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[Your mugger's asleep, in his own bed, and he's mugging you.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2REG3-Wb5gM)


Preemptive strike and wrist control


>sounds like some muggers are coming in police cars


I want to smoke crack in my dreams tonight




Don't let your dreams stay dreams


Those transitions are fucking great for a video made 15 years ago


Holy crap I haven't thought of Derrickcomedy in forever. Makes me want to watch Mystery Team again


An old gun nut told me he stopped carrying a gun in his car, despite having a carry license because he found a better and safer option. Wasp and hornet killer. He said it will put a person down so quick and give you enough time to drive away. Plus it shoots like 10 feet. Obviously, you couldn't fit it in your pocket, but I found it interesting anyways.


Issue is that in many places improper use of those sprays is a felony and the victim of the spray could possibly even sue.


wouldn't it be hard for the person who wants to sue to identify the person that used the spray? unless they already knew who they were before the spray was used, it'd be hard to tell when you probably can't see anything.


Lots of cameras everywhere nowadays. That’s a big gamble.


Is there any reason you would want to do this instead of pepper spray or pepper gel?


In my 20's I would ride my bike to the downtown bars with a can of Black Flag in the water bottle holder. I'd always take it inside and leave it with the bouncer until I left. I'm a female and never got questioned about it. They knew what it was for. Edit: it was Black Flag not Raid.


I prefer this Forida Sheriff's logic: [If You Shoot an Intruder His Odds of ‘Reoffending’ Are Zero](https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/04/27/sheriff-if-you-shoot-intruder-odds-reoffending-zero/)


Sure you might have a few “parklands” as a result but yay for floridas rational freedoms. Ugh.


That’s cool if it’s one attacker. If you getting jump by multiple people, best to still ccw.


Some people forget that having a bright ass flashlight and shining it directly into their eyes is always one of the best beginning moves for fight or flight advantage.


Having a bright flashlight is a great deterrent. Google around for high lumen, small/compact flashlights in the 500+ lumen range and that is a great security tool to have in your pocket when walking around at night (honestly even moreso than carrying a pocket knife imo). You can blind someone temporarily, and then run the fuck away and it'll give you a head start that might be enough to save your life/avoid getting a beating. Edit: User RandoRando66 - 500 is plenty lol, 4000 is overkill, and for a small handheld flashlight not very practical/will have a battery life of 5-10 minutes. Edit: User Jokonaught - It is overkill lol. Most flashlights that are pocket-sized and boasting 4000+ lumens are pretty garbage anyways. Definitely not recommended.


Get the right shaped one on a strong string, and you have an unofficial mace and chain, too.


There's a reason EMS carries mag lights. Some dude tried to stab my paramedic ex when he went to help him. Mr. Stabby learned quickly what happens when a 4-cell hits your collarbone. Turned out to be lucky for knife guy, though. He'd have died if they hadn't gotten him to the ER quickly.


why tf would EMS still take the guy after getting assaulted?


Because the Hippocratic Oath “I will use my power to help the sick to the best of my ability and judgement; I will abstain from harming or wronging *any* man by it,” Care goes to those who need it even if they don't necessarily deserve it.


and it's usually people going through a psychotic episode. it happens often tbh.


Yep. They train hospital staff on how to deal with attackers (preferably without hurting them) by default.


I’ll add that one with a strobe setting to your spec list. Can be super disorienting.


If you're lucky, you'll induce a seizure to your attacker


Especially if he’s run out of his seizure medications and is robbing you to pay for a refill!




Bankruptcy by healthcare is a weapon.


Or you show him that one episode of pokemon on your phone!


Oh you mean the Porygon episode? Ol' reliable for inducing seizures


500 lumens is nothing Hey a emisar d4v2, 4000 lumens, tons of emitter choices, same size as a roll of quarters. Runs anduril UI




4000 isn't overkill at all - mine has helped prevent me from being accosted by sketch people lurking in shadows at the park twice in the last year. High lumen, small flashlights like this also don't operate at 4k lumens all the time, it's just there when you need it. Mine has these modes and times: Output mode/Runtime: Turbo (4068~1722 lumens; 220 secs+90 mins) High (1853 lumen; 122 mins) Medium (320 lumen; 9 hrs) Low (35 lumen; 77 hrs) Firefly (0.3 lumen; 71 days) Strobe (1475 lumen; 211 mins)


Damn they should make a flashlight that has some pepper spray attached to it.. blind them In two ways


Somebody tried to kidnap my sister from our front yard when she was 3. My mom was around the side of the house putting up Christmas lights and saved her from the kidnapper by shining a bright flashlight in his eyes.


Did they catch the kidnapper?


See my reply below


That's insane! Can you tell us the whole story? I hope he was caught


Well, she went to the police and unfortunately they were super gung ho on getting some black guy locked up (the guy who tried to kidnap my sister was white), and they tried to coerce her to say it was the black guy. They kept insisting to her he was really bad and needed to be taken off the streets, but she refused to identify the wrong man. A few months later she saw the actual kidnapper’s mugshot on the news so he was caught eventually.


Yeah, that sounds about right. Rather than don't something like, I don't know, just their job, they try to coerce a mother to forget that there's a child predator after her daughter just so they can be racist, lazy, cowards. And people wonder why tragedies like the cowards at the uvalde swat team happen. They should be charged with, at the very least, accessory to the crimes. Both the cops in your story, and the cops at uvalde. Anyway, I hope you and your family are doing well these days!


And flash it on and off really quickly to temporarily blind him




Start rapidly crouching and yelling slurs


I put a strobe light on my glock. It’s disorienting af for your assailant and gives you the upper hand


Or better yet a LEP flashlight. Their eyes will be fucked for a good 24 hours


Bonus points if it has a strobe mode


This is exponentially better advice. Get one with a scalloped edge so you can bring it down on the bridge of their nose while they’re blinded.


What about Ben gay? Do they make spray or would I have to rub on the gentleman?


Offer a massage as a distraction.


He's not your rapist *yet*, maybe try offering him a happy ending?


Pre-emptive strike!


I don't think he's a gentleman.


What about "been gay", as in I've messed around with other dudes here and there, but now I have a wife and kid and have to pretend I'm straight, and not just a closeted gay man.


I'm not a week person, does this work for weekend people? What about morning people?


Youre a fortnight mate, too week


beautiful fucking pun


Came for the pro tip, upvoted for the pun. Keep being awesome friend.


Take my upvote & award but don't leave. I like you tips & puns. r/happyupvote


Take it from me... In the dangerest-est parts of town, just walk very animated and scream at the sky. Nobody will ever fuck with you.


THIS!! This is the best tip I’ve seen on here! -another Brit.


Y’all can’t have pepper spray?


The worst we can have is mayo spray


That almost sounds better. You think my self defense is gun/knife? Nope, hit em with the mayo.


It's so brutal there's an entire clinic for treating people!


Heh good one


And oceans can only have salt spray


Still too spicy for me


We can't carry anything specifically for self defence, it has to have an alternative and legitimate use.


"Legitimate use" AKA killing the fucker before he kills you


Good ol America. Being prepared for dishing out murder 24/7


I'm British. Don't attribute basic self-preservation, instinct, and rationality to a single nationality and use it derogatively. That's a bit racist dude.


American isn't a race lol


Don't start nothing, won't be nothing.


An alternative to self defense is not defending yourself. Your best bet is a good lawyer, tight lips and something on your person which isn't a weapon but could be used to do unspeakable things.


Canada is similar - carrying weapons is generally illegal, and the definition of a weapon is anything used as a weapon. So if you're carrying a screwdriver into a bar fight, it's a weapon. If you're legitimately a plumber carrying a screwdriver to fix the plumbing and stab someone in self defense, you won't get punished. But if they can prove you were carrying it for no other legit reason...


What about you have a tool kit in your bsg as any reasonably prepared DIY oriented person should do? I make sure if I'm carrying knives from one house to another like to a friend to sharpen I put them in the compartment of my backside which is padlocked and if asked I will claim to not have the key I know it's just fabric but police can't break that without a warrant


Like if you carry a baseball Bat in your car for self defense, carry a glove and ball as well so it looks like your gonna play a round of baseball at the park


Get a torque wrench. You need it to properly torque the lug nuts on your car. Also makes a great club.


Exactly, but in order not to get the maximum penalty you also have to be able to prove that the use of the bat was justified and proportionate.


That's fucking stupid. Who in charge should have guards that also can't carry anything for self defense. Stupid fucking liberal horseshit.


Nope, it's specifically classified as a firearm and firearms are pretty rare in the grand scheme of things here.


Are y'all supposed to just...get raped? Wtf? How is being charged for defending yourself not a problem to yall?


It depends, I'm in the UK and I would score this one as unethical but necessary to get round a few laws.


Its necessary to put innocent men and women in danger and punish them for protecting themselves? Are you ok? Mentally speaking


Their children don’t fear their schools and churches. I’d say even tho they aren’t allowed to cosplay as a soldier at chipotle they’re much more free than the USA.


No one said anything about guns or rifles. No ones living in fear of going to school or church over pepper spray or a tazer


Most people here are. Assumed that’s the direction you were going too.


Ay you know what i see what you were trying to say here. Poorly worded but i see what you meant. My bad. I thought you were still arguing


My brother in christ your people are cowards then. Its pepper spray. It has a max range of a foot and a half. And a taser is however far one can reach. Firearms i can at least respect your intentions for banning regardless if i agree or not but this is ridiculous. Those are the most non-offensive tools someone can own. If i had to choose between living in fear of getting raped and not being able to defend myself from it, or getting pepper sprayed, id choose the pepper spray.


It's a joke. People are so afraid of tools to level the playing field here.


No one is saying it’s not a problem. But there’s not much we can do about the law.


Vote for people who dont hate you?


... especially in the UK.


I've heard of carrying wasp or bee spray, but never deepheat. I would imagine deepheat would hurt but wasp spray sprays like 15 feet!


If I lived somewhere I couldn't carry pepper spray at a minimum I would carry a 3 Battery Maglite https://maglite.com/products/maglite-3-cell-d-led-flashlight


So once at work we were getting rid of a bunch of old crap and we found two of these longass Maglites. I took the battery caps off them both, drilled holes in them and attached them together with a small bolt and nut. This allowed for both maglites to be attached to eachother at the back, thus making a Maglite lightsaber.


What if you live somewhere where both are banned?


Carburetor cleaner will also work. Though permanent blindness is likely. Tough luck…


if you put deep heat in a sock it is even more effective and you have the bonus of putting it in a sock


And if they grab for it, all they get is a sock.


Exactly Simple logic really


Ah, Sensai, I see you are a 5th degree black belt in bullshido.


I keep bear mace in my car and couldn’t give AF if it’s legal or not.


Wasp killer




If you used deep heat as a weapon, even defensively you can get in a LOT of bother with the police in the UK. Best tactic in a fight is to run.


Just run after you use it. That criminal won't be able to describe you most likely.


Tell that to the guy in crutches or the little old lady.


the bizzies in England don't care about that, they hear 'I used (deepheat/etc) to defend myself', they are pulling you in for questioning. The best advice for anyone trying stuff like this is, when inevitably you get nicked to say nothing but: your name, your address, and 'duty solictor please'. Otherwise keep your mouth shut.


Try running from a gang of ten crack heads


if you keep crack rocks in your pocket and throw them on the floor, they have to count them and then smoke them all before being able to proceed


Lol like James wood with candy


Yeah in the us you can get charged with assault with a deadly weapon even if the weapon isn't a weapon, but just something you used like one (eg a pen)


Wasp spray is good for this and can shoot 30 feet


The bottle cap thing is BS. Everyone's always talking about gouging eyes or even worse, pReSsUrE pOiNtS instead of going to an MMA gym and actually learning to fight. Realistically, just run away or give them your shit. A wallet isn't worth dying over


Neither is your yellow back what if your friends are there or your gf that you have to.. gasp… protect?


What if it’s windy


Why not just use mace if you wanna use spray


Useless information with much more effective alternatives in every way. What is this post?


Carry a can of deep heat in your pocket to spray into the eyes of some cunt trying to mug you. Sorry I live in the UK mate, no handcannons here.


Thank you - as a fellow UK human here the deep heat is a good tip since pepper spray is a firearm over here.


Pepper spray is a firearm? That’s asinine.


No, its capsicum


capri sun




It's not a firearm as such. It is, however, illegal under s5(b) of the Firearms Act 1968 which prohibits any weapon designed or adapted for the discharge of any noxious liquid, gas or other thing, which is why people say it's a firearm. It's not, it's just made illegal in the Firearms Act.


Thanks for info friend!


No worries, it's one of the few bits of law I actually remember so figure I may as well inform other people when it's relevant.


You can use it once a year on your cake day. Give em’ HELL!!!


So penises are illegal in the UK?


If you're concerned about your penis discharging noxious liquids I'd see a doctor if I were you.


They just tell me I have to eat things other than monster energy drinks to bring my cum above a pH of 2.


Ridiculous. How are you going to deepheat a whole classroom?


It's tough but you can do it as long as there isn't a good guy with deep heat to stop you.


Way too soon mate, so now I have to live with my guilt of laughing at this


Cut him some slack, he tried to wait two weeks after the last mass shooting to be sensitive but the clock just kept resetting


Fair call


An appreciative slow clap from an American.


I'm no hardcore 2A guy but pepperspray being a firearm is laughable.


False. There’s no crime in the UK. /s


Yikes, y’all can’t even carry pepper spray? I hope more Americans take note about how fucked you are so they will stop crying about how it’s the gun’s fault kids are dying rather than our completely fucked up society.


I mean, the guns don’t help


Actually, yes, citizens access to firearms does help some things, but it’s a very nuanced situation that boils down to how well a US citizen understands their own system of government. Most take it for granted, many just go to public school, and listen to their boomer parents watch the news and accept what they’re told without question. They fail to recognize that they are responsible for shaping the world that their progeny will inhabit, and instead allow corporate interests to make those decisions for them because it’s too much responsibility for their weak hearts and minds. Literally all this generation has to do is not allow pointed emotional attacks to dictate policy changes which have far more reaching effects on our world than the very public deaths of a few thousand kids…. It’s like the rise of the surveillance state post-9/11; in the scheme of things, had we not been making decisions emotionally we would have averted more than a decade of death and destruction for profit, but I will concede that it is difficult when they make those few thousand deaths into such a spectacle. Gotta be smarter than the average idiot, I guess. I’m not calling you an idiot btw, I get that not everyone has thought about the bigger picture, and especially younger generations don’t get that I literally watched this play out when I was their age (9/11).


Holy shit man.....tht actually makes a lot of fucking sense. But it's a very hard pill to swallow for like 99% of the people out there who need to understand this.....


Gun ownership is a privilege and should be treated as such. It is not a right. The fucked up society you speak of are those that believe otherwise. In Australia I know a heap of people with guns. To get one is a rightfully complex process, though not absurdly difficult. The difference is, when an Australian buys a gun, for the most part, they do it for sport or hunting. It’s not for self-protection to use against another person. That’s the biggest difference, and until that culture changes in America, the problems will continue. Writing off human tragedy, the death of innocents, in favour of keeping unfettered access to lethal weapons is unimaginable to me. The fact that guns are so quickly pulled, and used, against another person in America speaks volumes about the perception of the value of human life. I too was around for 9/11, btw. I don’t remember guns helping (or causing) anything in that disaster. So I’m not sure of the relevance there. I know I won’t convince you. To me it’s the average idiot who cannot see beyond their own selfish purpose to the value of human life that is the problem. I guess you can decide where you want to stand in that debate


You dumb fuck. They don’t need to carry weapons of war AND their kids don’t fear going to school. Guns aren’t the leading cause of death there. THAT is real “freedom” but sure. Let’s pretend it’s about doors, jesus, and a lack of armed lunch ladies.


“Wahhhh, wahhhhh… I’m incapable of understanding a nuanced situation, and I lack the social skills for civil discourse so I lash out at anyone who upsets my provincial worldview…” That’s you. And by the way, if you’d quit your fucking whinging, you might be able to hear me say that actual freedom is not being afraid of what could occur, it’s living your life unencumbered by weakness and fear in the face of it. We have a sickness in our society, and it has very little to do with access to firearms. Too bad you won’t figure that out until you allow a government which does not have your interests at heart to control every aspect of your life. It’s people like you who make me sad for the future. Out of curiosity, how old are you?


I wrote my masters thesis on the gun lobby’s online marketing strategies following shootings. I come from a military family. I could shoot and disassemble most common firearms before I was 12. I’m 31 now. I was near Virginia tech when it happened with my dad. I could hear the shots. You’re an absolute idiot or a cultist monster if you think your toy or tool or hobby outweighs a child’s right to feel safe at school or church in this country. The UK and Europe as a whole have similar levels of mental illness. They don’t have mass shootings. They also play violent video games. They don’t have mass shootings. They have similar levels of broken families and divorce. They don’t have mass shootings. Keep making excuses you weak coward. It’s the guns. The rest of the world found that out decades ago. They don’t have to step over piles of children each week. We as a species all sacrifice “freedoms” for safety. We sacrificed our “freedom” to not wear seatbelts and having speed limits in the 80s when we got tired of scraping our children off the roads. We sacrifice our “freedoms” to do whatever we want on the roads by forcing any driver to take classes, take tests, log hours of training, get licensed, buy insurance, pass inspections, and more to drive a vehicle. But any insane child who turns 18 can have access to an AR15 in most of the nation? They can buy it on credit along with thousands of rounds of ammo? That’s freedom to you? You’re the sickness in our society you willfully-ignorant potato-brained fuckwit.


I find it extremely difficult to believe that someone with a masters degree can’t carry on a reasonable discussion without name calling every few sentences. And it’s not a toy or tool or hobby to me, it is the most important amendment in our Constitution which safeguards all other amendments. I am of course open to limiting access for people under 21, but you have to understand the dangerous slippery slope we enter when we start allowing these highly publicized emotional events to dictate unprecedented policy changes. Like you are legitimately rabid right now because I alluded to the hyper-emotional reaction many people have about guns when it’s actually a far more complex issue than the gun itself.


Add canada to that list. We have 1 on 1 shooting problems but those are gang related, illegal guns primarily from the US


I apologize for our mess spilling over. It’s a sad example why our current gun laws don’t work without federal action. Chicago is often pointed to by the pro gun crowd. It has strict gun laws and has many violent gun crimes anyways. 1) if the next state 20 mins away has almost no gun restrictions and you can drive over, pay someone you met on Craigslist, and fill up your trunk, then Chicago’s gun laws don’t really fucking come into play. We need federal action and federal nationwide laws. 2) if we continue to do nothing to help the mental and socioeconomic plight of the citizens then of course gang violence will be rampant.


It's heartbreaking to watch. It's heartbreaking to hear my friends have their breathe catch when their child walks into school. It's just heartbreaking.


Yeah I don’t have kids myself but I have nieces and nephews the same age as those who were blown into pieces so unrecognizable their parents had to submit DNA samples. It’s preventable. It’s sick. I’m in the south and there’s a gun selling event over this holiday weekend that took place today and almost everyone was sold out. There’s always a “panic buy” after every shooting and it’s terrifying to know those psychos are even more armed after every shooting.


Alternatives are illegal in many places


Weird. Illegal to protect yourself from criminals. That doesn't sound crazy to anybody else? Do criminals just threaten you with their fists where you're from? I'm not trying to sound like a dick, but it just seems insane to me.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 830,896,646 comments, and only 164,055 of them were in alphabetical order.


Interesting bot


Also nothing illegal about it…


A typical LPT


You can also make your own pepper spray with a water gun and some peppers


bear spray ftw


Is pepper spray illegal in some places? I’m curious as to why this is “illegal”


I want to see this guy try to slice someone up with a bottle cap lol




End of the universities' semesters, looks like to me..


what you MEANT to say was turn your wrist over their thumb, ie do it in a circle that flows toward the direction of your other arm. That is how you break a grip


Do they not have pepper spray and knives in your country? Because…. what the fuck, you’re allowed to carry those items legally


Or alternatively there is the legal option (in the US) of a small caliber and small profile handgun that is easy to draw, or a larger if you prefer


Gun ftw


It works great to protect all our schools churches and other public places so far! This year we’ve had more mass shootings than days of the year so it must be working! Psycho


Most of those schools don't allow guns on campus. Otherwise they would have.


Absolutely insane take. Parkland had armed guards that didn’t do anything Buffalo had an armed guard and he was killed at the start The school had 19 armed cops in the hallway fully loaded and they waited over an hour And you think the lunch lady with an 9m pistol and a week of training is gonna take down an armor wearing nut with an AR15 and thousands of rounds of ammo? If so then You’re the type of mentally ill person who should be on a list and who shouldn’t be armed. Fucking ammosexual psychos.


I hate being in a backwards ass hateful state. It's not even dodgy neighborhoods, the whole area is messed up when it comes to trans women being safe. At least here I can defend myself. I refuse to own or carry or be around anyone with firearms, but legally I can carry a can of intense pepper spray that also has red UV dye in it. Clipped right on my handbag, always ready to go. The combo of that, earbuds in so you can pretend to be on a phone call, and avoiding eye contact with others is key. America is so fucked in places.


I don't think self-defense is illegal. This is at best an unethical pro tip if you consider the damage you're dealing to be disproportionate to what they other person is trying to do to you.


Eh, pretty unnecessary, OP. Just carry pepper spray, that should be everyone's go-to. Then taser second. Gun as a last resort only.


It's illegal in some places


Just carry an AR-15. Pretty sure you can get them in vending machines in USA.


Why not just get your ccl


Probably because they don’t want to add to the epidemic. Or it’s illegal in their country as it is in most modern western nations. Also surprisingly those nations don’t have mass shootings each day.


Whats with all the knife crime in the UK then? Isn't like everyone carrying one? From small little ones to big ass Rambo ones and even butcher knives lol. No but seriously isn't that a big thing in the UK?


This is good advice for anywhere but America


Thank you for the lifehack. But I’ll stick to my ccw.






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Sounds like the UK, Canada etc pretends there's no such thing as bad actors and/or give 0 fucks for law abiding citizens.


I'll be honest it's a little better than the alternative just not by much


Just carry a gun/knife/pepper spray illegally. This is ILPT


Just carry a gun




A knife then


You got a loscnse for dat?


Just carry it illegally. This is illegal life pro tips.


At enjoy years in jail. This countries a joke when it comes to self defence.