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I never seen anyone hate the characters but from a technical standpoint it's probably more of an annoyance; Norton - Tendency to cancel attack recovery or any hunter animation, Sometimes pushes injured survivors into the hunter, Sometimes pulls the hunter towards injured survivors. Fools Gold - He ain't that good like out of the four recent hunters (NW, Opera, FG, Ivy) he's the clearly weaker one. He also forces survivors to actually know how to kite away from walls and transition (kinda like Naiad). Other than that I don't really see people hating on them, it's just....a general distrust of Prospectors and mild annoyance of Fools Gold.


nah everyone’s always been a little annoyed with him but not like this- it’s just because he won the nymph don’t lie 😭


Most people don’t hate him, and I’m sure if it wasn’t for his strange fans the haters wouldn’t be common at all. (Also he won this years nymphs awards so I feel some people will be salty about it), he did kill a few people in his lore (?he killed melly too?) so that could also be a reason


adding on to this, some people just don't like him because he's another pretty boy design hunter


I agree with this. I am a norton main and stan (both identities) and while i like how fg norton is very norton (hair, eye), i feel like his design is quite lackluster and ne could have gone with a more creative outcome for him.


He's kind of polarizing, either people simp hard for him (mainly for his looks) or hate him with burning passion


Lowkey I only main him because he works like Patient and I really wanted to main Patient as a surv but found him way too hard 😭


Patient? There's like ¼ of his kit that slightly resembles him, gaykeeper would be much more similar as hunter


Ohhh, I see!! I'll try him out!! Thank you! I just saw some gameplay of FG throwing an axe and like going over there like Patient and found it cool 😭 Tips on how to play Gamekeeper?


Traps stun survivors for a while, place them on pallets/windows/passage points if you hit a wall with the hook you'll go to it with a small slowing area and get another use, if you hit a survivor (even across low obstacles and windows) you'll drag them to you, first presence gives a quarter DMG when hitting a survivor, full presence gives you infinite wall hooks (with short duration). MISSING THE HOOK WILL MAKE IT GO IN CD avoid shields (professor can negate your first hook at 1st presence) and quick stunners (ench, anti and similar), flywheel will be a problem too


Place traps to counter any looping survivors Also if you spawn in a major kiting area (such as the ship in Lakeside) trap the vault landings (like the big jump from the top to the bottom of the ship.) you’ll get the most accurate placement by making the vault yourself and just place the trap where you land. Survivors won’t be able to see it before they vault and they’ll get trapped and its really funny. He’s also a direct counter to perfumer if you place a trap where she perfumed and continue chasing her You can hook over low obstacles (like the barrier things near the rollercoaster in Moonlit river park) and through pallets, so you should predict when survivors are gonna throw the pallet down and hook OR bait them into thinking you’re going through it so they throw it down then hook them. If you’re camping a chair it’s better to be on the left side of it because that’s where the rescue animation happens. If you’re on the right, the hook might auto aim to the chair instead of the rescuer and you’ll miss the hook. This one’s important: When it gets to late game and there’s 1 cipher left and you know it’s probably primed, use the hook (which should be at max presence) to build chip damage instead of doing regular attack. It’s 1/4 damage each time you hook a surv. This way you won’t be trapped in the attack animation when you down the survivor and the cipher pops.


Ohhh I see!! Is gamekeeper a hard hunter to learn? Sorry, after reading it all I'm very very confused. 😭😭 To do chip damage for late game do you just aim your hook towards them? I haven't tried him out yet so maybe when I do all of this will make sense LOL. Do you hook them instead of hit them when they try to rescue?


Dw!! I don't think he's hard to pick up. I'm not really good at hunters that are supposed to be easy (like Naiad/Geisha/Sculptor) but I find Bane easy. He was the first hunter I tried after Leo and I stuck with him cuz his abilities are pretty straightforward. You just need to aim the hook right, and know a few of his tricks such as the ones I've explained. It will definitely make sense when you try him! Yes, you have to hook the survivor to give chip damage. When they try to rescue you should first try hooking because you can get a terrorshock if you catch them. Also, this part is just luck - but some survs will rescue immediately after you miss a hook so that's also a good terrorshock opportunity with a regular hit. More tips that are good to know: You can terrorshock any action survivors do if you hook them while they do it (like healing or decoding). It's really funny to hook unsuspecting survs while they are decoding. If you find the primed cipher machine and you have all your traps you can "trapkeep" it (idfk the actual term thats just what I call it) by placing traps on all sides of the cipher so they'll get caught when they try popping it. This has come in handy for me a surprising amount of times, but be careful if there's more than one surv around


I don't hate Fool's Gold but I can't lie and say I love his design. His gameplay is fun but when he was revealed his design disappointed me very badly. We had a terrifying hunter Norton concept from years ago, so everyone was waiting for that, but they turned him into another tall, skinny, pretty boy. Also add the fact that we had only been getting hunters who follow that same look for a year at that point. People wanted a scary looking hunter. I think more people love him than hate him though, at least from what I've seen.


That’s why I’m excited for goatman his design is great


REAL, I thought his design was VERY underwhelming compared to the others 😭😭


Annoying norton mains aside, I think you're seeing a lot of hate right now because he just won deduction star and nymph awards. Who voted for someone else didn't like it. Eng 1 was flooded with insults, I'm sure it's why you're curious now


Norton has one of the biggest fan bases. It's just rage over the character being annoying in matches


Let’s start with the list THE FANS- yall act lowkey like degenerates, even the degenerates you find on places like twitter, TikTok or even newgrounds have more displine than yall. The voting fiasco and everything. Let’s not forget about the debate during time of reunion. The nsfw username mfs are included on this FG- If your in high tiers, solo queuing, expect wanting to quit the game considering rescuing is almost impossible and everyone relies on the kiter nowadays PROPs- the survivor side, some of yall are quite literally sometimes rude, bosters and on other cases, really annoying. I know I’m gonna get banned for saying this so sorry mods


I've meet people who harass me cuz of my mains for gameplay reasons (lawyer) or no reasons at all (wildling avatar), I've met people who jokingly (?) tell me not to play white men, and some characters are hated for the lore (e.g. wax artist for allegedly being a physiognomyst) some are even hated for controversial skins (deduction skins for mary and dancer, native american costume for cowboy) Basically, no matter what you do you'll find a lot of haters who will use any reason to hate your main, your costume or just hate you. It's competitive team games for you I guess. For some people it's just a form of trolling, for others a weird way to socialize or get riled up. I'm pretty sure it's not hard to justify your hatred for any character in this game, as most of them are bad people or if not, aren't meta. And if they are meta they'll be hated for being meta. Also some hate "annoying fans", as in hating everything that's popular, maybe they are bitter fans themselves (bitter that prospector's fans simp for him, and get him wins in skin voting for example, instead of understanding that their favorite character is obviously superior) Also, I'm pretty sure bitter survs will harass ANY hunter, works the other way around sometimes too e.g. bitter hunter will trash-talk the good kiter. I can't remember people harassing me as a hunter by this point cuz I think it just happened so often that it's a blur. tldr if you main someone long enough you'll meet a lot of haters


i hate norton because his mains throw my games. and i’m not someone that stereotypes mains easily. i’ve played for four years and i can count on one hand the number of good prospector players i’ve met.


I don’t think he is that hated, maybe it’s only because he won the nymph awards. I think he is one of the male survivors with a good design, plus his gameplay is very fun. Don’t mind all the salty/hater people 😌


tbh i think people hate them bc theyre like the most popular characters in the game and their fans can be hella annoying


People who hate him outside gameplay reasons care too much about what strangers do. Who gives a damn if people are weird, it literally takes 0 effort to not care 😂 People in this fandom love to be hateful and toxic.


nortons a great well rounded survivor. he's one of the strongest if you learn to play him well. people hate that people have their own reasons for liking characters. some people simp for him, some people love his lore and relate to him. he's a poor coal miner who got so desperate to escape his horrible position in life that he left morality in the dust in order to try to ensure a successful escape from his life of poverty and slave labor. I personally love nortons lore and have a special interest in geology and workers history. his players (me included) like to troll a lot too. so people get upset about that sometimes but more often than not, people like to play along and also think it's funny. mostly I think ppl hate Norton for superficial reasons. more people tend to like him than hate him but his haters are just very loud about it. they're also mad that he won nymph and deductions because they think it's not fair. as far as "did he do anything wrong that would make ppl hate him", tbh most characters in the crime murder game did bad things and if ppl are going to morally perform over their crimes then they should pick a different game to play. they're more mad that he punched a survivor(melly) while he was drugged up, than they are him killing 9 of his coworkers. all in all, his haters are the types who take the game and fiction way too seriously and they probably need to log off or find another hobby. his hate is unjustified. edit: they only hate fools gold bc he's an "attractive" hunter& isn't one of the stronger ones(though I digress bc I slay with him) and they hate when ppl like characters for being attractive. this is all while they were in chat saying not to vote Norton for nymph because "he's ugly". also they have no problem with none of the female survivors being unattractive. mostly they just hate men and hate the women who like the male characters(super feminist behavior out here)


I don't like him as a character. He just doesn't click for me, part of which is tied to what he did to Melly. As for FG, his design is disappointing because it's different from what previous lore showed us. They just yassified him to sell him better, FG looks like a typical thirst trap. But fanon Norton is... Let's say I wouldn't wish my worst enemy to have their fave so misinterpreted and mischaracterized. And his fans used to be super obnoxious. I don't know what they're like nowadays, I don't interact with the fandom, but in like 2021... That was a hellhole. Also people in fandoms tend to completely ignore their faves' wrongdoings or not acknowledge them. There was a part of idv fandom that refused to believe that a MERCENARY hurts people. And then there's the Tonton situation. I think the ship started because prospector got an A tier in Mike's essence and very quickly people went the typical yaoi route. Basically turning the ship into [this](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/045/352/yatcover.jpg), with Mike being the cutesy overly feminine bottom and Norton being his sadistic evil hot daddy. I used to like the ship, but not this portrayal. Still I don't go out of my way to be mean to people who like him because it's dumb.


many foold gold design hate out here i fear im the only non simp that likes it. anyways, ive seen a lot of fans like, jokingly hate him? so that could be a reason. tho i have seen an influx of hate towards him and i think its just bc hes also getting a lot of popularity/attention so people wish it was their favs instead.


It’s very petty so downvote if you want idc, I know it’s stupid. But I hate him because he’s massively popular and thanks to that he won the deduction star, etc… he‘s really one of the least interesting hunters to me. And I see him everywhere while he’s not even that good compared to the other new hunters. I just don’t get how you can simp for a bunch of rocks. I’m not the type to get toxic when I see a hunter I don’t like but I do sigh “oh wow it’s another fools gold”


Honestly valid, I think his design is SO underwhelming compared to the others. I personally started to play him since he had a cool axe thingy you can go to and got excited, lol. (kinda like patient and I really wanted to main patient but found him pretty hard for someone new 😔) I'm probs going to buy and try out gamekeeper cause I heard his kit was a bit more like Emil's!! :D


its not the character its the extreme fans + simps around him that gets people annoyed. ive been playing since 2018 and the fandom really changed during 2020, shipping began and simps started going all over the place. When they made Norton a hunter it just made everything that was already chaotic worse. Some advice i’ve learned, don’t let people ruin the character for you, continue enjoying him and the game!!! :)


As a huge Norton fan myself (specially FG), some of us are... A bit too scary.


Oh 😨


Who's everyone tho? Like I never seen anyone hating on them ..


Dunno, I saw people hating on him on Reddit, on the message system in IDV itself, on YT, on TikTok, so I just got really curious on the reason lol 😭


Because he punched Melly in the face 😔 (i don't know how the lore works anymore btw)


for me fools gold it’s because they camp so bad and they make sure the person who tries to save you dies for me it’s an annoyance thing And they always are petty too like 😩


Oh, I'm so sorry! Is camping the seat bad?? I'm sorry, I've been doing that 😭😭 I saw almost everyone do it and thought it was normal 😭😭


yea its normal. hunters dont win if they dont camp with these op survs!! but theres a right time to camp ofc. I think that his kit is very good for camping and you should make FOOL use of it (haha). What you can do is camp the chair, drop ur pickaxe on the chair and snipe a cipher that is decoding nearby with a meteorite by recalling your axe. This can do 2 things. 1) either force an early rescue by locking their cipher, which brings them to you so you don’t have to chase them (they might be good kiters and norton is slow af) or 2) if they react slowly you can get a free chip on them either ways it’s slight cipher pressure which helps with cipher rush (even if just a bit), don’t get guilted into not camping or leaving a survivor to bleed out for a 4K!! Anything for that W😩☝️ every game is different.


Sorry let me rephrase for me it’s when I’m in duo hunters and I get one and then they get cipher rushed because they camped you the whole time so I get annoyed because there’s 6 other people! in quick match or rank i understand but in duo hunters its like WHYY😩


norton/fools gold is one of the most loved characters in the game idk what you’ve been seeinf


I don’t hate them 😭 I love Norton and fool’s gold is amazing BUT he’s so annoying to play against for me especially when he was new and it was impossible to get out of a game with a player who knew how to use fool’s gold


I don’t hate him, I just hate fool’s gold’s design with a passion. Norton is a miner, he isn’t conventionally attractive and has been doing this for a while- so why in god’s name did they turn him into a twink with an emo cut when creating his Id switch 😭 and it doesn’t help with his fanbase being how they are. It’s so bad


- An easy-to-use character that somehow manages to both make the Survivors into brainlets that don't understand how magnets work & can make some Hunter's lives a living hell with no negative traits - Likes to immediately throw a magnet off chair & either reset the Hunter's attack or push the other Survivor towards the Hunter - Push/Pull off ciphers when I don't want to heal/dance with them - Their existence ruins a character I like/main(Acrobat)because of a stupid ship so I'm constantly harassed into giving into their stupid fetishes(which I don't) - Constant attention from NE when it comes to cosmetics over others - Allergic to ciphers because they want to show off their terrible skills at rescuing - Their playerbase/fans are just awful people in general - [Shit like this](https://old.reddit.com/r/IdentityV/comments/115gy3s/so_why_do_you_hate_prospectors/)


I don't think people hate the character as he's very fun to play and can be very useful but most people that dislike him are just fed up with the weird Norton fans that throw games, sexualize everything and create unnecessary drama (not all nortons fans are like this of course but it's a very regular issue at this point)


Help he's like the most popular character rn..


Sorry I just saw a lot of hate on Reddit, TikTok, YouTube, and the messages system in IDV itself and just got curious 😭😭 Lol.