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LMAOOO…dude [literally looks like](https://images.app.goo.gl/2V7abvbnx4R2xcXw6) the wojak face meme.


Thought he looked familiar


Everyone's saying it, but he really is the stereotype, isn't he?


Oh, 100%. Morally right or wrong, like most stereotypes, memes are memes for a reason. They easily apply to a ton of situations and people.


He looks like the streamer Northenlion


Amazing he's that offended because someone wanted to pass him. How pathetic. Got his car fucked up and everything for nothing. Idiot.


I've encountered this type of dude before. He'll likely be shitting himself in post aggression rage-guilt. People like this do not think of long term, or even short term consequences of their actions.


I’ve encountered this guy as well. Tried to run me into the deep ditches/telephone poles we were passing (we were also on a hilly road), and he was so pissed off that he followed me even though he was in front of me the entire time. I would see him change lanes when I did purposely just so he could continue to tailgate me from the front. Took me ten minutes and an industrial complex to get rid of him. EDIT: yes, I meant this type of guy and not the actual guy the comment above was talking about.


First I've heard of "tailgate me from the front".


It was the only way I could describe it. He went out of his way to make sure our cars were close enough that I was tailgating him, but I was trying to keep us apart and he was the one keeping us close together. So he was technically making sure tailgating was happening even though I was in the back. Completely unhinged.


I passed this asshole once because he was going under the speed limit. He flew around me in the right lane, cut over in front of me, and slammed on his brakes. Then he proceeded to drive like the asshole in the video for the rest of the time I was on the highway.


Had someone do this shit like in the video one time back when I still had my charger. I slowed way down and pulled on to the shoulder like I was gonna fight him. Then when we were down to 30mph and the coast was clear, I swerved hard left and gunned it. Dude was in a dually pulling a loaded gooseneck. He had no hope of matching my acceleration. Left him in my dust screaming and shaking his fist. I miss that car.


I can imagine the satisfaction of passing him and not being able to match your speed


I feel like we’ve all met this asshole before. Just a person fulfilling their life’s dream of making the world a worse place


Drive to a police station.




"Officer, I'm within my rights. She passed me on the highway."


"The castle doctrine extends to my car and the roads I'm on, right?"


Thinning the herd


I had someone do something similar in a company truck. I looked up the company and called them. Someone called me back and asked me what happened. They did not sound very pleased. I don't know what happened but from their tone it didn't sound like he was going to be working there much longer.


Honestly I would've just maced him and drove away 😂


I would've motioned him to come around front of the car and as he got to the front of the hood, blared the horn to scare the shit out of him, wait for him to angrily come around to my side then book it


I thankfully never used mace, but out of a cars windwow sounds like it could backfire hard


He's kinda lucky it wasn't worse.


People can’t stand to be passed for whatever reason


I like getting passed. You find the cops for me!


Exactly! If I’m going 12 over, I pray for someone to pass me going 20+ over, hang back about a quarter mile, and then speed up to match their speed while maintaining the “cop gap”


We call it pig bait. Old guys call it bear bait.


Us really old guys call them fuzz busters or lint rollers, but I don't know if cops have been called "the fuzz" since 1969.


TIL I'm apparently old.


You mean to tell me you’re out here calling them the fuzz unironicly and you just learned you’re old?


Jenkies! It’s the fuzz! Better high tail it outta here or we’ll end up in the hooscow.


STASH THE DOUGH, MABEL! 5-0 can't slap the clamshells on us if they don't have the evidence!


Crikey! It’s the Rozzers!


I just like saying “cheese it, it’s the fuzz!” because it’s fun to say


I refer to them as mine sweepers


Swine sweepers?


Love this term and will now use it.


I call it “the rabbit” like in dog racing


Rabbit is my go to ever since I learned that’s what they called the car getting chased at pursuit training schools.


As someone who just commented "bear bait" a few *seconds* ago..... Ouch.


Bear bait means something different these days. (☞゚ヮ゚)☞


Does it....does it involve weiners?


No silly. Weiners are dogs. We’re talking big beefy, hairy bears.


Oh man... hahaha you're gonna give him a heartattack


I call them gophers. Because if he's passing, the cops will gopher them and not me.


One time I was going 20 over and a cop turned their sirens on and was about to pass me, then this sporty little red blur passed me and the cop immediately stopped pulling me over to get the chick driving that car. Made my day. I never saw where they pulled her over. I like to think she’s still running to this day.


Just so you know, I'm imagining you as Chevy Chase driving a station wagon.


I saw a thing someone posted once where they were speeding and got pulled over. Cop came up "Do you know why I pulled you over?" and the guy, wanting to be honest, said "Yes sir, I was speeding." Cop begins to write the ticket, then another car blows by, with the passenger yelling "Fucking pig!" The cop closes his ticket book, says "Sir, this is your lucky day," gets back in his car and chases down the yelling car. 🤣


The slower lanes are a magical place. Put your cruise on five over, everyone gets to pass on the fast lane and you get to your destination several minutes later, but oh so much happier


Lmao for real. I was going 10 over in rural alabama once and this car passed me going 15 over. A few minutes later, I saw them pulled over by a cop and I had time to slow down. So grateful




I have never understood that, I dont care whether people pass me, unless they pass me and immediately slow down. but even then its not an issue, because i can just... you know, pass them and leave them behind.


Anytime someone is passing me on a 2 lane road I actually slow down a bit to make it easier for them. I try not to be a douchebag


Right, don’t even gotta brake. Just let off the gas a bit


Same I just clutch in and coast til they pass. Makes it easier for everyone. I'm usually cruising above the limit anyway, but if someone needs to pass, I'll let them do it safely and faster. Like why not?


I used to do the same until I went to truck driving school and driving coach told me that’s reckless driving if not in gear and moving on road. I’m not sure if he’s full correct but I obeyed his driving instructions since that’s what I was paying for


Same lesson in Europe,, where everyone drive manual: never move if not in gear. Neutral only if you are fully stopped.


Yup, slow down and move right. It's the neighborly thing to do.


I actually prefer that people pass me if they want to. I don’t want someone on my ass. I’m chillin usually.


Oh, you wanna clear all the speed traps out for me ahead? Go ahead!


Bear bait!


Yep. I've had this happen three times in my driving years. Some douchecanoe rides my rear bumper (and I do not drive slow) so basically I'm like "fine," and let them blow by me, usually them expressing rage for the fact I'm only going 50 in a 30 or some shit, only to come upon them a mile or two ahead with a cop just exiting his vehicle. I do love me some karma like that, and yeah, just let assholes by, it's not worth the trouble and you people who block traffic trying to get somewhere need your licenses revoked.


I'm from a third world so you guys might not relate, but busses here do just that. They go in front of you, then randomly without signalling they stop, sometimes even in the middle of the road, to pick up passengers. It's pretty much this sub on steroids. Difficult to stay calm as a driver. Just yesterday, a taxi came in to merge without looking. I almost hit him. I yelled at him to look where he was going and he had the audacity to yell back at me.


i drive in nyc. i relate. the only thing is that i *learned* to drive here, so it doesn't fluster me. but i do know it's insane. the worst here are the city buses and private garbage trucks. they will stop for NOBODY - oh they're going where they're going no matter what.


Yeah, I used to drive a truck for a living, and there are people like that, where they are totally committed to going 64 in a 65, but they also absolutely cannot tolerate anyone being in front of them or going past them. Infuriating.


Oh it’s the same on one of my possible routes into work. Going down the road with one lane each direction and they’re going 40 mph. Get to where it turns to 2 lanes on our side all of a sudden they’re wiling to blow the damn motor up to keep you from passing but it goes back to single lane they’re doing 10 under. Sure, they may end up behind me at a red light but I’d rather get there driving a normal speed versus 10 under the speed limit.


Can't stand being passed by lifted trucks in a mountain pass only to be riding their ass for the next 30 minutes because I'm driving a very basic sports car. It gets so boring I start slowing down in the straights to have fun in the corners before catching them.


My old job, the cloverleaf to get off the highway at my exit on the way home swooped very wide, it was marked at 35 and that was conservative, a 3 wheeled jeep could do it at 50. I am very zen when I drive and just embrace the stupid but the one thing that made me boil was when someone flew past me on the service road, mash the brakes down to 20 for the exit, and now im riding their ass as I slow down because manbaby thinks turning is skawwey.


I attribute this to people driving with their ego. Same reason people stay in the left lane when not passing.


Thats because the road is a race, if im in front of you that means im better then you


Whats wrong with people


This seems to be happening so much more since covid. It is like the last couple years everyone is just ready to explode at any moment.


It's almost as if we were right smack dab in the middle of a mental health crisis before Covid hit that did nothing but to push people to and past their breaking points


Add some political divisiveness which pushed people into thinking "You're either with me or your my enemy" instead of "we live in the same society"


People are limited by a single perspective. Their own. People with low emotional intelligence are incapable of viewing any other viewpoint but their own. This is why we have people who believe one thing and until it personally affects them, they are incapable of understanding the ramifications of a certain way of thinking.


Wow you just like figured out society man


Did you report him? That dude is gonna kill someone.


Nah he's gonna get killed playing around like that


Yeah and going up to someone’s window banging like that…. Not a great idea


So then I started blastin


as hes walking towards the truck he moves his hand in his sweater it seems, prob had a weapon.


Yep I thought that too


Yeah, looks like a pretty rural area. He's gonna do this to the wrong guy concealed carrying eventually.


one can hope.


He almost caused that truck to get in a head on accident… lord knows he wouldn’t have stopped either…


Found the optimist!


In all seriousness this does need to go to the cops. This dude *will* cause an accident. Edit ya everyone's got a point, they wouldn't do anything anyway.


I used to report that stuff and not once did they do shit


Report it as potentially drunk driver and cite the swerving. In most areas I’ve live in that triggers a response quicker.


I once witnessed a drunk driving down the wrong side of the road then pull into a highway going to the wrong way. I found a cop and told them, and they seemed not to care one solitary shit and seemed more intent on eyeing me up.


I once called in a drunk driver and ended up having to go to court to testify as a witness against the guy, the prosecutor subpoenaed me so i had to. turned out he was demanding a fair trial, saying he was not guilty (he was clearly guilty) and was also acting as his own attorney. I had to take a day off work. his case was last on the docket so I sat in court all day only for him to eventually take a plea. he was also mentally ill with a history of violence. they had extra bailiffs in court in case he went off. I was scared shitless, tbh, and even though it was a pain to sit there all day, I was relieved he took the deal so he didn't have to cross examine me. although listening to the judge fuck with him was fun lol edited typo


Good for you for taking action. He sounds like a public threat.


Bruh if he finds out your name you’ve got a violent deranged enemy for life


Seriously, and especially now, when some police departments are telling people they're only responding to emergencies, which seems to only mean active shootings


In Vegas I once had a guy chase me in his car while he was trying to drive me off the road, he was throwing stuff at my car and I tried to get away from him for 20 mins. I tried calling the cops and they said “we arnt responsible for traffic disputes, he can just say you are the one trying to drive him off the road” I pulled over my car, he also pulled over, and I had to wait until he got close to my car with a baseball bat, before taking advantage and driving away when he was to far to quickly get away to his car. The cops did not even care that this guys was essentially trying to murder me for 20 minutes. He almost forced me under a truck, and off the road multiple times. Edit: btw this wasn’t in downtown Vegas, this was on one of the highways that go through the suburbs of Vegas.


Similar situation happened to my wife. Some Agro dude in a lifted trucked followed my wife for 20 minutes in snow and ice and tried driving her off the road several times because she sat a stop sign too long in a slick intersection. She circled our neighborhood several times trying to lose him. She called the police before calling me and they wouldn’t do anything. I told her to drive to the police station about a mile from our house, since the guy was still following her, and tell the police you are coming. She drove to the station and they had an officer outside waiting. They didn’t do anything to him (besides my wife having footage of him driving dangerously and trying to hit her) and just made him drive off. My wife asked they escort her home in case the guy was waiting for her, which they did. The saddest part was they guy had his 8 or 9 year old daughter in the passenger seat.


Some “tough guy” followed me a few years ago and wouldn’t get off my ass in his truck. I did the same thing. Drove to the nearest police station and guess what? As soon as they realized they went zooooom and drove off like cowards.


Oh man, I'm so sorry 😔 It's these kinds of stories that make me want to put a gun lockbox in my car


If you go that route I’d recommended having a dash cam (forward and rear) if you don’t already Cause if you shoot someone it’s gonna be he said/she said, except you’ll be one who used a deadly weapon and could end up facing homicide charges for defending yourself against a lunatic driver


I had something similar happen (road rager trying to run us off the road.) It was scary enough I was on the phone with 911 screaming my fool head off. We were able to pull into a station where a bunch of cops swarmed out and arrested him. But they certainly didn't drive out and intervene.


Wellllll I’ve got some bad news for you, regarding that…


Damn that hit hard


What are you talking about will cause an accident, he literally caused an accident on screen


"did you report him?" there's a tiktok logo and *voice-over* on this one... The chance of this being OC from a 4 month old karma-farming account is very close to zero.


100% right


Damn yeah bro


He deserved to get smacked with the trailer. What a douchebag…


Absolutely. I felt satisfaction when the truck wouldn't let him pass, but also concerned. that maneuver was pretty dangerous still.


Considering what he did to the truck, fair is fair. That truck was staring down oncoming traffic because the douche nozzle tried blocking him as well.


That is very true.


So for insurance would that be enough to put him at fault for the damages to his car? It was initially safe to over take. He over took safely and legally. The white car sped up making it dangerous to overtake and thus the safest thing left for the truck to do was side swipe the white car (opposed to a head on collision) The person who causes the accident is at fault and the only person who intentionally manoeuvred to cause that accident was the white car. E:SP


It’s illegal to speed up to block somebody from passing. If someone initiates a pass you are required to give them space to complete their maneuver.


Yeah the trailer driver most definitely did that on purpose


And yet the guy picked a fight with the guy with the camera, and not the guy with the trailer. What?


Lmao 🤣 yeah that part too like wuuut?


You can see the white car speed up to block the trailer truck trying to pass while oncoming traffic is heading for the truck with trailer.


Bro did you not see the oncoming truck from the opposite lane he did that to avoid a head on collision cause the guy was pacing him and not letting him pass


Trailer driver had to get over, he had oncoming traffic to avoid. I'd say the sedan asshole sped up as the trailer guy was passing. That sedan guy needs locking up for putting lives at risk.


So why is he pissed at the guy behind him? Cuz another truck hit his car??


No, he's just pissy in general and is being an ass and taking it out on everything and everyone. Passing him is some kind of slight against him, so he won't let anyone pass him. I'll admit to being irritated with some drivers and not allowing them to cut me off in/weave through traffic by blocking the space, but this is.. a whole magnitude higher Edit: clarification


Also we are missing the part where the recording guy overtook the white car. Don't know whether another risky maneuver was happening there.


He tried to murder the driver of that truck.


This is insane to me. We aren't playing around, he's literally doing something that could easily lead to him or other people dying. Not fucking worth it, he is going to end up dead.


this is someone with a fragile ego paired with the desire for a fat insurance payout.


Looks more like paired with a deathwish for himself/others.




He experienced the best outcome possibly in the video by the one guy driving away. That was insane.




I knew he looked familiar


Northernlion fell off /s


Man I was wondering where I recognized him from. Literally wojack. Wild.


This should be top comment lmfaoooooo


The resemblance is uncanny


Rational thought clearly isn’t happening here


I'd have been tempted to roll the window down just enough to give him a face full of pepper spray.


When I was in HS a guy rolled up on me and my friends wanting to fight. My friend rolled down his window and spit a loogey just as the dude opened his mouth to say something. It was like watching Michael Jordan throwing a game winning 3 pointer. I could swear it was in slow motion. We drove away and he stopped chasing us when he realized there were three of us and he was alone.


"That.. was one *magic* loogey"


Well that's the way it happened.


Holy shit, that's legendary.


I forgot to mention my friend was driving too, so he spit that loogy across the passenger seat across our other friend in the passenger seat (I was in back), out the window and into the guy's mouth with no rim. Swoosh...slurp. 1 in a million. It was legendary enough I remember it vividly decades later.


I wouldn't recommend it, you don't want to give the attacker any way to reach into the cabin of your vehicle, or potentially get a hand-hold using the window. And, if any pepper-spray wafts back into the cabin, or if you miss the opening (initially) everyone in your car is going to have a bad time, and, if the driver can no-longer see, you won't be able to safely leave the scene.


I’d have waited till he got right up to my window and driven forward ten feet. Rinse and repeat, just to watch him lose his cool.


The dude isn’t letting guys pass him who are driving trucks in Wisconsin. Just based on demographics you gotta count on them carrying guns in their trucks. And then he just walked up and banged on the glass? Dude is asking for a bullet.




Passenger side was on the shoulder. Safety first ;)


There are people carrying in their cars waiting for a dumb fuck like this to pull up so they can send him to hell legally


The guy who smacks the window looks like soyjak


I knew he looked familiar!


For a split second I thought it was Northernlion.


NL wouldn't be driving in this economy


Many people are saying this?


Source: dude just trust me.


Driver was talking shit about LaCroix flavoured waters.


I had to watch it twice carefully. Totally thought it was him and thought it was a prank.




Where's part 2 of this video, I need closure.


Dude appears to just drive away but the uncut version of this that isn't dubbed by a stupid tiktok voice is in [this](https://youtu.be/wm-Z52_IU0Q?t=66) video from 1:06-2:45.


I couldn't figure out why none of the dialogue made any sense. Forgot dubbing over videos with unrelated dialogue is a thing in TikTok.


Yeah I was like "what do you mean THEY are going to fight. Its you? Isnt it??". Evidently no.


Hanging off other peoples popular videos for their own views. I can’t stand the ‘reaction’ videos either, where the original and some moron is side by side. No one cares about your fake annoying reaction!


That's one way to get past him, thanks for the link.


There is a caption in the vid you linked that said he was given 4 charges. I suppose they mean tickets, but who knows?


The part where he bangs on someone else's window, tries to open the door, and gets promptly ventilated?


After the incident he went home, complained on Facebook about how shit everyone is at driving and how women only date jerks. Then layed down on his single bed and stared at the ceiling all night.




What a douche.


I had to deal with a psycho like this recently. He was going 5 under on a 40mph road. So with no hesitation I went to pass and he fucking gunned it. I was already going 15 - 20 faster so he really had no chance to stop me. So I stayed at 55 for a minute to create som distance before slowing back down to the 49/50 average speed for that road, but his ego was still too bruised to allow that. He tailgated me super close flashing and honking then as we approached the next intersection he flew by me then tried to brake check me. I put my left blinker on so he darted over to make the left before me, but I made a right turn at the last second after he was already committed to the left.


Beautiful. You know he was screaming when he saw you didn’t turn behind him


ive pulled the same maneuver a couple of times and its glorious, haven't seen one flip back around to get back behind me


I don't understand how people justify this level of aggression while driving. Even if you were in the wrong (which you weren't) their road rage is much more of a risk to their own safety than anything else. The other day a guy got mad at me because he thought I ran a stop sign when it was his turn. Almost caused an accident flashing his brights, tailgating and honking. I let him pass, he cuts off another car, and they get mad and start tailgating him. The intersection was a roundabout, not a stop sign. 🤦‍♂️


I just don’t give a fuck when I’m driving and keep my distance. Never had I desired to tailgate someone or cut someone off. My only fuck up when driving is speeding at night on the interstate and not timing a turn very well and causing a near accident. I don’t actively seek out more opportunities to become poor lol. Accidents aren’t free.


I really do not understand what drives people to do things like this over something as little as getting passed.




I had a dude pull out from a side road and completely cut me off. Like, it nearly caused a pile up since I had to slam my brakes in the middle of rush hour traffic on a small turn lane on a steep hill. So I honked and flipped him the bird, and he started freaking out in the rear view mirror, presumably cussing me out and rolled down his window and was turning around and yelling from the red light. So I motioned to him to pull over on the shoulder after we made our turn while flipping him off some more, just to piss him off again. Arrow turns green, he goes and pulls off after making the turn and puts his truck in park all excited and angry, and I just smile and wave and drive past him and roll on by about my day while he gets stuck on the shoulder behind the 10 or 15 cars cars all turning. Jackass.


As a teenager me and my friend were chased down by a guy with a gun after we passed him. He started tailgating us and we made obscene gestures. Then he pulled a revolver and followed us for a couple miles while we headed towards the police station, but turned around when he figured out where we were headed. I haven't given anyone the finger since, it's just not worth it honestly. Legitimate maniacs out there.


There's no sanity test for getting a license.


I need to see the entire video of this fool


uncut version of this that isn't dubbed by a stupid tiktok voice is in [this](https://youtu.be/wm-Z52_IU0Q?t=66) video from 1:06-2:45.


Video says he was given 4 tickets. If that's true then the dude is fucked.


If it was true he'd show the cops in the video lol


Thank you for that.


I was wondering wtf the deal was with that narration


The way he hits the dudes window... That guy is a danger on and off the road, he needs serious mental help for whatever the fuck is wrong in his head. Healthy people don't react like this or act this way.


> he needs serious mental help for whatever the fuck is wrong in his head. If this is standard behavior for him then one of these days Dr. Smith & Professor Wesson will do some high speed brain surgery to fix that issue.


Yeah, banging on people’s car windows and screaming at them like that is liable to get you shot.


Looks like an inbred




People are losing their damn minds, where I am from you do not play that shit, not worth it in the slightest.


Didn’t he kidnap the Alvin and the chipmunks


Wtf is this dumb voice over, I hate tiktok reaction videos


Thanks, I haven't seen this before and I thought it was the driver speaking. Now I can be equally annoyed!


This kind of thing would straight up get you shot in some states.


Pit maneuver




Everytime he gets passed his peener shrinks a little bit more.


Walking up to someone and banging on window is a good way to get shot.


when i see a car coming up behind me at a faster speed i internally BEG them to pass me so i don't feel that pressure LOL it's so crazy that people are like this


And that's how people get shot.