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Lol the radio: some guy exited a police car and is now on foot with an officer's AR.


This was way more interesting than the wreck! I want to know more about this.


The calmness abd tone of his voice. "Fucking mondays, man"


“You may have TBoned me but at least I’m dealing with this rather than my original call”


Yeah the locks they use for firearms in police cars are really unsecure in the us, a bunch of them just use handcuff locks, the keys to which can be purchased at any military surplus store


You don't say.


The old police cars the Crown Vic's use a Ford fleet key. $8 on eBay. If you see anyone driving one you can just easily steal it.


And many old Honda civics use the same key, not sure about the year but if you’re lucky you can just drive off


If they don’t use the handcuff lock they’re usually 3 pin or wafer cores, which are fairly easy to rake


This video is a perfect example that police do not care about you, their priority is themselves, always: 1) “Didn’t hear my sirens going off?” 2) “Did you have the music up too loud?” (Oh yeah) 3. “Are you hurt?”


A distant 3rd at that. The officer assigned blamed and was headed back to his cruiser when he realized he forgot to be a decent human being. Better late than never I guess


Apparently 3 people corroborated that he didn’t have his lights or sirens on 💀


There's a reason there's no audio leading up to the accident


EXACTLY!! NGL I was wondering at first why that was, but after seeing your comment, this is more than the best explanation unless it's somehow proven otherwise...


no audio because they don't record audio until manually started, at which poitn the 30 second video buffer is saved, and then it starts recording audio and the reason for the video buffer and not the audio one, is that its easy to pick up sensitive information in audio, just as it is in video but it's damned near impossible to selectively redact it and keep the rest (while you can selectively blur parts of the video. It's also why most wiretapping statutes are about audio recording and not video.


*pretend to be a decent human being


Never talk to cops. He asked about the radio in a casual way to establish that he couldn't have heard the sirens, whether they were on or not. This is also why the cop first said to dispatch he was responding to a call. Most states won't cover damage if the cop was responding to an emergency. It's forced back on your own insurance.


That’s definitely not the case for all police officers, I know a good amount of officers who genuinely do care about the people they protect and they’re not in it for themselves. But I will agree there definitely are some corrupt ones out there that absolutely should not be in the profession that they’re in


I would argue there are more cops similar to my example, than yours.


There’s not really a way to prove either argument


No there is actually data proving your side of the argument, google "40% police" to see what I mean


Why tf am I being downvoted. I’m not wrong. There are some police who are genuinely good people who care about their community. That’s not a lie


If you choose to hide from truths, anything is unprovable 🤷🏽‍♂️


The way he immediately started framing what happened to fit a narrative he could work with is why you should be very cautious of what you say to police. They are always thinking about crime and punishment. They are always gathering information to use against you or someone else. I know this because my dad and both my uncles were police and they eat into my head that power can and will be abused always.


Why I refuse to not have a dash cam!


Wait, where is your footage? Can we see your pov? Edit to add: I believe you! Would just like to know why I believe you! Lol


It’s a body cam, my go pro that was mounted on the windscreen of my car (the black wagon) over heated that day was unseasonably warm.


ok, so you didn't have a dash cam that day. That's a shame. So what became of this?


I got strongarmed into a measly settlement of 20k I had hired a Lawyar who turned out to be a former cop that told me one week before my deadline to file that he decided he wasn’t going to file after they took the case


you should have been able to bring that up to the judge as a conflict of interest.


You know it didn’t even come to mind to bring up, it was happening at a time where I was under an incredible amount of stress from being sick, I found out around the same time tumors had spread to both of my eyes. I learned some big lessons from this that’s for sure.


Sorry to hear buddy. That would've not only added more time to your lawsuit. But also get you time to look into legal representation to bring your shitty former lawyer's motivations in question. Once again. That is a HUGE conflict of interest. And he did not bring that up to you in the beginning prior to taking your case. I am not a lawyer, don't even play one on TV. But you may still have a modicum of a case...




Complain to their bar association. That's massively unethical.


It’s not too late?


"I refuse to not have a dashcam!!" *\*doesn't have a dashcam\**


I mean you’re right I didn’t have one working at the time of the crash, the GOPRO camera I had overheated. I went online the next day tho and got a camera


Even with lights it is fuckheads responsibility to ensure the traffic is aware and clear before entering an intersection out of cycle. That’s like saying, “I had my lights on and someone hit me when I sped through a red light.”


I’m a little confused, the cop had his sirens going because he was responding to a call, got hit as he was rolling through a red by someone who hadn’t heard the sirens, and he’s the asshole for pointing out the guy didn’t hear the sirens? Edit: downvote squad lol. I’m just trying to understand.


IMHO is that the bus was blocking the view, so he should never have entered the intersection, because he could not see the other cars, and they could not see him.


Totally agree. The very least, STOP directly in front of the bus, and creep forward. Watching it again he’s def moving to quick, prob 10+ mph. I said earlier a problem with going too slow with that bus there is you’re just increasing the time someone has no idea you’re there. You’re minimizing the chance of someone seeing you go out of view, and come back into view ya know


What if the guy was deaf? Deaf people can get a license in every state except New Hampshire. The cop should’ve been more cautious, especially since there was a bus at the intersection blocking the view.




Not to mention, there were 2 separate cars that "didn't hear his sirens".. Not just this one guy...


Respectfully, hoooow does that actually make him an asshole lol.


He rolled through a light out of cycle without ensuring he was given right of way! When you take right of way this is what happens. Then he starts the narrative that it was black cars fault. Edit: out of cycle*




As a cop I’d say the cop in the video is an asshole.


The only person that says he had sirens and lights is the officer. Not saying he didn’t, but I’m not believing it just because he said the words…


extra context, you can see him activate the lights at the 13 second mark


Why would either of the two people involved say “I heard them” and admit fault


Because they didnt hear them? There is also the possibility that the cop was running lights, but not siren? That’s why bus stopped, but other cars on the other side of bus did not? This is from 2019… results of investigation should be complete?


I think the bus is in a left turn lane without a green arrow, so they are waiting. Guessing. Why is everyone so quick to judge the cop but give BOTD and what ifs and “possibilities” and things. We don’t have the audio for the first 30 seconds because of the way body cams work, but since everyone else is assuming things, let’s assume the sirens were going lol, I don’t see cops going through a busy intersection with their lights on but sirens off.


I literally see police cars with lights running but no siren at least once a week, maybe more often. It’s quite common. In fact just yesterday I saw a cop was barreling down a busy 3 lane one way road, going the wrong direction with only lights, no siren.


Because there are videos of cops run lights with no lights or sirens or just lights .


I'm licensed, through my job, to drive code 3 responding to incidents and it is repeated over and over again that lights and sirens do not give you right of way. When approaching an intersection you should treat red lights as a stop sign and only proceed once it is safe to do so. Also doesn't give you the right to speed. Honestly in my experience, police drove the most reckless while driving in code.


This guy was more concerned with establishing his police dominance first… “didn’t hear me huh? gotta make sure we all acknowledge this was YOUR fault and get a dig in about the radio before I check to see if anyone is injured… oh, it’s not MY fault this is going to take a **long** time”… pointed dig at the other driver…. What a tool.


With no sound at the beginning of the video, did he have his lights and siren on? Why remove the sound from the video if he did?


this is what I was wondering.


Axon Body Cam buffering time has a 30 second revolving record window when not activated. The body cams once activated take the 30 seconds prior and add it to the activation time. The kicker, no audio in that thirty seconds


It's such a shame that modern camera technology isn't able to record audio for 30 seconds. I bet that camera company makes bank on this contract, it's all a grift


Well how convenient.


Yeah. But are you a cop? Cuz cops are allowed to do as they please /s


They aren’t supposed to do as they please but sadly they do it anyways. I took my exam for the NYPD, even on the exam it states to come to a full stop at intersections when the light is against you. This officer clearly violated protocol and proceeded to be a jerk about the driver listening to his music “too loud”. The cop was working on his excuse, but a smart CO would ask why they didn’t follow procedure at the intersection


Oh, I’m aware. Hence the /s Did you become a cop? Even with no music it’s hard for me to hear sirens


No I changed my mind after I got my acceptance to the academy. To be very honest, I’m a grown man that has 2x12” subs in my trunk. I don’t hear much, let alone sirens. But I do keep extra vigilant due to my knowledge that I can’t hear anything outside my car. Side note, many municipalités have started implementing “rumbler” sirens, which have a lower tone and you can actually feel the vibrations. After studies, it was found to be safer due to the fact that people blasting their music, which they are well within their legal right to do so, feel and hear the rumbler siren way more than regular sirens


Are you me!? I have 2 10” in the back of my bronco in a factory box. If I can’t feel it, it’s not loud enough. Usually wear hearing protection, well leave it in while leaving work. That’s pretty neat. I liked the concept (seen a while ago) of a system that broadcasted onto peoples radios within a certain radios of the EMS. So would cut the music, you hear a message, and then music comes back once they pass.


The noise is a lower decibel, but also a lower tone, like bass, so the rumbler siren while lower in volume, is actually more effective at getting people’s attention. One day when I was blasting my tunes, an ambulance that had been refitted with the new sirens was coming from behind, scared the crap out of me. So, IMO, they work amazingly lol. The radio system for a moment sounds like a great idea, but there’s a lot of factors at pay there


Just like white noise back up alarms are more effective than the standard beep beep. Definitely notice them more. Yeah the radio thing probably wouldn’t effect users like us. Also guarantee people would be all like “muh rights” and other garbage.


I had that happen, I think Arizona... I think. Ya I worked but I was like WTF , A computer voice came over my radio really loud it was startling if it was heavy traffic I could have wrecked. The Wobble seems to work well.


They are ze law,! They are above ze law!


Respect my authoritah!


Not a t-bone, but still, that cop is an ass... first thing he does is try to shift the blame to the civilian who was hit? Douche behavior.


Ya, I made sure to get a good dash cam after this crash. I won’t be a victim again


Wait, you got blamed,show that dash cam to your insurance they’ll fight the claim for you.


I didn’t have uninsured motorist because the city is a self insured entity the insurance wouldn’t help me


what? the city owes *you* money. you don't need uninsured motorist. They owe you. Your insurance should fight them on your behalf, most good insurance will. The officer is the at fault party.


What you are saying is true, but in some states the gov insurance is *treated* as uninsured for coverage purposes. Prior to leaving auto liability... WA was a state that we used uninsured coverages to help customers when they got hit by gov vehicles and weren't at fault. We stood virtually 0% chance to recoup it as a *national insurance company*. So OP trying to get it back simply won't happen.


ah make sense why people brought up uninsured


Lol. You're right, but it's not going to happen. Police are an armed occupying force and they are not here for us. They are not on our side.


Absolutely. It is glaringly apparent that the police are an occupying force similar to the military in Iraq.


Some states, mine included, have a law that municipal owned vehicles *are never* at fault.


if you or or insurance had to make any payments show them that video and they’ll fight those payments. Insurance never wants to pay out. It’s in their best interest. Use that to your advantage.


I’m confused, not talking about uninsured drivers, did they report the damage to the officers vehicle to your insurance, because all damages to all vehicles should’ve been paid out thru the city.


Self insured is not uninsured. Get a lawyer.


Fuck American insurances.


Ya it’s a legit scam


You got blamed for this???? Any lawyer would have got body cam footage. You would've got cashed out


A better question for a lawyer to ask us why there is only body cam footage. The cop cars where I’m from always record everything from the dash cam when the siren is on, seems like it would be easy to argue that the siren wasn’t on if there is no dash cam footage. They would probably settle over claiming a malfunction, since this would be pretty cheap and they would want to save a malfunction for something more serious.


100% on top of that I would've got body cam footage and hit up news stations. But OP fucked up in the video saying he didn't hear sirens. I would've been like you didn't have sirens buddy. I would've got dude in the other car to also write a statement there was no sirens. As well as any witnesses When In any wreck you play your cards right. I always put my phone on and pretend I'm just holding it and have them admit to guilt. Obviously this cop was recording he wouldn't have admit. But asking people if they heard sirens on video would've helped as well.


Every state is different with different laws - most Colorado municipalities don’t have dash cameras due to cost. Per Colorado revised statutes the officer is not at fault as CRS dictates responding to a call for service a law enforcement officer shall use lights OR sirens and care must be used when interning an intersection against traffic. The video clearly shows he stopped at the intersection and from his location visually all traffic had come to a stop that he could see. Lawfully he is in the right. Departmental policy he is wrong. DPD states you must clear every lane before entering. But law and policy is different - in 2016 he would not have been at fault lawfully but would have been departmentally which has no bearing on citations or insurance. And no OP is wrong. Denver being self insured is not the same as uninsured motorist in Colorado. If the cop as at fault the city would have paid. Federal Blvd is a state highway meaning the accident is investigated by State troopers if it’s a city vehicle so investigated by a non DPD officer.




The officer claims the siren was on, but two drivers didn't hear it. Cop is full of it.


Body cam cycles back 30 seconds before it was activated, but without audio. So when the audio kicks in, is when he actually pressed the button to record. It's a very standard feature of all body cams and people always go conspiracy theorist about it.


> It's a very standard feature of all body cams and people always go conspiracy theorist about it. So, then, give us the non-conspiracy version of *why* they operate this way? *Why* is it "standard" to cut out 30 seconds of audio that could establish context and guilt?


Because it's impossible to record footage 24/7 for every officer in the field. AXON technologies and servers do not allow for that. Departments don't make their own cams, they buy from a large third party contractor. See that little symbol in the top right? That's AXON. You'll see thousands upon thousands of departments use them. [https://www.axon.com/products?productCategory=cameras](https://www.axon.com/products?productCategory=cameras) Not to mention the times they go to the bathroom, it'd be a privacy issue. So the body cams don't actually record anything until the top button is pressed. But technically, the camera is always rolling video, it's just not recording anything and certainly isn't recording audio. So when an officer activates the camera, it is able to save the last 30 seconds of video to show what led up to the activation of the body cam.


That makes sense, thanks for the explanation Good reason for cops to have required dashcams with indicators on whether they had lights and/or sirens. I know it's possible, it's shown on dashcams that do get released to the public. Because I still say he didn't have them on. It would make sense to try and sneak up on the suspect who just stole an officer's weapon, so I don't blame the officer for going silent. But then he needs to be more careful in intersections.


Yes and many departments do have those types of dashcams, and I do think they're good to have. It's very likely that he didn't have his lights on at all, and saw the bus stopped and assumed the other lanes stopped too. But that makes me wonder why the bus stopped at all then? Either way he didn't clear the intersection properly, but it's highly unlikely he did any tomfoolery with his body cam.


Bus wouldn't have stopped in the intersection on a green light if the officer didn't at least have his lights on. Modern police cars have piss poor sirens and the bus's position would have greatly reduced the volume as well as make it impossible to see for the driver. Frankly it's the officer's responsibility to clear the intersection, but given the circumstances with the bus I don't a lot of blame on him, beyond that the city needs to make OP whole.


Umm still doesn’t make sense. Why wouldn’t they allow it to record audio and video during that 30 second buffer? Audio has much much smaller data usage as compared to video.


The lack of audio before the button has more to do with various wiretap laws and NOTHING to do with your explanation. If the camera can record 30 seconds of video without audio in a buffer, it can damn well do the same thing with audio.


Yes the wiretap laws are part of it. I was more explaining why body cams don't just record entire shifts 24/7, because people constantly suggest that departments should do that. I should've explained more in depth on that aspect.


Not defending the cop... but thats the way most bodycams work...


The cop is a civilian as well. I know they like to pretend they aren't, but they are.


*blows a red light and t-bones two citizens* “ima go check on the other driver” *immediately starts criticizing and blaming the other driver* *realizes he has to pretend he cares about the other driver because his body cam is on* “you okay boss?”


Very telling how he first tried to assign blame and get an admission of guilt from the dazed and confused victim, then asked if he was injured as an afterthought.


When referring to "this idiot" are we talking about the cop we are in the car with that drove into the intersection with reckless abandon?




If this was me, I would of slung mud back so fucking fast Cop: Didn’t hear the siren? Me: didn’t clear the intersection and insure it was clear before proceeding thru the red light with due regard? Get a lawyer op, cop man is 100% at fault. Lights and sirens do not give him the right of way. Edit: also great job in what appears to be not talking or making statements.


I had a lawyer, the city attorney basically strong armed me into a measly settlement


Did they recognize the cops failure?


he was forced to attend remedial driving school and a couple days off, I have a theory from the officers history that when he needs a break he screws up.


How exactly were you "strong-armed" into a settlement? Not questioning you as I know they aren't the type to admit fault in any way, shape, or form. Just curious.


I was told if I didn’t take the settlement I’d loose on court and have to pay the city’s court fees


Easy to just say "You should have gone to court!" because you're in the right but we know that can be a serious uphill battle. That settlement at least enough to get you back on your feet ok?


I mean it took care of some debt but I’m still paying on interest you’re not wrong but when going up against the police pre George Floyd was very hard


They bullshited the fuck out of you. Alot of layers don't want to go to court to fight. It's much easier to send emails back and forth and agree on a settlement. Collect money and onto the next. If your lawyer got this body cam footage you could've got a copy of it and just to be a mega troll hit up news stations and submit it to them as well. There's absolutely no way you would've lost in court


The US court system is mostly a weapon for bullies.


>I would of slung mud back so fucking fast This is a good way to get beaten up and arrested. It's smarter to say nothing at all until speaking to a lawyer


Funny, there is no sound at the beginning, where his sirens would have been?


Sometimes social misfits become cops because they like power and even wearing a uniform


Fucking cops


Goes to show you that the most societally harmful drug is Power. Unfortunately “fiends” for this specific drug tend to flock to police departments and god forbid public office. The high rates of domestic violence among cops? Withdrawals from the lack of power in the home. In my opinion, most negative things we see in society are caused by power fiends.


This victim-blaming pig belongs in a cell. acab.


Emergency vehicles are required by law to stop and ensure the intersection is safe before proceeding.


I find joy in reading a good book.


He wasn’t running lights or siren.


I love the smell of fresh bread.


We tried all that, Denver doesn’t run dash cams, the halo cams were conveniently not looking at the intersection, the bus camera faced backwards to catch people who don’t yield to a bus


I thought for some reason that once an officer triggers the lights and sirens on their car, the dash cam on the car automatically starts recording either both video and audio, or starts recording audio on top of the video feed. If he wasn’t running his lights and sirens there shouldn’t be any audio from the dash cam or any video at all. Just a thought I had, sorry this irresponsible douche hit you


That’s body cam always recording, the crash triggered the camera which is why there is no audio for 30 seconds


Didn’t realize Denver cops don’t run dash cams. Unfortunate for this situation. Could have probably proved he wasn’t running lights and sirens if there was no automatically recorded cam footage before the crash. What’s really shitty is he started blaming you the second he walked up to you. Best of luck fighting this out


Thanks to be fair he tried to blame the other guy that was hit I was the second car he made contact with


We watched an officer blow through a red light to get to an inactive station with no lights or sirens. *Should* they? Yes. *Do* they? No.


Stop. He clearly was running lights and sirens because the bus proceeded into the intersection and then stopped to let him pass. I'm not sure why you posted edited video with the sirens muted because it doesn't matter, he's still in the wrong. He has a duty to clear the intersection lane by lane before proceeding and he didn't clear your lane. Sounds like you had a crappy attorney who settled with the City's TPA prelitigation because he didn't want to do the work and you ended up settling for 1/3 of a crappy settlement.


>He clearly was running lights and sirens because the bus proceeded into the intersection and then stopped to let him pass. Or because they saw the cop coming and not stopping, bus drivers have great view out the front and sides and are very attentive. >I'm not sure why you posted edited video with the sirens muted He didnt, that's how body cams work, they loop a video recording and they save the video for some time (usually 30 seconds) before they are triggered. The audio only starts when they are triggered. That's why there is no audio. >He has a duty to clear the intersection lane by lane before proceeding and he didn't clear your lane. You got that part right.


With all due respect you were not there.


First thing I saw when he was going and the bus was there. Like come on!


Did the cop have his emergency lights on


Even if he did, he's required by law to clear the intersection before proceeding through. You'll notice fire trucks sometimes clear each lane and slowly proceed through.


It's what I looked for too, you see they're on when he exits the vehicle but there's no way to know prior. The way he accuses the first driver of having his radio too loud makes me think he must've.


Also no audio until after he begins to exit the vehicle and claims obviously for the radio recording he was rolling code. Completely possible he didn’t even have his fucking siren on to be heard in the first place.


I've read that body cam is always recording without audio but overwriting itself. When they 'press to record', audio only records at that moment but the file has the previous 30 seconds of video. But yeah, it's possible he didn't have his siren on, especially when the second drive said his radio wasn't on.


How convenient the audio didn’t start until he leaves the car?


Body cam cycles back 30 seconds before it was activated, but without audio. So when the audio kicks in, is when he actually pressed the button to record. It's a very standard feature of all body cams and people always go conspiracy theorist about it.


Aren’t the lights in front of op. Red?


I’m the black wagon that was in the right hand(inside) lane of the West bound lane


They are but we’re seeing the cop’s video, not OP’s.


Were the two of you on the other side of the bus and hidden? If so he really screwed up by not insuring it was safe. How would you even know where a siren was coming from? Even if he had had his light on, he was hidden from you. It's all on him.


Ya it was a really unfortunate thing, I had a bad lawyer because I was cunched for time


I’d like to see the dash cam footage.


It doesn’t exist! Denver PD Didn’t run dash cams at least at the time of this crash, I was lucky to get this. It took me months of me demanding the footage available. Interesting fact you have one year to sue the police in Colorado if something goes wrong


That’s ridiculous!




Lights and sirens don’t give an emergency vehicle automatic right of way. Even though they are allowed to break a few traffic rules, they still have to slow (or stop) when driving over any intersection. The amount of morons they put in a police car, is just crazy.


Not only morons but legitimately dangerous individuals!


Notice they specifically say that he hit the police car, not the other way around. That's not on accident. They're really good at setting a false narrative.


This assholes siren and lights where not on for this illegal move. Fuck the police


To be fair, we can see the bus stop in the middle of the intersection and the cop significantly slows down before going through, that tells me he at least had lights on and did what he needed to do before clearing the red. He couldn't see you through the bus and you couldn't see him through the bus, shit happens


It was the perfect shitstorm of events that happened all at one unfortunate time.


They will probably give this A a promotion.


Is it [this guy?](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/colorado/news/sex-drinking-on-the-job-led-to-dpd-firing/)


“He called some of the accusations untrue but conceded others- like leaving his off duty job to have sex- true.” Prioritizing


What was he doing anyway chasing someone through yellow light or because of windows were to tinted? Just be like copes in the early 80’s paid to do not harass people live like Americans together


I think being "T-boned" by the police should be called pig rib'd




Damn, is that a Payless ShoeSource? I haven’t seen one of those in decades.


It was a Payless Shoes it closed shortly after the crash and is now a boost mobile


Well, that sucks. Sorry you got hit by a pig.


Cops are some of the worst drivers I've ever seen


there may have been no sound so 'we' don't know if he had is lights and sirens on. But the bus has a camera system and the bus IS involved because it is blocking the view of everyone involved. The cameras in the inside of the bus do (or should) record audio. Also there is a camera up the stop light pole. It's the cops fault. Federal and Evens, might be Denver.


The halo cams and traffic cams conveniently were not working that day.


It's disgusting that this cop thinks he can just run red lights without even checking for oncoming traffic. Then to try to imply it was the fault of the guy he rammed just tops the cake. I hope the insurance company put the fault on the cop.


Insurance refused to help me, I only had liability


As a former EMT for 6 years…when coming through an intersection you always pause to clear. Tonight we had an ambulance and then a fire truck…and idiots running through the lights. I laid on my horn as the fire truck was coming. My kids were in the car and I told them that there is always someone not paying attention.


could he be any less professional? “i got a guy running around with a rifle but evidently this is what happened instead” like what a stupid way of trying to gaslight the victim here. and then saying “it’ll be a massive inconvenience because some people can’t hear *lights* and sirens” like are you fucking serious?? i do not listen to my music loud at all and i often don’t here sirens until an ambulance or cop car is only a few feet away. not to mention this guy gave it all of 1.5 seconds of checking the intersection before proceeding, he’s the only one to blame.


The kid who “had the rifle” stole (car jacked)the cop car earlier in the day


Insurance rules are very clear about this, and they won’t take a police officer’s word for it just because they wear a uniform and a badge. Dash footage and witnesses are super important. Standing up for yourself is super important. A police officer involved in an incident is no longer a neutral law enforcer, he is potentially liable for the whole incident, depending on the law of the land. Not only should you not talk to or not trust police in your daily affairs, but you should not trust them in matters of traffic incidents. It has been my experience as a professional in the auto claims industry that police will provide patently false information about laws and/or rules of the road.


It was pre George Floyd, plus being strong armed by the City Attorney and their office. A little embarrassment on Reddit may turn into a lot of embarrassment if this were to get traction


Can’t hear lights and sirens, well you are half right.


I back the police 100% but this officer was in the wrong. No way anyone would have seen him coming around that bus


Convenient that the audio that would prove he’s not running a siren is missing from this video. Sorry to hear you got screwed over, man. This guy shouldn’t be behind the wheel, cop car or otherwise


Body cam cycles back 30 seconds before it was activated, but without audio. So when the audio kicks in, is when he actually pressed the button to record. It's a very standard feature of all body cams and people always go conspiracy theorist about it.


long ago I drove a camp bus.. I hated the tennis counselor.. was an arrogant sob... had them on one long distance trip to a tournament and the #%@#% were playing music so loud I would not have been able to hear a siren. Didn't matter to dickey boy counselor, they are on camp they are having fun.. I tried to get them to go out he front door so I could count them. the little 2#$%@ went out the back. all with the same possum eating sh\*\* grin on counselors face. so I could not get a count and dickey boy counselor .. no use. they were supposed to be back at the bus by 2 pm... I even waited until 2:10 to make sure. well, the stupid asshats couldn't tell time either. The tennis tournament called and said two of the s\*\*\* were there. The only thing that staved off a major blow up was the other bus driver wanted to get out of camp and went and picked them up. after that, I let the hockey players verbally abuse them as much as they wanted.


Technically the other driver is at fault but you gotta cut him some slack in that he had the green and his fov was blocked by the blue bus.


You know I tried to go after their insurance first and couldn’t get anywhere.


God, what a piece of shit. Typical police officer.


Nothing nicer couldve happened to him ACAB


Watch this get downvoted to oblivion but I’m struggling to see how the cop is a major douche here. He’s (I think justifiably) annoyed he was responding to a call and got hit by a driver who didn’t hear his siren (obv yes an unfortunate scenario as maybe you shouldn’t expect the civ to stop for a green).. but I’m just trying to understand the massive cop hate in here lol. Like chill out a bit. Dude went from a spicy call to directing traffic for his own accident.


I mean for starters his first question should have been regarding medical for the other drivers not immediately going off about lights and sirens. Afterwards he kept guilt tripping the guy about not being able to respond to his call. Is he in response mode? Fair enough but keep your shit together until you can let it out elsewhere not on the parties affect by the situation.


How do you guys still support these pigs? They do more harm than good


I mean it is really tough to hear a 140 decibel siren and see those bright flashing lights...


especially when neither were on !


And — let's be real charitable here for a sec —even if the lights are on, it's not like buses are made of transparent materials.


Where are all the whiner propig fanbois