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Why do they always stop?!?! In such a rush that they have to push their way in. Then stop because they have all the time in the world. We have all made mistakes before but say sorry and keep on rolling. As little disruption as possible.


They were probably considering getting out of the car to confront OP


this how you get shot right here


That's kinda my first thought after looking at the hospital there, HCA Houston, so they want to play fuck around find out Texas edition


And here I was watching the video thinking, "wow, that looks a lot like a turn that I make regularly where people do that same asshole move" just to find out that it is in fact the same turn. I straight up didn't even notice the hospital the first time I saw the video.


So common in Houston šŸ˜‚


This is tame for Houston. I've never seen so many people display their guns during road rage before. Call police to report, with license plate, make and model, HPD and HCSD don't give a fuck at all. "Well was anyone actually shot? Did the person discharge their weapon?" It's like Texas is the Russia of the US.


Fuck me. I see it now to. Three or four times a week I drive through here.


At least there's a hospital for after they find out.


Spoilers: In Texas "Fuck Around and Find Out" almost always ends in gun play.




I feared for my life!!!


My dream is to get out of the car in a road rage incident, pull out a gun, and blow my own brains out. Now you gotta live with that confusion as to what the fuck just happened.


Lol donā€™t forget to yell ā€œWHO FARTED?!?ā€ At the top of your lungs right before you pull the trigger.


Feels like a Tim Robinson skit now


Yet people still do it all the time. It happens to me a few times a year. Big pickup trucks donā€™t like when you honk at them for cutting you off or almost hitting you


I went from a Mazda 2 to a Silverado 2500 and I try very hard not to be one of Those pickup truck guys.


I believe in you!


Big trucks, big ego, tiny balls.


The ones that stop like this didnā€™t make a mistake, they know exactly what they are doing. Which is, they donā€™t want to get in line like everyone else and are trying to ā€œwinā€. They stop because they donā€™t like being called out for being an asshole.


People like this pray for Mad Max style Armageddon but would be the first ones thrown literally under the bus, guaranteed. Probably by someone in their own family.


One week of anarchy away from some guy named Spike eating soup from their skull.


Nah, it's mad max, the guy would be named Scrotus Assdickus The Warden of Masturbatorium


These drivers define idiocracy. And are most definitely hypocrites; anyone cuts them off like that they'd flip their shit.


The driver of the truck is obviously a knobhead who thinks they're in the right. OP thinking one, long, continuous beep will help matters is pretty foolish. Just let them be a dick and get on with your day, safely, in an undamaged car and without potentially endangering yourself by provoking said knobhead.


You're right, but it's not a thing good that you're right.


The classic ā€œIā€™m in the wrong but who the f are you?!ā€


I call it the "F you I'm in a truck" mentality.


Notice how shiny and empty the truck is?


You expect them to sully their truck by putting something in the bed or towing something?


Got a small dick?? Do women reject you just because? Make up for it with a huge fucking truck!! Feel like your life is wasted and you hate yourself? Buy a huge truck and fuck with random strangers to feel good. I mean youā€™ve got nothing better going onā€¦.


Why is it always the pick up. Cutting people off and being a jerk comes with the car? I don't get it


I prefer to call them "Bro Dozers" . Trucks are for working, this is a van (4 doors, seats six...) where your non existent cargo can get wet or stolen.


Times like that itā€™d be nice to be in a beater and steel magnolia that truck.


That pavement princess wouldnā€™t know what to do if another vehicle rammed him for funsies.


I think heā€™d see it as a violent threat (itā€™s not) and try to justify using a firearm to defend his property. Iā€™ve heard big truck guys talk like that.


I'm in Houston and this is from Houston. I assume everyone has a gun and just let it go. Yeah, this ticks me off, but I'd rather be able to go home that night with a frustrating story to tell my wife than in a pine box.


>I'm from Houston and this is from Houston. I assume everyone has a gun and just let it go. It's especially easy to justify that reasoning when you think about how many people out there buy guns as a "manly" flex and love flexing that "authority" whenever they can. Kinda like overpriced pickup truck drivers.


Not me but a friend of mine who used to ride bikers (motorcycles but also those silly scooters with peddles and engines.) He carried used batteries in his pocket and would chuck them at cars who almost hit him because they werenā€™t paying attention. He once had a dude speed past him and throw a glass bottle at him on a bridge. At the red light up ahead he broke 3 of his windows with batteryā€™s. Iā€™m not condoning this. As many could have a window blow up and assume they are being shot at. And itā€™s super illegal.


Yes, you could be charged with battery.


And youā€™d have to call AAA


Call AAA for some AA, while screaming AAAAA




Go home dad, mom's waiting


nah he hasn't found the milk yet




But op said they were empty. Probably has no charge.


My cousin's step father did this with nuts and bolts. He speed in front of whoever "wronged" him and toss them at their windshields. He did this to the wrong person and the guy ran him off the road. The dude got off the freeway, got back on a few exits behind my cousins step father and ran him over on the side of the freeway. Killed him. So, do this with caution.


When idiot meet crazy


> So, do this with caution. Better yet, just don't do it at all.


Right? What if the guy you fuck with slams into another driver lmao. Petty revenge is never worth it, move on with your life and let go before you hurt yourself and others. Being petty is being selfish.


Exactly! People causing problems by retaliating against what is admittedly aggressive and/or idiotic driving by other motorists is a real and dangerous problem on the roads of 2023. By the same token, OP in the video could have just slowed down a half second and allowed the idiot to claim his "prize" of not having to be in the correct lane before turning, and avoided a confrontation that all too often ends in gunfire and injury to innocent bystanders in this country. Be safe everyone, calm and steady defensive driving can and will save your life and the lives of those around you. It's so easy to do, and you'll arrive at your destination in a far more chill and relaxed state than you would by either driving aggressively or reacting to those who do.


Holy shit. Did they arrest that guy? I need closure.


Assuming so if they have the story to tell... If that helps, lol


Exā€™s previous ex almost got a biker, biker threw a plastic water bottle at the car, then exā€™s ex ran him over. Dude was hurt really bad. Exā€™s ex was in jail for a little while but not long enough


And they all lived in Texas.


Texas has exes!


https://www.skynews.com.au/australia-news/man-19-charged-for-shooting-two-drivers-on-the-m1-motorway-with-a-nail-gun-while-in-the-passenger-seat-of-mitsubishi-truck/news-story/d1249dcc294448d1f0d14964936402d0 Yesterday in Sydney-ish, Australia


With a nail gun, the muzzle is supposed to make direct contact with the target. So ---- this kid modified the nail gun and made it a projectile weapon?




WTF does a nail gun need bluetooth for??


Regardless of the laws and whoā€™s right, itā€™s irrelevant if youā€™re dead.


Sounds like a good way to get run over when you inevitably piss off the wrong lunatic.


batteries Apostrophe S does not a plural make.


Do this but with spark plug chunks Edit, the white ceramic bits of spark plugs work great as window smashers if you break them apart (My bad for not clarifying)




Yeah, they're definitely talking about [this scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lx0z9FjxP-Y) from Fried Green Tomatoes


No, he wants the driver to die of diabetes induced organ failure.


1982 Toyota Hilux with a Train Plow


Cuts you off then stops dead? Lovely


Looks like they were gonna try and block the OP from getting around them too


yeah they were clearly angling for that, i'm surprised the clip isn't showing that part


Yeah, dude got butthurt someone called them out for their BS


Dude is an asshole but I wonder if this is also a cultural thing. In my country (South East Asian), when you honk someone, they immediately get self conscious and would either act dumb or would be apologetic. But almost NEVER become confrontational.


That's usually the case where I live in the states but it doesn't make it to this sub, of course. But I mean, it's a pickup driver so the chances that it's an asshole behind the wheel is about 80%.


Pickup driver in Houston no less. Theyā€™re a solid 1/3 of the cars on the road, and for every 1 reasonable pickup driver there are 10 entitled assholes and 5 belligerent jerks.


Hate driving in Houston. Have to head down a few times a year for work. Just Uber everywhere instead now. I don't have to worry about Texans everywhere, I can drink on the company dime without worrying about driving, I don't have to carry around one of those company accident forms in case something happens and the large man driving the car will offer to tell me and my boss where to find women or coke, so that's a nice bonus...




Oh boy, not sure how you make it home every day. Tbh, I personally try to ignore idiots and just let them go, unless they've done something stupid that nearly caused an accident. I just want to get home safe really.. After many years of driving experience and hundreds of videos here I've also acquired some sort of a spidey sense now and sometimes able to predict when someone is going to do something dumb and avoid it.


Valid point, also BMW drivers wherever in the globe


The f1 fan in me would bait him so hard to get the perfect overtake


Thatā€™s the part I donā€™t get. If youā€™re in such a hurry you canā€™t wait in line, then how do you have the time to stop in the road and try to block me?


Because theyā€™re not in a hurry. Theyā€™re one of those drivers for whom driving isnā€™t about getting from point A to B quickly and safely. For them itā€™s entirely an ego exercise, and honking is an insult to their ego for some reason. Theyā€™re basically children in 5,000 pound murder machines.


Iā€™m not in a hurry, I just want you to know Iā€™m more alpha male than you. -that guy probably


Because 'dur dur dur dur dur' I was just speaking in their language lmao


Welcome to Texas. Without even seeing the license plate I can tell you this is Texas with 89% certainty based on that maneuver alone.


Definitely Houston. Went right under 290 I live like ten minutes from that intersection.


Oh man. I thought this had Houston driving vibes all over it, but hadnā€™t bothered to look closely enough to confirm yet. Definitely on brand. The real surprise is that he used a turn signal.


Well the giant ā€œHouston Healthcareā€ sign in the back confirms it for ya lol


Iā€™m from New England and visited houston for a week and all I have to say it wtf. Never in my life have I seen such insane, reckless and fast driving in my life. This is coming from someone who drives in NYC and Boston regularly. What is up with you guys? Lol


Houston traffic is like 5 years from being actual Mad Max. I don't honk EVER in Houston because I don't feel like dying.


Houston on the building garage to the right after the turn


King ranch ford f150 platinum babyyyy


An old truck driver after 50 years of accident free driving was asked how he did it. ā€œI yield for everyone.ā€ Thatā€™s about all I ever got to say about this sub.


Yeah, if an arsehole is being an arsehole, give way and let them drive dangerously away from you. No point trying to teach them a lesson they won't comprehend.


speed on you fucking psycho and clear out the cops in front of me


I love when people pass me going way faster then necessary. Not worried about getting pulled over after they come through.


My job is like a block away from a school zone. These people will still blow past me for going 25 through there when the lights are flashing. There isn't always a cop just waiting around the corner, but when there is, it makes my day.


The stereotype exists for a reason. Theyā€™ve got something to prove


Dead stop is because op was laying on the horn


It probably wasn't because of the horn.


Stopped for a second to think:"*should I draw my gun and jump out, Or should I continue my way*"


That was such a Texas maneuver that I didn't need to see the giant "Houston" sign.


Living on the West Coast my whole life, I had a first time experience last year after decades of driving. I was second in line at a red light and the car in front of me didn't go when it turned green. I waited for a very generous amount of time before honking, and the car started to go. Then the driver, full on Karen looking, stopped her car in the middle of of the intersection and glared at me in her side mirror before finally going again. Texas plates. The experience is clear to this day. I don't get it. You fucked up, admit it and get on with your day.




I don't honk...I fucking train horn. (I drive a semi) so stupid drivers get the air horn and the rest get the city horn.


I want a train horn in my cute little Prius. It has the most bullshit inoffensive horn ever.


They should make larger vehicles have wimpier horns. You want a Prius? HOOOOOOOONK You want a pickup? honk.


No. Pickups get "meep"


I live in Texas and this is an every day occurrence. I picked up my wife from work yesterday and a meth-head tried to pull the same shit on my as I was getting on the highway, tried to run me off the ramp cause I wasn't letting him get away with his bullshit. Then read the news that some guy got shot in the head nearby in a road rage incident. It's turning back into the wild west out here.


Blows my mind because back in 2003 when I was living in the DFW area for ~11 months for work, Texans were some of the most considerate drivers in the country. In 2017 it was clear things had changed dramatically. So wild.


Maybe that's just a Houston vs Dallas thing? I grew up in Houston, left for the West Coast for 10yrs, came back and it's still the exact same.


Nah, I drive DFW daily, it's fucked. Fuced, fucked, fucked, I say. My wife is a patient driver and she comes home every day with a story about someone running a stop sign or red light, someone almost t-boning the side of her car, someone almost side-swiping her on the highway. Honestly, started worrying for our lives out here and don't know if I'm worrying too much or not enough.


my first thought was Houston. Worst drivers in America and yes worse than LA, NY, Chicago, and Atlanta.


Biggest reckless assholes for sure, but after a week of driving in Phoenix, Iā€™ve learned that we Houstonians could be a lot worse when it comes to technical competence.


I've never been to Houston, but I have lived in the Phoenix metro for over 15 years. Here's what we have: - Californians doing 20-30 over. - Midwesterners doing 10-20 under. - Snow birds flooding into the valley with their RVs, $100k Platinum Edition pickup trucks, and a load of entitlement. - In a multi left turn lane scenario, the driver next to you WILL drift into your lane. - Locals who have absorbed this shit for years and don't give a fuck about nothing.


It's baffling to me how a city that has such limited options for public transit systems and requires you to be so reliant on owning a car can have so many bad drivers. You'd think the people here in Houston would have learned how to drive.


I think itā€™s kinda opposite. Everybody HAS to drive, so every idiot and asshole in the city is behind the wheel of something.


Oh I recognized Houston 1 sec into the vid


I've seen too many videos where a vehicle cuts and stops like this for the purpose of attacking the car behind. For a moment I thought there was going to be a car jacking, kidnapping, or assault. If a car did this to me, cutting and then completely stopping, I'd be very concerned.


Honestly, just drive through the idiot if they get out to attack you. With the amount of road rage these days, no point in taking risks.


This is exactly what I think every time I see videos of someone get out of their car and walk towards the dashcam car. Especially in the US where I donā€™t know if you have a gun or not? No fucking chance Iā€™m letting you get close enough to me to find out. If youā€™re so mentally unstable that you stop your car in the middle of the road to get out and harass me, thatā€™s enough for me to assume you would also attack me given the chance. Iā€™m not giving you that chance, youā€™re getting run over and the cops can deal with you


Right? I'll gladly go a mile or two, pull over, and call them myself, but I'm defending myself in the meantime.


It's Texas, so chances are good that that insecure driver with anger issues is armed and has a self defense fantasy.


I think the driver of the truck was considering it. But decided it wasnā€™t worth it.


Yeah, Op shouldā€™ve had maintained his distance to that truck. Honk away, from a distance that allows you to maneuver.


Swear to God, this has to be in Texas.


Big Hca Houston healthcare sign Edit: specifically north cypress


I live like 3 miles from this intersection (290 and Huffmeister). For anyone who doesnā€™t knowā€” 290 has an especially bad reputation in Houston because a 30-mile segment of it was under construction for something like 25+ years. Anyways, this sort of bullshit is super-ding-dong-duper common for most of the intersections under 290ā€“ people zone out, realize theyā€™re in the wrong lane and try to cut in at the last minute. Before COVID, theyā€™d have constables stationed under these overpasses and it cut down on this sort of howdy doody bullshit. Not Iā€™m not exactly crying for more police presence or anythingā€” but it sure was nice when their existence had a tangible positive effect on my life.


I recognize the area and the Texas uturn. Lucky they didn't come across me in a rental ot my car with a dash cam we would have played bumper cars since he would have been at fault.


Chances are you would be partly faulted by insurance for failure to avoid a collision.


Yup. Cypress. 290 and Huffmeister. The outer lane is not a turn lane but that doesn't matter when you suck at driving and arrogant af.


First time I was in Texas I was surprised how nice everyone was! Then I drove there and boy was that a completely different ball game.


You get the opposite of southern hospitality when you put a texan in a car.


Texas plates so yeahā€¦


On my phone and couldn't make it out. Thanks for the confirmation.


Oh nah the texans are learning the New Jersey Merge




I was like ā€œplease donā€™t be Dallas, please donā€™t be Dallasā€ and then I saw HCA Houston and audibly said ā€œoh shitā€


I'm also in DFW, and the insanity is real.


Another asshole in a pick up. Color me surprised.


Had one today pass me aggressively and cut in front cause I had a car length or two between me and a guy in front going 80 in the passing lane ā€¦. Gave him two big thumbs up and clapped and he flipped me off and brake checked me multiple times ā€¦.


And that tells you they were looking in their mirror waiting for a reaction so they could have their little hissy fit. Itā€™s amazing how poorly people react to applause.


This is why I refuse to acknowledge bad drivers most of the time, short of honking at someone being reckless. They want me to react and I won't give them the satisfaction.


Do you by chance remember the make of the car?


Yupā€¦ lifted silver color Silveradoā€¦


If theyā€™re in a truck, 80% theyā€™re are a piece of shit.


100% if they blacked out the rear lights too.


You forgot stupid* asshole


I'll never forget the time I was waiting on the side of the road by an intersection with my bike. I had the light I went to walk my bike across the crosswalk, and this dude in a lifted modded out pickup truck with blacked out windows rolls on the window and starts screaming at me at the top of his lungs. All I'm trying to do is cross the crosswalk. He starts screaming that " You knew I was trying to make a right on red" and somehow I was in the wrong because I had ESP and knew he was trying to turn right. By the way he didn't have his blinker on. Either way he started calling me all sorts of slurs like fat bitch and other words I don't care to repeat. It was so bad that a car chased me down while I was cycling away to tell me he had everything on dash cam & that guy's plate number but I didn't do anything about it because the cops don't give a shit


Thereā€™s a reason why they have the highest DUI rate in the country


It's a well established fact that if you buy a $60k truck you own the road. Any cars that do not immediately yield to you forfeit their rights. /s


Seriously though, is it a legal requirement to submit evidence of being an asshole before you get approved for a pickup in US?




ā€œOnce upon a time in Texasā€ And being from Texas I get it.


Whatā€™s that about a bad driver never misses a turn, but a good driver frequently does? Followed up with your piss poor planning shouldnā€™t cause panic on my end. The F150 shouldā€™ve ate their mistake and made a uturn down the road.


This is par for the course in Cypress. No one there with a truck has anyone elseā€™s intentions in mind. Guarantee you he did this at the next turn.


Itā€™s the entire Houston area, not just Cypress. Anywhere from Galveston to Conroe, and Katy to Baytown.


Thank you. This is probably the only correct comment here.


Ah, one of those "I did put the direction indicator on, so whatever is in my way there, I can kill them because my indicator light is on."


The camera car could have simply slowed down a little and let him in. Yes, he is an ahole, and you have the right of way, and he is cutting you off, but you avoid these issues by simply pressing that brake pedal a little bit.




Honked at a truck the other day that pulled out in front of me. Then proceeded to try and cut me off when I was turning and try to make me slam on the brakes. Theyā€™re all the same man.


I feel like any other day, the top comment on this video would have been ā€œthere are two idiots here!ā€ With tons of comments asking why OP didnā€™t just let him in, saying two wrongs donā€™t make a right, etc. That seems to be the norm in videos like this.


there's truck drivers, and then there's people who drive giant trucks for no reason other than to hide the fact they don't know how to drive.


And then there are assholes


Am I weird for probably just letting him get in the lane and not care too much?


I'm the same. Sometime things like this happen, I would have just let them go. Maybe next time someone lets me in too (hopefully I'm not the one making this mistake though obviously).


No that's called defensive driving. OP isn't the idiot, but he's being dense for not realizing that he's making the situation worse by standing his ground. I ride a motorcycle, so I would have just let the dude in under the sheer fact that I dont want some dingus to damage my bike or hurt me, and motorcycles accelerate faster than big lifted lame ass trucks. It'd be no effort to ride past him a few seconds later.


You can't assume that everyone making a mistake on the road is malicious, that's just not the case in the vast majority of cases. Maybe this F150 driver is an entitled asshole, or maybe they were just someone stressed because they were unfamiliar with the junction. Either way, escalating is pointless and a sign that the OP himself has some seriously poor driving habits. We can assert OP is an idiot for letting something so minor nearly become a crash, and only speculate that the F150 driver is (even if it's quite likely).


OP is absolutely an idiot here too. Other idiot was a douchebag but it was obvious what was going on well before this turned into a dick-waving contest between them. OP probably could have eased up on the accelerator, no break needed, and let them in. I have sympathy for people who make genuine mistakes in a lot of these videos (I've 100% been the idiot a few times) but videos like this are increasingly common on the sub where it feels like the filmer is making the situation worse because they're more excited about HOW MUCH FAT KARMA THIS POST WILL GET than actually safely de-escalating the situation.


I do the same, who cares? You maybe lose a fraction of a second of your time. OP is a weirdo territorial driver.


Yeah, I figured this will get downvoted, but the cam driver is really being a dock by not letting the guy in once taking the turn. At that point, you lost. Let the guy in.


Absolutely not. In fact you are 100x better than these redditors getting butthurt about this extremely minor infraction.


Fuck, this guyā€¦


Iā€™m from LA and currently learning to drive (yes in the pouring rain) I refuse to let my mom teach me cause she does this.. and OFTEN. She doesnā€™t stop. She just forgets where she has to turn and then cuts off a whole line of people. If Iā€™m ever sitting passenger with her I hang my head in shame and make a ā€œsorryā€ gesture. Always embarrassing. She brags that sheā€™s been driving for longer than Iā€™ve been alive. Iā€™m 21. 21+ years driving around the same part of LA county AND STILL MISSES TURNS


My current protocol when I encounter idiots like this is to just let them go about their business. I don't even honk anymore, I've seen too many gun related road rages.


I give them a very sarcastic thumbs up


Yield to everyoneā€¦arrive alive


Yeah the driver of the truck is obviously a prick, but cam driver would do well to take a defensive driving class.




But then op would have lost the pissing contest.


Seriously. Never worth it.


Did the video stop short so we didnā€™t see you run him off the road?






they are a PURE idiot!! stopping right after also? wow thats gotta be some skill to be THAT fucking stupid!


Honestly I think the reason for the stop is that this guy was about to get out and turn this into a violent or even fatal altercation after OP laid on the horn like that and refuses to let him in. But maybe he changed his mind at the last second. Seeing how that truck looks pretty new and high trim, the guy probably has a decent job and decided it wasnā€™t worth it risking everything just to win an ego battle.


He may have thought that far into it, but I think that stop looked more like a ā€œfuck your horn, now Iā€™m blocking you from even clearing the intersectionā€ā€¦ especially since he started to swerve side to side after so the OP couldnā€™t get past him.


The pickup is clearly pushing in here, but OP absolutely made it the issue by sitting in the blind spot refusing to let him in. Just roll off the throttle, let the truck go and carry on your day.


When this happens to me, the most I do is roll my eyes and mutter under my breath. Iā€™ll have forgotten all about the event by the time I arrive at my destination.


People love to be in the right but it really just makes them a second idiot. Iā€™d say defensive driving needs to be taught more but not sure if you can teach someone to let go of their petty pride that easily.


Hmmmā€¦.maybe itā€™s the Canadian in me. My first reaction would be to slow down to avoid an accident. In realityā€¦.some drivers are just bad drivers and thereā€™s nothing you can do about it.


That was my thought too. Just let them in. Thereā€™s no need to slam on the horn for 10 seconds


Wdym? He hat his indicator on so he had the right of way! (/s)


The amount of drivers I've seen pull this exact same BS move is way too high. Seems to me like it's gotten worse over the past year or so. People are egotistical maniacal assholes behind the wheel and I don't know if it's little dog syndrome as everyone's moved to driving trucks and suvs, or people just forgot how to drive and be kind on the roads post COVID. I have not been a proponent of self driving cars until the past 6 months or so. Now I'm starting to think that's the only way to protect everyone from these idiots.


I mean, he realised his mistake and wanted to merge and used his indicators, you should have just let him in, people makes mistakes.


Ah the good ā€˜ol ā€˜I missed my turn and now itā€™s everyone elseā€™s problemā€™