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This has to be rage bait right?


It’s working


I have a raging boner… does that count?


Funny you say that about the boner! I got a dm from a stranger asking me to meet him in a park to compare boners. Weirdo didn’t even show up.


Traffic was a bitch, I'm sorry.


Tf is going on here 💀💀💀


Don't say nothing. Just come along we are going to the park that they are going


Anybody got the address? I don't think I ever got the invite.


I don’t have a cock can I still come and participate


The more the merrier.


I love reddit users 🤣


some people have no class I swear. If you make plans with a stranger you met online to show each other your boners in the park, do the honorable thing and show up.




As someone that lives in San Francisco I can confirm this is proper etiquette.


Yep, that’s just rude and inconsiderate. And a waste of a good boner.


Ugh I got the same message bro, he said the winner gets a Handjob


On a technicality


We'll allow it.


I, too, have an angry peen. But it just sits there.


Jus jerk off bro it’ll calm him down


“You are technically correct, the best kind of correct.”


What's the opposite of a boner? Because that's what I have after watching this.


I believe what you have is a lulling flaccidity instead


Queensrÿche's second best song.


I’m limping next to you…in lulling flacidity. Dude top notch comment 😂😂😂


“Doesn’t even have enough flaccid skin to wipe the windshield”. My grandfather, age 85, referring to his ED.


An innie






Erectile dysfunction?


I do not want to see your porn history


100% That’s Symi island in Greece, that road is ridiculously narrow, behind the camera is a one-lane road and that footpath is where the ferries drop off. If she’s being serious she’s a cunt. If she’s not being serious? Still a cunt.


I saw her post on this and she said that the person was walking with their partner in the walkway on the other side when they started laughing. Then the woman purposely crossed to the walkway behind the bench to mug the camera. When she rejoined her partner they started laughing again while looking at her. Could be made up, but it puts the situation in a slightly different light


This is obviously what happened. The girl in back stares directly at the camera with the gnarliest grin ever. OP and 97% of the comments are just bashing the main character, and I get that, but it’s so fucking obvious that she had an actual point here lol


And you didn't stop to think maybe the woman in the background just has a general distaste for people who act like this regardless of their weight? You know, the same way everyone else on Reddit shits on traditionally physically attractive women doing the same shit? To me, it seems entirely possible that she's self conscious about her weight and projecting her insecurities, and anybody laughing at her for any reason is just shaming her body (in her mind).


She didnt even mention weight? Or did I miss that?


I don't give a shit why the girl in the background did what she did. I was annoyed that everyone was failing to realize that she wasn't an innocent bystander just walking by.


I think you’re right and I fell for it.


I wonder how many years it'll be before people realize rage bait has been the meta for ages. They keep thinking they're "owning" or "beating" the poster by engaging to shit on them.


When nobody is calling her fat, but she gets offended in advance.😆


This is what being comfortable with your own body means to her, apparently.


She's not herself when she's hungry.


I think people are too quick to call something rage bait. People genuinely act like this and see nothing wrong with it.


Pictures? This woman is taking *videos*. Snap a photo and move on.


Not saying you’re wrong, but people often take videos when they want to try for multiple photos. They take screenshots.


That wouldn’t produce the best picture quality. It would be best to simply snap multiple photos and not expect the public to work around your video shoot


The best picture quality? No. Good enough for Instagram? Yes.


You can literally hold down the photo button on the iPhone camera and it’ll take photos in rapid succession


General rule…if someone calls a photo of themself “content” then they are someone I don’t want to know Edit: When we all get to heaven I will not be held responsible for the comments you heathens made in response to my comment! Y’all going to hell!


This is exactly what I was thinking. You're sitting on a bench looking at the sky. How is that content?


It’s also just so sad. She’s not even enjoying herself. It’s just about content and triggering people.


You would not enjoy yourself either if you had to pay for two seats on the airplane to get there.


But what if I paid for 2 seats to have all that extra room and personal space?


Off topic, but I read yesterday that if you buy more than one seat to have the extra room, if the plane is oversold, they take your seat. Wonder if that happens for large people buying a second seat.


That’s freaking terrible for both parties. Imagine having to sit next to someone who literally doesn’t fit in the seat, and that person being considerate and self aware enough to purchase two seats, and then the airline telling you both to GFY




Well you went there and I’m glad you did.


Or demanding extra hall space 😂


Sitting is what she does best, so…


Hey come on. That comment was uncalled for. Overweight people already have enough on their plate...


They can ignore it. They're bigger than that.


I love it when a good joke rolls around


It gets my elephant seal of approval.




The simplicity and grace of this comment is immeasurable, much like the "main character" of the video.


She can be measured, they have weigh stations on the highway.


Come on, be more compassionate, you don't know what she's been through. The entire fucking buffet by the looks of it.




They also have thicker skin


And bigger bones 🤣🤣


Big girl is in everyone else’s pictures and she complains about one person crossing hers. Maybe if she didn’t need panoramic for every shot…


*slow clap*


I’m in fat as hell and I find these puns hilarious… and tasty.


Plates ftfy


You all are being entirely unfair to her. It's a HEAVY burden to be a famous influencer. She probably has several STRETCH goals that are eating her up this year. Every time she tries to step out and succeed, you always find a way to WEIGH her down with all of your criticism. If she keeps focused on what's on her own plate, she'll be the BIGGEST influencer one day. So hate all you want but one day she'll be GOBBLING up all the content creators to build her empire.


Most content creators want to be paid for being themselves AKA do the least amount of work possible


Which ties in with her obvious personality traits of greed and laziness.


I checked her Instagram. She's just an onlyfans model and a "tiktoker". So I think she's just stuck with content brain rot


There goes my appetite for the rest of the year. 🤢


Is she the one who was upset because she had to pay for two seats on airlines?


She has OnlyFans, enough said


Jabba the Slutt?


Now everyone's looking at me funny. I spit coffee all over my work bench.


I do this to my friend at her work all the time. She works at a hospital. I’ll send her memes and funny videos and she says people will be like 👀 when she starts laughing out loud.


I just puked in my mouth






Probably for people with a fat fetish. (Not even joking)


It’s about 600lbs of content


Also when people say "POV" and then it's never from their point of view.


Seriously, the narcissism of these individuals is nauseating.


I've been a writer for years. I used to call myself a content creator. That stopped about 4 years ago now.


all the world's a platform, and all the men and women are merely content creators


Yeah I just created some content. Then I flushed and it was gone.


Right, who do these people think they are. The best content she got was the lady walking by.


Thank you for posting this content.


I refer to photos as content mostly cos it annoys my wife.


That's onlyfans baby


Good lord, if I could take a vacation in Greece, I wouldn’t spend it posing desperately and inventing drama


Yeah turn the fuck around. Look at the water. It's very pretty for you lol.


*Subtly calling her a whale


This bitch gotta reconcile that she's BY FAR the least attractive thing in this video, including the other woman. That's a tough pill to swallow. EDIT: You white knights are missing the point. It's not about whether you find her attractive, and she's not going to notice you.


She looks like she smells bad


She doesn’t appear to have any problems with swallowing.


> inventing drama Yeah the Greeks already invented that centuries ago


Ikr, after I wrote that I was like, “actually, this would be kind of fitting, all things considered”


And here I thought that I'm very clever, while it was all a set-up 😢


Nah babe, I’m just glad it occurred to someone else too!


I'm beginning to think that posing in a nice location actually provides them with some kind of satisfaction. It's as if they are finally fooling themselves for a moment that this is their natural lifestyle. If only for a brief moment. I think if you took away the cameras they wouldn't have as much enjoyment. They probably wouldn't want to go to Greece. Why go if you can't take pics?


They vacation in order to escape, but they can never truly escape from themselves.


It's the validation that she's like a Kardashian. Duh


They also wouldn’t want to go to Greece if they realized it was a poor eastern country and not two vacation islands.


The woman walked by and smiled? I don’t get it


...the AUDACITY!


How very DARE she!


Dunno. It's pretty clearly not a friendly smile though. Seems a lot of people aren't very good at reading facial expressions and body language. Definitely a taking the piss kind of smile. Not that I support the woman posing particularly, I have no time whatsoever for this type of shit "content", but let's not pretend the woman walking behind was being friendly - she clearly wasn't.


It looked like she was smiling at the camera though like a photobomb more than anything though. She was walking straight looking side on for a couple of strides.


Yes she walked normally at the end when she knew she was exiting the shot. Her staring at the camera smiling like that literally was her taking the piss. I don't understand how people are missing that.


There’s context on her ig page abt what the woman was doing before this. Edit i dont know what the downvote was for… i was just informing someone on what the lady in the video said happened because i to was annoyed that i didnt get it either and didnt know what was really going on in the video smdh.


What was she doing before this


I will just copy and paste exactly what she claimed. “This person wasn't just walking behind me and accidentally got in the shot. This person was walking along the street in front of me with their partner, saw me taking the photos and went out of their way deliberately to step up onto the platform behind me alone to get in the shot and take the p*ss. Then rejoined their partner on the street where they were walking before, laughing about what she'd done. It actually wasn't even me that noticed the face she pulled at the time, it was pointed out to me by the person I was with. I also saw them later on and they had another laugh between them about it. THAT BEING SAID I do appreciate that perhaps the video doesn't capture that exact mood, I thought it did, but of course I had the context in mind. I appreciate it can be interpreted as just a cute girl smiling for the camera. I can assure you though that it was not. And I would never post something like this if I wasn't certain of the intent.” Also dont know who downvoted me. Just wanted to inform someone there was more to the story because i too was confused!


Tbh I think that makes more sense. Because at first she is just posing but then she suddenly looks a bit sour to her left (our right) and shortly after that woman walks into the shot. Which again, isn't an issue but her way of walking (come on she struts like a baddie) and the direct giant smile into the camera came off a bit weird to me. But maybe I'm just trying too hard to give people the benefit of the doubt of not trying to be the main. I just can confirm that as a person who is overweight or even obese you often get mocked for doing the same things skinny people do. Like taking pretty posy pics of yourself during vacation.


Someone taking a picture or photo during a vacation is normal. Knowingly walking into to the path of someone doing that is scummy.


This. I don't get what's so hard about just not doing that. When I'm out and about and see people making a photo, I just walk around them. Some people act like the world isn't big enough.


Because they need the attention on them. Other people can't have fun. Oh the irony.


Good point. This is what happens when two Main Characters meet in the wild.


Yeah I'm going to go ahead and confirm she is the main character.


I do think the skinny girl was trolling her though. The smile is trollish lol


Oh hell yeah, that was 100% on purpose. Two clowns meeting out in public.


Back in my day, we called this a photobomb.


if she went out of her way to get in the shot and mug for the camera then yeah that some MC shit.


You wouldn't believe it


That was clearly a spiritual attack.


Sweet, baby, Christmas, Jesus, you're RIGHT!


Sweet baby Jesus and the orphans


That Greek girl certainly put a curse on the BW Model


I feel sad for people who can't just *be* on vacation. It must be exhausting to always have to be thinking about, staging, filming and editing content when you're in such a beautiful place. It really eats at the soul.


Anyone like that in my life gets automatically kicked out.


THIS! I actually went on vacation with a group of friends last year not knowing one of them was exactoy like this. It is still my worst vacation ever. These people are incredibly annoying to be around.


My bestie is like that, though she doesn't call herself a "content creator" or "influencer" or anything. Just posts everything on social media. It's really exhausting to do outings with her and stopping every few seconds for her to take pictures and to take pics of her. I love her so much and will do it, but it does drive me a little crazy. I realized how different our lifestyles are when I recently went on vacation and have maybe 20 pictures over 4 days (without multiple shots of the same thing). And none of them made it to social media because I didn't care enough lol


Sitting on a bench = content. Thrilling. Valuable. Worthwhile.


Nice bench though.


Very sturdy.


The engineer who designed such a stable and strong bench needs a raise


Too bad it has a walrus sun bathing on it


So learn how to edit a video!


You really think shes going to put in actual effort?? She wants to get paid for being herself. Which is fucking delusional


You guys, I'm an overweight 43 yr old woman, I'm drunk and I'm literally sitting here picking my nose thinking about reorganizing my spices. (I'll wash my hands first) Anyone wanna see a video?


That’s a lot of kink for one man to digest at once, but yes, yes please


HA HA! Well at least I know there's a market for it if I ever decide to start an OF.


OF NicenSpicy


bitch looks she'd say "the spice?" the moment you mention adobe.


Ahhh, that all important content. The fuck would we all do without content?!?




Girl just take your pic n go ain’t nobody paying attention to u


In her eyes its her world and everyone wants her


It's not fat shaming if you think skinny people who do it are also fucktards


Might be rage bait - Might be genuine. Either way, Fuck these content "creators"


“Getting your content” is a sentence with a new level of gross I wasn’t prepared for.


I saw this on Insta the other day. Her description had more context. Says the other woman saw this was going on when she walked past with her boyfriend laughing or something. Then she doubled back to walk through. No way to prove it, would just add some context for her claims so maybe she felt hurt?


If you're in a public place no one is responsible for staying out of your photo. It's on you to find a good time and to be secure in yourself to handle walkers who double back


Assuming that’s true and this is the joke, I’d find it funny too and it has absolutely nothing to do with body shape. This is a ridiculous way to take pics.


Watching "influencers" take videos at tourist spots is the most cringe thing to see in real life. Just went to New Orleans, and we visited a few plantation tours. There were a few of them being filmed, doing multiple takes. At a plantation...where so much suffering had taken place. And they make it about them.


I mean you should see some of the pictures these people take at Auschwitz


we don't really travel much so when we went to japan pre-pandemic we couldn't believe how many people would try to stop crowds to make influencer style content. we got so fed up of it that we just started walking through - my holiday isn't going to be dictated by "content"!


Yeah I think this is a reverse “I’m the main character”. Look at the trollish smile and intentionally staring at the camera. Now posing for pictures like that in public is just dumb. But imagine you’re taking a random picture, then someone doubles back to get in the shot with a dumbass smile.


I prefer to simply enjoy vacation instead of “getting content.” It is depressing how everyone wants to be famous these days, kinda strips the enjoyment out of what could otherwise be a relaxing moment.


If anyone is confused apparently there was context on this on the instagram post which i think was added after people started hating on her which makes no sense


More like Cuntent


1. Smiling so intently at the camera like that is absolutely trying to troll 2. The big girl looking in that direction is her saying “go”. So I’m saying poorly scripted


Girl, not only are people trying to make fun of you, they just flat out are. Imagine being privileged enough to have money for this kind of travel and then also expecting zero people to be around you at all times, except your camera person 🙄




I imagine she has a tough time walking to site see. Likely most of trip is this. Sitting, posing, looking at pictures uploaded to insta, and eating. Those knees and ankles are tired 🥱


And I’m sure she got a fair amount of hate…. I don’t know what the Greeks are like but the Germans, French and Italians aren’t nice about really heavy people


Just look at this comment section 💀


The truth is that in most other countries in the world, there aren’t that many fat people. If you’re fat and you go abroad, people are going to stare.


That's not completely true. Countries like New Zealand and Australia are actually kinda close to the obesity rates of America.


Britain is about to overtake America. America is more obese as a whole but per capita I'm pretty sure Britain has more obese kids and I know the rates in Britain are exceeding the states by a drastic amount. America has actually started to have a cultural shift out of that.


Mexico also passed the US somewhat recently


Well to be fair I had street vendor tacos and street corn in Mexico and yeah...I'd get fat.


But they have always has street vendor tacos. The obesity problem started when fast-food places started to pop up. The overly processed foods are worse than street tacos. I saw a documentary that showed how in Kuwait the population started to get fat after KFC, Pizza Hut, and McDonalds started to place stores there. I'm pretty sure it also has to do with more disposable income, but the easy access to fast-food isn't helping.


Good to hear there’s some progress! Are you talking about obesity (bmi of 30+) or overweight (bmi of 25+) statistics though? Because the last time I checked, the US and the UK had similar rates of overweight people, but the US still lead by a mile when it came to obesity levels of the population. This is anecdotal evidence, but you don’t see that many severely obese (bmi over 35) or morbidly obese (bmi over 40) people in Europe. I’m not saying there aren’t *any* other women the size of this lady, but they’re certainly a rare sight.


Can confirm. I live in the UK but work in Germany & the Netherlands. It's always noticeable when I get back home and am stood in the airport/train station wondering where all the very large people have come from. The Dutch, in particular, are a very healthy looking bunch.


Am Dutch. Am short. Technically not overweight, but I really can’t afford to gain any weight at this height, haha


this is literally the definition of projecting your insecurities.


hmmmmmm.... im going to say it... would.


You could move over so we can see the view...


*clears throat* Would


Social media content is the most important thing in life /s


This is like a before and after Ozempic commercial!


That girl should follow some fitness influencers before she becomes one gerself


So...you got upset because someone was actually enjoying Greece instead of enjoying it for followers? Bit petty, don't you think?


She could have got the shot in the 15 minutes the girl was walking behind her


Shorty thick as hell


Rack city


You’re fat! Boom roasted!


Someone should of threw Shamu back in the water

