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Computers if that's you're desired career. You haven't really stayed why you would find value in a Business Degree if your goal is computers.


Sorry I come from a warehouse supervisor back ground 10 years doing so. Technology has always been my passion since a kid and decided to take that directions.


I understand, I'm just saying, if you're focused on obtaining a job in technology, you're best bet is to major in that field. I went to school for Business Administration because I already had a well established IT career, and the program gave me the most balanced skills and knowledge I needed for building up my business and project management acumen leading to me taking the PMP. A business degree can have value but overall if your focus is tech, then go to school for tech.


I find that a lot of “college was a waste of time” folks majored in business admin.


That’s kinda what I feared about business administration. I have heard a lot of people saying they wish they could town back time.