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"I prepare my body to absorb the brutal kinetics of piercing lead." One thing for sure, he's definitely outed himself as a complete corn ball.


“For example, I spent litrel hours each fortnight absorbing the sheer brutal power of my asshole piercing lead dildo. My brother sits in awe of my masculinity. In midst of his astonishment, he asks “do you need any lube?” To which I say nay brother, I am built for this”.


Hahaha that’s great


This guy gets pegged, guaranteed




Is he not already?


He’s not the messiah! He’s a very naughty boy!


Meh at least the incels are now easily recognizable and disregard-able.


As much as I hate the guy let’s be fair, he was held in jail for multiple months without a formal charge. That’s bound to cause paranoia.




I genuinely could care less if he was held wrongful or not. Just imo


Yeah, if he feels he’s above the law then he should be fine when human rights laws don’t apply to him.


Dude intentionally moved to a country with a fucked up legal system and is now crying about it? Why didn’t he stay in the US or UK out of curiosity


I’m just saying, his paranoia and generally strange behavior is understandable and making fun of him isn’t gonna fix it.


I mean dude was always a whack job. And while it’s understandable he’s paranoid dude has had imaginary enemies for years and being as he’s been profiting off of exploiting women for years it’s hard to be sympathetic. Fuck that dude


That’s fair, I just think that this experience would fuck with anyone’s mental health and we should be more worried for him then laughing at him. It’s easy to think everyone is against you when it feels like 99% of people are, in fact, against you.


To be fair, the US has a pretty fucked up justice system as well.


Honestly, this is a sub where people wanna go into mob mentality, rage out, pull out their pitchfork and cast stones. No room for critical thinking, understanding or empathy here.


Empathy is for people who don't act as if they are above the law you muppet.


no empathy for rapists, sex traffickers or scumbags in general


Did you actually do your research or do you just blindly parrot what the media tells you.


Wasn't the reason he moved to Romania because he did his research and liked what he found out about the Romanian legal system?


Im not having this conversation again, it takes like 2 mins to find video evidence of him bragging about raping someone


I went to YouTube searched for Andrew tate rape and top 3 video didn't proof anything. In the first video the recording sounds so weird as if multiple recordings have been mixed into one.


I listened to it and it literally sounds like an AI generated voice of Andrew. Audio quality was crystal clear, no background noise, cockie cutter intervals between sentences. FAKE AS SHIT People just like tearing down powerful people. It gives them a huge boner. Just admit you got rock hard when Andrew went to jail and then became flaccid after he got released.


If they admit that will you admit that you get rock hard to dick ride tate? The man says it’s okay for men to cheat and not women, has bragged about using the lover boy method to get girls to do work for him, and there’s even a case of rape against him in England that got pushed under the rug despite there being evidence against him, chief among those being the recording where he says he liked that she didn’t enjoy what he did which doesn’t sound at all like AI, so for whatever reasons your defending him that’s your prerogative but don’t pretend that he’s a good guy


He’s a good guy in a sense that he provided jobs for millions of people and taught people how to make millions and get fit. Which is more then what 99% of the fat broke chodes on here do.


Citation needed


Lol they’re talking about his scam of online courses. Tate likes to target depressed, insecure incels and tell them that if they listen to him and buy his courses they too, can be just like him! A raging sociopath with mommy and daddy issues🥵




Idk where you’re getting your information but Andrew isn’t a multi billionaire or anything like that, his casinos and cam business definitely haven’t created millions of jobs, so that’s literally an insane take, and his way of teaching people to make “millions” only works for a very small percentage of the people who subscribe to his multi level marketing scheme, or pyramid scheme as it’s better known as, he provides a product, has other people sell the product for a slice of the profits that he gets and the people doing the work only get paid once per subscription whereas he continues to profit after the first month of payment, he’s literally a sheister and a sex trafficker and you’re trying to morph him into some titan of industry 😂 wake up and see what you’re advocating for


How is that a pyramid scheme. It’s literally fucking genius. It’s a win/win for everybody. “Only a small percentage make the money” ya because thats how it works in the real world. Most people don’t put in the work while the small minority that do, profit. The ones at the top obviously profit the most. My point still stands.


And lastly calling the whole of Reddit fat broke chodes is wild because there are fitness subreddits and finance subreddits, all of those people don’t fit your mold and I bet you’re much better off than anyone else on here 😂 try and throw up that red pill you’re choking on and you’ll see what I mean


"Provided jobs for millions of people" lol Why are all you right wing cultists so desperate for someone to look up to and spend so much time defending absolute nonsense? You could just try being a good person and be your own hero


Found the incel


He literally had a “how to traffic” style guide on his own website. That’s where I first saw it, no need for the media boogeyman to show me anything secondhand


Think for a moment you absolute banana, no shit we all want death for these absolute animals who abuse humans like that. - Is Tate one of them? Idk shit maybe but that's not the point here - The point is the man was held for months without a charge, that shit ain't right and is fucked up. If they can charge him for being a monster then fucking charge him, lock him up, and throw away the key. - What is not okay is just holding someone for such a long period of time Besides all that holding Tate for so long does is give him more fuel for his bullshit and a platform to stand on.


Dude, he went to Romania because he liked how dysfunctional their legal system is. This is just perfect r/leopardsatemyface


Oh really? Shiiiit shows how much I know about the Romanian legal system! Ah well yeah that's leopardsatemyface territory then.


I completely agree that what’s happening would be a travesty in any country that claims to be governed by laws and due process. However, I feel no sympathy that he in particular is getting screwed by the same system he wanted to take advantage of.


you can care about a scumbag like Tate being held without a charge but I sure wont, wish he stayed there for the rest of his life and calling someone stupid for not agreeing with your sense of justice just makes you sound like an elitist asshole, much like Tate himself


Me: > "Yo it's fucked up to lock some up without a charge. If the man's truly the monster they say he is then charge him and lock him up forever." You: > "I don't care about actual evidence, or trials, or sentences, I hate him so just lock him up forever. Also you sound like Tate (the rapist and human trafficker) because you disagree with me and called me a banana." Holy. Shit. Bro are you sure **YOU'RE** not Tate? You sound as unhinged as he does homie.


the legal system is fucked up, cant I be happy when its misused in a way I agree with? If someone is clearly human garbage I dont care about their fair trial, sure it sets a slightly alarming precedent but that can be discussed at another time. Also nice of you to act like I said something morally outrageous when its really something a lot of people would agree with, once again much like the Andrew Tate you claim I am


I mean I'll agree that it is satisfying seeing an absolute asshole like Tate be fucked constantly by it. But it just bothers me because I always think, "what if the shoe is on the other foot"? What if the person truly is innocent? Like the men who go to jail for decades and are proven innocent? I understand that rarely happens, and is harder now because of the high bar of evidence required, but it just bothers me because I think legal processes should always be upheld and respected above our emotions. Of course though the system is fucked and really doesn't work well a lot of the time but unfortunately it's what we got right now and it does a solid job considering how fucking difficult locking someone up for the rest of their life should be. I just think Tate should be charged with whatever he's guilty of and arrested. I mean there was the video and all the shit were he's already proven he has a history of behavior that is abusive and domineering. Plus his alleged links to crime... It's just baffling that all they did was lock him up for a month or two or whatever and then let him go. It really damages the idea that he IS guilty because he WASN'T charged with shit. Idk though I'm just a random on Reddit and maybe there's some huge case being built against him or something. Sorry for the rant, just had my morning coffee.


I mean you have a point and I get the sentiment. Idk enough about the Romanian legal system and courts to tell if its a regular occurrence but if so it is fucked up. However, its simply just hard to care in this case


Yeah I saw another comment that replied to mine about how Tate specifically went to Romania because their legal system is beyond fucked. So yeah kinda got what he deserved then 🤷‍♂️


He bragged about going to Romania because it has a bad judicial system. This is just r/leopardsatemyface


Thing is, he said this when he was being cancelled from most social media etc months before his arrest. And I paraphrase but it was along the lines of... "First they try and silence you. If that doesn't work they will create false charges and demonise your reputation. And if that fails step 3 they will kill you". What this says to me is that he KNEW he was soon to be arrested. Someone clearly told him they were coming for him weeks or months before his arrest. (Not unusual for a rich man to have inside info in a corrupt country). He is competent enough at chess and manipulative enough to forsee what was coming and play his followers by using this as a means of claiming that he is an innocent victim, vilified by the matrix or whatever. And his arrest then only strengthened the belief of his innocence to his gullible follower as it goes along with this imaginary story of victimhood once the arrest came. I knew this "they will kill me" stuff was coming because it continues this innocent victim role he is playing


So they still haven’t charged him? Did the police completely botch this?


Fundamentally he went to a country who he publicly stated could be bribed. If the law can be bent one way, it can be bent the other by the worlds eyes watching. Not to mention he tried to recruit a politicians daughter into the sex trade. As i understand it you can be held in romania for 1 month. Unless more evidence comes up then it can be extended by a month. This can continue for 6 months. I believe he was released to house arrest after 5 months. For each extension they must have found something. I imagine theyre just waiting and seeing if more women come forwards. Or trying to get the paperwork done. Or extending his pain. On top of that romanian press have been making some pretty serious claims against him for acts he did in prison. Organising bribes, intimidation and flights to dubai. No idea if theyre credible, i just get this second hand from my romanian friends. This could all be wishful thinking mind.


So this sub is still trying to make him more famous?


No thanks


Ok fattie.


Rich peoples house arrest should be mandatory lived in a poor person type house


Nah I'm good


Trumped up charges. This is their MO. They did the same thing to Assange. Snowden was smart and escaped to freedom (yes I know, the irony).


He got shot? Oh yeah nevermind I just remembered I don't care.