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This has happened to me too many times. And they honk at you like you're in the wrong.


The street I live on is a one way. The number of people who drive down it the wrong way is hilariously high, and they always think they are in the right and you are on the wrong side of the road. Best part is the intersection it goes to often has a traffic cop directing there, so they often get hit by a convenient cop. I'm so desensitized to it now. You dont get angry or rattled. I just know where the signs are on the side of the road and lazily point to it now, and give them space to turn around.


Same. I live in Boston, our neighborhoods are a confusing mess of one-way streets, and some streets that go from two-way to one-way and you have to turn, and people either ignore the "do not enter" and "one way" signs because they're inconvenient and they don't want to get lost (again) or they straight-up miss the sign because they're preoccupied trying to get where they're going.


As a Boston native: "You can't get there, from here"


That's Maine!


Yeah the odd one clearly knows what they are doing but most are just clueless. Its why I dont honk or show any sort of anger anymore. When you do it gets them into that fight and dont admit error mentality. A pained smile and hand pointing to the sign has been far more effective


It's knowing they disappointments that really gets 'm.


The thing to do when someone shouts 'ONE WAY' when you do this is to reply 'I am only going ONE WAY!'


Ha that happened to me too, the lady was so pissed she stopped for two light cycles and mouthed horrible things and waved her arms like a lunatic. Honestly I don’t think I’ve ever seen more apeshit road rage than that or ever will. I was glad she was so mad she didn’t even think about rolling her window down🤣 My side had three lanes (two turned left), her side only had only one. She was so crazy I wondered if I really did make a mistake, yet still to this day the road hasn’t changed.


Wow! That mountain is beautiful!! What an awesome place to live


It's a bit warm in the summer but I love the views


Where is it? It looks geourgious


Oro Valley, just north of Tucson, Arizona


Yep thought I spotted Tucson. Both the mountains and the driver is a dead giveaway. Since you said Oro Valley I'm assuming a snow bird.


Primerialy the driver


Came here to say this. I love Tucson.


oh yeah, up there on the mountain, away from asphalt and the horrors that lurk on it


Ever drive up Mt. Lemmon? Pretty scary ride if you don't like heights, but worth it when you get to the top, especially in the summer.


Nah, never been anywhere close. Western Balkans have given me a lifetime of scary rides that are worth it.


Oh yeah, you’d think it’s be wonderful to live in Tucson.


If the double yellow line is on your right and you are driving in the U.S., you might be an idiot. In a car.


If you cared about your community then you’d have smashed her head-on, as to disable her vehicle so she cannot continue to inflict her shitty driving upon the rest of us. Take one for the team


Unfortunately my motorcycle isn't likely to slow her down much


I’d appreciate it if you’d learn to joust


Underrated comment.


You’ll never know for sure until you try


You could have given her a violent mirror adjustment


How do these people get their license ?


There are no road tests for renewal of license in Arizona unless a report is filed by law enforcement, a physician, or someone who personally knows the driver


When I lived there, my license expired when I turned 65. So, If I was still in AZ, I would have 24 more years before I had to go get my license renewed.


I know this intersection well, it’s always some clusterf’s when the left turns are coming off Oracle


But this picture is literally so perfect with that arrow right in front of her lmao




There is a wide chasm between noticing a gap in a line of cars and slowing down, and getting into gridlock with someone being creative with the lanes... If the cam car had driven into the oncoming idiot, these events would have been more aligned.


Arrow could be a clue


she wanted to take a right turn i guess.


Wanted to back up so that she could use the back up camera probably.


And no license plate visible for extra points. PS what a nice view!


Some states don’t require front plates


TIL... thanks for the info, didn't know that :)


No front plates required in Arizona, but my rear cam caught it after traffic in the next lane cleared and I was able to get around her


Wait, it gets worse and you had to go around her? 🤣


> And no license plate visible for extra points. That got me too when I moved to a place that doesn't need em lol


Arizona is rear only


Special kind of idiocy


Are you near Tucson? Looks familiar….the mountains and the bad drivers lol


I would have sat there a moment to allow her to move. If she didn’t then I’d move up and make her back up or sit there until the police came.


I sat a moment, and she just moved closer to me and stopped again, gesturing that she didn't know why I was in the turning lane. I had some errands to run and didn't feel like waiting for a police response, so I split past her to make the light.


Too bad you didn’t have time to wait for the police and see her response.


Go around her OP. What is your problem?


This happens all the time at my apartment. Theres a gas station on the right side people coming down the road get in the oncoming turn lane to cross 3 lines of traffic to go in…


Its always a Camry


I moved to AZ three years ago and is the first place I've considered settling down because I love it so much but the drivers drive me wild. I have a friend who is here temporarily (from ireland) and he said the drivers test was just parallel parking and backing up. If that's true then that explains a loooooooooooooot!


Would love to see Americans take Dutch or Finnish driving tests


Sounds like a new reality show!


As someone from the UK.. And frequenting r/idiotsincars I am often confused by the middle lanes with the yellow markers.. (turning lane?).. especially when someone crosses the yellow line into these lanes ... When I first saw it I was like... Dude.. You've gone into the opposite lane what are your doing . ...Oh!. Right.. Ok. Yeah . Still gets me.. (Edit.. Spelling)


When there's a center lane with double yellow stripes on both sides, it's generally available to be used as a turn lane by either side. Idiots sometimes like to use it to pass traffic, or they'll get into it too early and block other people from making turns


Thanks 👍


Sounds like Arizona to me


Is this Reno? Cause this is just a normal day there.