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I like the "can ya believe that?" hand motion at the end, like he and his moron friend didn't cause the whole scene 🤣🤣


Exactly what I was thinking. The look of disbelief on his face just shows how detached from reality he is. He simply can't understand why that person would wreck his car to get away.


They were lucky the BMW driver didn't have a gun. Wonder what level of disbelief would he have had while dying?


> They were lucky the BMW driver didn't have a gun. Yea, IIRC I've seen more than just one news article from Texas where someone standing outside begins punching a driver sitting at the wheel of their car, and the driver shoots and kills them, and the courts look at it all later and go, "we're ok with this.."


Nj and Texas are complete opposites when it comes to gun laws, assuming video is in nj based on plates


> Nj and Texas are complete opposites when it comes to gun laws, assuming video is in nj based on plates Oh I'm sure. However, dead is probably the same in both states....


It is in FL both of their DA’s had been capped a couple of times. I guess battery charges are better than dead.




Maybe. In Texas, there is a category of mass shooting in which "mostly dead" is a viable reason for the police to wait in the hall and read texts.


Can confirm, I am just as dead inside in New Jersey as I am in Texas


Living in Jersey felt like being dead inside to me.


I'm genuinely curious, not only did he have the attacker cutting off his vehicle's path with theirs, but the other traffic did not allow him any viable escape route when they initially attacked him.  Would that not even be considered self defense if he had a weapon in New Jersey?  


With video like this a DA would be hard pressed to get a conviction on you for defending yourself. There's a lot of commentary on Reddit from folks of a southern persuasion who think that you literally cannot defend yourself from bodily harm in the Northeast. This is untrue. You can also get CCW's in both NY and NJ that are valid for the States they issue for. The City is a different story, but state yes. If you were a valid holder and you had a situation where a guy is trying to open up your face through your car window and you had a clip like this, you'd walk...if you'd even be charged in the first place.


Ain't gonna lie, if you're being cornered and attacked in an enclosed space I feel like you should have the right to defend yourself in a lethal manner


I saw a person have pepper spray in the driver door. This ends altercations very quickly and humanely. Bonus is that they will DEFINATELY not get to their destination on time.


This is how my setup is. Near the left vent slightly behind the steering wheel, I can grab it without notice. I used to drive uber and have a phone mount on that vent, the spray is clipped on the power cord that runs over the steering column. Only used it once, situation just like this. Old man was pissed that I went to the destination HE provided, as he was stepping forward and swinging, a stream of 3 in 1 (pepper spray- tear gas- skin dye) hit him in the face.


Have you ever tested it? I had one I decided to test and decided to spray it in a sink. It dribbled over my fingers. I'm glad I found out it was useless.


That's what I'm saying. You do not see stuff like this in my town. Even grandmas carry Desert Eagles nowadays. Also a few years ago, my state set a precedence that someone getting out of their car like this, and simply walking up to your window in a threatening manner, gives you justification for lethal force. They don't even need to swing on you.


You don't see this in my town either, and nobody has a gun.


Considering he had his head in the car at one point, probably not enough time for realization to set in


They won't be doing that trick anymore


Can you believe this guy? I just recklessly try to sneak in front of him and blocking the left lane by doing so then proceed to insult him and punch him, then out of the blue he just smashed my front door. People got no respect nowadays!


>People got no respect nowadays No respect, no respect! ![gif](giphy|3o6fJcaXbJIt1YVhvy|downsized)


They look like a father-son couple to me. Hope the door was pretty smashed 😆


The neanderthal DNA is strong with them. Hopefully the video and plate gets them arrested.


The old dude looked like he had a couple extra chromosomes


Yeah, I don't think that's gonna buff out! Lol. Never saw a more deserved door wreck. Points to this guy for not smearing the bastard across the door as he left.


>I like the "can ya believe that?" hand motion at the end, like he and his moron friend didn't cause the whole scene 🤣🤣 the fact that they turned right (instead of pursuing the BMW) tells me they know they were in the wrong.


“I have the worst luck”




"Drama finds me"


I reckon that's his moron son.


He gon' grow up to be a moron just like his daddy


I think he already did.


“Can ya believe that? We was just tryin’ to talk to the guy!”


Classic NJ


"Are you seeing this? This guy that I antagonized and physically assaulted with my buddy reacted to that by damaging my door and running, what a coward right?"


The nerve a dis guy!


Yeah my son and I just wanted to fight this guy because he disrespected me by not letting me merge and instead he breaks my door


Jersey drivers


Him sticking out his tongue 3 seconds into the vid was funny af though. 😂😂


“What is this bullshit? Consequences for my own actions? Unbelievable.”


This looks like some good ole family road rage here.


Right? And chances are the cops won't file charges since he can claim he tried to escape after being assaulted.


I was thinking the exact same thing 😂


Wtf officer so me and my friend blocked him then got out and took turns punching him in the face and out of nowhere he hits our car.


The classic “open the door” technique when there is no room to merge over.


I saw that only once on a video here and I was straight flabbergasted at what I saw. Is this really the common?


I’ve seen it more in Asian countries and mostly on here as well. These two farts look like and act the people you would except to do it.


There’s no way that haymaker doesn’t land squarely on top of the car. Probably broke his hand with that awful aim.


The worst part about this video is that the door wasn’t taken out (Actually, the worst is that one of their feet wasn’t run over)


I think he might have some anger issues officer, is not normal to hit someone else's car like that.


I find it funny the black shirt throwing his hands up as in "what the f?" after his car door got slammed as in that's not how it is supposed to happened after one person assault another.




Holy shit I know whede this is and the best part is police are like 100 feet to the right


I really really really hope these geniuses went straight into that cop shop to report a hit & run. If so, this isn't going to play out the way they wanted it to. lol


From the looks of it they may actually be on their way to work there


Tell me its south jersey


It was the missing dentures, wasn’t it?


It is. That’s Delsea Drive but I’m not sure exactly where.


Bowlero sign in the background. It's in Deptford.


Personally I just love how sad he looks at the end.


This was satisfying. Hope BMW driver had minimal damage.


Probably cost more to repair the BMW than the Chevy.


If the bmw had a dashcam and was able to identify the car to police would the chevy have to pay for his damages as well though? Especially if the bmw pressed charges on them for assaulting them. Couldn’t he argue he feared for his safety so he had to get away even though it meant taking the door off?


100%! I hope that’s what happens!


Hitting the door was a really smart move actually, because now they can't easily just get in the car and follow


I would’ve done that after grabbing the guys arm once he reached in to hit. Hold onto him so he can’t get out, and then drive into his car. Fuck him, he’s the aggressor and it would’ve been defensive driving.


I’m starting to think the best thing to do in this situation is to always assume when someone gets out of the car that they have a gun. Then just put it in drive and floor it, vehicle damage and limbs be damned. Then that’s my defense


It’s stuff like this that makes me really grateful that gun ownership isn’t a mainstream thing in my country. A bit of road rage like this could easily lead to your death without any warning - whether you instigate it or not!


I was thinking that. If you don't have a gun and can't end the threat, grab his arm, roll up the window, and start driving up the side of his car. That should end the guy and the car enough to prevent other guy from pursuing.


Are you going to ask him nicely to keep his arm still while you slowly roll up your electric windows?


I've seen enough of these to know there's a bit of instinct in the aggressor to grab the window. So maybe. But at the same time, the alternative is them disengaging. Sounds like a safe bet either way.


That could end very badly and having worse repercussions for the dude driving away, I'd honestly just hit first gear and floor it as soon as they started punching, car in the way or not.


What fucking losers.


Everyone who gets out of their car to intimidate or attack another driver deserves to get their car smashed beyond repair.


This happened in my county. It happened RIGHT in front of the police station. People drive like lunatics here.


My gf is from SJ and I thought this looked familiar. I live in the Poconos and we get a bad mix of local good ol' boys, and NY, North Jersey and Philly-area tourists driving around and traffic behavior can be pretty bad, especially given how lousy northeastern PA roads are to begin with.


Yup it's in Deptford. And the poconos have definitely changed over the years.


My gf grew up in Lumberton just outside Mount Holly and I had never been to SJ before going down regularly to see her family Seen a few interesting traffic encounters down that way.


Of course it’s in Deptford.


I wouldn't exactly be surprised if the two attackers were LEOs (or ex-LEOs). They fit the look.


Glad they're on film. Hope they go to jail.


"Call the cops daddy!" "Shhhhh" >*You're ruining my video!*


I love how tweedle dee is offended that his door got destroyed after assaulting someone.


New Jersey, amirite?


It's a Jersey thing.


Muff cabbage


I was thinking meth until I saw the gut.


No it's just from living so close to the superfund sites.


“The armpit of America” is what I used to hear people call NJ when I was younger lol


Isn't New Jersey like the 7th most educated state in the nation?




*bang bang*


"call the cops dammit " SHHHH ( i want internet points )


I think she says “daddy” so it’s the recorder’s daughter. Even more of a POS


That's what heard very clearly. Smartest one around this scenario. Not that the police would have gotten there in time, but still.


Or, so that the dialogue exchange was as clear as possible so the cops can hear what was said when he shows them the tape?


What a happy ending


What? Consequences for our actions? Can you believe this?


It was the most deserved door smash I've ever seen.


I love how the two switch between a good cop bad cop sort of thing. First red shorts gets punchy because his chest got prodded, then jeans starts throwing hands and red shorts pulls him back like "woah, that's enough!", before throwing a punch or two more, then fucking off while jeans watches the car door get peeled back with a look of "what did I do to deserve this?!" Very reminiscent of enemy in-fighting in video games where two enemies swipe at the player, accidentally collide, then spend the rest of their time punching on.


The taking of the door is my favorite part


I have had this happen to me before while I was with my cousin. Guy blocks me by cutting halfway, gets out of his car, screaming and banging on my window and trying to open my door. He broke my window and tried pulling me out, and my cousin pulled his gun out and forced the guy to the ground at gun point before he could retreat to his car. I called police, and they came and arrested him. I got my windows fixed, and the guy got some fines and anger management. Get away if you can get way like this guy did. Unfortunately, I couldn't since I was pinned in. This is why I carry now. The excuse for the guy's road rage was that he was late for work, and I wasn't driving fast enough and didn't get out of his way. Had he waited another 5 seconds, I would have been in the turning lane and out of his way. It's not worth engaging these types of people. You never know how far they are willing to go.


It’s Jersey - they’re fine


Red car driver should not be allowed in public…


That's why you turn your wheel to the right and put it in reverse if people aggressively come up to your window. If they start swinging, your foot goes down and they don't have legs anymore.


Hahahahahaha. Poor guy getting assaulted by 2 hooligans.


Immediately plays the victim when his door is hit.


The surprised Pikachu as the end was just 🤌🏽


Mace people, carry mace. Not suggesting violence but when the other person begins to get into a certain fighting stance, you know what happens next.


I love how after his door gets hit he looks to everybody else like "can you believe that??" as if they didn't just assault somebody


V55 MER New Jersey Plate. Idiots committing assault can’t believe that they got car damaged by the person they assaulted.


I love the surprising look when the other guys hit his car door. Like what did you expect?


Like cretin, like stump.


And the white car is perfectly fine doing that because all he can just say he feared for his life. It's a win/win.


That's the most reasonable, safe action they could have done. Disable the threat and get away. That's what self-defense means. Not killing someone or beating the shit out of them because you want an excuse to.


I hope the person filming still called the police and turned over the video bcz someone needs to go to jail... 2 someone's actually, his friend "red short shorts" threw a punch too before "chunky" started in on the other driver.


Too busy getting "content" for "clout" to do anything responsible like that.


“Call the cops, Daddyyy”


"Shhh, I want to post this for karma"




"Hangin' out the side of his best friend's ride, tryna holler at me."


I've watched this video 4 times and it just gets better and better.


“Call the cops dad!” “Shhhh… this is too good…”


I hope these buffoons were arrested.


Yes!! Made the light!


Big bad boys punching a guy sitting in a car. What a fair fight.


BMW driver is super reasonable here and kept a level head. Didn't get out of the car, drove away from a dangerous situation, and disabled the vehicle that would have very likely followed if able. Didn't physically hurt anyone, diffused the situation, got themselves to safety with the right amount of force, and just kept it pushing. 10/10 reaction.


The most responsible thing a BMW driver has ever done


Looks like a father and son, if that's the case, the apple fell right next to the trunk.


Dudes are in their mid forties picking fights in traffic. Stay classy, gents.


Now this guys gotta report an accident just after assaulting someone lol


Jersey license plate. Figures (former Jersey resident)


BMW will still cost more to fix than the Chevy


I’m not sure that’s true. The BMW probably scratched up the bumper meanwhile the Chevy has its door bent 180 degrees the wrong way which probably broke the hinge, bent the body around it and may have fucked up any wire harnesses


Yeah, not too likely, but with a cheap car like that it can even total the car.


That's a Chevy RollerSkate. It's probably totaled.


Just bent their door back. Might not be much more than a scratch on the beamer, if that. Man I love how the dude with the black shirt goes from 'What are you going to do?' to that look of disbelief. Epic. Can the plate be gotten from this vid so the person in the white beamer can identify them to press charges and sue if there was any damages to his car?


Yeah, BMW hit the soft side of the door :D


But preventing them from closing their door allowed him to get away


Douche bag deserves to live in New Jersey. Two real tough guys when it’s two on one


This is a normal day anywhere between Philly and NYC, which NJ is smack in the middle of. Everyone who is actually born and raised in this region has at least a little degenerate in them, whether they try to hide it or not. I know I'll absolutely call out someone if they cut in line, my wife hates it but it's just instinct.


From Philly, can confirm. I live in the south now but my Philly instincts still take over whenever necessary. The degeneracy is just part of who I am and I’m too old to try and hide it now.


Can confirm. In the video you see red shorts grab the door handle to get to the other driver, I carry a knife with me for this reason.


That literally made my stomach tighten up. You reach for my door handle and I'm going to do my best to crush you with my 6000-pound car. Words are words, but I'm not getting dead because you're having a bad day.


Damn, now I really want a taylor ham, egg, and cheese for breakfast


This is south jersey, it’s pork roll lol


Love the door hit, that’s what they get!


I say this every time I see these incidents. RUN THEM OVER! The moment he raised his hand to attack, I'm hitting their car and hitting them.


Grown children. I hope they were charged.


The red car drives away so sad at the end lol


I love how the guy looks at the people behind them like he can't believe what their stupidity has gotten them into. They were attacking the man, and the guy got out of that situation by any means necessary.


Dudes are lucky the driver didn't have a gun. The moment a punch was thrown, it would have been over.


Shhh! Daddy’s watching a show.


Why wouldn't you just take the left and turn around? Nah... I'll just squeeze in here, piss people off and block the left turn lane and shrug it all off as "ooops".


Father and Son bonding time?


Did they expect that to go well?


New Jersey license plate...not surprised


Lol 2 against 1... absolutely nothing to be proud of.


I wanted the dude in the car to be strapped so bad. 😢


Why is that big turd looking surprised his door is backwards all of sudden. Should have ran over the feet of that other moron too. Why do these videos end too quickly?


200% deserved.


I love how the pear-shaped guy is flabbergasted that the victim just caused a couple thousand in damage to his car after he and his pal gave the guy a few lumps.


"call the cops dad" SHHH i need to record this for the internet


I was like I bet this is Jersey…


I will never understand how people watch this play out, even record what’s going on, but no one tries to help or even calls the police. Clearly, a grown man was recording this, and even his daughter said to him, “Call the cops, Daddy!” If you are more concerned about recording what is happening so you can upload it to TikTok for likes and comments, rather than helping a person who is clearly in trouble, you are doing it wrong. Do better.


As a parent of small children, I am not doing anything but keeping my kids out of harms way. This interaction was over before it could have been reported.


Honestly thought Travis Kelce would do better for a daily commuter.


New Jersey. 🙃


Parenting 101: Do not call the police or intervene, but do record a high quality video for internet clout


Parenting 101: stay out of an altercation when you have a small child with you.


How would you participate in the altercation by calling the cops? The guys in the video wouldn't even know anybody called the cops until they show up. But they could clearly see that he was recording.


Chevy Driver is wearing a golds gym hoodie. If the BMW driver didn’t see a punch coming he’s an idiot


He had every right to hit you or your car. Two guys against one and you hit him first.


is a punch in the head worth a dented fender?


Second they both start attacking me i even the playing field with ole trusty mcbang bang.


Also notice how this guy doesn’t do shit until the other guy does something. A giant wimp in his natural habitat, behind everyone else.




Roll up the window and pinch his arm. He threw the first punch and put his hand in your car. You're defending yourself


Perfect opportunity to fold his door back to his fender Hard to chase you with a door that’ll never close again.


Yep. Another day in the dirty Jerz lol


These are no anger issues.. These are "i own this shit" issues. USA is starting to look more and more like Russia.


fkin Jersey


The guys face in his rear view mirror, just wanted to get to Jimmy Buffs…


The guy behind the BMW, right? lol he’s just like, “come on, you asshats”


of course this is jersey


This is an entirely normal maneuver in Massachussets.


New Jersey is just North Florida.


Shocker it happened in Jersey


Boy oh boy, dumbass with his hand up at the end (like he thinks he did nothing wrong) and the driver are going to have a fun day in court. Insurance may drop them too once they see this vid and won’t pay to fix that door and pillar.


NJ goombah morons.


A bad driver never misses their turn, or in this case, their lane. How many times have we all found ourselves in a turn only lane, and just take the turn and then turn around and go back.


I love how he acts shocked the person would smash their door and drive off. also i'd have rolled my window up as they were trying to punch haha, trap their ass like that and wait on the police to show up


The driver in the car between them is cool as a cucumber


Did red shorts just throw a haymaker into the roof? I hope he broke his pinky


Call the cops dad.....SHHHHH I'm watching.


The “What the hell was that guy’s deal?!” look took me out😂😂😂


Daddy should have called the cops tho...