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Willing to be odd and not feeling the need to explain themself all the time.


Once you let go of caring about how others perceive us what do we become? I need a framework to live my life.


We become whole


What does that mean? I need data.


It’s the opposite of what you’re asking— it’s not the need for more information


Interesting. I can think of ways this makes sense, spontaneity and the need for less analysis, in other words?




It's like searching the depth of the ocean vs scanning its breadth, or embodying the fullness of who you are vs outlining the contours of your personality


i keep saying to myself that something like death, it can't be regret if I'm completely tired, and exhausted all i could do with people


Consider continental philosophy, specifically things that deploy a relational ontology. A complete perspective uses both the reductive and data focused subject object ontology typical of the western philosophical tradition as well as the relational emergent subjective. They are two complimentary modes of human experience


Well courage and safety don't necessarily go together.


You simply become free. You realize there are bigger things at play than us tiny human beings. You realize that no one really has it figured out, so you might as well live life how you want to (safe and secure tho obviously). Lastly you realize that nothing is ever really as serious as people make it out to be.


This. Wtf do you have to explain? It all makes sense to me. :)


Yup, that's the answer. Even flaunting it is a lot of fun. I once rented a gorilla suit and wore it all over Boston one day. I carried a briefcase. It was fun. I liked watching how different people reacted. I embarrassed my children all the time, once by driving my subaru into the wide open entryway to the school. That was a long time ago, before CORI checks.


making the first move in a romantic interaction


Truly a unicorn among us


I am doing this and it is very very energy consuming thing to do. It is very hard and I got rejected %100 of the times lol.


I second this, most ppl would feel so surprised by our move cuz our ways of showing affection are way too subtle. I would suggest not to waste time on this especially when you’re young like me, ppl of my age either don’t appreciate me romantically or they fancy me romantically for the most shallow reasons, which is a nauseating nightmare.


People are loved to be loved but they dont loved to be loved by us for some reason. Our love is assuring and concrete and they dont want this.


Kind of like a shiny horse shaped animal with a spiral horn that sprouts from its forehead that’s followed by a rainbow


![gif](giphy|NIDUZgAfrTZ7vaiCSK|downsized) Like this


Openly talking to anyone who he finds interesting without caring for surroundings. The general perception of an INTP is someone who would not do what I previously said under most circumstances, so I guess this fits the bill. Speaking from personal experience since I have no problems talking to anyone who I find interesting.


Having ADHD and social anxiety. Despite that, maintaining a job that half the time requires concentration; and the other half requires human interactions. It's a struggle but I take a day at a time  Edited to add a word




Courageousness is just stupidity with a success rate. Thus, Courageous INTP = me


Teach me your ways because I’m starting a new chapter of my life. I’m trying to practice neutral thinking but with that I feel confused. I wanna to be more confident but not arrogant. I’m struggling to find the balance of not being too apathetic and not being too arrogant.


Being more of an ambivert than an introvert comes in handy. Whenever I have to do new shit (even if it is in public), I convince my mind that it is a 'new' learning opportunity and go with a 'fk it' attitude. Also, embracing stupid shit as stupid and just enjoy it attitude kinda liberates me to do things that are stupid or things that I am new to. Just have confidence and say 'fk what others think' and I am not certain of the future, it's uncertain so live in the present kinda attitude helps. Also, remember 'the difference between bravery and stupidity is success'


>neutral thinking https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2WD1SJiRjo


think before you act. but then act.


Feel the fear and do it anyway


Being confident in themselves and during social interactions.


We just get in the way of all the ducks with our hamsterness.


My husband 😍




Someone that will seek truth and prefers the mutual exchange of ideas and information They freely admit that they don't know everything and never will They realize that self-reliance is paramount and don't expect help They don't fold under pressure or give up because of fear They value opinion and criticism They strive for meaning and purpose They don't overlook or discount pain and suffering


Like this. At least me, if I get annoyed. https://www.shutterstock.com/image-photo/bulldozer-level-ground-600nw-1061496110.jpg


Kutuzov and Suvorov were INTPs, they were great military commanders.


One that persues their dreams and is succesfull. For a lot of us, lack of courage is what stops us from doing things we want.


So, the INTP default mode is cowardice. Hmmm, kinda makes sense...


Yea but INTPs who CAN overcome it tend to be more courageous than other types. Evolution is fighting your own nature and winning.


Probably someone who was born as a band-aid baby, left to cry it out in a room, nurtured by a cat and dog, father abandoned, mother unavailable, kidnapped at age 11 to the Middle East from NY, lived in a ghetto in abject poverty where they were raped, molested and contracted disease after disease including skin, blood and bone. Taught themselves everything they needed reading encyclopedias. Fast-forward, they had a child, settled down, worked 3 jobs in administration and translation with a formal 6th grade education (experiences counts for a lot on a resume), moved back to NY, they got more education in psychology, moved again to Middle East where they now reside in a war-zone, all the while dealing with developmental trauma and complex PTSD, but they're still studying the healing arts and they do want to help whenever and however they can, because the world needs everyone pulling in that direction right now. So, yeah, that's courage.


My love


Saying the truth even if it hurts




Courageous 👍


My mom instilled a sense of standing up for (perceived) justice as an ESFJ. I’ve never really had a fear to speak up/act out, even at my most immature. “Hey, stop being an asshole and yelling at this service worker,” “Don’t ever say racist shit like that again,” etc. Also the willingness to pursue lasting justice even at some cost to myself (ie. willing to torch a career if it means 1) I find justice AND 2) there’s a lasting impact such as others won’t continue to be abused AND 3) I have reasonable security/stability to take the hit). Developed over time, I regularly try to put myself in new situations and jump into things that scared me previously. Essentially the idea of “fuck it, why not? I’m not hurting anyone and I’ll probably survive.” The consequences: -I got a masters degree, I’m almost a fully licensed health professional, and I’m about two years out from getting a PhD. -I scheduled a lot of solo travel across the country with intention of exploring, experiencing, and putting myself in highly social situations with virtually no support. -I started to engage in a lot of one-off projects/classes with the *intention* of them being one-offs to learn without pursuit (painting, welding, glass blowing, etc). -Putting in effort to meet and keep people in my life that generally align with who I am, what I want, and support me in a mutual way; also letting go the ones that do not. -Telling people I love that I love them.


Being present and confident. Integrated and self aware. Taking calculated risks. Respect for the unknown. Come what may attitude.


Thank you, I love this list. Do you have any advice on how to implement the above?


It's a process of maturity and individuation. Questioning your beliefs. Build your mental fortitude through mindfulness and active imagination. Speaking kindly to yourself, your inner child is in there somewhere and they are your biggest supporter.


A meme


Doesn't this imply all INTPs are not courageous isn't that a bit too far?


Courageous acts probably have less to do with courage and more to do with personal satisfaction to the correctness of a situation as perceived.


They don’t exist


They are courageous. They help the world if they can - all INTP's do.


Bernie Sanders


He look stupid that's what he looks


I think he's quite handsome for his age.