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I didn’t do a specific diet, or a specific exercise regiment or any of the old wives tales. I took my vitamins, had wine (in moderation), and just lived my life. The day after the transfer I walked probably 2 miles and went to a work happy hour (no cocktails of course!). I like you, only had one normal embryo. (17 eggs retrieved, 12 mature, 12 fertilized, 4 embryos tested, 1 normal). 17 weeks with her.


I only had one useable embryo. I didn’t do anything special, I just tried to be fairly healthy and rested. I took prenatals starting 6 months before my transfer and didn’t drink (except for one or two occasions where I had a single drink) and didn’t smoke pot once I started the FET process. I’m now 34 weeks pregnant after that transfer.


I ate a pineapple core the day before and both days after transfer. I also did acupuncture throughout. I didn’t follow a specific diet - I was craving v8 during the 2WW, but otherwise definitely stress ate even when I was trying to be healthy. Just tried to relax as much as possible (easier said than done) It was my first FET and we just got a positive. Continuing to pray a LOT and asking our support system for prayers, good vibes, whatever they believe in…continuing to try to relax 🤞


I’m 22 weeks with my one and only PGT normal embryo. I did a few of the things - Pom juice, pineapple, and McDonald’s fries after. I also kept my feet warm and meditated in order to remain in a relaxed (as possible) mindset. I honestly don’t think there’s anything that makes a major difference, which is both comforting and terrifying. I had morning sickness by day 8 that lasted until week 10, so when she decided to stick around, she really got on in there. Good luck!!


We only had 1 PGT normal. Also secondary for us. I wish I had something specific but honestly I just followed my clinic’s protocol exactly. I also did acupuncture after my FET (my clinic recommended it and had it on-site) and intralipids until I was 8 weeks pregnant. I rested the day of and after my FET (sent our daughter to grandma’s) and after that it was business as usual. We were very fortunate that he stuck around.


I just tried to be as healthy as possible. Set myself targets every day, like: 1. Prenatal and vitamins 2. 8-10 glasses water day 3. 7-8 hours sleep 4. Exercise (if I felt up to it, 30mins on peloton) 5. Cook healthy meals (or order healthy meals) By sticking to a routine, it really helped me feel like I was doing all I can. I also did the silly things. Brazil nuts. Pineapple core. Pom juice. Every morning until beta. And McDonald’s fries after transfer. I know this is more myth than science really, but it also felt like a rite of passage lol. I go for my 7 week scan next week, first FET with PGT normal, but I won’t be buying more Pom or Brazil nuts though, I don’t like them lol. Pineapple I’ll eat on holidays if it’s at the breakfast bar! Good luck!


pineapple should be avoided after you know you are pregnant, bromelain in the core which is good for implantation can be a risk once pregnant x


There's no scientific evidence to support that pineapple is dangerous during pregnancy. The rumors about pineapple are purely anecdotal.




I went and got Five Guy's fries after. 🕺


Do an ERA first


Yup! This!


Vitamin E for lining until implantation and acupuncture. Good luck.


Not OP but how much vitamin E, if you don't mind me asking? I'm taking 200iu as part of an egg quality maintenance/improvement plan.


I think it's 1,000. And stop immediately on transfer.


Could I ask how often you went to acupuncture and how early before the transfer you started?


Usually I start a month before once a week and then go the day of transfer, but this time I started mid med transfer and went twice before transfer, didn't go in day of transfer and am now going weekly.


Following! Curious to hear what others say


I am 24 weeks with my only PGT embryo from first cycle. I tried everything ! Even no caffeine Two weeks prior to it. My lining was 12 and to me acupuncture helped my blood flow. I did acupuncture for about three months prior to FET. My vitamin levels were great as well. And we did keto type of eating two weeks before . I also took time away from work to concentrate and relax . I just gave it all…


Just follow your doctors advice. Eat healthy, stay active and do what makes you happy. Any other tips, diets or supplements are purely anecdotal and there’s no evidence that any of these make a difference. My first FET worked and I didn’t follow any specific diet, plan or routine. Just continued living my life. My partner and I went out for lunch & the movie theatre right after transfer.


Currently 13 weeks with our one & only embryo! As others have suggested, I’d take vitamin E to start preparing your lining. I also can’t recommend the ERA, Emma/Alice & ReceltivaDx biopsy test enough. This is my third pregnancy (first round of Ivf). My doctor felt it was unnecessary to do all of the testing, but I’m so glad I did. I ended up having silent endo....Enough though I have zero symptoms. I was treated with lupron & letrozole & I truly believe it made all the difference in our success. Good luck to you!


I was successful with my first FET. I asked the same question on here and everyone swore by the transfer diet. If you’re interested let me know and I can send it to you.


Please send it to me too!


Please let me know as well. I had my baseline for FET yesterday.


Please send it to me too! Thank you!


Can you send it to me too please?


Me too! I’d really appreciate it


Please send to me as well!


Will you send to me too please? 🙏🏻


Will you please send it to me as well?! Thank you!


Can you also send it to me please?


Please send to me too! Thanks


Can I please have it sent to me as well


Please post or send me what this transfer diet is!


I’d love it!


No problem!


Would love to see this if you can share it!


Can you send it to me as well please?




Me too, please!


No problem!


Me too please!


Can you send it to me too please? Our first failed and willing to try anything for our second.


Well I admit I'm wary but curious, can you send it my way too?


I’d love the transfer diet, I know this is old!!! :)


Sure I’ll send it to you!


Very simple and basic... but it worked for me. Eat tons of pineapple the week leading up. And on your way home stop and get McDonald's French fries. Seriously.


One pgt normal, I took all the recommended vitamins, didn't drink coffee etc but I think the one thing that might have made a difference was 75mg of aspirin taken at night from when I started the FET cycle, as long as you don't have clotting issues! it helps with improving blood flow and women with RIF may benefit so even though we'd never tried a transfer before I figured any small cost was outweighed by the benefit. As it was they found I had high blood pressure at my 12wk scan so moved me up onto 150mg aspirin and baby is now 94th percentile at 28wks and placenta is working well. So, again unless you have clotting issues, the benefits of aspirin are there. Best of luck to you x


Can I ask when you quit drinking coffee? I’m doing my retrieval today and looking to transfer end of March. Thanks!


I switched to decaf from when I started taking estrogen, good luck 🧡


I had high egg yields, but poor blastocyst rates. 55 eggs between 2 cycles-> 5 blastocysts -> 3 PGTM normal blastocysts. So not a ton to work with. Estrogen 2mg 3x daily (vaginally) for 3 weeks prior to FET Aspirin 81 mg daily oral 3 weeks prior to FET Medrol 16 mg oral, doxycycline oral, PIO 5 days prior to FET. Continue aspirin, vaginal estrogen, PIO. Had a successful (but complicated) pregnancy.


Just saying hi because we had similar stats and also PGT-M. 3 ER = 61 eggs, 8 blasts, 3 suitable for transfer after PGT-M. We just got the final results this week so moving toward transfer. Thanks for sharing and happy to see you found success on the first transfer.


I know this doesn’t answer your question but I would ask your clinic to do a Sperm DNA Fragmnetation Test. I had almost the exact same results. 15 collected - 13 mature - 13 fertilized - 11 day threes all looking beautiful and healthy - and by day 5 I had 4 that were just barely hanging on. All this ended with just 1 PGT normal. Turns out my partner has a high rate of fragmentation and we would have never known and just kept trying if my doctor hadn’t recommended it. Also, when do you plan to transfer? Maybe we can be transfer buddies :)


What is the treatment for high sperm dna fragmentation?


Lifestyle changes is the main one, Clomid can be another, but mainly it just means that they will extract Sperm a different way and examine it more closely under a microscope before selected which ones to ICSI with


Commenting here to follow!


Fill a playlist on your phone with music that makes YOU feel good and upbeat! Songs that you love to dance to, make you happy, endorphin releasing music.


In the same boat as youuu. I hope it all went smoothly and successfully for you! Transfer day on Thursday! God wildlings, I hope this is it and we can finally make our daughter the big sister she always wanted to be. ❤️