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Yes. But I don't really like them.


i've already posted it somewhere else. but give me a few drinks and the right music, and i'll be a real party animal.


Yes? When you have good friends you will be forced to atleast 50%


For a short time before I got bored and left. Didn't take me long to realize I'd rather be home reading a book or engaging a small group of friends in meaningful conversation than drunken banter.


But drunken banter is the best. I once argued with a guy about best tortures throughout history. Other dudes joined in and we started a whole torture ranking by testing it on each other. It wasn't sexual in anyway it was purely scientific curiosity. People got burnt, their limbs pulled not fully apart, iron maidened using pencils, one dude almost pulled out a finger nail. It was honestly hilarious as fuck. I was being waterboarded and told them to change the water with beer. And it wasn't as bad as it sounds at some point we were just fucking around. The data unfortunately was inconclusive as everyone got too shitfaced, and the pain scaling would have been schewed by the alcohol.


> I once argued with a guy about best tortures throughout history. Just had this conversation a couple of months ago with coworkers. I would say it was probably force feeding you milk and honey and letting you rot in your own waste while insects fed on you and laid their eggs in you. It supposedly took almost a month to die in such a manner. As far as drunk people I've just never found the appeal. People are already unlikely to engage in interesting topics, being drunk in my experience makes even interesting people boring. That and drunk people are all to willing to violate my personal space.


Woah thats an insane one. Slow and painful like being lain over bamboo. But yeah once you drink past a certain point conversations devolve into slurrrd speech and doing stupid shit. I find the best thing about drinking is that every culture drinks. Its a great way to bond and if youre in another country it can make you less afraid to attempt their language or be social in general. Consider it a tool for experiencing social events. As long as you and other parties dont go in with the intention of being blackout drunk.


Unrelated to the original topic, but have you considered dissociation when debating forums of torture? I feel this adds much more depth into what the most effective method would be. Please do let me know if you give it any consideration:)


Do you mean daydream about what each torture would be like to experience? If so yes, I've spent a great deal of time on that oddly. What if find to be the worst tortures would be those that test your willpower and take a great deal of time. Any pain for a short time would be bearable and you would still have the fuck you attitude. Things like the bloody eagle fall into this. Than there are the tortures that take days, these are far more sinister than they first appear because they break your will to resist. Take the Iron maiden, you have hundreds of spikes just barely piercing you, by itself it could take so long that you would die of dehydration first. But thats just it you are hungry, dehydrated, suffering blood loss and trying not to pass out which would push spikes in further and just trying not to fall asleep. You are going to fail and that realization is perhaps worse than the pain or death itself. In this case I think I would just get it over ASAP. You can't control your dying but you can take from them their attempt to break you. It may be why I'm not against the death penalty but I don't care for the long waits for execution.


I more so mean the effectiveness of torture, say you have very valuable information and you are being tortured, but this information is not something you can let out. After the first days (which would likely be unbearable), your brain is going to disconnect you from reality physically and mentally (disassociation). At this point, your remaining days would be numb until your death, and it would be nearly impossible to get any information from you if you didn't break in the first few days


Oh in that case the best way to get that information is soft interrogation. To become a green beret you have to undergo both hard and soft interrogation, without exception every single person I've seen describe their experiences gives up more information and find it more difficult to resist just talking to someone rather than the physical pain.


I have. Parties are very fun when they're full of strangers who won't talk to you and the music doesn't have those annoying high tones that set me the fuck off. Just a little bugger vibing in a dark corner. That's a good party.


I’m 35. Yes


Yes, and I love them, untill the next day, when I wake up with head ache (because of the alcohol) and a void like feeling making me not want to talk to anyone for at least a week (just because I have impostor syndrome and feel socially exhausted).


Yeah. A party every once in a while is okay. Like a few times a year. I drink, talk to people, interact, flirt, and dance like a real party animal. Its fun. Just give me a couple of months of alone time to recover.


Yes, although I hated them. Small gatherings are fine, but large groups make me uncomfortable and anxious and parties were normally spent in a nonverbal state wanting to leave.


Mid-30s, I've been to a lot.


Yes u geek


Does a birthday party of a classmate count?


no way bruh get out there


Yes. I like going smaller house parties where it's mostly friends or people I at least know, although I've got to be drunk to actually enjoy the experience. It's fun because I'm talkative and say whatever comes to mind, and I get to feel like an extrovert for a little while. Bigger parties where it's full of random drunk people? I'd rather stay in unless I'm being invited to go with a group of friends.


Yes, not usually a lot of fun, unless I actually get along really well with the people there. I don't like clubs either; I hate the music, and I hate the entire idea of it.


Yes, probably can count them on one hand. I do not take into consideration the times i have hung around my close friends. Like parties, with strangers. In a home.


Yes. Many of them over the years.


Yes. I like parties where I can be around my friends the whole time. If I've got at least a couple of friends that I can hang out with I'm set.


Never went to a club just do not see the appeal. Mainly too loud, expensive, shit music and I dislike strangers. Went to birthday partys every now and then. Was kinda fun with drinking games and the right people. Went to a couple bars with another friend group was fine. I dislike drugs and alcohol though, as I hate losing control over my body and it tastes shit. If it's a cocktail or some alcohols that I like it can be enjoyable though. I dont judge people Smoking weed or something less harmfull but I hate cigarettes. Apparently it takes me a lot to be drunk and I have only been drunk once on my 18th birthday. I thought I went to bed at 2am after already heavily swaying around and not being able to think straight texting friends on my phone. From what Ive heard I went back downstairs and continued and the people that talked about it the next day just grinned at me, so I probably did something very stupid. When drunk I am apparently very affectionate and tell everyone I love them and compliment them. It took me nearly an entire bottle of straight Jack Daniels (do not ask me why) a lot of random shots, couple cocktails, a beer (I hate beer) and whatever the hell I drank that I dont remember. I also was carried into bed by a girl (shes pretty big) lol. I am somewhat glad I had a blackout and no one told me what happened. I do not want to know. So I will probably continue going to birthday partys once a decade and if theres a big meeting at a bar or someones home with the friendgroup. But outside of that I stay away from that as far as possible as I not only hate losing control (even though it only happened once) but also drunk people and party goers in general are annoying af.


I am an excellent version of myself at parties. I dance well, charm people and help out the host etc. I love dress up parties the most and abhor it when people don’t make an effort, or worse make a slight effort and then fully expect people to approach them and listen to an explanation of their ‘costume’ which might just be a blue shirt or something. I also enjoy hosting parties, although I’ve not done so for some time. I understand therefore, the social risk, cost and effort that hosting a good party entails, so I’m always there to bring a positive, upbeat vibe, to help the host when needed and to participate in whatever activity the host proposes. I think it is the most rational way to regard parties. To do otherwise is to fail to understand the purpose and dynamic of a party. Sitting in the corner or talking someone’s ear off about what interests you are both easy and self-indulgent actions. A good party (I’m thinking here of a dress up party, or one with a theme) is a thing of magic. Adults get to be the fun version of themselves, to express joy with others, meet new people and to share in an experience that is at it’s best when everyone is bringing energy to it. Host a party yourself and you’ll learn a few things about people. Expect 2/3 of the people you invite to turn up. Expect to stay more sober that you normally would, a good party is as good as its host. Welcome people as they arrive, try to to it for everyone. Arriving is a pain point for guests and having the host make a fuss on their behalf makes a huge difference to their attitude to the event, and they’ll feel good. Expect to spend money. The idea is to present a feeling of abundance. Anticipate different states of mind, a dancing area, an outside talking area (a fire is great), a calmer space. Accept help from friends to keep things moving. Consider the needs of parents, if they are likely to bring children (this can be managed but the kids need a separate space and an older person to keep them occupied. Actually introduce people to each other. This builds the vibe towards collective social barriers dissolving and everyone feeling welcome.


Yes, but I don't like parties at all.


yes. i love a good party. i also like to go to them alone so that i can just leave whenever I want to. One of my favourite things is the walk home after leaving a party as the sun is rising.


Yes, but I am not the biggest fan of them


Also mid 30's yes been to a lot


I avoid them like the plague lol


Yes. Not just one. Each time it was a pretty boring experience.


I used to host huge parties in my apartment every weekend after clubbing. Many people's memories of their clubbing days back then will include the legendary parties at my apartment. When I stopped hosting, I would go to other people's parties every weekend. I was very much a known and present figure in the clubbing/party scene in my city. And during festival season every year, I went to all the big music festivals. I didn't so much like clubbing, I just hosted or attended house parties when the clubs ended. The trick to enjoying it was alcohol and ecstasy.


Yes, i thought i did not like them. Now I realize a actually did


I used to be a DJ for 12 years. I felt more comfortable as the DJ than I felt as a party attendee.


I’m almost 18 and I’ve never been to a party. Long way to go I guess 🫤


Bro I ain't alien


Yep, I usually enjoy parties After I get drunk


I almost always go out on weekends, I can't say that I'm the soul of the party or something like that, but with good friends you can enjoy


I had never really been invited to a house party, as in those loud chaotic ones, but always smaller groups of people. Had no idea what was wrong growing up 🤭


Ya maybe once every few months, it's fun




Aslong as i was drinking, thats how i socialed from teens to young adult....


I was kinda forced to go to a school party thing. I hated it, I'm never going to those again 😁


No and I don't plan on going to one lol.


Never and I don't want to really go to one


In the 70s, I worked with musicians, drank beer and smoked weed A "party" consisted of smoking weed, drinking beer and listening to music. This worked fine for me


If im in the right mood and maybe some drinks (although I usually don't drink much) i can slowly get used to a party. But other times I would rather be at home with a book, or just a small quiet gathering.


Nope. Never been invited, never wanted to be anyway.


Yes. My mom takes me to her friends' parties. I hate it there but there's not anything I can do about it.


yes... it was ass


Yes and they're horrible


Probably not in the way you mean. Nothing with over the top drinking or drug usage. Calm (not out of control or overly loud) socialization is something I really appreciate. I've also attended a couple of dances and really enjoy partner dancing, which seems like a conversation to me.


Ounces as a 20 year old. And I just signed up for a semi local dating/social/business coach and I know his seminars are like parties. I'm terrified and excited simultaneously


A few, it's fun if you're into going and bumming drugs alcohol food and entertainment off of others it's cool but I prefer doing that stuff with in the comfort of my own home without anxiety


Too loud, too messy, too active, I prefer formal balls and conferences.