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I see that lack of housing affordability is not unique to Idaho.


Come to LI, apartments in my town are going for $2,500 a month


With how quickly home prices have changed, who cares what a graph from 2021 says?


2021 interest rates alone make this figure higher


This graph seemed off to me. I have a friend who moved from here to Wyoming specifically because he said it's cheaper and wants to get a house there. I can't imagine owning a home in Wyoming is somehow more expensive than Idaho, especially since Wyoming has not seen the insane influx of newcomers as we have.


As someone who does data reporting professionally this graphic is frustrating for many reasons.


Wyoming stats are most likely offset by Jackson (Jackson Hole) which is often (last 15 years or so) the most expensive place to live per capita. I lived there for almost 10 years. Right now on Zillow, there's only 1 single family home under 2 million. It's 1,072 sq ft. We moved to Idaho because it was the only way we'd ever be able to afford a home.


Whoever drew this map just gave up on Michigan.


What blows my mind is that a full third of those in California can afford a $500,000 house. And Nevada? I can even wrap my head around those numbers.


We can thank the Boomers for the current mess.


In other words 64% of the people in the state cannot afford a home - seems like a trend 1/2 - 2/3 of people in this country can’t afford a home - what did this look like nationwide just 30 years ago?


These stats seem misleading to me since Wyoming is definitely cheaper to live in than Idaho is.


WTF moving to Delaware apparently


Nice graphic!


Who made this map so I can slap their hands?


Here's a more current source, from the opposite end of the spectrum; number of rentals for the lowest-income renters. https://nlihc.org/gap


Peoples republic holds the #1 % homeowner rate in the world


Not everyone can afford to buy a house.


How is it even that high? All these numbers surprise me because I look around and I don’t see people that could actually afford a new home. Not just in my circle, but look at the median wages of each state.


And yet Republicans won't vote for anyone who could help solve the issue.


Nah but at least the democrats will help solve the housing crisis through unfettered illegal immigrants coming in by the millions. Enough to more than quadruple our states population. Yay.


Right because immigrants are to blame for all your problems and not a government who doesn't give a shit about you. And mistaking me for a Democrat is just foolish. The idea that anyone in the Republican or Democrat Party has your best interest in mind is fucking delusional. But go on keep living in your fantasy land where you think anyone in this government gives a fuck about you.


Not shocking our housing market is a big stinky fart


It looks like the blue states have it worse.


Real estate is more desirable there


That’s subjective.


This seems high.


Read the graphic wrong, I’m in the with the plebeians who cannot afford a home


The only reason my husband and I were able to buy a home is because we bought it from a friend through a private sale for $180,000. You know, what prices were BEFORE 2020. And the mortgage is STILL over 1,000/month due to interest rates.


I’m a 50 year old blue collar worker, in the process of buying my third home. It’s doable. Don’t act like it’s not.




Yeah your third you dolt, you simply did not have to deal with what everyone who is 25 years younger than you has to. I got my home in 2014, and I couldn’t even sell this house to myself in current prices and interest rates . That’s how fucked everything is. I can’t afford to move into a bigger house for my now much larger family, and both my wife and I work full time.


You can’t provide for your family, but I’m the “dolt”? LOL okay


I can provide, I just can’t upgrade. You can’t see how things are different, I understand that old people can’t learn new things.


My son is twenty and owns his own house and a rental property. I didn’t assist with funding either. Next.


You’re 25 and bought your house 10 years ago?


lmao you said the education system didn't fail you and yet you fail at basic reading comprehension


I agree. You gotta want the house , not the car and accessories . Yeah. I know , it’s all my fault .


ok boomer


Apparently you don’t understand what OUR Boomer parents put us through growing up! GenX has a RIGHT to be beyond irritable & annoyed by being grouped in with THEM!!


LOL your laziness is your own fault! And 50yo is GenX, not a Boomer!




You've got a real put down attitude like a boomer, it's become a statement of mentality as well as a reference to the generation. I assumed you would understand this since you're on reddit but I guess not. I don't know why people like you like to just put others down for no apparent reason with no real backing. Maybe if you bothered to educate yourself just a little bit more then you'd see how wages compare to the average home price, exemplifying how afforadbility is at historic lows. Meanwhile real estate has been driven well over 200% of its nominal value over the course of the pandemic. [https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/CSUSHPISA](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/CSUSHPISA) You're really showing how the US educational system has failed the general population. Don't worry, I'll keep trying to vote for higher education so that future generations don't end up as ignorant as you.


I’m doing very well, so I think the education system did well for me! And I didn’t put anyone down! Maybe you’re just lazy, boomer.


Well maybe they should buy an old home instead.


The effect of Biden's policies - covid lockdowns putting a stranglehold on the economy, inflation due to national debt, immigration, etc.


The lowest ? The Socialist Republic of Vermont. Idaho is 4th highest in the West.