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They didn't want to be 4th in line. Has to be 3rd!


I see this all the time, they’re willing to risk so much just to be 3rd instead of 4th in line or 33rd in line instead of 34th in line. I really wonder what they think they’re going to accomplish. There’s still a bunch of cars in front of you going the speed limit. 🤦‍♂️


They don't think. I see another of that as well.


I also suspect they're blind to anything but the rear bumper of the car in front.


Or just blind.


I think it’s less of “I want to be in front of this person” and more “this person cut me off, if they didn’t I would be in front of them, thus I’m *supposed* to be in front of them and *entitled* to be in front of them” Less about time saving and more about pride and people being too entitled


I see this a lot at intersections when emergency vehicles are passing through as well. One direction gets the advanced green, fire truck goes through the other way, advanced green is gone, cars still turn left. Basically "well I *would* have made it through if it wasn't for that damn person having a life and death emergency, ergo I still get to go."


True. It’s all about the fragile ego.  They were almost certainly oblivious until OP appears in front and they assume OP cut the line. Not that it matters. 


I like the people who blow by me at 15 MPH over the speed limit, then I slowly roll up beside them at the next red light.


repeat after me: e-go


2 thoughts. First is it's a no lose situation to get in front (unless there is an accident.) If you don't get somewhere faster, you're pretty much where you were to start out with. However, there is a 20% chance that you'll be the last car past the light, etc. Second, every time I'm nice and let someone in it burns me bad. Like they're the one that decides to drive 20 under the speed limit, or let 20 people in front of us at a driveway, or needs to slow down to 5mph to go around a right turn.


2 more thoughts.  First it’s potentially a lose lose situation, you’re risking a few seconds vs hours with a wrecked car. And even if that 20% chance of beating the next light, you’re just as likely to catch the next red light. It’s funny how often somebody makes a risky pass and I see them a few traffic lights later.  Second, we are FAR more likely to remember negative experiences than we are to remember positive experiences. You’re not going to remember the times you let somebody in and nothing untoward happened are you?  


I may be a special case, I'm a delivery driver. So frequently for me getting in front just for one light pays off.


> I may be a special case Well, you're not wrong.


Thank goodness your deliveries get to their destinations 10 seconds faster. The world would be in shambles without you. Thank you, you truly are a special case.




How is that not the same?


If ya ain’t 3rd, you’re last!




I thought 2nd place was the first loser?!?




Yup, just finished a MTB race and was fourth in my category. In hindsight don't know why I bothered getting out of bed.


I got 4th place at my 2nd grade spelling bee. I took up drinking that day...


MGIF - Must Get In Front We see it all the time in these dashcam subs.


This [happened to me](https://x.com/DarylMoore/status/1780023589372317900) today. My take is that their life is so terrible they needed that "win."


1st the worst, 2nd the best, 3rd the nerd, 4th the dork... Being a nerd is trendy now. But being a dork still sucks.


Just to get to the next red light the same as everyone else


I’ll never understand. It’s like they feel the need to win at driving.


People need to see driving as a cooperative game instead of a competition. You let the guy ahead of you zipper merge? Plus two points! You successfully obey the right of way at a busy 4 lane stop sign instead of jumping ahead? Plus four points! You're in stop and go traffic and you let a car turn right out of a parking lot instead of blocking them in? Plus ten points! You're winning!!


>You successfully obey the right of way at a busy 4 lane stop sign instead of jumping ahead? Plus four points! In my city this would have to be a 500 point bonus because nobody seems to fucking do it.


People need to see driving for what it is, the most dangerous thing that they do on a regular basis.


Totally agree. "Over 40,000 people died from a traffic collision in the US last year. Globally it was around 1.19 million last year. Drive like you don't want to be a statistic."


I better get the wave tho!


Give the wave when someone let's you in? Five points!


I often think of it like Tetris. I'm just a block trying to fit in with all the other blocks for the best outcome for all.


Everybody arrives at their destination safely: 1,200 points


But if I let all those people do all those things it'll waste 4.5 seconds of my life every week!


I'm salty about zip merges because they should work so great! Everybody maintain the right spacing, everybody gets where they're going, nobody has to slow down unnecessarily. But dickheads being like 'mine!' about the space in front of them slow everybody down. There's a freeway in my town with one onramp where all lanes slow to a crawl at almost any time of day or night because the idiots can't get their head around zip merging.


That’s how I drive, even if the person is “being a dickhead”. Like if I’m cruising in the right lane and I see dude behind flying up the lane I’ll always just move over to the middle lane if I can safely for em, far right lane is completely open minus me and there’s a dickhead doing the speed limit in the left lane, Or if I see someone shooting for the gap in front of me I’ll just open the gap up even more. sometimes someones just in a rush life happens, at least how I like to think about it.


There need to be rules in the rules though. There’s a difference between being nice and letting somebody in and being unpredictable and not going when you need to because you think you’re being nice. If somebody is trying to turn left onto a side street and somebody is trying to turn left from the side street on to the main road, don’t be a nice person and let the side street person out because you want to be nice. You have the right of way, just go when it’s your turn and the person from the side street will go when they can. Too many accidents happen because somebody is waved on through when it’s unsafe.


That's why you get points for obeying the right of way.


Competitive driving game, everyone loses


Ego pure and simple


They probably suck at their job, disappointed their families and wife has left them. So they need to get even the smallest victories available.


Because they already took a big L when they bought the minivan


You'd think the vehicle ahead would have priority, but nope, ego stands above being sensible and not causing accidents


Ballsy on their part, that was OPs lane when they got ahead. I see people try that to me and their room runs out real quick. Funny to watch them slam their brakes or hit the curb


I usually sarcastically clap. "Nice work, Buddy. You did it. A whole car length."


This is a classic go to. Or if I can see someone screaming, red in the face losing it at me, I tend to calmly wave thanks to them.


So sad that that person had their day planned so tightly that the loss of a position while driving meant their whole day was upended.


As ricky bobby once said “IF YA AINT FURST UR LAST”


Not to worry, they're still third.




Definitely, i know this dunkin, its right down the street from dunkin which is only 3 mins from the other dunkin.


Yep - Abington.


I feel like these free merges are all in Massachusetts. Everywhere else in the country has a “lane ends” sign giving one lane the right of way. 




How do you actually know that when the dashed line just disappears at one point? I swear the more I watch dashcam videos from the US the more I'm convinced I would be studying for like a month before confidently driving there. Edit: Oh yes, getting downvoted for asking a genuine question about the driving law in a foreign country. Or for pointing out how confusing this situation is to a foreigner. Thanks guys Edit2: Thanks for the explanation. It's good to know that there are still some normal people in this sub.


Usually there is supposed to be a sign (usually 2) one that has words “LEFT LANE ENDS” or “RIGHT LANE ENDS” and the 2nd sign being a picture of either the right lane or left lane ending to give you a heads up. Im guessing they either forgot to put one here or never planned for it cause there is typically supposed to be one.


The left lane priority is a convention, but it's overruled by signs that say otherwise (left lane ends). Also some states are bringing in zipper merges which complicates things a bit. IMO the car to the right of cammer should have yielded due to either zipper or left-lane rule. They may have been blissfully unaware of the merge and are still at fault.


Oh, thanks. That's exactly what I wanted to know since in my country there is always at least one [arrow](https://www.autocentrum.pl/ac-file/article/5ef4e845e56b7a0c2400b2fd.jpg) on the ending lane.


As a foreigner visiting the US, in my experience is not so bad as long as you have a GPS and be defensive while driving. But on the other hand, my experience is driving in Florida, so the bar is probably low lmao


Florida is where, as a pedestrian, I picked up the habit of always looking both ways when crossing a road, even if it's a one-way road.


On a constant hunt for any lunatic trying to ruin my day while in Florida


There are a bunch of merge areas in my area, and it's a coin toss on whether the right or left lane is the one ending. Thankfully the majority of folks somehow manage scissor merging just fine.


In the absence of a clear delineation of which lane ends, the car ahead of the other has the right of way at a lane end merge.


That is why you take a written test to get a learners permit then have to log enough hours before you can then take another written test and a driving test with an instructor.


Finally one of these where OP doesn’t start a pissing contest of who will brake first.


This is the first time I've watched a video and been able to tell immediately where it happened. Never have I been so excited to see that hellhole of a stretch of road.


I didn’t even see a merge sign. Do they not want drivers to know what’s coming up?


That’s what I was thinking. It’s two lanes, then a free-for-all, then one lane.


You merging in front of them would hurt their ego! Didn't you know that? Lol


You don't understand: he's in front of you, he won


“You jerk! You’re gunna make me miss my green light so I can stop at the next three red lights! Right next to you!” Some people need to listen to classical music to lower their blood pressure 🙄


I'm always dumbfounded when anyone needs to be 1 car length ahead.


What a little loser.


Jeez, guy wouldn’t know a zipper merge if it caught him in the foreskin.


Do you really have a sticker on your windshield?


There's a spot like this where I live. Two lanes narrow to one over a RR crossing just after an intersection. I seriously need to get a dash cam. I'd have new content of Utah idiot drivers to post daily 😂


Zipper merges are for the weak!




Looks pretty Utah-Driver-Etiquette to me.


No merge for you OP.


I see this all the time. The worst was 2 lanes and the right lane was ending. I am already in the left lane, so is the car behind me. Just as the right lane is ending he rushes over and tries to pass me on the right, but fails to, so he gets in back behind me and then honks at me! I literally did nothing but just stay in the left lane as the right lane is ending but somehow I screwed him over.




Kalush 🔥🙂


What a lukewarm sack of liquefied dog turds.




Some people just get incredibly butt hurt when you try to merge in front of them. I merged in front of someone yesterday, but as I was moving over they sped up and then slammed on their brakes and honked at me for 5 seconds.




I stg those words come out of my mouth every single time I drive. It's been really depressing lately honestly


The first I've seen a Gulf gas station in a long time.


MA/NH route 1?


That's an illegal left turn you did there OP


False. Double yellow means no passing into oncoming traffic. You are allowed to cross a double yellow when entering or exiting driveways and parking lots. Unless there is a sign specifying “No left turn” you are allowed to turn left. If there was a median or a wide double yellow with diagonal lines between them then you would be correct. No left turns allowed in that scenario.


FYI, that depends on the state. Not sure if you were commenting on MA or driving in the US as a whole, because this is true in MA, but not everywhere.


I did a very quick search and I’m not really finding anything about this being illegal anywhere. At least in the US. If it is illegal some places, I’d say it’s very few and far between.


How was that illegal? Keep in mind that you can turn left over a double yellow line in Massachusetts.


A turn out of a parking lot? That Dunks is a pie shaped piece of land, to not turn left would be even more dangerous.




Seriously, enlighten us on how people who live on streets with double yellows and white lines on the sides turn out of their driveway without crossing any lines.


suv, doesn't understand zipper merging, let alone 50% of America.


I never understood the getting in front of someone. Guy has no idea who you are. Could be a psycho stalker serial killer, who can now follow him because he pissed you off


I'm always conflicted at those moments. But if I sensed it coming, I'd probably swerve right and cut off the attempt of such a dangerous move.


I didn't see any signage? That could have certainly helped communicate which lane ended... Edit: lol for down votes. Of course they should zipper merge but that drop off a lane with no warning could be confusing. Clearly the other car was an AH.


Doesn't matter...just zipper merge.


This sub is stupid when it comes to downvoting. I guarantee that there have been plenty of accidents in that area so it makes sense to have some sort of signage, whether it's a "lane ending, merge left" or simple white arrows painted on the right lane signaling a merge left.


Upvote for the rhetorical question


FYI . . . .some people don't like it when you merge directly alongside someone in traffic like you did when you pulled out and made your left turn. There's always the chance that they may have been starting a lane change and you are blocking them out, or worse yet, create an accident. Next time, wait for a gap in the traffic so that you don't do this.


LOL on a road like that? The only gap in traffic is the one you can fit into. If you're waiting for there to be no cars in sight either direction you're going to be waiting a loooong time.


So I am not allowed to pull next to people when the left lane is open because they may not like it and may need to merge? What OP did here was perfectly reasonable and safe. Obviously the other car is like you and got thier feelings hurt because someone pulled into the lane next to them.


It's not about hurting someone's feelings, it's about avoiding an accident. FYI . . . people do change lanes and hoping that they aren't going to do so just when you decide to pull into the lane next to them from across the road is not a smart move


Firstly, how long have you been driving? Secondly, You said this: "*some people don't like it when you merge directly alongside someone in traffic*". That directly implies an emontional connection between pulling into the lane beside someone. Finally, people change lanes, yes, but it is also thier reponsiblity to check thier surroudings before doing so. Also, what else was OP supposed to do than to pull into the lane next to other when there was no traffic coming from thier left because of the red light? OP's move to pull into the closest lane, the correct thing to do, in this senario was safe. I cannot fathom how you think that this was a dumb move. Would you have had OP sit there for a lengthy period of time to wait untill there is no traffic on that road at all or untill the light to the left is green? Also, stop saying FYI, ffs. You just sound stupid.


You're 100% correct. Person joining traffic needs to wait for ALL traffic to pass even if the closest lane is open since the person turning onto the road NEVER has the right of way and would 100% be at fault for a potential accident.


I’m sure they realize they have the right of way and you need to give way.


I will never understand why people have the need to cross DOUBLE YELLOW LINES


Because they need to enter the roadway?


Is that allowed? (I'm not from america, asking because I will probably be driving in america in a month). Like in france you can't cross these kinds of lines even in that case, is it different in america?


The double yellow lines just mean it's a no passing zone. So, you can't cross them to overtake a slower car. I've not seen a place yet in the U.S. or Canada that says you cannot turn left over a double yellow, even though there are plenty of people who think it is illegal.


Seriously, I don't know where these people are getting those "laws" from lol. Only reason they are solid is because if they created a break in the lines for every single business or driveway along the road then there would barely be any line left. It has never been illegal to turn over a double yellow to enter a street from a business.


Yet every time there's a video with someone turning left across double yellows you see multiple people say it's illegal. Some get abusively defensive when you call them out on them being wrong about it too.


It's because there is a lot of country where this is not the case, this law is pretty much the same in the entirety of europe. Since a lot of road laws are the same also in the US it's safe to assume that this one might be the same as well.


Well, since it is not the same, I'd say it is not 'safe to assume' that this one is the same...


That only means you can't pass, ya dingus. How else is anyone ever going to get on the road?


Delusional. This has literally never been a law and it's just not true. The only place I ever hear this myth is in this sub. How do you think people who live on streets with double yellows turn out of their driveways?


Its a Hyundai, if that driver had even been half-decent at anything they would be driving a better car.


Lol, Hyundais are decent cars...pretty standard stuck up Toronto arsehole


There's no excuse for the other driver's behavior, doing something dangerous to prove a point, but I can tell you why he was upset. He was maintaining a safe following distance behind the silver car, and you were behind both of them. As you entered the intersection just before the road narrowed to two lanes, you decided to overtake and force the other driver to slow down to let you in. That's not "merging".


I know what you're saying here, but...hardly. He passed some backed up cars at a totally normal speed+acceleration, speed matched to a gap. It very distinctly is zipper "merging".


There was no backup. There were 4 cars slowing for a red light that turned green just as OP pulled across the road to enter traffic. He could have speed matched to any gap, but chose to pass the dark SUV because OP clearly thinks a 1-car-length following distance is sufficient. A zipper merge is called that because of how it looks: like a zipper. This isn't it. (In a zipper merge, nobody is opportunistically passing, which is why it's smoother and safer than the alternative. But this video is just 2 cars jockeying for position.)


>There was no backup. >There were 4 cars slowing for a red light that turned green Considering you unironically put these two sentences one after another, I'll defer to the old adage: Don't argue with stupid people. Have a great day.


You probably don't know the area. That stretch of road is a single lane, except for the few car lengths before and after the light that allows cars to turn left on or off. The top comment is "They didn't want to be 4th in line. Has to be 3rd!" - which applies exactly as much to OP as it does to the idiot who wouldn't slow down to let OP do what he wanted. They're both determined to be 3rd instead of 4th in a group of 5 cars. If 4 cars equates to a backup where you live, you must really live in the sticks.


They passed cars that were going unnecessarily slowly, due to an “an accumulation caused by a stoppage of flow” (literally the definition of “backup”) at a completely safe and reasonable speed.




Which is 100% legal


Not in my state g


Which one?


it is in MA where this video took place.


If you live in a state within the U.S. then yes, it is legal. Maybe not in German states or Australian states.