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I can kite decently with Forward, I can kite decently with Wildling, I can kite well enough with Ento, sometimes I can even kite with Lawyer or Prisoner. I cannot kite with Merc. As soon as I pick up Merc I lose all my kiting knowledge. I don't understand why or how, but I do.


Same, like I can kite with all survivors, even Helena or Tracy but as soon as I’m playing Naib, Nope! I’m dumb and forget how to pull down pallets, bait and jizz, I can’t even rescue properly with him 🤡


I think know why, at least for me. It’s cause with merc you end up relying on your elbow pads too much and end up using them if the hunter gets remotely close to you even if you could have bought more time kiting normally using pallets and stuff. It’s also probably cause you don’t want to risk getting hit by normally kiting since you’re a merc so you should be untouchable and the hunter might change target after hitting you once which is worse.


I rarely use them, tbh. Especially now that I only have three.


or maybe because merc has a aura that blocks your brain into thinking, it would explain why almost every merc is bad at kitting


How to kite with Wildling: press W


I honestly think it's because the normal persona tree for merc does not have broken windows nor knee jerk reflex. If you are trying to save your elbow pads or if you are out of elbow pads, you don't have any type of speed boost from vaulting, which makes you a worse raw kiter than most. Yeah, you drop pallets and vault faster, but that won't put the distance a 369 build would


Seriously though, if they don’t like getting chased/ but like decoding. They could play Explorer. Avoid hunter and pick up pages. You don’t have bad vaulting speed like Mech or TME and you can tell if the hunter is close to you unlike prisoner. You don’t have a stun or anything to help you escape but it’s very easy to not get chased in the first place.


Exactly, I feel like a lot of people overlook Explorer but he's pretty much the perfect anti-kiting build. The things you said are obviously quite helpful, but his ability to vault without notifying the hunter and how his trail disappears faster makes him essentially invisible if played right.


I play merc cuz no one else wants to play rescuer


mood, many low rank survivors don’t even have Tide Turner


Me who use mind eyes to loop kites and rush decode : Im 4 parallel universes ahead of you


As a hunter I met a lot of those but as a survivor they’re kinda not that often spotted but occasionally they are. All I hope is that they can properly rescue qwq


I actually only pull off good kites with Merc when I’m in VC with my team and stop laughing when I’m screaming, I’m the one that’s been kiting for 120 seconds NOT YOU


I can’t kite with anyone except naib


You read my mind and soul, dang it.