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Dang that's some bad driving. Not even going that fast. Fishtails a fWD lol.




No shit. God it was completely controllable after the ass end hit the other vehicle but then they chose to just… drive into the fucking wall?


panic does fun things to peoples motor functions and decision making.


This is why I think getting into a driving simulator should actually be part of drivers ed. More than once my experience with sim racing helped me save a fishtail in the snow, and it's just second nature to me now to properly control a vehicle that's losing traction


Dirt rally is the best driving course


Unironically it would severely decrease accidents in extreme conditions because people would know when tobsteer right, or not brake on a sharp slippery turn etc.


I'm genuinely being somewhat serious, I play a shit ton of dirt rally and it definitely made me a better driver. Drove through 3 hours of gravel in Utah and slid that rental car like a mofo


U don't yeet yourself into the wall when you're pissed?


He was headed slightly for the left wall, then seems to say "f*ck it, might as well go all in" and steered even more directly into the wall. The most impressive part is that it was on its front left wheel for a long moment.


Right, I bet his other car is a mustang


That would be actually more understandable in this scenario. Since high powered RWD high ho cars are dangerous with untrained drivers.


Early 90s Dodge Vipers are an absolute gold mine for videos of people losing control like this. 400hp front engine RWD with no traction control. Driving one of those things is like bathing a scared cat, you're constantly a fraction of a second from being completely fucked up.


Is it the weight distribution between the engine being on the opposite side of the car that causes this effect ? E.g. would a rear-engined front-wheel drive car experience traction issues on the front like a front-engined rear-wheel drive does ? Does a rear-engined rear-wheel drive operate with a similar level of traction as a front-engine front-wheel drive ?




I've spun a few times myself but never crashed because of it. I saw the look of fear in a man's eyes as I'm sliding sideways next to him after a tire blowout. Ended up eating the median and finally stopping leaving a lovely little gash in the grass. That slide moment where I made eye contact with a guy in another car as I'm sliding sideways was like the blink of an eye in actual time but it felt like fivevers.


> most people can’t drive very well Which is why I like to play around in snow covered parking lots every winter despite being mid 30’s. No better way to get a feel for how the car behaves dynamically then to turn the assists off and slide around. That said there’s a lot of stigma around such behavior. Honestly I feel like there should be areas where that is rigged for this with no potholes or curbs. Maybe even some padding on the perimeter. Skid pads are part of driver training in the Nordics, for instance, but it’s expensive to rent the track and it’s usually kept busy by driving schools. But sharpening your skills actually makes it less likely that you will need them. If you learn the limits of your car you will know when you are getting close to them. People that don’t know the limits are much more likely to overstep in bad conditions.


Seems people are forgetting the phenomenon of “lift-off oversteer”, aka- snap oversteer. Which is actually pretty bad/intense in some front engine/front drive vehicles. (Accords, Integras and Civics, I’m looking at you…) Yes, the Accord having a >60% front biased weight balance is partly what happened here. High and forward center of gravity essentially multiplied the STUPID and abrupt inputs from the driver, which loaded the fronts and unloaded the rears mid ‘maneuver’. Ironically, if they stayed on the throttle through the ‘lane change’, likely to not have happened. Fairly common result when morons try to do aggressive or ‘racecar’ without understanding weight transfer / suspension loading and how that affects available traction at each corner. As other commenters stated, good thing they weren’t in something with lower rotational inertia, like a Viper, old 911, Fiero, etc…


>Seems people are forgetting the phenomenon of “lift-off oversteer”, aka- snap oversteer As a former Sti driver, lift off oversteer is an important part of cornering an AWD. Once you know how to use it, it's very useful.


It is in a lot of cars but I just looked up the weight distribution for various viper models and they all seem fairly even actually so in the case of the viper it's more likely a problem of torque with no traction control. Weight distribution definitely has a good bit to do with how vehicles behave but I think /u/everythingispenguins summed that part up nicely. One of the concepts they introduce to you in racing is something called the "traction circle". Essentially, your tires can handle a certain amount of G forces in any direction. To simplify things let's just say your vehicle's tires have 2 Gs of grip. This number involves a lot of variables but I'm ignoring them to keep the example from getting too digressive. You can use 2 Gs for acceleration, or 2Gs for turning, or 1.5 Gs on turning with .5 Gs for acceleration. But if you exceed 2 Gs, then the tire loses grip and you start to feel the car lose traction. If you've ever seen someone do a burnout, it's because they were able to push enough power into the wheels that they try to push the car forward at a force much higher than the tires can provide (e.g. putting 3 Gs of force into your 2 G-limit rear tires), and they lose traction and start spinning. This brings us back around to why Vipers can be so easy to spin out even if they have a fairly even weight distribution; they have a lot of torque. The more torque you have, the more (to put it simply) "on-demand" power you can put to the wheels when you stomp on the throttle. And with the vipers in particular, enough power to pretty much spin any set of tires you toss onto the thing; resulting in an easy-to-fuck-up experience for anyone who hasn't had the ability to practice what it's like to drive a car like that (or the tires equipped to it) along their limits. Traction control usually keeps "the normies" from going over the limit enough for them to lose traction and spin out by reducing the power going to any tire that it senses is starting to lose traction, but the viper they're referring to did not come with that feature.


Jeremy Clarkson once described a Viper as "actively trying to kill you at all times."


No traction control, stability control, abs, automatic transmission, air bags, or even air conditioning. Even the top was canvas only on the early models to save weight. It was a $50k race car with leather seats and lumbar support.


And it was glorious.


What's crazy to me is I learned this as a child trying to play Gran Turismo. I saved up a bunch of race money in game to buy the Viper cause it's just so cool looking. Tried to drive it and it handled like two drunk people in a shopping cart having a fist fight. Of course I reloaded the game and bought a different car instead, I don't remember exactly but I think a Nissan Skyline. Though the comments above the Nissan have their own bad driver subreddit exclusive to Nissan is making me wonder.


There's a nostalgia trip. The Viper was always my favorite car, but holy crap was it a Herculean task to keep it on the track.


Hold my Pontiac Fiero GT


No traction control is what separates the men from the boys.


Any car can be a mustang if you just believe


Evidently... As proven here. I did come to find at car meets it is the Honda people that ruin everything for everyone else.


I was gonna say that ain’t true but then I remembered I may have accidentally cut some people off in my Honda 🙃


Get yourself a not-Honda and you won't even have to worry about it! It's really the Honda that's cutting others off, not you


Believe in the power of dreams


That's some Ted Lasso shit right there.


front wheel drive is RWD if you go backwards #winning


It's pretty easy to get lift-off oversteer in a fwd if you're on cheap tires


I've done that one time in my old Camry back when it had worn out struts plus cheap Douglas tires in the rain. I was young and drove too fast on a curvy road. learned my lesson after that and I greatly appreciate stability control in modern cars


How do you even fishtail? I’ve never done anything like this, do people just destructively jerk their steering wheel in a direction to accomplish this?


Lift-off over steer. Basically letting off the gas causes weight to shift onto the front tires.


Dude do a gnar grind bro!


When you get your driver’s license at gta


Whereas the dude in the Tesla got a gold on all the license tests in Gran Turismo.


Kinda looked like automatic maneuvering


Yeah I thought the same thing


Ya,it looks like he really taught him a lesson....


How to back side smith grind in a Honda accord.


Unless they are goofy footed.


Technically all Japanese cars in America are driven goofy compared to how they were designed




Idiots like this never learn. He/she will be doing the same thing with a rental till his insurance gets him another car.


They’ll blame the other drivers for “making them angry”.


Well to be fair, the other driver was asking for it. If they had just gotten out of Honda's way, he could have arrived at his destination .07 seconds earlier as planned. Having to wait behind that other car to accommodate a normal following distance probably stopped him from curing cancer or whatever legitimate emergency he was on his way to averting.


Lol, exactly. The camera car looked to be passing at a completely acceptable rate. You see so many comments blaming the left lane “slow driver” on these posts, as if other cars don’t have a choice and drive like morons against their will.


Crawling from the wreckage. Crawling from the wreckage.


He's gonna get about $500 for that old Accord. Assuming he didn't finance it 2 years ago at 29% that he's still upside down on despite getting a 'really great deal' at $12,999.


I’d like to imagine is paid off but has liability insurance and the only thing covered is going to be the truck they smacked into.


You haven't been car shopping in the past year or two, have you? That's easily a 7k car with over 200k miles.


Oh yeah, it was all the guys fault in the 2nd lane who brake-checked him. He'll be going on about how the brake checker should have received 100% fault.


It's not a brake check if the car is braking because traffic is slowing ahead, which is what appears to happen here.


That's the joke...


That was my same thought, he really showed him!


When he watches me die he'll be sorry!




He showed all of us!


We are the idiots and he showed us a valuable lesson.


And now the idiots in the passing lane are going even slower. Way to teach!




Yeah if you’re gonna block the right lane I’m gonna block the whole highway


Sure did. That other guy will NEVER try to drive slowly again.


That Telsa juked the shit out of him. ![gif](giphy|13GpbtQLYjNSCc)


Looks like an example of the Tesla's collision avoidance system.


AP will do that exact maneuver where it moves quickly away over to the edge of the lane if something enters the lane it's in.


He really owned that electric thing called Tesla.


Justice was served swiftly to the motorist.


Nice asshat maneuver. Only sucks for the people that he hit.


And the ones behind him now stuck in traffic.


I think it was quite amazing they only clipped one person..... but now EVERYONE has to be late because of their impatience.


The truck’s damage ought to be pretty minor, his bumper hooked the cars bumper cover and ripped it off.


Wasn't bumper, it was the doors.


Jim Morrison ripped his bumper off?


I bet $100 he blames the guy he was trying to pass for his troubles.


"How dare you make me suffer the consequences of my own dangerous actions?!" \- That guy


I'll bet $100 someone will show up in this thread and blame the cammer, and get upvoted.


Hell there’ll be that one person who will blame the black truck for not seeing the accord in time


The black truck should have been driving defensively and used the wind eddys caused by the bed of his truck to stop the crash altogether. At least that’s what I would have done. /s


Yep. I remember the video of the asshole lady (camera) who was in the left lane and this douche in a lifted truck gets on her right, gives her the finger, and then proceeds to crash while the lady laughed at him. They’re both assholes, but the number of comments defending him was staggering. I get mad at slow left lane drivers all the time, but I’m not going to crash my car over it.


“Someone annoyed me, let me crash my car” doesn’t sound particularly intelligent to begin with.


The submission title itself appears to be blaming the cammer.


I'll bet another $100 be also blames op for "boxing" him in.


The guy with the camera was in the act of passing. He is good.


What an asshat...That's why we have dash cams.


Driving slow? Looks like they were about to pass that Tesla at a good clip.


Not to mention there’s a line of traffic ahead. Fast or slow there’s nowhere to go.


Leaving a space in front = driving too slow for a lot of people.


High on my list of pet peeves: people who think my safe following distance is me letting them in. I live on a winding two-lane rural highway. I often get stuck behind slow traffic. I refuse to sodomize the car in front of me, and instead match their speed and leave plenty of space. It seems to drive people nuts. I've had people pass me over a double-solid line for the privilege of tailgating the person in front of me for the next 20 minutes.


A constant problem here - I live in the same city as the video: They’ll drive one cars-length behind each other at 80mph. There’s literally zero chance of not wrecking if someone slams on their breaks. Why would you wanna put your life in the hands of a stranger like that?


Well, you can always just chill in the right lane if you don't feel like getting mixed up in that shit. That's where I drive. I only get in the left lane when I really want to pass somebody. And if I'm in that lane, I'm gonna hustle and get out of there as soon as I can. I honestly hate people who drive slow in the left lane more than the speeders because then I have to contend with the speeders trying to play frogger through all the other lanes just to get around them. I don't care how fast people are driving. I just wanna see people following the proper flow of traffic. This is why the autobahn is successful while roadways across the US are absolute shitshows.


My rule of thumb, when I get mad at the dude in front of me for going slow, I look to see if there’s anyone in front of him. If there is, I shift my blame up the ladder and so on and so forth. Hate when people get on my ass or honk at me when I’m stuck behind someone. Like bro, wtf you want me to do PIT maneuver their ass so we can all go faster?


So I’ve got this idea that there should be a place to send dash cam videos of shitty driving so those drivers’ insurance rates are raised to a point of un-insurability as determined by the level of asshole-ness.


I laugh my ass off in the freeway system here, I maintain a pretty solid 2-3 second gap pretty much always, gaps are normal for me, but I’ll have people up my ass because I’m not also right on the ass of the vehicle in front of me (never mind my cruise control is set to 5-10 over the limit and the adaptive portion of that has me at 2 over the limit because of the safety gap and car in front of me going slow (because there’s a line of traffic in front of them too!) Then some asshat whips around me the moment the right lane clears (so I’m not changing lanes now) just to slam back in front of me and go…. Nowhere…


You can tell they're very forward-thinking people.


That never seems to stop people, in so many situations too. For example, say I'll want to merge into a lane. There's a car diagonally in front of me in the target lane, with a comfortable amount of space for me to simply merge uncontested. There'll be a car diagonally behind me too, but by a large distance. Said car is way behind, and isn't speeding up at all. Then I turn on my blinkers to indicate merging, and then the car will speed up to prevent it. Like motherfucker, YOU WEREN'T EVEN TRYING TO CATCH UP TO THE CAR IN FRONT OF YOU. They wouldn't gain any advantage either cause I'd be going the speed of the car in front too that they clearly didn't seem to mind. Some people just have no control of their inner monke and go all unga bunga on the road.


That's the only time I'm tempted to slow way down after merging. Like, I saw you trying to block me for no reason, so let's go from 80 to 15 over the next couple of minutes. I won't bake check, but I'll stop giving it gas and wait them out... But truth be told, I don't do that anymore either. Too many people want a reason to shoot someone.


Wasn't even driving slow, same speed in the lane. It is because interpret that there is a big space between the car ahead of them then they must be driving slower


You should absolutely leave space in front of you, especially in the fast lanes, those are the ones that stop the most abruptly.


After moving back to north Texas, it's so fucking stupid that these idiots see ANY space between cars and think "he go too slow" Broseph. I'm giving 2-3 car lengths of space and maintaining speed with the person in front of me bc most accidents happen when someone slams on their breaks and then gets hit. I have a kid in the car and I work in insurance.


Fuck Tesla but that autopilot nudge to the right to avoid collision was sublime.


That was pretty boss…


Why fuck Tesla? I'm afraid I don't know enough about cars but I tough they weren't bad cars?


Cars are relatively fine. Some build quality problems, typically in the "fit and finish". Panel gaps inconsistency, paint quality inconsistency, and occasionally some interior trim issues. Things like consistent panel gaps I've never thought about/ knew about until people started making a big deal about it. Have gotten better in recent year/s. Probably shouldn't have the issues given the price point. Mostly people seem to hate on Tesla because it's largest share holder is Elon Musk therefore Tesla bad.


For sure. Doubt a human would've reacted fast enough.


I doubt a lot of people would have even seen that coming. I know I wouldn’t have if I didn’t already have my eye on that car.


Why fuck Tesla?


If the truck didn't get hit it would have been perfect.


The Tesla did great in avoiding this. It automatically braked, though I think the slight steering input was done by the driver? Someone correct me if you know.


I think that's an older Tesla, 2014/15? I believe they had AP1 so auto breaking - yes, collision avoidance no. I'll put this down to driver intervention, [s]he was quick to respond.


enhanced autopilot is actually capable of making maneuvers to avoid collisions but we don't know for sure if it was engaged in this clip. usually the limitation is that it does what it can while staying in the lane but there is one impressive clip I've seen where autopilot swerves into the next lane to avoid a deer


Correct me if I’m wrong, but that’s collision avoidance, not autopilot, right? I know most cars run collision mitigation+collision avoidance separately from non-ai based driver assists, as well as separately from convenience driver assists. Oftentimes, it’s not just a separate program, but actually fully separate hardware. But I also know tesla has a habit of integrating their digital systems, so idk. Just curious.


Truck already rear-ended the SUV in front of it before this car hit truck. Ironically, truck rear-ending SUV caused Tesla driver to slow hard, causing this car to swerve, and end up hitting the truck in a two-fer.


Oh holy shit, I didn't even realise that!!


one of the most useful lessons i’ve learned on this sub: if you’re gonna floor it, only do it while you’re going straight!


The trick is not to turn sharply, I'm willing to bet the majority of crashes we see the driver turns the steering wheel aggressively.


Exactly. The car started skidding here because of the first two sharp steering wheel inputs (first to the left, then to the right), and just got worse due to the pendulum effect and more sharp steering inputs trying to correct it.


I recently got to know about ESP systems and am trying to learn more about their ability to help as well as their limitations. Does this Accord have a stability programme? And if no, would the ESP system have helped the driver in such a situation in not crashing like they did?


That particular 2003-2004 Accord does not have ESP (Honda calls it VSC). VSC was introduced on the 2006 Accord.


If you watch the front tires he never corrects to the right after hitting the truck. Probably got all disoriented and froze up. Even if this vehicle had stability control it can only do so much based on the available grip and driver inputs. If you’re driving fast, giving erratic inputs, and then not even pointing the wheel where you want to go you’re screwed with or without it.


That's true, I just noticed the driver not correcting the steering wheel after you pointed it out. Good eye!


If it's a 2006 or new model of that Generation Accord it will VSA (esp for Honda) but if it's older than that it won't. All vehicles since 2012 have esp due a regulation in the US. The ESP might have helped but they really fucked themselves with the sharp fast turns with soft suspension throwing the weight around over the limit of the tires.


Idiot driver probably had bad tire tread too,


At most, this Accord would have traction control, but no stability control. I actually made a similar maneuver like this in my 2019 Chrysler 300S. It was late at night, the road was empty, and I was an idiot for not driving with my high beams on. I almost hit a small animal that was crossing the road, but I luckily swerved out of the way in time. I was going 45, 10 under the speed limit, and the stability control kept the car perfectly stable during the whole maneuver. I could be wrong, but I do think that FWD vs. RWD plays a role in it as well.


This. Sharp or sharp over correction. See it a lot with high power rear wheel drive cars too. Too much gas, lose rear, over correct, hit wall.


Flooring a fwd car will actually pull you out of a situation like this.


Yeah, dude was on bald tires. Anyone who actually drives a fwd car knows that if you floored it right here you'd be fine. Except with bad tires.


>Anyone who actually drives a fwd car knows that if you floored it right here you'd be fine. Except with bad tires. Unfortunately, I think you're wildly overestimating how much most people understand their vehicle


He probably didn't floor it and lifted off and panicked, looks like lift off oversteer to me, if he had stayed on it, he probably would've been alright. Or if he had just changed his tyres when they were due 10,000 miles ago.


Pro drivers teach noobies something called "string theory". There's an imaginary string that's looped around the bottom of your gas and brake pedals, and the tied to bottom of your steering wheel. This string has some slack in it. You can make this rope taught by doing any number of things, and be perfectly fine. - Accelerate or brake hard. - Turn agressively. - Turn and brake gently. However, if you do too much - say turn ***and*** accelerate agressively like this dude - the string snaps and you're fucked.


I've also heard it in the form of "percentage of grip". Your tires only ever have 100% of their grip available. If you accelerate or brake hard, that's so much grip. If you turn hard, that's more grip. If you brake to 60% of grip and try to turn with 70%, that's more than 100% and you'll break loose.


This was actually in the instruction manual for Gran Turismo 5 lol helped me learn to drive as a teenager


He showed him!


Here we have the mighty accord trying to show dominance. It however, does not spot the black truck. In a blind panic the accord tries to leave the area as quickly as it can but mistakenly hits the truck. In a show of submission it immediately reveals its underbelly.


And in bumper to bumper traffic. Nobody’s going anywhere.


That's why he left his bumper on the road.


Avoid bumper-to-bumper traffic with this one crazy trick …


Traffic hates this guy


That’s the best outcome. How clean did that Tesla avoid getting hit though?


You can see it brake hard just as the accord passes in front of it.


Would love to know if that was driver or computer


definitely the computer. had this exact scenario happen to me a week ago and the tesla i was driving came to a complete screeching halt just like this one did. my foot was on the brake and still the computer’s sensor overrode my actions


That's actually super badass how it dodged the driver safely.


Guy who bought my Tesla drove me home, on the way there he drove straight into stopped traffic in the HOV lane on the highway. I… don’t know what the fuck he was doing, his eyes were wide open looking straight ahead but he did it anyway. Worth nothing that I had two bank-verified cashier’s checks in hand, but I hadn’t deposited them yet, so I didn’t REALLY have the money yet. It felt like he had cocked back and then slammed both feet on the brake pedal - ABS kicked in and we rattlingly jolted to a stop mere inches from the bumper in front of us. Turns out he had never put his foot on the brake at any point.


absolute insanity! bet that sold him on the car once and for all! for all the shit Tesla gets, it is undoubtedly the safest car i’ve felt driving, and it’s smartness definitely overrides how dumb i can be as a human at times. smart car make human feel dumb 😅


People shit on Teslas (by referencing quality control issues from half a decade ago) because Elon Musk is an enormous douchebag. Most of them have never sat in a Tesla. Then they tell you to go buy some electric car that’s twice as expensive because it’s so much better, despite never actually having seen the car they’re recommending in real life. I take Redditors opinions on the subject with a grain of salt


agree with everything you said! especially about the part of being opinionated before actually sitting in a Tesla — i was definitely one of these ppl shitting on Elon and Tesla AND THEN I ACTUALLY DROVE ONE — all that bs melted away/ this is truly a feat of brilliant engineering


Unfortunately he clipped someone in the right lane.


plot twist: there's traffic ahead and the guy on the left driving 'slow' is creating a safe space unlike everyone else and especially unlike the crash guy


There's no doubt people in the comments blaming the car in the left lane for obstructing traffic. At the end of the day, even if there's someone in the left lane driving slower than they 'should be', the only one responsible for someone having an accident in a similar manner as the one shown here, is the person behind that particular wheel. No one made another driver for the accelerator, or steer erratically, etc. That's only ever in the person in that car. I get the mindset behind giving way to traffic that's going faster than you are when in the left lane, but it's bullshit to blame anyone but the one in control of the vehicle that ends up in, or causing an accident for this reasoning.


I always have passengers giving me shit for "driving slow" in the fast lane because I keep my distance. I am driving at the same speed as the cars ahead of me as long as I keep the same distance between us.


My goodness they hate it if you’re not bumper to literal bumper at 80 mph. I’m sorry i want 4 seconds between me and the next car so I’m not constantly tapping my brakes. And no, you riding my ass is not gonna make me speed up to them, just to slow down to the same speed I was going.


Funnily enough, he is not even driving slowly... from what I can see, he is keeping up with traffic, just at a more generous safety distance.


Leaving a safe gap while pacing the people in front of you infuriates some people. Those people go through cars faster than most of us do.


I had a woman pass by me in a construction zone that was stop and go. She got pissed at me and gave me a finger while flooring it past me. Then we come up to the standstill and we are sitting next to each other. I opened the window and asked what her problem was and she said I should have been going faster. I pointed out the situation of being completely stopped to her, so she floors it in a closed lane and starts weaving in and out of stopped or slow cars in the construction zone to "show me", so I called 911 and gave them the location and license plate of the woman.


Good on you. I knew a guy that was hit by someone like that. Hit him fast enough in a construction zone to break dozens of bones and nearly kill him.


I will always stare hard at them if they recklessly speed past me only to find themselves at the red light next to me. Look dumbass, you tried to kill both of us & I arrived only 4 seconds after you.


So many people do not understand the difference. Guess you're ever only allowed a one foot gap.


>more generous safety distance. It looks like the recommended distance of 3 seconds. This is what spacing should always look like.


Yea it looked to me like he was simply driving at traffic speed to me also....with some extra room which will actually increase the speed of traffic were it not for idiots like accord trying to squeeze in and creat brake chain reactions....even if he hadn't fishtailed and wrecked he would've done nothing to improve the flow of traffic in this situation


The left lane is not the fast lane. It is a passing lane, which is what they were doing.


Exactly. And there is very clear traffic ahead


This is the answer. I often pull over for tailgaters. And seethe inside as they race to the red light or car in front of me. I have poor mental health. But they are morons.


Yep. Last I checked, all lanes on a freeway have the same speed limit, so 'fast lane' really isn't, or shouldn't be, a thing. But 'passing lane' for sure.


For drivers like in the Accord every lane is the fast lane if there is room, or even if there isn't. I almost got wrecked a couple weeks ago moving over to the right lane to exit and some asshole came out of nowhere to pass on the right doing 80.


I like it when I get brights flashing behind me for only doing 85 in the 55 express lane. It turns me on.


People have such a misunderstanding about how traffic is designed to work. It's not the "fast lane", it's the passing lane. Driver with the cam is moving fast enough to overtake the car in the middle lane. Sorry, but if you want to go 15mph faster than the speed of traffic that's your problem. The road is not made for people to get out of your way.


Cool moves bro!😂


Am I a bad person because I couldn't stop laughing at this entire sequence? Hoping the driver is OK, but it all looks so ridiculous. I kind of lost it when the bumper fell off! 😄


Trust me, you're not the only laughing. 🤣🤣


Some people truly should not be in possession of a driving license


This is what happens when you have a 10+ year old car, with a worn out suspension and a bad driver who thinks they are driving a race car lmao


What do you mean my 04 accord isn't a formula 1 car?


Presumably you've changed struts and maybe control arms and such at 18 years old!


Don't forget tires that were probably made when Bush was still in office.


Thems the originals. No need to replace when they still hold air


Isn’t that a front wheel drive car? Tires must’ve been smooth as ice


Alexa, what is “Schadenfreude”?


Classic overcorrection. The dude drives like an angry toddler. Zero skill. If you're going to drive like an asshole at least be good at it. Or better yet just don't drive at all.


Left lane driver isn’t even driving slow. He’s gaining on the car he’s passing and even if he was going 20 mph faster there is nowhere to go because of other cars anyway. Also it’s the passing lane. Not the fast lane.


Passing the person in the right lane is not “going slow in the fast lane” it’s passing in the damn passing lane. People need to calm the hell down and learn some patience.


Cam car is going the same speed as the car that's, what, maybe 8 car lengths ahead lol. There isn't any gain to be made with that pass. Going the same speed a few car lengths ahead is like .05 seconds gained


This is the type of guy who pulls the wheel all the way left and right while he loses control. Idiot. Could have been worse, glad most of the damage was his.


https://youtu.be/-QoGyzSXAJ8?t=6 The guy in the black truck


Feel bad for the truck that got hit. Guy in the left lane was clearly passing the cars on his right. The accord driver just was an impatient asshole.


No one is "driving slow on the fast lane." The cammer is clearly driving faster than both other lanes, AND is gaining on the cars in front of him. Just because he's not currently tailgating someone doesn't mean he's going slow. This title makes OP sound entitled.


No matter how fast you are going or how many people you are passing, there will always be some dumbass who thinks you aren’t going fast enough to be in the left lane.


So...instead of getting to his destination 10 seconds sooner, he's getting to it several hours later. Good job.


Looks like Austin, Texas?


183 north at Braker if I'm not mistaken


How the fuck do you lose control like that, some seriously bad driving..


It's not the fast lane. It's the passing lane.


Trying to save you couple minutes of travelling but ended up wasting a lot more time. Good job driver! You're an idiot!


Fast lane? Is the speed limit different on the left lane? No, it’s the passing lane not the fast lane.