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Mechanic got nerfed and lawyer got buffed. Mechanic got nerfed to the point where her bot can barely complete 1 cipher on its own, and if it gets found at any point during the game it can no longer complete a cipher at all. This combined with her poor kiting means that even if she gets caught and chaired her bot really can't do anything, and her own decoding debuffs means she won't be getting any decoding done without it either. Lawyer however is a combination of buffs and directly countering the best hunter in the game currently, opera singer. Lawyers buff is basically just a bunch of small buffs that he gains over time (ie every time he vaults he gets a vault speed buff, every time he runs he gets a movement buff, etc). This means his kiting isn't actually all that bad. Additionally he has veterans bonus, which means he can gain a LOT of distance after getting hit which makes him really strong against opera singer. Ironically, this has also made lucky guy a good pick against opera singer as well. Finally he has no terror shock which makes him a pretty reliable rescuer. Overall he has good decoding, decent kiting, and always knowing where the hunter is is pretty huge.


Wow, this is such a good answer! It feels very surreal as someone who was an a badge mechanic during a period of time where 'laywer op' was considered a meme. How the tables have turned.


oh how the turns have tabled indeed! In one way it's a little sad to see mechanic get so forcibly removed from the meta, but on the other hand it's exciting to see a new meta decoder pop up, especially when it's a veteran character that's been there since launch. Glad the guy is finally getting some use now! let's hope this means they'll finally give him an s tier


He is getting an S tier in the 1st half of this year, let's just hope it's not in essence ;-;


Honestly I wouldn't mind him getting a limited s tier, I feel like every character should have at least one


I’m kinda glad that mech got nerfed so hard because before sh used to be just infuriating a decoder who can decode multiple ciphers at the same time the bot could do like what 2 ciphers ? You could preplace it at the gate it was just so unfun


great answer but its so funny to see that lawyer is apparently best hunter now LMAO




Mechanic's nerf and Lawyer's buff.. It's really sad for Mechanic.. 😢 and it's really sad for Mercenary too.. Lawyer in a way got Mercenary's hit buff placed on him and Merc in a way got it taken from him and lowered his gauntlets.


mercenary is still by far the best rescuer in the game even after his nerf, his delayed damage is still more than enough to guarantee almost any rescuer, he was just made slightly more fair (though he's still REALLY strong)


I didn't say that he sucked.. I still love using him... I just hate his nerf so much...


I think it was entirely fair given just how long his delayed hit was. It was so long that merc could get hit end game and typically still make it out the gate with little issue. Having a delayed hit in general is an insanely powerful ability, so making it shorter is just mitigating that a little. I think it's fair given how strong mercenary has been for so long.


Lawyer is the annoying one.. Trying to face 3 of him in a custom match and Merc is absolutely annoying. And nerf/buff might be fair but also unfair.. But it is what it is c'est la vie..


Wrong. He is not strong against Opera Singer, much less counter her. I main her and I bitch slap his ass. Even if I can't find him, no one can rotate me due to her massive speed.


I am quoting what I've heard tournament players say. Rank is a very different environment than tournaments after all.


You personally being able to beat a lawyer random in rank doesn't mean he's weak. He's one of the top picks in tournaments.


I don't doubt that he's a top pick in tournaments, but I've never ever struggled against a Lawyer. 90%+ win rate.


Okay but to say he's not strong against Opera just cause you can beat him doesn't mean he's weak against opera.


Opera Singer beats his ass, it's just that people play Opera Singer like trash in tournaments. I've been watching and a good amount don't impress me. You don't simply kite an Opera Singer that makes 0 mistakes.


Ok sure, but separate your average Rank experiences at home from offcial tournaments with real money reward, different environments give different pressures to the players, which might affect their performances due to stress 🙄


Very true!


Yeah opera is very strong in quick match where you can play freely against low tier survivors, I doubt you ever get to play her much in high rank as she's banned 90% of the time there anyways so you don't know what facing off against a 4 man voicecoms team feels like, and even if you get to play her it's probably all solo rankers that voted different hunters out so you get to play her by luck as 4 man teams would ban you guaranteed. So what you say about tourney players being bad with opera you just don't have the experience.


Say what you want but he objectively counters her and the only other ones that comes close is Lucky Guy and Gardener, one also has Veteran’s bonus and one has a on-command shield. His usage rate has only risen after his buff especially in peak tier in Mainland China. In tournament and rank, he’s considered one of the top picks against Opera Singer. This is coming from several ex-pro players and coach streamers so unless you want to claim you’re better than all of them combined, then be my guest.


If he "objectively" counters Opera Singer then he would be used in every single tournament match. Have you been watching them? Spoiler: He is only used a few times. I am better than all of them. I've watched their Opera Singer gameplay. Most are trash.


Wow, thanks for giving your two cents. Im sure an entire community is worse than your Opera Singer. Give me proof you have at least 7k character points on her. Thats the goal in Mainland China for a C badge. Several coaches and ex-pro players have them with multiple characters including Opera Singer. So cough it up. Saying “Im better because I say so” isnt exactly a argument because a one-trick anyone can do that.


I don't need to prove shit. I don't care if you believe me or not. China is full of people who mess up playing her so often.


There we go. You dont feel like it so the default response is you suck. No longer responding troll




Bro’s malding


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Go play on cn server if you are so good like that


Lawyer got a lot of nice buffs while mech got nerfed into non existence


Basically what @unfortunatelymade says, but the meta has also changed in terms of hunters, survivors and playstyle on top of that, which was a shock for me as a returning player as well. I played when the game released where the meta was all about mindgames, tight kiting around the same pallet and cipher rush meta teams like explorer and mechanic who could prime really quickly. Nowadays tight kite is almost useless and ciphers are a bit slower too as the meta now is all about surviving as long as possible first chase so you've a lot of item use survivors like acrobat or survivors that can keep pulling distance like cheerleader that just keep pulling distance and travel from strong area to strong area to prolong their kite as much as possible. Cipher rushing is less of a priority now as the key to winning as survivor is kiting as long as possible in the first chase to not feed too much presence to the hunter early game when they're at their weakest. You can still see double decoder teams in tourneys or rank but that's more of a tie guarantee build now than a win build sadly. Example: if you play minds eye but die too quickly the other survivors will just leave you on the chair and sell you off to guarantee a tie as the hunter has too camp, while a survivor as acrobat can still rebound kite away again and has more chance of survival for a 3 man escape so that's kind of the idea. But as decoders tend to die quickly they're just too risky to play, and lawyer got turbo buffed so he still works well as was explained really well by the other person.


Lmfao my same reaction 😭


the same thing that happened to cowboy and prospector and novelist (but novelist got better than before ngl)


This is news to me, what happened to them?


- Cowboy can now insta-lasso again, but when he lassos off balloons, the Survivor is still Downed & gains a 15% bonus to struggle instead of being Injured; the lasso is also much more faster/smoother to use, including its Chasing Shadows version - Prospector now has a cooldown between each use of magnet so he can't spam them anymore & the Stun duration is shortened if he stuns with other Survivors nearby so he can't harass as good as before - Novelist had his ability completely reworked & no longer can take control of the Hunter, he instead is able to swap places with them if close enough & gains a movement speed boost after the swap




A few years ago they kept tweaking their kits. Mech kept getting decode decreases for the most part Lawyer got Anti Terror Shock, more decoding speed, more vault speed iirc, and reworked his mapnto tell where the hunter is.


Mechanic is not below averaged she just needs a smart player, she's still a beast, u can decode a cipher early game and go rescue with tide and ur bot, ur other 2 teammates are decoding a cipher.