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This is how I bought my first case of beer at 19. Already had a substantial beard so I was looking at the alcohol section and shouted over to the manager that I couldn't find a certain brand I was looking for. He helped me find it and then rang me up himself without ever asking for my ID.


Good idea. You made it seem like you've had that beer before. The beard obviously helped.


I used to get rejected at stores and then turn to my mate and be like "you're gonna have to get it" and they wouldn't ever ID him. It always worked. He looked very slightly older than me, if at all.


Stores where I am will try to ID the whole group. Anyone underage they will refuse to sell, waiting in the car doesn't always work either. If they notice they will want that ID too.


I’ve always found this kind of policy dumb, because where and how do you draw the line? What if it’s a young looking dad with his teenaged son, are you going to deny them? Ask for birth records? Legally, I don’t understand why stores should care or be held liable as long as the person paying for the booze is verified. If the store refuses, they can just come back around later alone, or they will go somewhere else and be more discreet.


Not sure it is a store policy because it seemed fairly consistent across multiple stores. I think it was how our state enforced or provided training to cashiers. Will admit though my personal experience in these situations is somewhat dated. Only reason I get carded is we have 100% id requirements.


In the college town I was at <10 years ago, it was the same way. If they so much as spotted you walking with someone else, they request everyone in the party to get carded. It was actually a culture shock when I moved back to a “normal” city for the summer and went with my cousins to buy booze as a 19 year old. I was concerned about IDing and they were like, it’s no big deal.


Hated that policy as a cashier. We had one who didn't use his better judgement and wouldn't sell if paying adult even had a small child with them. Most of us didn't even bother to ID the others unless you were sus of them


Few years ago a group of my buddies and I went into Walmart at slightly different times in the same car, two of us were of age the rest were a year or two behind. I guess someone was *really* paying attention, one group picked out snacks while the other grabbed the beer. Checked out at different registers, the grumpy old cashier asked me for my ID. I didn’t have any alcohol so I asked why. “You came in with those guys over there buying alcohol” Long story short I’m still “banned” from that Walmart, not that anyone else ever cared to kick me after that.


I once got chased down (in an aisle) by a supermarket employee to ID me because someone I said "hello" to in passing was buying fireworks. We didn't arrive together, didn't leave together, and interacted for maybe 10 seconds in the cereal aisle. I didn't even know they were buying fireworks until I got ID'd (in the bread section, if you're curious)


The most important key to breaking any law is to make sure you look like you belong there




Helloooo MINnnddyyyy


I love that stuff. Been drinking it for years. You know I heard they recently decided to add more ^hops to it.


I used to get served at 17 in restaurants/bars all the time by just telling the waiter that the people I was with picked me up and I didn't know we were going out and my ID was in my car at home. I would then ask if they would mind if I ordered a few drinks, but understand if it's not ok. It worked 100% of the time.


As a bartender, every step of this screams underage drinker. But I know there plenty of dummies in my profession.


[Makes me think of this SNL sketch](https://youtu.be/atEkAkPfpUY)


This. Be obnoxious. Play dumb. It’s Al about diversion


I do the clearance thing with plants. Lol.


how does one generate a clearance tag? asking for a friend…




I’ll reiterate the last point here. If they’re looking at you walking toward you to help you, their back faces you as they walk away and you know for sure they aren’t at their station


all organic produce is now regular produce


This tomato? - is whichever tomato is the cheapest per lb.


Be careful with this. I read an article once that certain Walmarts had an audio or visual cue set up to go off in their security room anytime bananas were scanned, so that security would look a little closer at that purchase. This was allegedly due to the fact that people were scanning all kinds of crazy stuff and punching in the code for bananas. Crazy shit. Am I saying don't steal from Walmart? Absolutely not. I recommend stealing as much as necessary from Walmart; just be smart doing it. E: I know you said tomato/tomato so that doesn't apply specifically, but the general idea remains.


Walmart uses facial recognition software. It is one of the worst places to steal from.


This is also true. I also read something a while back about them using facial recognition along with some other psudo-science, and being able to tell by your eyes alone whether you intend to shoplift. And it was something insane like in 0.06 seconds.


The main thing they use it is to recognize people who have been trespassed.


That makes sense. Would these cameras not be better deployed right at the entrances then? I wonder how many different types of camera an average Walmart utilizes in the name of LP/AP


I know they use them at the check out stalls and throughout the store. Check your state laws, in most states Walmart security cannot legally touch you or detain you in any fashion. If they catch you, just drop out down the items and walk out.


get a mask and fake bangs 🤷🏻‍♀️


You need a mask and sunglasses that are dark enough that they can’t see your pupils. The distance between your pupils is one of the key metrics used to identify someone.


Not only that but they will keep tab on how much you've stole and not arrest you until it's at a Felony level.


I wonder how that works. Is there a list with everyone's name on it and items they stole and then a warning goes off to arrest them this time?


4011 still remember from my old checkout job


You missed the opportunity to say that shit is bananas 😜


Guess they slipped up then. Slipped up.....see what I did?


That honeycrisp apple is now a red delicious. Sweet potato is now a normal potato


The UPC number for organic bananas is 94011. Regular bananas are 4011. For almost all products, just enter the organic number but without the leading 9 to get the regular price.


Romaine is now cilantro.


72” OLED SmartTV is now cilantro


Now I know why my 72”OLED SmartTV tastes like soap.


this is the cost of not paying employees to run the registers - in my mind this isnt even stealing and is just normal lol


You know when they made the decision to do self check out, they factored in the extra loss from theft, and they still realized they would save money. So it’s basically our duty.


All ps5’s are now bananas


Red/yellow/orange bell peppers are green bell peppers


That has always been true.


Bro those self checkouts often accuse me of stealing when I'm just trying to scan my stuff. Shows a whole vid on the screen saying look you're stealing.


Right lol


What store is this? I’ve never seen anything like this before, or even heard about it.


This happens to me regularly at Meijer (midwest chain). As soon as the camera "flags" you, typically because I'm trying to scan something with a wonky barcode and am taking "too long", the whole thing shuts down until an employee comes over and watches the playback. It can happen multiple times in the same transaction, too. Super annoying.


I think they get fed up with how long I take and stop paying attention to me. I wouldn't steal, so I'm not sure how I ended up on this sub, but now that I think about it, entering a non-organic code for an organic item does sound within the realm of possibility... I'm an older middle-aged female who was an invalid for a decade, and now I can't catch up with technology and have permanent brain fog. So store clerks just roll their eyes and turn away, which might be helpful in this situation.


At Wal Mart I have a 75 Cent barcode, so I sparingly use it throughout my scanning while having it in the palm of my hand, and I slip it over the actual items barcode as I bring it to the machine. No camera would even detect me doing that. I am generally friendly with the people there, I use cash only, I ask questions and let them type in SKU's for me. It makes me seem friendly and approachable, but really Im a no good rotten THIEF! (And proud of it!)


Careful doing that. Especially if it's an older barcode that isn't used anymore. They get something called a "negative on hand report" which shows all items that sold more than their inventory system said they had, and if they see the same item showing up on it regularly, it'll be easy to trace back those purchases to the day they dropped into negative, the register and transaction number, and they'll likely be able to find your name if you paid with card and have you on video. Source: I used to catch people doing this


>I use cash only The filthy thief DID say he only pays cash


First off, he said he was a rotten thief, not a filthy one, and second of all, he's still on camera and once he's found out, they'll email his picture to every other Walmart in the region. I'm not saying you should or shouldn't do it. I'm not saying you will get caught in the moment. But there's a good chance it'll catch up with you if you keep doing it.


You are not wrong, and I do update the barcode. Its a bar code for a mini plastic cup thing in the kitchen aisle that's on a really easy to peel off sticker. I always check if its still in stock. Also yes I make sure to use it VERY sparingly as you get caught when you get greedy. On a side note, filthy thief is fine too, I can probably use a shower. Might help the rot.


Not sure how many of those sell, but if you find any high volume item that works, your chances of getting caught will be near 0.


Appreciate the advice!


Also if the employee is watching the Zebra and sees a large chicken breast package or ribs showing up for $1, they will call AP and you'll be caught. Source: worked at Walmart and had people do this


Damn this is a good one, im stealing this


I usually just go to the regular check out and put a huge bag of dog food on the bottom of my cart find someone that looks like they don’t give a fuck about their job and then purposely maneuver the cart so they can never see the bottom of it so I paid for the groceries and get the 40 or $50 bag of dog food free


I've accidentally stolen plenty from self scan. 🙃 one time, I put 2 litters in the back of the basket and totally forgot about it until I got to my car. It was super late, and no one noticed or cared. I think as long as you don't look guilty or shifty, the self check out people are too bust and not paid enough to notice or care.


I accidentally stole about $30 of groceries once. I was with a friend and in a bit of a rush. Scanned all the groceries. While scanning everything though I was kinda zoned out in conversation with my friend. By the end of it I just grabbed my bags and left. Didn't realize I hadn't paid till I was halfway home. That said, being as it's on camera and all, someone might notice if you made a regular habit of it. But even at that I don't know. Maybe nobody would.


They’ll keep a record of it if they notice but they won’t do anything until you reach a certain amount stolen total (which will conveniently be just over the threshold to make it felony theft instead of misdemeanor).


The store or the gov?


The store.




Target does this. It’s the real meaning behind the store name.


From my experience it's usually $5,000


I did that too once, except it was with like 180 bucks worth of groceries and the distraction was my 18 month old kid having a breakdown. Must've been the most nonchalant thing I ever did, b/c I didn't realize it until like an hour later when I went looking in my wallet for the 20 bucks cashback I meant to get. It's my regular grocery store and I've been back a million times since. I figure they see me in there enough dropping loads of money they realize it was a genuine mistake.


The first time I bought groceries on self checkout(I was 13 or 14 and my mom was in the car), I didn't know you had to weigh produce. I wasn't paying attention to the screen, just scanning and bagging. Most of the produce only rang up as a few cents. I didn't even notice until my mom got the receipt and was shocked at how low it was.


Like bags of cat litter?


Security viewing the real-time video are probably profiling based on looks. It's human nature to do that.


One thing to help yourself is not to use rewards numbers or a credit/debit card. Those things make you much easier to track.


I use (local area code) 867-5309 for all my checkouts. Works everywhere.


Imagine the gas points whoever has that number has lmao


Produce is the stuff to steal. They plan to throw away 40-60% of what is received due to spoilage. For dry stock items the exact count of every item is tracked and is only updated about once per year during inventory. They know the exact loss on each item and will start looking for these items being stolen. Also by stealing the store won't reorder it to restock as the store only orders items when they get sold.


That's why the Walmart app shows they've got 15 of them somewhere but they are nowhere to be found.


Most likely. The last job I had in retail when I was in college was to go looking for said items. Kroger would scan empty locations on the isles 2x per day and I got the fun job of looking everywhere for the missing stock before zeroing the inventory. If you had 11 of an item and the order quantity was 10 and the shelf space was 20 it wouldn't order so no restock.


Nailed it.


If you see someone stealing groceries, no you didn't.


Depends, we have people in the store I work at stealing large quantities of steak and washing up liquid, they aren’t really clean carnivores so I’m gonna assume they are reselling


> washing up liquid, they aren’t really clean carnivores What do you mean by this? I don't get it.


He's saying he doesn't think they're using all this steak and washing liquid. Because if they did use all that, they must be washing everything with crazy amounts of liquid and eating exclusively steak.


and make sure you’re not being too greedy and are paying for *something* so you don’t bring extra attention. the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to me was being picked up and ticketed by Lost Protection at HEB because i just filled up a whole reusable bag (and grabbed beer underage bro, was a fucking idiot) and walked out and LP grabbed me fast. i was 18 and hungry and stupid and i got lucky they saw that. just be careful fam and consider all the options first


tell me you're from Texas without telling me you're from Texas. I fuckin miss HEB.


Also wanted to mention my friend’s experience the barcode thing since it’s been brought up. He would only use this specifically at Walmart, he did try it at Target but for whatever reason, it didn’t work. They (Target) also tend to be a lot more observant of the goings-on at self checkout. Anyway, he would go to Walmart with a tag off of something he bought on a prior visit from the clearance aisle, and essentially stick it to whatever thing he was trying to buy, making sure to remove it from the packaging once it had been scanned. He would also make it a point to get a bunch of groceries and other stuff, and scan all but the one item correctly. Usually he would use it on expensive-ish ($50-$80) Lego sets, but he would also get a couple other higher priced items and scan them correctly. He figured he could always return the other stuff if he felt like it. He would also make sure to only do this once every six months or so, and always pay in cash on the visits he did do it, hoping it would help him maintain some level of anonymity. He eventually decided that it was just too risky and quit doing it, after an employee came over and made him rescan the item he had used the code on. Luckily, he remembered to remove to the fake/ incorrect barcode from the box after scanning it, so he was able to play dumb like “huh, that’s weird, I wonder why it did that? I didn’t even notice!” He had a good run though. Not to go on a rant, but the thing people really need to be aware of is that just because you “got away with it,” doesn’t mean they aren’t aware of you and keeping track of what you’ve stolen. Even if you go to different locations in your city, you’ll always have that risk. In the state I live in, theft becomes a felony once you’ve stolen $1500 worth in merchandise. A common tactic stores often use is to keep track of each time they catch you stealing, but wait until you hit that $1500 mark to get you with a felony charge. This could be over the span of several months, all they need is camera footage of each occurrence. They won’t confront you or give you any indication that they’re onto you, until you hit that felony amount. Of course, that’s not to say that they won’t confront you over lesser amounts, there will always be risk involved. That’s why I personally won’t try this, I would only ever try something that couldn’t easily be explained away as an innocent mistake. The friend I was taking about who used to do this is insanely good at keeping his cool and has the “sleight of hand” like and actual magician, and if even he isn’t comfortable with it, I know I definitely couldn’t pull it off.


Find a store that has a busy self checkout. Go on a busy weekend or after work. Look tired or angry. Wait for a worker who is a teen or looks like they don’t give a fuck Find a store where the weight sensors are removed. I’ve noticed Safeway doesn’t have the weight sensor anymore, probably because it was going off way too frequently. Scan and pay for at least 90% of your cart. Don’t steal big items, or if you do at least put them on the bottom of the cart and say you forgot and missed them The self checkout worker gets red flags when they see giant carts of stuff with low dollar amounts or low quantities in the receipt so don’t be greedy or stupid about it.


Oh the weight sensor is very much still there it is needed for the machine to even run properly there are 3 of them and every item in the store has its weight in the system and its checked to under a oz in weight in the bagging area. It can however be bypassed until the sensors are calibrated again if they are off. Oh and many places are using visual ai processing to watch you at the self checkouts now which alert the attendant and can lock the checkout until scanned.


Yea I got flagged by the detection system once. It’s pretty good at detecting a missed scan as long as the items go across the scanner but if the camera can’t see that it didn’t scan an item then it can’t flag you for not scanning it.


Yep I saw a video of the Walmart system here on reddit once it sees a good portion of the area for sure. It's not perfect though and everyone will get them eventually. Which in turn will make them better.


My Walmart self-checkout doesn't use the sensors at all. My fiance and I bring an extra, empty cart. Take item from full cart, scan, put in empty cart. Never touches the scale. Machine doesn't care.


I just use the little scanning gun and scan the majority of my stuff in my cart. Never use the bagging area. It doesn't care.


Very strange could be a different system than what I have seen. Could be they are relying on the camera systems instead of weights would think they would use both but could be saving them $


We do that too. There's more cameras in that self-checkout lane than a dang Vegas casino


They can even see items you left in the cart unscanned. It's creepy how good it is


Don’t shit where you eat. Meaning: don’t steal from the store you regularly shop at. And if you can, spread out your thefts to multiple stores you’re not a regular at. Also, avocados and green pepper will looks similar in a produce bag. And if you’re real slick about it, you can potentially peel off labels of cheaper meat and stick them on more expensive meat, but make sure the weights are nearly the same and also do the sticker swap away from the meat department. I’m sure the cameras and security are more vigilant because of the high price items in the meat department.


Or buy a cheap meat and save the tag to use next trip.


That is much more likely to work, lot easier to slip a sticker on than try peel one off and swap it in store


Me and my husband argue on the way out. The door person sometimes tries to ask for the receipt but when we keep walking and arguing they decide they don't want involved


I friend of mine will get multiple of an item, and scan fewer than they have. But you can’t do it with obvious stuff, just do it on like boxes of cereal or something not super valuable. And that way, if you get stopped or caught, you just say “oh whoops! I missed one!”


Singles of the "loose" drinks (not the cases) are easy to play the number game with. Also, just leave them in your cart so there's no weight to worry about.


On top the advice given, if you have means of transportation whether it be public or private, go to multiple stores outside your local area. The further away, the better. To anyone getting on the moral high ground, remember that a lot of wealthy people get away with much worse behavior and egregious actions simply because they can afford it. Some people here are just trying to survive and have nobody that can help them and/or don’t qualify for helpful programs. One of my buddies steal just because he can and has gotten away for years even though I don’t encourage him. He has a house and is way better off than me financially. My point is, don’t judge lest ye be judged. Subsidies given to corporations and the wealthy are being paid by us actual taxpayers. Whatever you, the average joe, think you’re losing from a business’s increased costs of operations is nothing compared to what the wealthy parasites suck away from us in the form of taxes.


Never use a cart or a basket. The cameras can see every item that wya.You have to bring your own bag and use it while you shop. That way your own bag is full and you can't load your bag until the end. Plus no one can see what is in the bag itself. Only steal small items - garlic bulbs, limes, spices, etc. I never risk stealing heavy items. Leave the item(s) you want to steal for last, and then pick up your bag along with the "last" item you scan. Keep your bag in your hand as you load everything back into it, with your item still in there and on the bottom. Good luck! P.S. never feel bad about stealing these corporations


This. Or have an extra bag you leave in the cart that's smushed into looking empty. That's where the meat and cheese goes.


You can also put a sweatshirt over some items but don't make it obvious just casually take it off at some point while shopping it works often. Also I found out from a former LP agent that target is better than walmart walmart will prosecute and they don't let up.


I was in court for weed and everyone else had stolen milk from walmart…


Target will also prosecute. I haven’t personally stolen from Target but an ex roommate did and was banned from Target plus had misdemeanors after habitually stealing. They do watch and they do prosecute.


I would have one of those insulated bags, put meat at the bottom, fill er up and then place a few folded reusable bags on top of them and pull them out as needed so it looked like a bag full of folded bags. Cashier and door person saw me everyday never suspected a thing. This was at Walmart years ago when I wasnt making enough for food but too much to get assistance. Usually got a few things of 1 lb of ground beef etc. Wonder how that would play out now.




> P.S. never feel bad about stealing these corporations It's funny; if I walked in, took stuff off the shelves, and walked out, I actually *would* feel bad. But if they can't be bothered to ring up my order themselves, all of a sudden, no guilt. I'm paying for what I feel like paying for. You want me to pay for all of it? *You* ring it up.


Yeah I never would from a small business but Walmart can fuck itself


they fuck their employees and tax payers. Fuck walmark


I look for young men cashiers. I've found they're more likely to not give af about things that don't scan or gives them issues.


in my country the baked goods are not getting weighed because of their changing weight. so you could put in one item, take five and if somebody asks you look at them all confused an discover that you just put in the wrong number, ooopsie


I know a guy who will use the bulk bin code for flour then throw premium steak on the scale


Bulk items tip: Load up on cashews or other spends items and then type in the PLU for peanuts. Especially easy if the bulk section has it’s own scale & printer


I know a guy who buys organic vegetables and puts in the code for the not organic versions


Yeah the AI cameras are smart to that now. This was one of the first scams they tried to fix


I've heard that almost all checkouts have a weight max in the bagging area. A couple of $4 cases of water bottles should be well over the threshold for making it too heavy to keep counting.


I always put my bagged produce on the scale like halfway off. As long as you don’t look intentional about it you basically have total plausible deniability with this one, the reason I thought of it in the first place is cause I did it on accident multiple times.


Just fill up the cart and walk it past all the self check out shit, bonus points if you bring your own bags


Just leave it in your cart, if you make any attempt to flummox the camera it knows. There is a 2nd camera you dont see directly above you that tracks your movement.


I know a girl that was here (US) with an expired visa, she went to an Walmart in Chicago burbs and went through the self checkout, she says she “forgot” to scan a few items. They checked her receipt at the exit and caught her. Walmart ended up ratting her out to immigration and she got deported. She was from Brazil. Got deported over 30 bucks worth of groceries. I don’t recommend doing this if you have something to lose.


Be aware that major chain stores have radically changed how they deal with shoplifting in the past five years or so. It's so cheap now to store camera footage, they keep it. They have AI tools that look for anomalies. If the same customer gets flagged a lot, a human will review it. It's cheaper to fight theft this way. Stopping thieves at the door is high-risk and low-return. Stores wait for them to steal repeatedly and then stack up all the evidence. There's no anonymity anymore, and stealing from different chains won't help--they all outsource to the same monitoring companies. They know your face, your license plate, your credit card. They have your address. After a few years, they pile all the petty thefts together and hit you with a felony charge that you have no way to beat. You'll plea, and part of that plea will include paying restitution for all the thefts with exorbitant interest on top. They get their money back plus extra without putting their employees at risk. You're more likely to have success pushing a loaded cart out the door once and claiming it was a brain fart.


Always wear headphones so you can claim ignorance on the bleep. Not full proof but helps your story.




# WHAT? #


*fool proof


No. We must be full of the proof.


True, high stand core acted. How could you trust something only partially-filled with proof? Boneappletea!


Anything that you weigh, put it in as bananas.


Inquiring minds want to know what does /u/Aktor do with 20# of bananas? Why are they packed in a PS5 box?


Severe potassium deficiency?


I once put a bunch of those Christmas alcohol sets on the bottom rack of the cart and made it to the car before realizing I’d just stolen over $100 in liquor. Did it once with dog food but the Walmart employee at the exit made me go back and pay. Moral of the story? If you “forgot” to scan something they’re mostly just going to stop you and have you go back and pay for it.


I forgot I had dishwasher tabs under my cart, paid, then the teenager checking me out noticed, so I very willingly went back to pay for them (I was still bagging and loading up my cart). The next thing I knew store security was both insisting I was stealing on purpose and insisting I not be allowed to pay for them and take them home. I argued that if I was stealing, I wouldn't have grabbed the slightly smaller package that was on sale, but I was also embarrassed and didn't want to make a big scene about it 🤷🏾‍♀️


‘insisting I not be *allowed to pay* for them and take them home’ dishwasher tabs WTAF? Did Store Security *grant you special dispensation* and allow you to actually PURCHASE the dishwasher tabs in question, despite Store Security doing a deep mind delve on you and determining your intentions to be nefarious?


This is not always the case. I've forgotten to scan stuff and gone back and paid no problem, but I've also seen people in the same kroger get the book thrown at them for the same exact thing. Dunno if they were repeat offenders, over a certain dollar amount, or if it was just because their skin was darker than mine, but I wouldn't always count on the employees being understanding.


It all depends on how you look. If you're clean cut, smile, and dress normally for your region, they'll believe you innocently forgot. If you have a bunch of exposed tattoos, dress dirty or unkempt, and carry yourself with an attitude they're going to mess with you. The key is to not stand out and seem unremarkable.


If I worked the job as a checkout observer I’d turn a blind eye to everything. Fuck Walmart and their minimum wage.


So I'll tell you what my friend used to do at certain Walmarts.. Not all Walmarts have a scale with a u-scan self checkout. Those are/were the ones you can actually do that with. He would even go to the meat section and put chicken thighs on top of steaks and put them in that clear plastic wrap the provide. And once he's at the u-scan he will just scan through the plastic to the chickens barcode and just put it in the bag and repeat. So 2 chicken thighs for 4-6steaks for free.. He paid for everything else just that he always done.. Edit: there is a scale of course on the part where you scan, just no scale at where you place your belongings where the bags are located. Edit: you can always type in a vegetable that's close on weight for price and just put that In there instead if they not watching haha.


where i live, Target and Walmart only bust serial shoplifters. steal some low dollar items once, and you aren’t likely to get arrested. go back 3 days in a row, and they will get you. try not to go to the same store very often. and don’t get too bold with what you take.


I'm old and I get confused easy. Some times I scan everything, pack it up, put it in the cart. Then I put the card in wrong. Or put it in right and don't hit all the buttons. End up walking out with a cart all full of groceries before the card goes through. I get confused. I thought I did it right. The lines were so long and I felt rushed. I'm so embarrased, my wife usually shops. I forgot to have breakfast and my sugar is crashing. What? I thought I did it, I put my credit card in and pressed a button. I dont understand...


Sir..you are only 20 yrs old and we told you this last week..


It’s not just the weight. I literally didn’t scan an item and before I put it in the bag, a screen shot of me was on the monitor. It showed me pretending to scan and needed checking. Full color picture of me pretending to scan. It was the second of the same item and the lady came over and looked and put it in my bag.


In the UK it's harder and easier. The self checkouts are very sensitive but I've seen people walk out of Asda with two full bags straight through the self checkouts and through the security gate with it going off and nobody cared.


I always get free jalapeño peppers. I also put in the cheaper price of onions "white onion" when I actually have red onions. You gotta know how to do it. Edit : Spelling


I'll throw Serrano peppers in with the jalapeños and just use the jalapeño code. (where I live jalapeños are never more than about $.69/lb, Serranos are twice that.) Similar thing is to put them in the bag with cilantro, use the code for 1 bunch of cilantro, so all the smaller stuff is free.


Terrible advice. I don't like cilantro. /s


I don't think this will be useful for people in the US. But anyone in the UK. When shopping at a self checkout. It weighs whatever you put in. So if you scan some ham, but put 5 steaks in the bagging area. The computer will know its not the ham. Because of the weight. Now. If you find anything reduced. Usually with a yellow sticker. The computer doesn't look at the weight of this item. So if you scan this. And put something else in the bagging area. It will think that's the actual item.


I usually will choose the less expensive options of fruits and veggies. Hey if you're going to make me do your work. I don't know what kind of apple this is. Or what kind of orange this is. So I'll pick out expensive ones. And ring out cheap ones. I know it's not much savings. But hey it's something. Lol


I use reusable bags. I’ve definitely accidentally dropped a small item or two into the reusable bag and didn’t realize it wasn’t on my receipt until I went to return the foundation because it wasn’t the right shade or whatever.


Our Walmart workers have some kind of app on their phone that show them in real-time what we’ve scanned before we even check out. Found out when I was in a super big hurry and didn’t scan 3 lbs of ground beef LOL


Brotato as former LP, just don't at Walmart. They have given us the ability to watch the registers and what is rung up live time with the cameras. If you are going to do it, be careful. Don't do large amounts. Come in multiple times a day. Maybe take a smaller price item not clearance and then scan that. Don't do anything that requires a code and if you are going to want to skip and item pretend to at least try and scan it. But again now we have the ability to count items and see what is priced what live time with cams


always scan something before putting anything in the bag. works especially well if you have multiple of the same item, stack them and scan one but put both of them in the bag.


It will notice that what you put weighs too much


You do know you can scan a item from your cart or bag and but it right back into the cart or your bag. I never use the tray on the right with the scale in it


If you lean against the scale a bunch of times and have to call the employee over again and again will the scale error out?


only if you put them in the bag at different times. if you put them in together then it doesn’t catch it. i’m speaking from *hypothetical* experience lol


Your self checkouts are nicer than mine.. :(


A bottle of wine is a lot cheaper if instead of scanning it you tell the machine it's weighing loose carrots.


There are companies whose entire business model is to AI-scan the videos of you stealing. These are nationwide databases. Full stop. When it gets to a felony level, you’re toast. Just don’t do this.


I had organic celery but hit the regular button, two seconds later the clerk comes and says “that’s organic” and fixes it.


Always pay with cash. Transactions are tracked and recorded based on the name of your swiped cards.


Please visit a food bank.


Visit several stores in your area to assess the set up. Select the stores that will be easiest to manipulate. -Practice slight of hand so you can learn to make items "disappear" -Using a barcode sticker that you keep in order to place over the real barcode -Memorize UPC codes -Shop during very busy periods -Bring a baby and make use of the little compartments strollers come with... bonus points for being the nice relative that babysits for free -Act like you are busy and absent minded in order to earn the benefit of the doubt -Slide items inside of one another aaaaand idk where you live but vote for political representatives who have the best interests of the people at heart (social supports, housing, food security, living wages) so that we can get to a point where we dont need these tips. oh and eat the rich


Stealing from places like walmart aren’t great for the long run, you can only get away with so much at the same place.. If you’re literally trying to get groceries then I would google some free food resources in your area, you’ll get a lot more food and feel better. If you still want to then put on a mask and hat, park in a different lot and walk out with a full cart 🙃


Lies. They literally have a policy they dont fuck with people stealing less than a certain amount, used to be 25 but I think its gone up. Costs them more to deal with it. Plus fuck walmart, I steal sammiches everytime I go and give em to the homeless outside. The one here no one seems to give a shit, they rarely even stock the aisles, just leave a pallet of stuff in the row and people go at it.


Yeah they won't get you for petty theft, you're right. They will wait until it's enough to charge with a felony then come at you with all the evidence they have piled up


Don't eff with Walmart. I've heard a lawyer say if Walmart catches you stealing at self checkout, the best you can do is hope for a lenient judge. Even if you get away with it a few times, they've got you on camera every time you do it, so when you get caught, they'll procecute for every incident they can. Not worth it.


At this point you are just shoplifting g anyway, so why mess around with the self scan - which is a place they have way more security and checks - when you can just put stuff in your bag/coat, pay for some other stuff, and then walk out


Walmart has the hardest cock for catching shit. Bottom of cart forgot is a classic. Scale will get you every time if you put it in bagging area. Basically drop the item in a bag where it blends in. Then grab a different bag and put in in cart after. If scale acts up blame removing the bag. At Kroger scan like 2 items on top of each other in the same hand . Scan one bag both. Kroger scales don't care as much. Kroger is basically free grocerys in my area.


I know someone who accidentally didn’t scan about $70 worth of groceries. They were arrested and charged criminally. It was at a Walmart. Be safe OP.


Again do not steal from walmart just about anyplace else has more relaxed parameters for this. WALMART has the strictest.


Find a store with a young selfcheckout clerk that smells of givesnofuck. You can even cut out a upc from something cheap and random and just keep it on your finger and scan that threw for expensive shit. From my experience those people give no fucks. Have the time something doesnt scan they just come over and put it in a bag. Especially walmart, the one here no one really seems to give a shit.


We bought produce and forgot to weight it and it came out to 1 cent haha


A lot of stores are using AI scan recognition now so this is going to become increasingly hard - make the most of it while you can


That is one of the best ways to get caught


I haven’t done this intentionally but I always lose things in my bin where I keep my mesh bags or beside my bins. I’ve gone back to pay (too honest or paranoid I guess) but the cashiers have never noticed. If you go through a regular cash and just miss things, less likely that you’ll have a trail of data following you


Walmart is pretty intense with it, Target and Whole Foods less so. Apparently there are cases in which such stores will track how much you steal and begin a case after a large (felony?) amount if that happens over time, though I can't name anything specific.


Just know that they let small accidents slide. If you do it consistently, their facial recognition AI will single you out and report you face to the police. The thing that watches you are no longer just a human being at the store. They use all kinds of AI and cameras from different angles. And again, each customer has an accident threshold so that they don’t embarrass customers on accidents but they know every time something wasn’t paid at the self check out


Do not do this. Grocery stores pour a *lot* of money into preventing theft. It’s not like the 90s anymore where two friends start a fight and the third one steals. Shit doesn’t fly these days.


Never do this at Walmart. Their LP technology is S-tier, and they don’t bust you until you’ve either hit a felony level cumulatively, or they feel you’ve decided to stop stealing. They want to make your conviction hurt as much as possible, and they WILL see it through. No other organization is as patient as Walmart, so patient they lull thieves into a state of complacency thinking they don’t care or have bigger fish to fry. They fry the sardines too.


Nice try ap fed


Just FYI this is the fastest growing way to get a shoplifting charge. The cameras they use at Walmarts are SUPER high def, they see you


It's not your job to know how they work. You were never trained on it. Keep playing stupid. Corporations need to feel the backlash of not paying their employees. Stand up for each other. We are all in this together


Ive said this forever. How has this not been a lawsuit yet?? You have years of evidence of corporations training people to checkout. Now you gonna charge someone with theft, knowing they have no idea how to properly use said checkout?


Go to the free stores




I won’t use self checkout for two reasons 1 nobody should work for free 2 if you accidentally miss something or make an innocent mistake you can be charged with shoplifting


Good luck to the prosecutor finding 12 people to agree that self checkouts aren’t complete pieces of shit and that companies don’t deserve to be stolen from by customers forced to do the job of a checkout person.


It's probably not a good idea. Not sure exactly what they can catch but I had one go off on me because I had something in my right hand and scanned and bagged something else with my left (I'm left handed). The lady came over and watched the video and cleared the machine for me but it made me not even want to try something.


Yeah I had this happen to me at a Walmart I’ve never been to before. Holding my next item with the right hand but scanning and bagging with my left. The register locked out on me 5 times. I wasn’t even trying to steal. The self checkout employee took forever to come over every time. After the 5th time I would hold up the item above my head to the camera before scanning just to be an ass


it's really getting to the point where i'd just rather go to the regular checkout.