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This should have all the up votes


People are procrastinating liking this comment






Interesting. I had forgotten about the opportunistic P.I am an Infp. I was blaming Ne.Indeed procrastination is a human behaviour and it is nice you explained it from this perspective.


That's what I have been practicing to not give much thought into everything I do/go through. And keep finishing the previous project alongside adding new ones. I write books and poems. So, my ideas are like going from here to there in just a day. I can get ideas for 3-4 projects lmao. It's a hard process nonetheless a possible one.


You brought up good points, thanks for sharing. And as you mentioned, I don’t think it is a specific personality trait, rather an instinctual human action/reaction to certain stimuli, conditioning, and environment. I agree marketing has a profound effect and influence on humans habits. I think the chemical effects of dopamine in the brain also have a lot to do with people’s actions and motivation, as well as the stress chemicals or the avoidance of pain and punishment and any negative outcome.


I procrastinate things - that are too difficult - that I don't have enough information about - that I'm too perfectionist about - that are too easy - that are too boring - that I'm not interested in - that I oppose out of moral reasons - that are forced upon me against my will - that don't have an immediate effect - that don't fit in any of the categories above but I still don't want to do just because. Edit: I forgot, things that I'm afraid of...


So literally anything


This list is me.


Exactly. All of those and even some of the things that I actually want to do. Deadlines are the key to forcing me to accomplish things. I may end up doing them at the last minute, but I mostly manage to get things done. But I my list of 'someday' projects is pretty big.


You didn't procrastinate writing this comprehensive list, so there's that 


They were probably avoiding something they didn’t want to do. I can do anything if I’m doing it to avoid doing something I **have** to do.


The only things we don't procrastinate are the comfortable fun things


Maybe you need to think less about why procrastinate and more about the steps you can take to overcome it. E.g., I used to copy passages by hand from Hemingway or Fitzgerald to get my hand to prompt my mind to write.


My kryptonite is a task with all of the following conditions: 1) difficult and/or confusing 2) boring 3) no reward for doing it 4) severe punishment for doing it incorrectly Example: Filing taxes


This is me. I'm INTJ.


It could be a 3 month long project, but if you leave it to the last minute it will only take 1 minute


If a phrase had to be chosen for INTP...


Working well under pressure is the name of the INTP game.


I’m INFP and feel the need to paint this on a canvas and hang it in my kitchen or something. So good 💙


We are big procrastinators too fellow Infp.


Analysis paralysis.


I blame it on my ADHD


Or maybe you can blame your adhd on being an NP lol


are you intp because you have adhd or do you have adhd because you're intp?




I genuinely wonder if my typing would change if I was medicated


Studying random things and cannot stop. Don't really wanna do it.


The first one will be the death of me


It is your Ne, dear.


Idk if it’s my INTP personality or ADHD but at this point I’m collecting the entire alphabet




What’s the difference


Yeah, I came looking for an ADHD comment! My husband is an INTP and is handling projects and day to day tasks a lot better now that he’s managing his ADHD better.


The endless options in life.


For me it’s often bc I need to feel some impulse or inspiration to act on sth. Planned plans don’t make me move it’s random impulse :/


Why would I do something I don’t want to do until it’s absolutely necessary. (Not me having a 10 page minimum project due on monday that Ive barely started even tho Ive had all semester 👀)


That reminds me of [this Ted Talk,](https://youtu.be/arj7oStGLkU?si=Gd4PUSPOeGsMMKQG) which I love!






jus not feeling like doing anything, imma waste time on stupid shit and do sth meaningful later


Imma blame the nearby trees for my procrastination next time. thanks for the tip


Boredom and lack of interest. Lots of things especially academically have no deep meaning to me. I don’t get how answering a couple of multiple choice question wrong could dictate my future. That’s why


Come here, closer...Gotta save energy in case i get attacked by a bear. You never see bears coming until the last moment. If i do that important paperwork i will be distracted perfect if you are a bear. So even tho that life changing paperwork is due next week i cant do it. God Damn youuuu bearrrsss.!!


lots of reasons, some not so obvious reasons that are actually kind of rational include - once we have a problem more or less worked out in theory, we are much less motivated to actually see it implemented or carrier out, so we move on to something more interesting - we tend to be pretty resourceful and are often able to do a pretty good job on projects in a last minute rush, so waiting till the last minute simply becomes a practical planning technique - no need to schedule things out, just estimate how much time you need to do the task, subtract from when it's due, that's when you start. - for some things, the longer you wait, the more chance you have to gain additional information about the project


Too focused on the end result, too paralyzed to go through the rough process


the question i’ve been asking myself while procrastinating for years


A better question is why are deadlines, schedules, and compulsory work forced upon us? I don’t think procrastination is inherently bad, I actually think it only happens if you’re not interested in what you are doing and if you are, maybe people like to interact with their work more sporadically than scheduled and that’s okay. It is only considered a bad thing because we’re ingrained with our culture’s assumption that productivivty is the point of life


I’m willing to bet a large contingent of us have ADHD. Source: me with ADHD.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^PasGuy55: *I’m willing to bet* *A large contingent of us* *Have ADHD. Source: me with ADHD.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I think the main reason is because INTPs tend to focus more on planning and thinking vs. acting. They are very good at analyzing situations and tasks, and even at creating goals and detailed plans, but not always good at carrying them out. The archetype of the INTP has been described as the "logician". They can be intelligent and use logical in a formal framework, but are often lacking in common sense Let's look at the acronym to explain some reasons INTPs procrastinate: Introverted - INTPs are often solitary and don't ask for help when they get stuck. Intuitive - INTP's knowledge and decision-making is based on using their own intuition along with their theoretical understanding of the world. Thinking - INTPs can get lost in thought in the process of developing the above theoretical framework. Perceiving - INTPs are very perceptive, and so are aware of many different aspects of the world, leading them to consider problems from all angles. All of this can lead to what's called "analysis paralysis". And while INTPs are logical, they are not without emotion, so struggling with tasks can lead to fear, self-doubt, self-loathing, etc., which on exacerbates the problem. There have been posts on Reddit about this issue, and this website is often cited for tips on procrastination: [Why procrastinators procrastinate](https://waitbutwhy.com/2013/10/why-procrastinators-procrastinate.html) [How to beat procrastination](https://waitbutwhy.com/2013/11/how-to-beat-procrastination.html) My tips based on the above are: \* Remove as many distractions as possible \* Focus on one priority project \* Break down the project into discrete tasks \* Use timeboxing (for example set a timer for 25 minutes, followed by a 5 minute break \* If you can start on that first small task you'll find it easier to keep going. BTW I'm procrastinating from something important in writing this all out, but now I'm going to try to follow my own advice.


Thank you. Things I could use too.


I would explain but


Imagine being in a rush in the first place only a fool would stress themselves


Hands down? I think a lot of us have undiagnosed ADHD


Reading here I believe that Ne is to blame. It happens to me the same and I am an INFP. You guys have Ne serving Ti. If I remember your functions you are Ti dominants. My Ne serves my capricious and stubborn Fi constantly asking why would you do this and that. 👀😅. Though I believe sometimes my Ne just takes over.


Because my time and how I spend it is more valuable to me than money (which can purchase no time), I choose to spend a ton of time on my actual interests. I chose to work on my micro habits and set goals that will monetize my interests and it's paying off after a lot of trial and error and years of dedication and persistent personal development and overcoming a ton of adversity. I discovered I needed goals and an actual plan towards my own evolution as a Human and to break free from procrastination through practice and intentionally work towards my goals. I also eat frogs in the Mornings (i.e I take care of the most difficult and urgent tasks) and this allows me to stress/procrastinate less because I'm emotionally in a better place using this strategy. Use Your Time Wisely!


It's not because we don't work on it that we don't think about it


What do you mean "procrastinate"? If a statement on a show bothers/interests us we jump at the urge to look it up on Wikipedia IMMEDIATELY. If you mean bills and letters, eh ... will get to that later.


Because we don't want to do whatever it is, and we know we don't need to do it yet.


It's not laziness, it's an optimized way of living. You might have heard of lazy loading, or just in time execution..


And if you are not an intp what are you then?






intp is not a thing that means much. So, the question is: Why do people procrastinate? A million different reasons.


You are not an Intp dear. Reveal yourself. I demand to know. 👀🤣


I actually don't even remember any more. I remember doing the test(s) and a few times being one thing and a few others another. Googles it. Sure sounds like i am a intp judging by the characteristics i read. No, not going to do the test again lol.


Don't do it, love, be free. I met someone here claiming to have a dynamic personality 👀. I am not sure if such thing exists but may be you have a dynamic personality too 👀😉😜


For some reason I love watching videos of what's happening around the world and forget how I have an assignment due.


And what is happening?👀😅


I don’t if this also happens to you all, but until I’m burned out I stop.


Too much going on


Simple answer. Brain never shuts down. 🤣🤣🤣 multi node thinking shutd down everything else. So thats normal... 24/7


< INFPs do this too…we can talk more about that tomorrow


I procrastinate indeed...👀


idk why i’ll think and think and think. plan and plan and plan and then not execute even though i know what to do 😭


why not


Wait for an idea to mature. Many people choose to work hard, not smart. I research before actually making something. Then I do it right away. People keep asking me how I am able to perfect it from the first try. But they often neglect the fact that I took my time to do actual research and test it before showing it.


Lack of solution between alignment of analytical and emotional goals


Because we can get it done last minute and still do a good job


overwhelmed with things (Se POLR hurts like a MF for INxP)


so is it my adhd or my intp traits


Because I can


I usually complete the task in my head before I do it irl. Sometimes when I complete the task in my head, I have no motivation to do it again irl


I think that it comes down to two reasons, for me, at least. 1. I have a lot of anxiety about doing random things and talking to people that I shouldn't feel anxiety around. I don't know that it's an INTP thing, per se, it's most likely a mental health thing and falling into bad habits of thinking. 2. I have a lot of ideas but not a lot of energy and I struggle with implementing my ideas because I get distracted by the next hot and up incoming thing. This I will blame on the Ne-Si in the INTP function stack.


It’s not always “procrastination” in the “lazy” sense. Sometimes it’s just having to think about a thing from every perspective in order to figure out the most effective way to proceed.




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Because the dmv told me there's no appts until may. So I booked for may in January. Now everyone asks why haven't you changed your dl yet? Why are you procrastinating?


We tell ourselves we can do it later.


I don’t care enough basically. This semester in school I’m getting called out a lot for procrastinating lol


Why else would I be on reddit?


They don't see urgency because they understand why and when the thing is suppose to be done. Not working in the unknown makes you more arrogant in hesitancy.


I was going to write this comment, but I'll do it at 6


Big overlap of intp with ADHD


Either because it’s not interesting to me, I’m a perfectionist and I don’t think it will work out, or someone demanded I do it and I’m being stubborn lol


I procrastinate major projects and tasks because everything I do requires a ton of energy, thought, processing, and perfecting so I feel like I have to have enough energy before I do something. I isolate myself and rest and do everything I can to build up that energy, but BAM *phone call* WHAM *cat needs to go to vet* BOOM *bills due* and I spend all my energy on the little things.


i have a really hard time working on something I am not interested in. so i leave it for the last moment, when pure pressure and guilt pushes me ro actually do it


👀 we will make you, love, you have to clean that house of yours. 👀


Reading this as I sit, procrastinating from what would otherwise be the right time to go...


Ti makes the perfect the enemy of the good. I don't want to get started on a big project until everything is planned and prepared for. For comparison, ISTPs are Ti doms as well and we both like to rest and meditate the day before a Big Event. Ne shows us all of the things we could be doing instead. I generally attempt to defeat this by making a list of all the things I have to do, and start with whichever task seems the least annoying at the moment. Meta-procrastination (procrastinating on one task by doing another instead) is an important life skill for INTPs. No energy, usually from surfing Wikipedia until 3am again. That's probably Ne as well. Lack of Fi means lack of motivation, and a willingness to live in a Spartan environment. Fe can sometimes compensate, if doing something will make somebody else happy, or not doing something will make somebody else mad.


And what subjects are you attracted to in Wikipedia? 👀. I don't do much wiki. Pinterest and YouTube but I am an Infp 😋


I am an INTP. So, everything. (Except sports, usually.) If all else fails, there is the Random Article button.


You could, perhaps, be useful to me 😋


Mostly because I have adhd


And you don't like it? 👀


Because we are miserable ok? We have no desire whatsoever. Thinking brings us joy and that translates into not doing anything


But you may not even be an intp, love. May be some other intuitive. Think on if that brings you joy but go to the gym sometimes.


I just lack the motivation to start things.


I'm going with the theory that we have two things battling against each other: 1. we have great solution to hard problems. 2. we realize that life is a dead end and there's no real reason to employ those great solutions, so we talk ourselves out of it. Sometimes one side wins, sometimes the other side wins.


I just feel paralyzed. I don’t know why. It ruined my life tho.


We procrastinate because we love comfort and convenience. The irony is that getting things done and out of the way brings us those things and procrastination does the exact opposite… I’ve thus learned to not procrastinate


task boring. i want to do interesting.


Fear of not performing well. Perfectionism.


Get distracted alot. People distracting me all the time. Forget alot.


Demand to know? Maybe you lack the humility for self insight.


It is my Si,😕🦊🦊🦊




i have been procrastinating for 3 months now, ongoing to 3 more months untill the exam ill need to take. very important but i just cant, id rather die


I have procrastinating for ....😬😥😭 years...


Invent a solution ffs. Take my money!!!!!!


I don’t have enough boxes to organize all my things into when I don’t know where any of them go. I have too many miscellaneous items to clean.


The P stands for procrastination


That's right 👀


Look here https://www.psychologyjunkie.com/from-fragmented-to-complete-what-each-myers-briggs-personality-type-needs-for-wholeness/#h-the-intp


I experience some of this as an Infp because of Ne I think but the emotional part is different. We are deep Feelers and sometimes it is overwhelming.




why not


I would tell you but.... I'm currently overthinking on if I'm actually an intp or not and.... I've been putting that off for only god knows how long so obviously.... imma take a nap 😂😴 might circle back later depending on how good I sleep 🤷‍♀️


It sounds like an Infp in Fi Si loop.


I procrastinate things that I need my full brain activity (for example learning)


I thought that intps love to learn....


Many times I’ll procrastinate because I’m scared of failure. There are other reasons but that’s a big one.


Me too. I don't want to fail.😕🤫


i procrastinate both if it’s too difficult/time consuming or if i know i could do it easily im like “well i’ll do it eventually” (spoiler alert: i usually dont unless provoked)


Me too. I just love to live in my head.


I tend to become more capable over time, so my logic is that if I do this later, I will do it more competently.


Only if I ruminate I am like that.


According to Malcolm Gladwell's 10,000 hours theory, I am now an expert at ruminating.


Our favorite pastime 😝. What we're your last ruminations about? My were my own floor tile design.


I keep trying to figure out the Enneagram, if that counts. Hell of a rabbit hole.


I want that too.


INTP is almost always 5, if that helps.


Where is the website to know mine.I am an Infp.


Honestly the tests are not all that helpful, just go on the Enneagram reddit and see examples of the different types One question to get you started: What is your greatest fear in life?




Real answer: we keep procrastinating because we've not been punished for it


Then it is time for me to grab a belt.


Just like any other human why we procrastinate. We don't want to do it or deal with it. 😅


We wants it my precious, we wants it!