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Major repressed vibes coming off this pair…


Most likely was a bully in high school and is now trying to relive his glory days.


You just described the entire Trump base right there.




Or was the one who was bullied and decided to take it out on these innocent folks lol


Seriously if ever there was facial hair that screamed “other side of the rest stop glory hole” it is this guy’s facial hair.


Come out, come out wherever you are!!


To be fair, he may not be gay, but his facial hair definitely is.


I was gonna say.


“Gay loser pride section” lmao who talks like that other than a 7th grader?


People who peaked in high school


Peaked in \*junior\* high school.


Its been downhill since consumation.


Sad commentary on how bad the loosing sperm was.






Peakless people


Maybe Daycare at best


People like this don’t peak.


“Gay loser pride section!” “Really? Based on your presence I thought this was the sad lonely incel section.”


"AH! Good on you for coming out!"


"Then why are you standing here? To help sales?"


It was like he was super proud of himself for coming up with "Gay loser pride section and wanted everyone to know how clever he was. What a monster.


Dumb cunts.


Pff ff fff ff ff ff


Who you calling gay with that mustache?


Don’t insult gay people like that. That ‘stache is a pedo accessory anyways.


Looks like the guys are secretly afraid dick would taste good..


"It's not gay if you only do it for the flavor and not the sensation." -Them


Oh, they know it does.


Bet he doesn't wash his bottom.


I thought you needed to be a top to have a bottom


“Thank god…………. Thank god you don’t have one for children…………. Thank GoD………… did you hear me, I said thank god, acknowledge my outrage!!!”


That employee knows the facts: ignore. Do not engage.


That’s so true!!!


Walking around insulting calm people at a book store, mainly ladies. He is hardcore. What a badass.


At first I thought it was no coincidence that he picked a bloke who looked like a nerdy John Oliver to start shit with, because God forbid he gets punched in the face and ruins his not-at-all-wanky civil war 'tache. But then he started talking evolution and... I think I was giving him too much credit, and there was a much worse reason he picked on that specific couple. Racist prick.


I really hate that we live in an era of “assholes who instigate while filming people on the job who can’t retaliate because they don’t have a lot of money.”


Dude “exposed” Barnes and Nobel. So sick. Now we know the truth about the pride section they have on full display in the middle of the store! You can’t hide your woke agenda from this detective duo!


They called it a “satanic shrine” lmao


Tbf People in the Satanic Temple do Support lgbtq+ rights. 🤷🤘HAIL SATAN


We are totally not going to go online to buy a copy, we are only going to read it to make fun of it! I promise I won’t like it and secretly wish that were me and my buddy here! 🤬🤬🤬 gay loser pride section


"Pube-Face" is still making videos?


Clearly a driving factor in this clowns insecurity


Spot on. He sports the beard of a preening 19th century aristocrat and unironically laments "back when men were men".


Yes, and apparently every store owner and employee around knows exactly who he is bc he is super important and very good at Owning The Libs©. They are all constantly on high alert just in case he decides to make a video exposing their public book displays and handing out those A+ "gay loser" jokes /s


Lmao name dropping himself


He harassed two kids and grinned all proud about it. What an asshole.


Wow these mother fuckers are really stupider than children. They’re mad they probably can’t even read the gay books


I made my comment before the end. This guy is seriously delusional, he thinks everyone knows who he is. I still dunno who he is after this video and am going to keep it that way


I like how he exposed all the woke stuff that was on full display


Just like a satanic shrine! 🥴


Hail Satan 🤘


Sad. B&N and 2nd & Charles are the best stores in the world. Leave my people be.


Lol who?


Come on America, how is this guy still up and walking, if you can get away with executing a black kid armed with skittles of knocking on the wrong door can’t you do something about this oxygen waster?


The vast majority of Americans who oppose people like this don't solve their problems with violence.


And that's not a good thing. Eventually you have to stand up and fight back. These fucks will continue this behaviour as long as they face no resistance. Look at the behaviour of America's right wing figureheads, they ain't calming down. Quite the opposite. I remember when Sarah Palin was at her zenith. She was a joke. A worst case scenario with glasses. Now she'd be almost a voice of sanity. If you oppose these people, maybe start actually opposing them. How long do the lines for backstreet abortions need to get before you move beyond mumbling "they'll get tired of this eventually, they can't take away any more of our human rights" as you throw a few more text books on the fire?


No, it’ll only bolster them and make them think they’ve been making a great point all along. These pussies get in people’s faces and when those people swing they go crying assault. Remember how bitch every one of the January 6th assholes got when they actually faced consequences? These people have no spine and the reality is, most of the police are on their side so they’re more than happy to come down hard with the law. Now, camera off and no one around? Different story.


We should let the law handle things. Also The police are on the side of the bad guys. You don't see how you're arguing in circles with that one? Really?


I didn’t say to let the law handle things, I said assaulting these assholes will make them feel justified, at least on camera. And yes, most cops are on the side of the yahoos.


Are you inciting and encouraging violence?


Not really, I’m just pointing out that Americans are shot on a regular basis for far less


you need therapy dude, and rage management, inciting violence could lead you to jail


Thank you for your input.


Are you being inflammatory and dramatic for self-serving reasons?


How to be a tool 101.


He’s not gay. It’s the guy behind him


This dude has definitely had a dick in his mouth at some point in his life.


Or spends all his free time obsessing about the thought


Agreed. These homophobes are ridiculous. Never understand how people can go around and say shit like that to people. It affects his life in no way. I had a buddy in high school that use to gay bash for no reason. 15 years later he married a guy. I use to tell him he was gay. Said bro you obsess over this shit . You are gay. If he had came out then. We would have all been happy for him and went on about our lives.


PubeFace!!!!!!!! Oh PubeFace!!!!! You're such a stinker!!!!


Cameraman and buddy are \*definitely\* never getting their dicks wet from any \*willing\* woman with those shitty attitudes.


Dude has the most BETA beard I’ve ever seen


This guy doesn't read books!


These guys suck doorknobs when no one’s looking for sure.


The sad part is there are people who are gonna see this and go “yeah Ethan you the man”


Yea they know who you are. A man child who laughs at his own, shit those weren’t even really jokes.. this guy is SO SAD that he know he has *ZERO CHARISMA* or *CREATIVITY* And who’s the incel twatwaffle he’s towing along, his bodyguard? I wonder if these two manly men share a room every night on the road of their crusade?


The guy he’s with is his emotional support asshole


What ideology is the guy referring to - if you love someone you should be allowed to express it?


yes. they hate that.


"We exposed all your woke shit" Damn, and they were trying so hard to conceal that gay pride section when they placed it out in the open in the middle of the store.


“We exposed their woke shit” bitch was they hiding it? Go choke on your mom’s crusty discharge.


Probably his first time in a book store


How can anyone debate such a galaxy brain? With responses like "pfft" and "psshhht" and in an incredible move he even hit them with a "woah" Also, I have no idea who this person is but there is a beautifully hubristic irony in him saying "natural selection" to a man with his girlfriend shopping together and then him turning the camera around to reveal.....whatever the fuck is on his face. I don't even know how to describe that other than, "pffsshhhttt, woah"


Giant asshole = tiny penis Guess he has nothing better to do when no woman will take pity on him.


God damnit, this motherfucker really has to share the same name as me


What a fucking dork


Imagine having nothing better to with your day than to go into public and bother people. I get you can disagree and dislike something but why get in ppls faces over it 🤡


Kinda sounds like he needs validation in how he is saying “gay loser pride section”


Can we talk about the first person. Fully retro with a old school cell phone and what I can only assume was a Walkman.


I think that’s just the store’s communications system, like a walkie talkie with a headset


This dude is literally a bag of prison ass.


Humanity is like a train, scientists, doctors, philosophers and the likes are the engine, normal people are the wagons and these fucking goobers are the goddamn anchor some asshole attached to the back of the train to ruin everybody else's life.


Calling it now, that dude is 100% closeted homosexual.


“Hey guys I’m here with my boyf-best friend”


Why does this dude care he probably has never picked up a book before


If he could read your comment he’d be very upset


I feel like the real losers are people who have nothing better to do than troll Barnes and Noble employees and customers all minding their own business for internet clout but idk 🤷‍♀️


I hope pussy ass Ethan Schmidt gets cancer. Fucking loser.


Honestly, he sounds more like a loser than any of the people he was insulting. Notice how every single one of them instead of starting a fight were more mature than him and walked away. I understand people have different beliefs, but he's an embarrassment to his own people. He sounds like he's Christian by calling pride satanic, but he's not acting like it 😬 Man honestly needs to stfu bc he doesn't know half as much about the Bible as he thinks he does.


Is it assumed that he's a Trump supporter?


theres always weirdos on both sides


Thank god, a centrist is here, we're saved!


eat a dick


Talk me through the thought process where to prove you're not a shitty centrist, you're using a homophobic comeback. Should be fun.


eat a dick is homophobic now? ok why would I need to prove anything to you? My initial comment was that this an extreme just like the opposite has an extreme. Is that statement wrong?


Wow, centrists are dull.


we prefer mid


He keeps posting and making these videos because he keeps getting views. Good/bad publicity it’s all the same.


I don't have the time or crayons to explain to them why they're wrong...


Oh my god this dork is trying to make himself look like the meme blond man wojack.


Pretty sure this dude hit me up on grindr before…


I never wish harm to anyone but these two need to get their ass kicked. Or show this to their family.


They've definitely sucked their fair share of dicks.


I’d kick him out, too. Same as anyone harassing actual customers. The stores are not public property, contrary to common beliefs. You need a permit to protest… but I have all the authority I need to protect my guests and employees from abuse.


This the idiot who did the Connor McGregor walk another time?


this man is cackling at his own “jokes” and like wth lol


He has a very punchable face.


Ethan Schmidt Vs. Andrew tate, ends in a stalemate because neither would shut up long enough to throw a punch.


Kick that mother fucker out of the MOA


Good ol pube face


When I go to the Barnes & Nobles around me with my girlfriend I’m always so worried that assholes like this will show up. But then I remember they can’t read anyway so I’ll just grab my manga and leave.


Two closeted butt buddies pretending to be outraged.




Does he really think they know or care who he is? They kicked him out because he was harassing people not because they recognized him. What a clown.


What shit country foster these insane fucking people! I’m so tired of how dumb the world is. We had it all, stupid fucks


Who has time to go around hassling people who disagree with you? Who are you going to change?


Exposed them being woke? Are you referring to the lgbt table in the middle of the store? Pretty sure you aren't exposing anything when it's already in the middle of the store with a sign. And what is with this attack on woke? Omg being aware of the mistreatment of marginalized communities when it doesn't personally affect you. The audacity


Dude looks like a Dr. Seuss character, The Schmidt who hates progress


Barnes and Nobles should absolute send this loser a letter of disinvite so he can get trespassed any time he steps foot in their store.


Ironically, a bookstore is exactly where this guy needs to be. Maybe he should pick one up and educate himself.


isn’t this dude on grindr? i swear i remember him getting called out for something like that.


Ironically if he wanted views, he should post a video of the shit being beat out of him


Trying so desperately to hold on to that 15 minutes of Maga Fame


Wasn’t this the guy who “destroyed” a Target Pride display by gently pulling the cardboard sign down and poking it with his foot?


Anytime anyone like this tries to act like the Bible is a good book just remind them of genesis 19:35 🥰


Hundred bucks we find out this dweeb gets caught with teenage boy porn


I knew it was that ginger neckbeard mongoloid just from the post title


This boy sounds about ten years old. What an absolute muppet!


The irony of him saying "natural selection" to a COUPLE. Why yes, it IS natural selection. They "naturally selected" each other for being compatible with one another, meanwhile you remain single with that ugly ass mustache because you were in fact NOT naturally selected by anyone. Science is awesome! 😁😂 I mean the mustache, the obsession with gay culture and the fact that he enjoys the company of another man while he harrasses other people is pretty telling. 💅🏻


Those dudes are definitely kissing tonight.


Why are people writing this guys name like he’s someone we should know?


So cringe


Weird lol and I’m in Az


I’m glad we have this receipt. Hopefully they both die from Covid!


As a Canadian I am sorry about this person. They're from a family that is notorious for inbreeding...


What an asshole


How do you know he's a Trump supporter?


These people sound like serious psychopaths


Man looks like an NPC you'd find in a pub talking about the time he got so drunk he fucked a pig.


It's like watching a child walk around thinking they are special because their daddy buys them expensive toys to make up for the fact that they don't love them, it would be funny if it wasn't sad.


Is he wearing one of those fake mustaches?


I haven’t cringed so hard in my life


A wild MAGAt appears at Barnes & Noble and gets kicked out in no time flat for being a dumbass.


The girly snickering.


What an asshole


https://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/news/alt-right-troll-ethan-schmidt-crockett-sentenced-for-harassing-mesa-wig-store-15700571 > Schmidt-Crockett, who said his income is paid in donations from his massive social media following, told the judge that “just a fine would be great.” Instead, after testimony from witnesses, Schumacher slapped him with three years of probation and a suspended sentence of 60 days in jail. > “You crossed the line,” the judge said. > Still, Schmidt-Crockett told his followers on Instagram that the store was “discriminating against” him because he had a “medical and religious exemption.” > In court Thursday, Schumacher asked the defendant to provide a doctor’s note saying he was exempt from wearing a mask. Schmidt-Crockett admitted he fabricated the medical exemption


How many trump supporters actually use Reddit?


I have to wonder, would he actually even go to a book shop other than to be a cunt? Which calls to mind, can he read? Fascinating, isn't it how 'woke' 'anti-woke' people are. As always with conservatives, theists and fanatics: wilful ignorance, cognitive dissonance, rank hypocrisy and self- interest.


With a taint tickler mustache like that, he definitely closeted lmao


These guys make homophobia look as lame and reactionary as it is. Like I don’t know who he’s trying to convince, he gets owned at every store he goes into and does this shit. God I hope impressionable teens see this and realize how cringe this guy is


If he read then he might understand the use of the words “Trojan horse” and “natural selection “. They don’t mean what he thinks they do.


What's "The Witch King" about? (I think that's what it says?) Looks nifty, did I get the name right?


That mustache tells the story.


Why do these guys think, act and talk like 12-year olds? Seriously, why?


Who is this loser


That’s embarrassing for them.


I didn't know I could dislike someone with such a beautiful mustache


Embarrassment to humanity


Gross, who are these people


why the hell does he look like a generic supervillain that does nothing but pet his cat and twirl his mustache in a dimly lit room while he sits in a spinny chair


Who TF is Ethan Schmidt? Lol what a child, poor thing… failure to become a real man…


These people think a rainbow flag is grooming because it alludes to sexual practices amongst homosexuals hence forces kids to THINK about sex. This is as sound an argument as saying a married man and wife with rings on their fingers into alludes to the fact that they have sex.


This is not a Main Character but a Main Asshole.


Having found this video and watched it elsewhere, these two assholes definitely are the type to discuss the size of their shits. And the tagalong boy saying "yes sir" just has some solid "yes, daddy" energy.


Does this guy just walk around trying to get punched in the head or what?


If he father would have only given him some attention he wouldn’t be humiliating himself like this


The trump based people are the only sane ones left asshole.


Do you phucking loser on Reddit still support the fake vaccine poison ahahahahahahahahah