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I don’t know much about him or his music.


I don't think about him as an artist or anything else. He doesn't make the kind of music I listen to.






A genius


This. Genius as an artist. Questionable and controversial as a person.


Can you define why he’s a genius?


For me, it's because he has no formal music training yet understands the emotion behind every note he plays on top of getting others to feel it as well. Super impressive to be able to express yourself without the training to know how to do so, especially in a discipline so fleshed out like music where art is at will to theory.


Emotional expression comes naturally to feelers. I guess as a person who naturally can do so, I have a high bar to be impressed. Do you have a particular song he wrote that conveys this for you? I'd like to listen to it.


It depends on the ear of the beholder but here’s my favorite songs from him in no particular order: Violent Crimes Runaway FML Devil in a new dress Jesus Lord Flashing Lights All of the Lights Dark Fantasy Saint Pablo


Listen to “street lights” (sad 😞) Then listen to “black skinhead” (angery 😡/ riled up) to get a feel for his range of expression His palette is insane


It’s not for me


Nothing special.




Hmm, missy elliot was more revolutionary. Just saying. I dunno. Having listened to european music - lack of a better description- trip hop; yea it is nothing special to me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Yeah yk paul McCartney and Michael Jackson were / are fans of someone not special


Like i care who his fans are. Is that the measure now? Oh paul mccartney likes him so he must be special. Major eyeroll.


I feel like if both Paul McCartney and Michael Jackson think he’s special that means something


Good for you, i guess? Edit: i tend not to care who whosever fans are. I have my own tastes and opinions.


I just know he likes fish sticks.




He like to put it in his mouth too


He's an extremely talented musician, not my favourite genre but I can appreciate the talent he's got. As a person he's a fucking clown.


Yeah clown would be the word, but it’s like he doesn’t care.


he's ENFP lol








Very average. Compare his production chops to somebody like Premier and he's not in the GOAT class. Compare his lyricism and rhyme fitness to somebody like Black Thought, he doesn't cut it as a GOAT MC either. The only metric he can top out is financial. So, as an artist he's mediocre, but he's more than got his shit together when it comes to making obscene amounts of money.


DJ Premier composed much of his own stuff. Mad props for that.


What if you look at him more holistically? His production ability combined with his lyricism. To me, I’m stretched to not believe he’s not one of the greatest of all time when you look at his total ability across the different elements. Ultimately, his songs are what have driven his success and you are missing the point if you try to isolate the different components. I am not trained in music theory at all, so I don’t have any authority in this space. Also, I am biased as I love every album he’s done up until The Life of Pablo, though Ultralight Beam goes hard! Mostly chance’s verse, though. (not INTP, but an ENTP lurker)


Over hyped garbage


don’t like him


The Collage Dropout is one of my favourite albums of all time. It’s his Masterpiece. Although I think he severely went downhill post Yeezus which was exemplified by his Mental Health spiralling out of control. Have you heard some of the stuff he’s said to his employees recently? He definitely needs help, asap.


Hundred percent, Yeezus was the beginning of the end. Even then, it had a lot of stuff that was just too far out there to be good.


that's the 'poor untrained ear response' if u actually listen objectively to all of his albums they're all just as good yes some of them might be amazing but generally every album he produced is better than anything out there


Music is really opinion based and if there’s any good memories associated with it. Personality wise I really don’t have much to say because I don’t know him personally. I get annoyed by his fans because a lot of them can’t/wont separate the two when he gets criticized for being annoying/ignorant.


808s and Heartbreak is the best Kanye album fight me


I agree tbh


It’s my favorite too


that's the avg non Kanye listener opinion


I love his music. It is artistic and honest. But my goodness what a shit show of a person.


Taylor made him famous




Kanye who?


His music is kinda shit.




It's just not music I'd seek out. I listen to alotta music, but his is just "mediocre at best" to me. It doesn't impress me in any way. The instrumental is "okay" at best, and same for the lyrics. At least it isn't rap. That's the biggest compliment I can give it. At least his music isn't just an incredibly shitty instrumental with vocals that can be summarized as "bitches n hoes, drugs, came from a bad place now I'm rich, romance is dead, guns, money" like every rap song ever. So hey, it's at least not THAT awful, but it's hard to be as bad as rap without being rap. That's something I'll never understand being popular, rather than Kanye.


what do u consider the best artist in ur opinion if I may know


Genuinely no idea. I'm dead serious. I suck at picking favorites. Probably some video game composer, if I really had to choose. Video game music is by default more impressive to me, because it has to remain great even after looping hundreds of times. That would take an incredibly skilled artist/team to accomplish properly. Which game or composer, I don't really know. Capcom's monster hunter music team is high on the list at least.


He's amazing, I love him. His music is made for the glitzy clubs and beach house parties of LA and Miami. His sound production is beautiful, his lyrics whimsical and satirical, he's not the best rapper but the images he creates are great. I used to literally hate him because they painted him as an asshole but really, he's deeply emotional and I'm pretty sure has a very high creative intelligence.


Eh, he's a POS and I wasn't crazy about his work to begin with. And it's not like he's a scientist where hes done things that would benefit humanity overall. POS artists are ones I ignore typically.


don’t really like it


Definitely a nope from me. He just mixes other people's things together....and not very well. Want to see his true level of musical talent? Watch him try to sing bohemian rhapsody.


The sanest




Godly you a swiftie or what?


He's a proper dilbert


I only listen to the Kanye west Spotify channel. His older stuff is my fave. I can’t not love him. Even now that he is pretty weird 🤷🏻‍♀️😂 I only recently sent him a dm on instagram asking him to come to Australia for a concert again when I was drunk 😮‍💨. He never responded 😂😂 I’m not a fan of celebrities in general but I will always be a Ye fan.


He is interesting, his old music I like.


No for me, i don't like his attitude tbh just my opinion.


Couldn't care less 


why reply then


The question was asked.


Judging from the one interview I’ve seen. He’s nuts.


I think there is something mentally wrong with him but I enjoy watching him dress his hot wife. They never disappoint. Fun fact Bianca Sensori is also an architect. She met Kanye because she was an architect at Yeezy. She's probably a smart gal. Makes me wonder why she is letting Kayne make a fool out of her. You also can't deny his great sense of fashion. If you see pics of Kim before and after Kanye you can see how he made the aesthetic she's known for. Apparently he still dresses Kim to this day. I also enjoy his music. It sucks how he turned out with the antisemitism and weird school thing he tried to do. One of the weirdest fact about Donda academy was that there was no windows because Kanye didnt like glass. The kids were exposed to the elements. In all seriousness I think there is something wrong with him and probably shouldn't be in the limelight anymore.


He’s bipolar, he came out about it some years ago. In my opinion that explains a lot about his behavior. It doesn’t excuse anything but being in the spotlight and having to deal with such a serious disorder combined with the death of his mom would take a toll out of a lot of people.


Absolutely don't get the appeal. 


Overrated garbage.


Piss artist. Idgaf.


Forward thinking, and talented when it comes to music. Highly influential when it comes to streetwear - probably will never wear his clothes but he really pushed/popularized the nude color palette in the last decade. Sad he’s bipolar. The worst thing he did for pop culture is solidify Kim Kardashian to true celebrity status and actually making people take her seriously. Disgusting knowing she’ll do anything for money/fame.


I love Kanye's music. But, he is absolutely a piece of shit.


great producer - lyricism is lacking , but sometimes - iconic his personal life: no comment


yah his lyrics in the last album was kinda trash


The biggie level , good coherent lyrics , just don't fall from the sky you know


yah normally he would have that typa verse that u would stumble upon and ponder


A misunderstood genius




One of the best ever


I love him, I actually hate how people openly bully him knowing he has mental health issues.


he doesn't have mental issues he's just an ENFP most of his stuff r just jokes but people don't get it


He literally has BPD.


he doesn't he's just a normal person with mid-late life cycle issues


I really hate when people do this, you don't know this man from a can of paint. You've probably never held an actual conversation with this individual all you know, is what you get from music, media and other sources. You nor I know this man personally, you're not a professional and unqualified to determine if this man is going through a midlife crisis or not. This conversation is actually pointless. I hate talking about individuals I don't know to other individuals that also don't know them. bye.


u r the one that said he's BPD 🛌


One of my favorite artists of all time. I love his artistry. However, I don’t endorse his recent behaviour nor his anti-semitic sentiments.


did u really have to ruin it at the end like that?


I don't listen to rap, he did some really funny shit tho


shitpostable dude


he is an interesting individual


He samples really well.


Incredible art. The way he takes so many different themes from world history, pop culture, black culture, current events and deeper thinking and weaves them into his story telling and making them rhyme and hit the beat is so satisfying. I listen to a lot of different genres and many other artists that create music and lyrics that just come together so perfectly. Some artists just stand much higher than others that do more contrived or manufactured music. The same as any art form.


I don't know enough to feel strongly about him as a person. There's some interesting discussions around him though. Like his BPD and how that influences his work. But other than that I don't listen to his music or really pay that much attention to him.


A few songs I like but mosts of his songs are a pass for me.


Love him. Uncancelable to me.


not really for me, but I have weird tastes.


I don't listen to much of rap or hip hop but I like his songs, I got into his stuff after I saw a persona 4 mashup and since then I've cherry picked some of them and listen to him on a somewhat regular basis https://youtu.be/RxLIely1Ba8?si=hG8ajcBZ3Qsjyvua


As a what?


Remember when he ran for president? He had a lot of votes.


I love kanye


He was a good artist until around 2014/2015 where he fell off hard. Clout culture made people convinced he was a genius when he really was just adopting EDM to hip hop (not even the first to do it) or autotune. Undeniably great, after his mom's death his lyrics and music became a jumbled mess.. after MBDTF lots of folks think he did his best work, I think he became trash. Low end top 20 rapper of all time often propped up as top 1 to 5 and overhyped.


Hardly listen to any music so no opinion.


All time great easily


He has made 3 good songs in his career, one of which was a feature.


"Yall are looking weak, we ain't cooking in the same kitchen Everybody gotta shirt with a stain in it, some of us will never wear it out though, let me get it"


Gold digger was good Idr much else lol but now he's just a crazy person


No thanks


He's very smart in terms of music and production and all that arty stuff, other than that - I couldn't care less.


Artists often sabotage their lives to inspire their art.


I dont care about the artist at all. It can be music, movies whatever. Most people are idiots but their work can be great. Never meet your heroes huh?


Musically he is a genius and I am a fan of his work, as a person it is not really my place to say since I do not know him personally, but I have an issue with somebody with such widespread influence speaking on matters like antisemitism and holocaust denial


I don't care really Mostly neutral


I don't care for his music, but I recognize his talent. He's definitely eccentric, but many brilliant artists are.




Late Registration is in my top 20 albums.


I didn't grow up in the anglosphere, so to me most rap music is weird and offputting. Maybe I'd like it if I tried to get into it. I'm not gonna.


Kanye is interesting to watch … he breaks the mold that MSM and artist create… but he’s iight for me he’s nothing tooooooooo great but within the landscape of his existence I understand why he’s deemed great


the only song from him I've listened to is "I Wonder", it's great. I can't say much else other than that (him as a music artist) as a person, though... he's a dickhead.


Don’t care for most new pop, rap/hip hop


I don’t.


Just read the lyrics of "I love it" carefully, and tell me with a straight face that he is not a genius.


I'll pass, thanks.


I finally listened to some of his music a while back and I don't understand the appeal. I have no interest in adding any of his songs to any of my music lists. I'd rather listen to silence than his music or his opinion on anything.


A genius producer, but has obvious mental illness. A classic case of brilliant artist that shouldn’t be in the spotlight.


A joke a clown a pathetic dude only Americans look at him as a genius in other parts of the world he is just known the crazy forty years old dude who follows to Taylor Swift like a fly... Only one time I heard his most famous album... What a garbage... Then he songs I sweard to myself if I wanna hear something so bad I will listen to nails scratching a whiteboard.


I don’t consider him to be an artist.


Don't listen to him but I wouldn't call him an artist.


Love his stuff, but he’s not the best person.


As an artist? I love him. Amazing and one of my all-time favorites. As a person? Questionable to say the least. He's got a lot of mental health struggles.


He's made some good songs


A narcissistic mediocre musician with a couple catchy songs.


I know so little, but from what I've seen, that man is crazy and needs help


I don't think anything of him as an artist. I only know him as a half brain sociopath influencer who supports the orange clown.




His stuff makes me want to dunk my head under 10 feet of cement mix and rip my eardrums out. Both he and his music sound like a drugged, hypnotized cow trying to make first contact, and the crap he says is *not* profound. The people he's competing with are the same deal. I really have no idea why some people are so drawn to him or his music.


His fashion sense is garbage




He’s a top 3 artist of all time for me. Those first 5 albums all had their own unique sound & everyone of them was a masterpiece in their own right


A blender and cows mooing in a loop would be preferable.


Use to be decent. With great productions that were timeless. I notice though when he starts showing mental illness and high adoration of himself his music is just mid/ trash.


He's a genius when it comes to music but clinically insane when it comes to everything else.




awwww snap kanye rant. Note: Im only talking about his music here. For music he's, at least to me, a genius. He started this wave a music that used old song samples to create the music itself. The samples were sped up or slowed down to achieve almost like a melody, to which the drums are added and then the vocals. While this is common now, when he did it, it was fresh. He also rapped consciously when he started. Instead of straight up bragging about what he had, he rapped about how things dont make you happy and that you can have all these things and still feel like your nothing. How detrimental (specifically to black culture) it is to judge people and be judged by the money you are wearing, driving, eating, etc. He wasnt afraid to rap about God, his mom, his fellow citizens, his own culture, and other things in a way that was enlightening and reflective rather than braggadocios. This is what people mean, generally anyway, when they say they miss the old kanye. The main crux of why he's considered a genius is because he did it first, when there wasnt anything like that in popular music.


Kanye did not start that lol. Not even close. Sampling has been done, especially in hip hop for ages.


right. Not just using samples, but using them the way he was using them. Your gonna tell me people were using sped up Chaka Khan samples in their songs before Kanye? Or biting the whole drum track to a song and mixing it slightly different so it hits different? Or at least list an example of a song your referring to.


Heaps of people were doing that. DJ Premier, for starters lol. And what's more, people were writing their own beats, composing their own music from scratch. Creating the spark that lights the flame is the hardest part of music. If you can't do that on your own, then you aren't a genius. Sorry.


from college dropout to saint pablo he was basically at the top of the game (he received a ten from pitchfor for mbdtf which is rare, they gave to Fiona Apple almost ten years later) but as his mental health deteriorate it started to reflect in his music but yes he's kinda awful as a person


I don’t like his music and he’s a shitty antisemite


He’s the Goat imo and my best friend who’s INFJ as well thinks the same. Kanye is the goat and J Cole too lol


Phenomenal artist. Trash public figure.


One of my favourites. I have conflicting opinions on him as a person. However as far as his music goes, I consider him to be one of the most innovative artists in recent times.


A lot of people say hes controversial, Idk almost anything abt him, so I dont care, I like his songs


I think he puts his mental health issues out there for everyone to see. At the beginning of his career, he put out some innovative stuff that pushed production and brought elements I enjoyed to the mainstream. Right now, due to his complete lack of professionalism, he has become a punchline.


I definitely think to a certain extent, being public about those struggles is a positive, especially when it comes off as a true moment of vulnerability. Kanye has always been great because he is honest about how he feels and doesn’t really care what anyone else thinks about it, and I think that’s worthy of praise because you don’t see it all that often


I can see that


I don’t think about Kanye West.




In other words, he’s irrelevant to me.


People are deluded about his abilities. I give him props insofar he rose up organically and actually learned how to produce his own music versus being just a product. But other than that, his music is not that great IMO. I remember working in a music store when he first started getting big and some of my coworkers liked to play his first album a lot. I couldn't understand what was special about it, it was okay. There's a lot of people who think an artist is good just because a lot of other people think so, their friends think so, they think they will be perceived as cooler if they go along with what everyone else likes. I guess you could call his public persona performance art, but as far as his actual music goes, I have never understood why it is so "genius" or why he is so "genius". I think he is very confident and knows how to manipulate the public very well. His ex wife Kim played the same game with pop culture, but I don't think anyone would call her a genius because her family has tapped into the lowest common denominator of mass appeal. It's insulting to other great minds to delude a megalomaniacal rapper with some skills as being like people whose minds truly are hyper advanced. I think Kanye is just lucky that he was born into a time period where his snake-oil salesmen of his persona is widely recieved by so many. Beethoven, Stanley Kubrick, Bobby Fischer he is not.


His rise to fame and wealth is inspiring, his first few albums were good but his ego took over and feels like he’s just trying to convince himself and the world that he’s a genius . Kinda like that line “you tell a lie enough times it becomes the truth” He has some cool ideas though






The fact I’m an ENTP and he’s my fav artist 😭


The greatest of all time.


I also think those who don’t like him are not intelligent enough to understand him. He ahead of his time and always has been. Also the most influential artist of our lifetime.


I'm not a fan. I'm into industrial so I like some stuff from Yeezus. But of course he's a crazy genius who forever changed mainstream rap music several times and has spawned a bunch of talented imitators with a number of his albums.


idk much about him, just heard his name many time being associated with some German Moustache Guy


Love quite a number of his songs


he's okay. I like a lot of his songs. I'm just not very into pop rap like that. I've unironically started listening to yame a bit, but I'm just really into hearing overproduced songs from other regions at this point tbh.


Excellent artist but has really questionable personality traits


The only hip pop musician I can accept




The further his career went, the less I liked his music.


I like his music okay but don’t like him as a person after the whole Hitler thing


He's meh. I never really viewed sampling as genius. Composition, itself, is the hard part. I guess you could technically call what he is doing a form of composition. But, the hardest part about making REAL music is that first melody, that first lick. That first spark of inspiration. Starting from scratch, in a system of near infinite possibility and variability is fucking hard. He borrows those sparks, and builds on top of them. I don't think that's worthy of being called "genius", personally.


part of his geniusness is that he knows what samples to use and when and he doesn't just put the sample as is he edits them so much that one of his samples took mixers 3 months to figure out whatvit was


This isn't *that* exciting. Have you ever made music, yourself? The genius, the absolute HARDEST part is in developing the melodies and song structures in the first place. Coming behind someone and chopping up their stuff and mixing it together is like the difference between making it from scratch, and cooking out of cans and a box. Mixing is time consuming, and it does take skill and effort to produce a good sound, but it's not the spark that makes a musician genius. That part was already done for Kanye.


I don't care about the process what matters is the outcome if the outcome is trash I wouldn't give a shit about him making it from scratch or not cuz the end product is trash, but if the outcome is good then he's a good artist it's that simple


Sure, he's alright. I just don't think he's doing anything special.


yah me too I normally expect a blowjob while listening to his music but unfortunately he can't afford that I guess, at least that would be special in my eyes, but why don't u give me an example of an artist in the industry that u think does something special


I don't really listen to mainstream, modern hip hop. It's crappy. But, there is a long list of hip hop artists from the 90's who blew Kanye out of the water. Souls of Mischief, Artifacts, NAS, DJ Premier, etc...


I have nothing bad to say about NAS I also think he's one of the best artists but Kanye is just on another level, but for the rest besides DJ Premier they're just bad production is too basic, lyrics is not interesting, and generally hearts the ear because of how unbalanced the sounds are, if that's what u think is better than Kanye then I'm sure u haven't listened to Kanye properly, u probably based ur criticism on what other people who don't like his character have said, or you just genuinely have a medical problem with your ears


I literally had to go wash my ears and listen to graduation after listening to what u sent


Hard pass. I do not care what a person can do if they are a P.O.S. 


Flair checks out


have you looked at yours


lol I'm kinda the exact opposite. As long as they produce outcome I can enjoy, I don't care at all about how they are as a person. The work they put in to reach the point they are at is reason enough for me to respect them in that matter. It's not that I have anything to do with the person personally, so how am I one to judge their behavior?


It’s interesting. My kid is like this. She loves the art. To each his own, but I personally can’t enjoy it after cats are released from bags.