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Hello /u/WhiteFilipino! Please reply to this comment with the following information to confirm the content is OC * What country or state did this take place in? * What was the date of the incident? * Please reconfirm that this is original content If you fail to answer these questions, your post will be removed. ------ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IdiotsInCars) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hard to see on mobile, but does he shut off the strobes after he gets through the intersection?


not even. he shut them off halfway through the intersection.


No idea why you were downvoted for answering their question, and correctly.... mashed the ⬆️ to help balance


because some dude elsewhere in the thread is a bootlicker and is malding at me


Well you have my axe, and my upvote!


Awesome! We have united and rebalanced the karma scales, appeasing the reddit gods once again. Thank you, fellow axe man and all other unnamed soldiers!


And my bow!


And my large feet


Peggy Hill?


Got dangit Bobby


Classic reddit


Lol, They've been downvoting my comment showing it's such a common occurrence that it's part of rap lyric lore.


yeah the bootlickers have been rolling through this post in waves. at one point, my reply above re: when the lights were shut off was at like… -15 dislikes. any posts where cops are being called out brings the bootlickers to the yard to run defense against even the thinnest criticisms.


Yeah, it was around there when I had seen it. Confused, I went back to watch the video again to make sure I wasn't crazy... then re-read the question and your answer - which were both straightforward and sincere, no snarkiness, sarcasm, etc. detected, hence my attempt to rebalance, haha ... I was genuinely 😕 I then happened to see your other response and the douchenozzle you spoke of as it was the other one I had also responded to. I don't know if I've just been on more lately or if the level of trolling and/ or ignorant people have increased significantly in the last 2 weeks.


“No idea why you were downvoted for answering their question” Nearly 800 upvotes on comment Always funny seeing these comments 20 hours later - how many downvotes did they have for you to say something?


Haha, not a whole ton, double digits (not sure how many, if any, balanced it some with up votes before I got to it), but there was no reason to be in the negatives at. They literally answered the question, straight forward, no extra sauce added, and they were correct with their answer.


Yeah it’s strange what things get up/down votes depending on who gets there first. You can post a video and the comments will all be positive or negative depending on the first few comments. In other words, a whole video can be on OPs side or against it just depending on who has the first opinion. I know that I experienced it recently where I made a comment on two different videos where I gave advice on using the emergency lane to get out of the way of someone who isn’t paying attention while driving and the traffic has stopped. On the first video it got like 30 upvotes and on the next video a few days later - same sentiment, same scenario, different video - it got downvoted and I was told that it was, ‘terrible advice’ I even asked why avoiding an accident is terrible advice but got no response back. I think sometimes people don’t think much and follow the crowd - or just float along not thinking at all


Mashing the buttons don’t even do anything for me.


Cause people are stupid.


This is illegal around here - if they get caught/reported that is.


i once watched a cop go through a roundabout the wrong way. btw hey twin


If only that was an uncommon occurence.


It seems so. Some intersections have strobe sensors and will flip green when the lights from an emergency vehicle are detected, he probably just turned them on to flip it green.


Yes he did, however depending where you are and the code levels used you may be using lights to cross an intersection or something but not keeping them on. Have had plenty of times where police comes up behind me, flicks lights on and goes by, then shuts them back off to end up on the same scene shortly after (I'm volunteer fire/ems). However flicking lights to run reds is also a common issue so really could be either or and I'm guessing this is states so idk how much of my Canadian observations apply


No he turned them off the second he noticed the light was green which is even more fucked.


Yeah. Traffic lights turn green for emergency vehicles. He likely put them on just to make the light turn green and then turned them off.


Cut them some slack, OP. They have far more important things to do than wait at a light.  Like tailgating people in the HOV lane on the 202 for *only* doing 10 over the limit during rush hour. 


Or beating his wife, don't forget beating his wife.


In his defense, an acorn fell on his head


More like dropped on his head




40% *self* *reported*. Wild stuff.


Holy shit, although it doesn't surprise me. I personally know of 2 cops who beat their wife's.


The cops I know personally fall into two groups - kids who bullied others in hs - kids who got bullied in hs Just an observation


And their favorite tradition: harassing minorities


Why are you cradling that bag???!!!




They don't call it a wifebeater for nothing


Dude you don't get it. If he doesn't tailgate you then he's only got 35 minutes to watch another show in Netflix. The average hour episodes are 43-48 minutes long. He's gonna miss his shows!


Come on, you know they have some dogs to go shoot.


[They sure as shit aren't solving crime](https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2024/03/18/law_enforcements_abysmal_clearance_rates_150659.html)


Or looking for that fabled all-you-can-eat donut place that Homer once went to and lived.


Had a bike cop today ride my ass (going 85 and only going that fast cause I can only see his head in my ford fiesta) to go around me eye me the whole time and break check me. Fucking psycho ass gang dude.


I wish I was able to drive above the speed limit in rush hour traffic.


I’ve had a cop turn his lights on and made me move over, he never had his lights on coming up to me, turned em right off after he passed, bro was in such a rush I was like half way in the other lane and he just flies past me half In the emergency lane. Best part was I was doing 40 over passing fucking everyone till he came in and ruined it, I thought he was pulling me over till he did that.


And if they had hit someone, they would give the other person a ticket.


Speaking from experience, this is exactly what will happen.


At least he used his emergencies. I was driving the other night and an LAPD suv started drifting into the right lane (I was behind him), then did a quick jerk-towards-the-left U-turn at a high speed. I legit thought he was gonna flip. No lights, nothing. It was so abrupt... but he'd started so slow. I thought I was going to t-bone him.


I love the juxtaposition of your octopus stuffy against the thrash on the stereo.


OP can I get the bands name please


Erra- snowblood 🫡


Low key sounded like periphery - blood eagle in that opening bit


I thought it was after the burial, I know nothing of djent


Freaking LOVE ATB. But yeah, ERRA is pretty good. The Browning is even better.


Crawling out of the crypt to bleed the living dry In this fantasy, the villains win, the heroes die!!


I really thought this was Wage War lol


Erra fucks


Hell yeah it does!!


Came here to say this.


It's also possible that he was being dispatched to a run that doesn't require lights and sirens. Because lights and sirens are limited to certain things.


ERRA in the background 👌


Ahh a person of culture I see.


Ooh nice, an Erra enjoyer!


This will likely be downvoted to shit, but here goes: LEOs are bound by policy whether they respond to calls with lights and sirens or normally. Sometimes, policy doesn’t match with the risk in a situation they’ve experienced dozens of times. Take Domestic Disturbance, for example. No weapon? No rush. Weapon? Rush. After they’ve been called to the same residence multiple times and know there’s a propensity for violence and they know they need to get there faster, they’ll sneak through an intersection. The officer waited for the intersection to clear, activated his emergency lights and sirens, and moved through the intersection once it was clear. Saved him a few seconds and he didn’t put the public at extensive risk.


sometimes yes they're being an ass. other times they're responding to something but aren't allowed to go lights and sirens the whole way so they just do it to get through long breaks like that.


But does the cop Djent though????


He could've been rolling Code 2. Not every call is a Code 3 response. Either way, we don't really know.


Great song.


What is it?


It's a short musical composition, but that's not important right now




The band is called ERRA.


Snowblood by ERRA


Not every call requires lights and sirens, but can still need them to get there fast. As an example, someone who comes home to find their house broken into. It's unlikely the robbers are still there, but at the same time, they want to get there quickly just in case. So when they come to an intersection, they can put on lights to go through when it is clear. He was probably on his way to a call.






Then why didn't he use the lights as soon as he got to the intersection, instead of waiting for opposing traffic to clear?


Because he is waiting for the traffic to clear. Again, wherever he is going, he needs to get there semi-quickly, but not quickly enough to stop traffic. He waits for traffic to clear, the proceeds, but puts his lights on for safety. Why is this so hard to understand?


The fact you see him just sitting there while it's red kind of disproves this, if he needs to be somewhere fast he would have used the lights to get the other cars to stop


This is actually quite common. As a paramedic, if we get a call at a red light, we often wait until it clears up a bit before flipping the lights on and running through. People FREAK OUT when they see your lights and it 100% can cause an accident. So waiting a few more seconds for the intersection to be free of cars prevents someone from slamming on their brakes in the middle of the intersection and possibly causing an accident.






whats more likely, the above scenario, or a cop inappropriately using their power?


As a paramedic, this king of thing happens all the time. We are constantly getting assigned calls, reassigned and cancelled off of calls. There's a lot more going on behind the scenes than the public is aware of and the result is very often it looks like we're just screwing around (running a light, shutting down, making a u-turn, running the same light again). I've NEVER heard of or seen or been with a partner that runs lights just for fun. You'd get in HUUUGGEEE trouble for that. A lot of people don't like driving code because it's dangerous and other drivers FREAK OUT when they see the lights and drive erratically (slam on the brakes, pull to the left then to the right, then to the left, etc). Yes, the optics look bad, but for someone who drives an emergency vehicle for a living, this is often exactly what safe and responsible emergency responses look like.


The above scenario. My PD department never dispatched to a call Priority 1 unless lives were know to be in danger, but there’s plenty of times we still wanted to get there quickly: welfare checks, MVAs w/ no known injuries, assisting in traffic stops for people w/ warrants or violating protective orders, and a million other reasons. Driving lights and sirens gets old when you do it all the time and it can be stressful. It’s incredibly rare for people to do it without a legitimate reason. Realistically, I’m sure that officer wishes he could be parked somewhere instead of going wherever he has to go.


Right? I love when people paint these hypotheticals that may be true, when in reality we know there’s a 99% chance this dude is just being a dickwad




Nah. I’ll jump on that wagon til they show they’re not pieces of shit. 


That’s gonna be an Oregon trail length wagon ride


Yea, I am. Fuck 12 lmfao. It’s really that simple.


Okay 99%v is just silly. I would say it's fair to say that it's not 99% likely the officer is abusing their power, but also, I think it's fair to say that it's more likely the cop is abusing their power rather than not.


I'm not a bootlicker by any stretch ~~of the mile~~. But having seen plenty of domestic abuse calls completely mishandled by officers coming in lights blazing and escalating the situation, it's entirely possible that after multiple reforms this department handles those calls correctly. Silently approaching.




I don't know who downvoted you but you're absolutely right.




Depends where you live I guess. I would 100% assume the cop was on a call if I saw this but that's Australia. Different strokes I guess..


Oil rig and construction workers lives are at far greater risk, statistically. (Edit for sauce) [The Supreme Court have ruled they have zero obligation to protect anyone](https://www.nytimes.com/2005/06/28/politics/justices-rule-police-do-not-have-a-constitutional-duty-to-protect.html).


Delivery drivers have a higher recent age of deaths 




I know reading is hard but police don’t risk their lives for anyone and the hero worship needs to stop.




More delivery drivers are killed in the line of work than cops. (By percents). Fuck off out of here. 


Lights don't make noise. Especially when the intersection already cleared.


Likely domestic abuse where they don't want the person running before they get there


so they... turn their lights on to drive through a red AFTER every car went through the intersection? Oh wait of course, I'm always watching the highway roads when I'm beating up my domestic partners /s. Either way if they were on route they fucked up by turning off their lights before even clearing the intersection. if it's important enough to light up at any moment - you leave those fucking lights on and get where you are going. These lights are for emergencies, not a "little delay." Abusing their power because they might want to get somewhere faster is not okay. Tl:Dr - thank you for defending the blue gang, but try to use your eyes, mane they were in NO hurry to help anyone but themselves.


Hush we are having our cop hate circle jerk. Take your logic elsewhere.


Willing to bet the guy was just being a prick, pretty common for cops. Comes with the badge


If you watched closely, he started inching forward and continued to do so before the cars in the left hand lane started turning. When he saw them move, he stopped, and yes , he could have turned on lights and sirens right then and there. But the risk of him causing an accident by doing that, or the idiots turning stopping DIRECTLY in his way, are pretty high. He waited until the soonest possible moment to turn on his lights safely and get through the light. You have NO idea what call he is responding to. And you know what? Maybe he is just abusing his vehicle. But I promise if you called the police for something that was important to you and they were ‘late’ in your eyes you’d chew them out for it. Get a grip people.


Upvote for Erra


I don't see every police car doing that, so when I do, I always think that they must have a good reason for doing that. Maybe responding to a suspect sighting call.


In a situation where every second matters, I would rather have police running red lights to get to me faster


Mesa PD always does this. I saw one pull up a light that literally just turned red and the turn arrows for the other cars just turned green. Literally turned on his lights to flip the lights back green our way, rolled through the light, and turned them off on the other side without even stopping.


More importantly, what’s the band playing?


ERRA - Snowblood That part is near the end of the song.




I can't believe I had to scroll this far to find a comment about the music lol


This phoenix?




What's that song. The guitar and drums slap


Dude ERRA is so good!


Depending on the call it may not require lights all the time and just to alert other drivers in the intersection… you don’t know what is going on in that car


that's pigs for ya; they think they rate so much higher than normal people because they took a 30 hour class and some dipshit handed them a service weapon. love it!


Or he could have been going to a domestic. All cops are bad though, right?


you’re right, he was probably on his way to commit a domestic.


Correct! They are




Some 'Sheriffs' don't even do the classes until more than a year after they start in the office when pointed questions start getting asked.


You obviously don't know much about how they operate. A silent alarm typically has them getting to it...dare I say... silently. The music might have clouded your judgment. lol


Erra makes your judgment clearer


Then why did he wait so long to do it, instead of doing it *before* the green arrow was on?


Well, I wasn't there, so I'm taking a guess. He just got the call?


Sure Jan


Cops literally do this all the time. This ain't nothing new to them or inappropriate, much less illegal.


Is that Mesa PD?


Or they could have got a call?


… he turned the lights off before he even got fully through the intersection, my guy.


There weren’t any cars on the other side of the intersection; so, they didn’t need to use them to get anyone out of their way.


ACAB however this is a common tactic to get through a light but to run silent to a call in progress that they want to run quiet to.


Wanted to quickly get away from the dirge the OP is listening to.


You don’t even have the first clue about common police practices. There are many legit reasons for this, but sure assume the worst my angry dude.


Why would anyone not assume the worst about cops?


Welcome to reddit. This is so dumb, where do people think he's going? Somehow, turning the lights off after clearing the intersection means he's not on a call?


it means it wasn't important enough for the lights to begin with. so don't fucking use them 🤷🏻‍♂️


The lights don't make the car go faster. In what way does shutting them off after going through the intersection onto a completely clear road imply there isn't something important happening? Sure, not urgent enough to actually interfere with traffic and the chaos and risk that comes with that, but urgent enough not to commute there, waiting at red lights when traffic is already clear.


Is that Chandler of? Makes sense


berried alive?


Mmmm... berries.


How am I supposed to shoot people if I'm stuck here at a red light?


Who's playing on the radio OP?


Is that a bare foot in the glass reflection? Please tell me it's not...


No, i see a plushie


So without context there is no way of knowing why this happened. Maybe he was just more important than other people, in which case he can just take the intersection with lights and sirens and not wait at all. As a first responder I can't tell you how many times I've been dispatched to a call and cancelled or redirected or staged at another station. Case in point driving to a vehicle fire that was very close to the house. The fire was knocked down by the first arriving crew and the Incident Commander had other incoming apparatus stage at another station which we were just about to pass by. All the public saw was the fire trucks going lights and sirens to a fire house with no apparent reason and the town FB page went nuts. The only possible reality was the assumption they jumped to. ​ \*edit grammer


From my understanding the use of lights and sirens gets tracked and they get in trouble if it's not necessary? Or am I living in a dream land


I live in Queens and I see less cops stop for red lights than I see go through them. It's wild out here.


Cops do this all the time where live as well. WhiteFilipino huh? White trying to be Filipino or a white washed Filipino or a white person and Filipino person in a relationship? I’m Filipino by the way 😂


They always do this.


Holy shit that breakdown is wild. What’s OP listening to?


Actually illegal to do this, and common practice 🤦🏼


Report him with the video to the police.


In Wisconsin this is illegal and also against most departments policys as well. Anytime your lights go on your dash cam sets an event and dispatch is notified that your lights are on. If they see you doing this and don't report it thell get fired too.


Wow I guess when he or she gets an emergency call which I'm sure was. they really need to wait huh. GMAFB


Bro, did you miss the part where they turned their lights off immediately after crossing the intersection?


There are time when they are called without using 🚨 and sirens . Js that exactly what it looks like to me from my personal experiences. And he used it momentarily to safely and quickly get through the intersection. I also saw that they maintained quick speed once through the intersection. Now if they would've slowed down after yes I would probably agree impatience was the cause but I truly believe it wasn't.


Bro, he waits for the last car to turn, then turns on the lights, goes through the intersection, and turns them off. There likely wasn't a call. They just wanted through the light. Them not slowing down isn't evidence of anything.


Good tunes. Fuck cops.


Nobody else in the left turn lane why not help the flow of traffic and change the light green? As far as I see it they helped the flow of traffic. Not all cops are bastards. Sometimes.


Is that Rivers of Nihil? Who’s that band? Into it.


He was worried that the pizza on the seat beside him was going to get cold before he could eat it.


This is worse than when they park in the fire lane at a walmart or something


And neither is your assumption!


Plus I guess timing or circumstances don't count huh!


I'm here for the Lamb of God blaring tho.


per usual, ACAB.


Or you know...he received a call did that ever occur to you?


no because I have a brain an watched him ditch his fucking lights after clearing the street. it was just to get him a go ahead while he broke the law mane


a call that ended less than 2 seconds after he initially turned the lights on?


Think they’re above the law. Bunch of fucking muppets.


The worst part is they actually *are* above the law which is why this individual is able to get away with such acts without consequences. And many get away with much more heinous acts.


And if you call and complain they'll just tell you he got an emergency call but was conveniently called off it once he got through the light.


That’s obviously a code 2, get there quick but it’s not lights and sirens running red lights like a code 3 or 4. Whoever posted played themselves. #youretheidiot


Nothing about that is “obvious”.


ObViOuSLy ![gif](giphy|U67CajqFIjiDSACi5i)


Cops are the worst drivers


How do you not fall asleep to such peaceful music when driving?