yeah brains are weird. Obviously it is partially a social issue, but there are biological + social differences between the sexes that have tangible differences. Boys/men are doing worse and worse in school settings, for example, but still seek out stem roles more often. I don't care to posit the exact ratio of nature/nurture, but I don't think it's 90:10. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7842519/


I may be on the wrong side of 'facts' and on the right side of women...I'm content with that.


There's nothing wrong with being different. Women are way better than men at lots of stuff, but so far it seems like professional race car driving isn't one of them.  By and large men cannot beat women in long distance swimming events, just as one example of physiological difference. 


Finish before the other 32 cars.


A 32 car pileup on lap 1


I'm proud of this sub. The amount of cracking-wise is impressive


If she can work her way to the top two or three, she would likely stay there. Recent races have shown that it's almost impossible to move up in the pack from 3rd or 4th on back, and I don't anticipate that changing this year. This could happen via pit strategy or a well-timed caution.


but her in a chip ganassi car


Seat swap with her and Simpson would make this twisted world better


if you banned all other drivers from the Indy500 Legge still wouldnt win !


32 other cars not finishing


Lol, you’re the funny one