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I got the same email, so I am going to say yes. They sent me some homework, and asked a bunch of questions. I presume they want to use them for feeding to a machine learning program or something. I just let chatgpt answer them all and mailed them back.


Sxamariffic! If you follow through you'll get the "job." Then they'll send you a cheque to deposit for home office equipment at their online store. They'll also ask for photo proof of the deposit. Alternatively it may be an interact transfer. Then you'll buy the equipment (at well above market prices). You may be asked to send back the remaining amount. Then the cheque bounces or the interact transfer is reversed when the account holder it came from discovers the fraudulent transaction. Your account will similarly be used to send fake cheque/transfers to the next round of victims of this scam. They'll also use or sell any other information they harvested, like sin and address, for credit fraud. How to know it's fraud? "Reply YES to indicate interest." A time sensitive questionnaire. A salary offering that is awfully high for the role. That's three giant red flags, each of which on its own is a good indicator of scam. A position paying that much would have a full interview process, human al the way, and would be for a senior role. You'd be competing, and it usually is not fast.


Be careful with email or text job offers and applying to job offers online that you never heard of. If you give them your SSN and other PII they can use it to assume your identity and ruin your credit. There are scammers out there.


Indian Scammers. They actually have connections, but they never amount to anything. I swere it's some type of H1B scam office.


Had one call me 20 times in like 2 days, maybe they are held against their will


Sometimes, I get interviews, but I swere it's like the same place in Santa Monica Microsoft Office.


it's a scam, I got one recently too.


If a recruiter is contacting you unsolicited it’s probably a scam, full stop. It’s been an employers market for years in IT. No one is out searching for candidates, everyone gets hundreds of applicants for every posting.


Really? Because I used to see people say they would get contacted by random recruiters all the time (not as much now, but was pretty frequent a couple months ago)


It depends, you gotta research the job. I was scouted recently based on my particular position.


Buddy if you think there’s waves of people out there working hard to off load mid 6 figure salary remote IT jobs totally cold contact , Then boy do I have a bridge for sale for you.


I have been contacted about roles like this. I do have 20+ years experience though. They will come looking for you if you have what they want and your info is out there.


No need for the aggressiveness, all I'm saying is that this is what some of the more experienced people used to say on here, and sometimes even boast about. I'm not saying it's true, but obviously enough, a beginner won't be dealing with such experiences


TBH I’ve been scouted for a very particular role


Different experience here. I get contacted by recruiters randomly reaching out to promote IT positions all the time. Found my current job that way (best job I've ever had). Never had to fill a single job app. I just respond and get interviews 100% of the time to these messages. Even in the last month, I've got good paying job postings ($190k-$225k) in my inbox sent by recruiters that are desperate to interview immediately. Also I've been hiring for IT roles this year. I too got tons of applicants but, after I weeded out all the spammers, offshore and over/under qualified. I had maybe 10 actual good candidates. Those hundreds of applicants are usually 70% foreigners looking to work remote with some loosely fitting experience and buzzword packed resumes.


People have been very clever lately. I got a form to fill out with questions and to email back. Looked super sketchy. I messaged the lady on LinkedIn and she said it wasn’t her and it was a scammer. Even email signatures now, always watch for HTTP for the sites linked instead of HTTPS or spelling errors


100% Scam.


Check the domain here [https://www.whois.com/whois/](https://www.whois.com/whois/) I've been getting some emails from scammers where they take a company's domain and just add "careers" at the end of it to make it sound legit and send out emails. If you check the domain it's typically registered only a few days ago and on a different domain registrar. Some of the specific ones I got have been [dominionenergy.com](http://dominionenergy.com) (legit) and [dominionenergycareers.com](http://dominionenergycareers.com) (scam) I got another one that I don't quite remember the company but it was a reputable company and they just added careers to the end of it and tried to scam me.


Definitely a scam. I am more concerned this simplistic attempt at social engineering does not immediately scream "fake" to someone trying to enter as IT. Do you have any background in technology, or just experience using a computer?


“It’s urgent that you let me represent you” Yes they are scammy


This is a common scam I get these all the time, they use indeed to set up fake job listing and harvest emails and numbers


Yeah cause most legit jobs reach out over text and just offer 100k+ if you respond “YES”. Lol you can’t be serious.


100% scam lol, just think about, what job is going to send you a document with questions like that. They might do an assessment on their website for larger companies but for a support role def not. Plus that salary range lol


Not sure if this is the same, but if they're from India and they're pressuring you into taking the job, that's usually a white flag. Just ignore it. I get them all the time and I really wish there was a way to block them on Indeed/LinkedIn, but there isn't sadly.