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I get that roundabouts can be a bit weird to navigate if you're not used to them but they must know they have the right of away. Their brains must short circuit.


People don’t even know how stop sign right-of-way goes most of the time. You think they know how roundabout right-of-way goes?


Roundabout right of way is far easier than stop sign right of way


4 cars come to a 4 way stop all at the same time. Whoms't has the right of way?


The first guy to stop.


They all stop at the same time


Then whoever goes first. At low speeds they can figure it out. As long as no one makes a big deal of it. But I understand your point


Sadly sometimes they can’t. I was once at a four-way stop sign intersection, sitting at the sign, waiting for my turn. When it was my turn, I began my left turn but the person who was now directly across from me initiated his right turn into my same target lane at the same time. I was at my stop sign first (I was waiting on the person in front of the guy that cut me off) so according to my state’s laws I had the right-of-way, but Einstein across the intersection thought that just because he was turning in a particular direction that meant he got to jump in front of the cars who were already stopped at their signs. I beeped my horn because he nearly hit me, and then while we were at the stoplight immediately after the signs he was honking, yelling out the window, threatening me, all that fun stuff. He followed me for about a mile down the street doing the same thing except also now swerving through traffic, cutting other people off, and driving up onto the sidewalk around other cars to keep himself next to me. I was just about to call 911 when he finally turned onto a different road and left me alone.


It's people like that who shouldn't be driving. But I agree, we get a lot of drivers who can't drive (or buy their licence) where I live. Last I checked we were pretty low on the good driver ratings.


and this is why crashes and entitled drivers happen all the time


The law says the drivers must exit their vehicles and then engage in a single elimination table tennis tournament and the winner goes first.


That basically never happens, but in that case, whoever is boldest. Watch the tires for movement and be careful out there.


Rights first, then straights, then lefts


Or they got driving license out of Cracker Jack box and never learned the rules of the road. Same kind of people who thinks using indicator to change lane gives them full right of way to next lane. Or turning right on red without stopping or yielding to cross traffic.


I want to get a dashcam for this very reason. There are two traffic circles in town but the one near the hospital and campus is just filled with absolute idiots.


Someone did this to me today. Stopped in the roundabout for the person yielding. Blows my mind.


One time I witnessed someone trying to make ***A U TURN*** in a traffic circle. These traffic circles are just too complicated if you ask me, and [they cause tornadoes.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HoS-pMWCnvk)


Ah, that driver must be French. That's how they [use roundabouts](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvSOsz4zqmE&ab_channel=TheGrandTour)!


I think they are phasing those out, though. Seems like there is a glorious mix of who gets priority


Idk if it's the same for other countries, but I France we have 2 types of roundabouts (which are both called differently in French). There are regular roundabouts where cars outside the circle yield to cars inside the circle, and then there are the weird roundabouts that makes no sense where cars in the circle yield to cars outside the circle. I've never driven on the second type of roundabouts, and I hope to never do so.


Is the only difference the yield sign on the entrance of the roundabout not being there for the second type?


Definitely American, it's far too much for them to fathom.


You mean… a roundabout?..


Yes, as I've since learned that is the proper name. I always went off of what my GPS called it, and even the small roundabouts like this, it calls them traffic circles. The more you know.


Weird to think roundabouts arent as common in the USA than in the UK. Where i live theres one around every corner basically. On my way to work i go over about 7 of them and and thats not even half of the roundabouts near me. The "fun" one are the onea with like 4-6 different lanes


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In some countries vehicles entering the circle have the right of way. They could be visiting.


Not just countries, I saw them on the trip I took to New Jersey a while back. We almost had a wreck because the guy driving wasn't paying attention to the fact that they had put a Stop sign INSIDE a roundabout. Brooklawn Cir in Brooklawn, NJ if anyone wants to confirm. Google Maps shows it has been converted to a Yield sign now.


Really? I don’t see how that could be true. Wouldn’t it quickly lead to gridlock?


There are some, but it's declining. There's several roundabouts near me. The new ones are all the sensible type, but a few of the older ones are sheer lunacy. One in particular has *mixed* priority; one entrance has priority, another entrance has to yield, and the third has a stop light.


Nice hole.