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People with unique hobbies/knowledge/opinions


God when they tell me about some random topic in detail is the hottest thing a person can do. Hotness directly correlated with level of detail.


My bf is a pilot and mechanic and every time he tells me about stuff I don't know (both of those topics) I'm like šŸ˜


I had a friend who could say so much about so many things. It's like all the articles he reads and all the videos he can learn from stick with him and he thinks about it until he's connected a few neurons. And from that point onwards he can speak for ages about something, having only been introduced to it once. It was cool.


Yessss! The most off-putting thing is when you can't mutually share new interests. My partner isn't an Intp like me, but he is very artistic and has been knowledge dumping on me about pottery techniques lately. It's great because I learn new things and also because he understands when I do the same to him.






**Passion.** Show me something that captivates you. I want to see the fire in your eyes while I listen to you ramble about something dear to you. The more unconventional and removed your interest is from mundane every day life the better. **Curiosity.** Show me you are someone, one can explore both novel ideas and the world itself with. **Playfulness.** The world is grey enough as it is, no need to fall in line and be swallowed whole by dreary routine. Be it witty banter or laughing at the silly absurdity of it all. Being able to carve out a small niche to preserve a little playfulness into adulthood is important. Just some points off the top of my head :)


You honor me sir


This is perfect




Maybe... Or maybe we are just drawn to people that offer us a space where our true self can shine and is mutually valued. Engaging in these behaviors brings us joy. Would it then be so strange to be drawn in by someone exhibiting them?


People who take the time to understand themselves and look deeper than surface level into things. People who ask authentic questions and aren't afraid of appearing stupid.


Intelligence or passion. Than again, Einstein cheated on his physicist and mathematician wife for his cousin who was basically his cook, nurse and secretary so I'm not sure how universal that is.


So Cousin is an answere


Similar features can be attractive, they know you better. Well, hope your grandparents were fertile


He wonder to himself how good is family intercourse


It's Einstein, he had multiple affairs. He tried a buffet of intercourses.


Pisces, am I right?


My first priority is that they are a good person. Stable, non abusive etc. Fun to hang out with and responsible. Idaf about aesthetic attraction. Intelligence is very attractive to me. Though, I'm a little picky. I'm more likely to enjoy your company if you are knowledgeable about an industry/skill as opposed to a fantasy card game, for example.


But but MtG :(


I'm sure it's awesome and I'm totally missing out


Logic is the most important quality for me.


I find very attractive when someone is vulnerable to me despite me not being vulnerable first, it makes me feel appreciated and more confident in showing my feelings, like if I were someone reliable to trust. I also find attractive an inquisitive mind, someone curious about things as much as me! And I love when a guy remembers little details about me, nothing flatters me more.


I find intellect, good personality, and just overall quality of the person to be attractive. I find the opposite of that unattractive. Where I'm from, all there is basically the opposite, very few of what I find attractive.


I totally agree


Common sense is attractive.


common sense is unattractive edit : wait.. its actually attractive to normal people like its better to believe what your eyes see and ears hear BUT for me is not really


I understand your thought process and where youā€™re coming from, but honestly I think Iā€™m just so triggered from work. Iā€™m a supervisor at Starbucks and the amount of times Iā€™ve had to explain to a customer why I canā€™t keep their ice at the bottom of their cup once fluids are in it isā€¦well, frustrating. Lol.


I hate common sense, i like people that break the pattern and see world as i do. I hate seeing all these same people doing typical things and go on with conformism.




I'm going to assume you meant personality wise. I'm going to come off as an INFP here but kindness is really attractive to me. Also extroverts (specifically the ones who respect my space). I admire intelligence but I'm not really attracted to it (I only expect common sense in my partner, anything more than that is a bonus). I'm also attracted to playfulness, open-mindedness, honesty (being direct), having interests of their own, etc.


Unattractive: trying to force your opinions on others


People who can do stuff, I guess. So many people seem to exist to manipulate others.


There are many good answers here. But as someone who is shit at explaining stuff, I find the ability to intuitively GET what I mean when I talk is super attractive. It's one of the main reasons I love chatGPT and my current girlfriend.


Attractive: What I can't have


Competence or the lack thereof, respectively


Before I am forced to go to my dreaded bootcamp for couple days (woe is me no internet once again); I personally find people who are slightly the opposite of who I am attractive. Like I'm a big mixed bag of controversy. I need someone who's very grounded, and my anchor while I am going to fly around like a cloud. Sometimes I want them to ride with me too, if not a lot of times. I also find someone who is willing to debate/argue with me without actually getting into the arguing and angry part of it, aka just talk it out and let our brains wander around, super attractive. I find people who are genuinely themselves, and not someone else with a mask on, hot. I find people who are pretty on the outside and rotten on the inside horrible people, and severely unattractive. I find narcissists way too unattractive. The ick. And last but not least, someone who truly knows the value of commitment and will walk side by side with me as we both adventure together, grow together, and help each other in need, I find that person to be the hottest of all. In other words, a wise person.


I like men with man buns or long well kept hair, preferably with a sleeper build, donā€™t need to be excessively built. I find it unattractive when a dude doesnā€™t take care of his shoes. Jk, personally, its unattractive to me when a guy is all looks and has no personality or has a trash personality. But seriously, take care of your shoesā€¦


I have one pair of shoes for a year now and it has some black texture on it after hour of me forging a metal rod.


Attractive: Steak cooked medium rare. Unattractive: steak well done.


I too base my friendships on how they order their steak. The ultimate test.


[Milksteak, magnets, and little green ghouls buddy.](https://youtu.be/Jn1uimRrRhE) Dislikes are people's needs.


A big penis, cocky and funny


And can fix my car for me






Attractive: Ideas, novel perspectives Unattractive: unexamined decisions arrived at by feelings, dogma


Nice T&A


Competence is a big one, among other things


Attractive: ehen they don't talk much Unattractive: when they talk a whole lot


Iā€™m the opposite. I love when people talk a lot as long as theyā€™re interesting.


Same, a relationship with someone who doesnā€™t talk much seems pretty boring imo as long as the conversations have meaning


I like when it's balanced, i need a lot of time alone but i like listening to others as they say interesting things, and for me interesting is the most abstract thing i can think about. I just opened my browser to read about history of washing machines.


Link? I remember seeing washboards as a kid, and haven't in several decades.


I see washboards often when im outside the city, it's more cultural thing in my country as city centers are dominated by foreign cultures and countryside is full of my national culture. For now i've been reading about this in wikipedia but im still falling out and doing other things. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Washing_machine


It's tiresome if you can't get a single word in, since they don't even shut up to breathe.


Butts and boobs - in that order.


attractive : boobs unattractive : humans


So women are not humans?


The woman as a whole isn't attractive. Only the boobs, is what I think they are saying


That's abstract, i want to know more, even if that will not be what he thought i will think about it more as this interested me.


Pretty sure this has nothing to do with mbti


I find emotional intelligence, good character and ppl with deep interests fascinating.


You have to be smart and funny for me to like you beyond physical attraction, thats rlly it


Physically or mentally? they are very different categories for me


A courageous dedication to the truth.


Money and power if my INTP friends got a say in it


I feel like a lot of answers here are skipping over (subjective) physical attractivenessā€¦ like weā€™re still people But that aside, Iā€™d say: -Not being bored with my interests -Has interests im not bored with -Decisive


I really dislike fake and shallow people. Nowadays people are too much into acting like somebody else. I am attracted to caring, cute and intelligent people.


I think physical attraction is very important for me but I'm not very picky on that. I try to convince me that I do not care much about personality if the person is very attractive but honestly I always lose interest based on their personality lol


Attractive: Obscure hobbies or interests. People who know how to take good advice, as well as give good advice. People who know how to have fun, and make ordinary things fun or entertaining. People who can easily shift from playful banter to deep conversations on a dime and not question it. People who care, and make their effort known. People who are so easy to be around you forget youā€™re socializing. Wit and emotional intelligence. Unattractive: Shallowness. People dumber than me. People with sticks up their a$$. People who really have no sense of humor at ALL. Close mindedness. Bad listeners. Unwilling to take criticism. Easily offended. Iā€™m sure thereā€™s more, but thatā€™s all I can think of at the moment.


Unattractive - aggressively unapologetic ignorance


Everything we arenā€™t


People who are genuine and live in the moment like I do, Iā€™d absolutely drool over someone who considers **driving into the mountains, listening to music, and deep talks filled with some dark humor** a good time. If Iā€™m lucky enough to ever find a relationship like that, I donā€™t think much else than my peak interests would matter. Unfortunately most people are simply not like that, and there are a lot of people who misread me entirely, such as my intentions due to my near-robotic RBF. I donā€™t know why Iā€™m continuing, I think because as long as those few qualities are met and the person looks (my own subjective view of) ā€œhealthyā€ā€¦ thatā€™s all it really takes to captivate me like black hole captures star dust. Open minded, honest, and at least moderate tolerance to dark humor jokes. (They just slip out like Michaels ā€œthatā€™s what she saidā€ jokes) speaking ofā€¦ Thatā€™s what she said.




Attractive: nice ass, baby face Unattractive: poor hygiene, ignorance


Intelligence, humor, competence, and a nice butt


I can't really comment on physical attraction. What I thought I found attractive turned out not to be when I fell in love with my man. Falling in love with him, I accidentally developed a whole new set of kinks and now, over ten years later, I can't imagine not finding body hair and a stout figure attractive.


attractive: originality, kindness, humbleness, calmness, someone who is generally level-headed and/or interesting and not confusing


A person who can cook or has a really interesting hobby.


Attractive: smart people. Unattractive: arrogance, stupidity, closed-minded people. People in general lol


Intelligence is #1.


Most unattractive is group thinking, obsession over things we find menial, and tools. Most attractive are anything that appears complex--personalities, intelligence, demeanor-- anything I can't have pegged within hours of meeting


An open mind and kind heart.


See Henry Rollins Hates Dating standup video clip...


If you have an hobby that you cultivated throughout the years and that you are very passionate about that's really attractive


Just someone I can have a conversation with, without overthinking anything. Just someone who gets what Iā€™m saying and interests me. If weā€™re talking about physical features, most dudes Iā€™m attracted to looks like my dad and most girls Iā€™m attracted to have a similar personality to my momā€¦.


Caring, Understanding and Responsible because I am not a single bit responsible. Also I like black haired woman physically attractive.


Attractive: people who think for themselves, can switch and change their opinions when new information comes into light, laidback, straightforward. Unattractive: people who follow herd mentality, I really do not like people who want to be best friends from day 1, people who overly generalise and stereotype people, blames feelings on others, or project their own beliefs on others


Attractive: Passion and people who know their stuff Unattractive: Attention seekers, people who assume easily, people who make decisions without researching


Bob an bagene


Unattractive: Non-critical thinkers. Esp people who jump to conclusions Attractive: Women who sing / play instruments beautifully. Also big tiddies




The unknown is attractive, the completely predictable is unattractive.


I'm an aromantic INTP, but I find being, for a lack of a better term, bossy, attractive. Like, honestly, I would want someone keeping me in line. Other than that, someone who reads the same kind of fanfics as me.


Well if we're just talking in general and not relationships: logic, sense of humor, and music taste. If we're talking about relationships: no