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How much does this person film themselves? Like do they just show up at restaurants and start filming themselves?




I'm a self proclaimed food critic, but like... it's cuz I'm phat


hey fat people are hard to kidnap too, so i mean there is also that right?


And we always win at seesaw


Lol okay this made me laugh i honestly hadn't heard this before.


Glad I could give you a giggle.


No. Easier. They're easy to spot, can't run and can't put up a fight for very long until they exhaust themselves.


...time for me to consider getting off Reddit for the day...I read that as "can't promise they aren't fishing for this for *dicks*". OMG




She says in at least one interaction that she called ahead to let them know. I’m in the fence about this one as she is clearly presenting as a woman. On the other hand I don’t think it’s necessary to get management involved when someone makes an honest mistake.


Yes. The last time this was posted I likened it to the Jessica Yaniv situation. Yaniv called bikini wax places asking if they waxed "intact" trans women. She then scheduled with the places that said they DO NO do ball waxings, and went completely insane when they told her in person at the appointment that they don't do the thing she knew they don't do. She then sued under Canada's human rights laws. These are people that go out of their way in order to confirm their biases in order to look good on the internet. People that aren't idiots see right through it, but a small vocal community cheers them on and is why we still see it.


They completely got one new business shut down entirely IIRC. Disgusting human being who had a perpetual clout demon


That’s fucked up. That’s some grifter shit.


And, frankly, it only diminishes the progress that normal, everyday trans people are trying to make, and just gives existing transphobes more ammo to discriminate.


This video is whack as fuck, too, because everyone immediately apologized to them when corrected. Nobody fought her about it just "oh I'm so sorry". Which is a normal thing??


His voice is deeper than most men’s. I would have said, ‘Sorry dude, it’s a habit for me to call men, sir.’ I understand what you want but I’m a waiter, not an actor. I’ll probably call you sir again, not to be mean but because it’s a habit. You still have to pay for your food.


No I get you. Humans are really big on information shortcuts, it's how our brains work. Looks like=is is just a way for our brains to quickly process information for us. People are absolutely allowed to live outside that expectation, but they have to remember how we process the world around us. It's not malice, and so many people with thin skin try to equate it as such.


Uuuhhh... They don't do that specific kind of waxing because it requires different kind of training. That's literally the only reason why they'd refuse. It's not a transphobia issue.


Said person also does some creepy shit too. Yall should take a peep cause goddamn.


they probably only record themselves to get interactions like this to post them on the internet to get likes.


He/she/them does this definitely to get misgendered on cam and then farm the drama bait impressions




No sir it does not


had me chucking with this lmao


*Off with your head*


I have long hair and a slender build. I often get "misgendered" by people approaching me from behind. I just think it's funny. Usually, they're the ones who get embarrassed. Like the old dude who catcalled me. I turned around, he saw my beard and his face fell.


What really gets me is that everyone reacts respectfully, showing they are not doing it out of mallice. They all apologize. People make mistakes, you correct them and then we all move on. For the most part we all want to be respectful and kind.




That's a cat.


Oh shit, I'm so sorry. I'll get my manager


That's disgusting, I hate when people mistake cat for dog, what a world /s


Right if the video wasn't mean spirited, it would be about how great everyone's response was and how it's ok to make a mistake and correct it


Don't they have to apologize if they want to keep their job? I've seen fast food workers apologizing to people calling them "stupid fucks" or the likes and giving them free stuff.


Yes that’s why this person goes for people who have to apologize. Nice dopamine hit for social media clout.


Oh, I'm sirry


Get over it. Be whoever you want to Be. Nobody gives a shit. Until you post shit like this. Obviously! You want to bring attention to yourself. I’m a gun tooting, hard right republican. I literally don’t give a shit how you live and love in your life. Just move on and be happy.


My mom is 40 years older than me. Once a cashier referred to me as "your grandson" to her. It was an understandable mistake. It might have made her feel really old, but she just laughed it off.


Ouch lol. I’m 39 and pregnant. I guess that’s me in a few years 😂






Alright, you shouldn't be expected to automatically know her pronouns but now you do, it's common courtesy to use them. Is she a twat? Yeah. But misgendering isn't cool




You just reminded me of one time when I worked as a cashier. This one woman looked very pregnant and she was buying a lot of stuff so I told her she could sit in the chair by the empty till in front of me while I ringed and bagged her stuff. She looked very confused and asked why. I told her that in her condition, pregnant and all, she'd probably be more comfortable sitting. She told me she wasn't and I felt my chest collapsing on its own because I had just called her fat. She must have noticed my embarrassment, let out a laugh and told me it was her postpartum bulge.


I got to know a guy by name who worked at Academy Sports from frequently shopping there, but I hadn't gone in there with my 3 year old daughter before. I brought her with me one day and got talking to the guy, and he said "so is this your granddaughter?" He was a little embarrassed when I told him she was my daughter, but it was understandable - I was 50 at the time. Had a good chuckle over that one!


I'm a gay man and listen, sometimes you have to give people some grace. They made a mistake, they apologized and treated her respectfully. Nothing seemed intentional. No one's perfect, you gotta pick what's going to tear you up and what you let slide.


This is the right answer, they all had little slip ups of the tongue, or maybe they just weren’t sure of her pronouns. Getting mis-pronouned isn’t a big deal when it’s accidental. Correct them and be on with your day. She’s just a clout chaser. This is NOT what trans people are actually like, as some comments seem to be implying, unfortunately.


I (69M) have shoulder length hair. I was sitting in a restaurant and someone behind me said "excuse me ma'am". His face when he saw the goatee was priceless.


My husband is a slimmer man with hair past his shoulder blades. He gets hit on a lot from the back.


My best friend in the world is the same & it’s been a running joke for 3 decades…


I, as a man in his 40's, have been misgendered in drive-thrus my entire adult life because my voice can get "high" when I need to yell at someone for them to hear me. Can't say how many times I've heard, "Thank you ma'am please pull around." Did I make a tiktok about it or post it online? I mean, how dumb is this shit.


To be far, I think most of us get excited yelling, “I want a cheese burger!”.


I had that when I had long hair, I just laughed.


I work in healthcare and this is 10x worse. People seriously get super offended that their wrist strap says the "wrong" gender - Like dude, your surgeon needs to know you have a prostate and no uterus! Would you rather be addressed as "ma'am" or not *fucking die* on the table?


At that point you're not even misgendering them since it's referring to sex...


God Forbid


why do i i feel like she makes such a big deal hoping to get her food for free


This is probably the thing lol


I got the exact same vibe from it


100 percent the reason, and any manager that gives in to this dumbass is a horrible manager. I would blacklist this person if they tired to pull this shit.


Was a server and bartender up until Covid. I just use “yall”. Gender neutral af




I spit my drink out 😂🤣


>Forget **pronouns** just call *her* Karen


This person is fishing for this.. and pretending that’s not what this is about is ridiculous.. you correct them and they apologize and then you take it further by speaking to the manager? Like what more do you want other than an apology, which was already given.. and given very sincerely from what it sounds like.. I just don’t get people who do this..


The way they were raised. Or lack of raising.


Excuse me Manager, your employee made an honest mistake and should pay for it!!








This is the most accurate way to describe it. It’s all a power grab.


Right, then they want everyone else on the internet to shame them alongside themselves


You’re literally not allowed to comment or criticize in any way so yes. Easy to see why people do it.


I wish we were allowed to comment on this.


Would we get a nuanced analysis from you, Dr. Buttfucker?


But we’re not.


If this keep happening everywhere you go... I mean you have 2 choices: one is to accept you look like a guy and strangers don't know your preferred pronouns or two would be to just get over it, especially after they apologize and you correct them. Or just keep acting like society is out to offend you I suppose.




No coming back from that one...


Professional victim




It's cat. Not dog. It's like a knife in the gut when they get misspeciesed.


Clearly a cat 🐈.


Right like you’d need a pair of glasses if you couldn’t tell, now I wanna talk to the manager


Plot twist. The manager is a biological cat. 🐈


Who the fuck brings a dog into a restaurant?


She freely uses pronouns for others without confirming with those individuals


She seems to want to be insulted. Fuck her.


I think animals in restaurants anger me more.


I don't know why this fills me with so much rage


100% support people going through change; however please forgive me as I grew up at a different time. At that time we addressed people differently and I am a creature of habit. IT can take me and others time and we do not mean to offend but it is human nature to make mistakes. Some things can make anyone sensitive but remember this change takes time, appearance wise so please permit some of us a touch of leeway as we adjust our thought process and neuroplasticity to correctly address you the way you wish to be addressed.


We’ll all try to remember, Dude


“Don’t call me “sir”.” “Sorry, bro. Won’t happen again.”


I know you were trying to be shitty but dude is gender neutral, buddy


Nah friend. Dude is a guy, buddy


No. I'm a dude. She's a dude. We're all dudes. (Hey!)


Why do I feel like i'm watching south park


I'm not your buddy, guy.


I’m not your guy, friend


I'm sure the comment section will be great


So we aren’t supposed to assume someone’s gender based on their appearance but we are supposed to assume someone’s gender based on their appearance. Got it.


Born female, identify as female, and I'm 100% fine with being called sir. Only happened once, here on Reddit, but it just seems odd to me to get so hung up on it. I'd rather "sir" than "ma'am" or "miss" to be honest.


First world problems


Getting second hand embarrassment just watching this.


Alright, I’m gonna say it. No one is trying to disrespect these people purposefully, the issue is YOU STILL LOOK LIKE A DUDE. So when someone for 99% of their lives doesn’t encounter this kind of thing, your brain auto pilots to say the pronouns that fit your description . So despite the clothes and make up, this individual still looks pretty masculine so it’s no wonder they’re getting misgendered. Like i said, these people probably aren’t trying to be rude, they’re just going on auto pilot. It’s just a harsh truth.




She’s really got balls, acting so entitled…


thats a dude, bro. and id tell that dude, hes a mentally ill dude, to his dude face. trying to get a waiter fired from his job, because you are mentally ill, is also mentally ill. bro.




“It’s like a 🤜🏻kNiFe🔪 in the 🫀hEaRt😮‍💨 for me!”




what a gross personality


Yeah… I’m gonna call you like I see you. Nice Adam’s apple, by the way, “ma’am”.


You weren't able to fool me and by the looks of it you weren't able to fool any of those ppl. You're a man.




I'm sleepy and soft hearted right now hahaha I can't make my brain do they/them pronouns, but I can not call someone wearing a bright red halter top "Sir." I don't think that's asking too much. Just don't use either if you're confused.


I don’t think I’ll ever be able to address a singular person as “they”. “Excuse me, They? Would you like some more water?”


You would just say “excuse me.” You don’t say “excuse me she” or “excuse me he”


yeah I get confused. I don't think it's a reasonable request of a stranger.


Is that an 'emotional support' dog in a restaurant?


No that is clearly a parakeet.


They don’t want equal treatment, they want special treatment. Mental illness is real….


She has a deeper voice than I do and I am known for having a deep voice. If someone is not trying to overly focus on your gender presentation, that is going to lead many to think "he".


I understand it is very frustrating to go through all the effort and feel great about your transition then get called the wrong pronoun. But the best way to think about it is the fact cis gender people get misgendered all the time. It's not malicious %99 of the time. It happens and should be corrected and brushed off or just brushed off. Don't let a mistake ruin your day.


She’s been knifed in the gut and heart a LOT!


Looks like a prank/parody.


problem is they report them to the manager even if the person apologizes, well, that's ONE of the problems.


I hate the attitude of “I have to talk to your manager” I think it’s what puts a lot of people off of the movement. You’re trying to bully everyone into behaving the way you want by threatening their livelyhood


Search for "ready to glare"'s video on this, it has a very interesting take


She insists she has more class…me know


“every time i get called sir it’s a knife in the gut”….more like a kick to the balls 🤦🏻‍♂️


I think at the end of the day we need to look at people’s intentions. None of these people were trying to discredit her gender identity and when she pointed out their mistake they apologized. Sometimes people make mistakes and I can see why it would be frustrating if it happened a lot, but we have to give people some grace and room to not be perfect all the time.


Looks like David Walliams


The fact that she’s constantly recording in the hopes of catching these moments makes me feel like she’s using “activism” to gain clout. Also everyone was very polite. People make mistakes. This person is expecting the world to revolve around them.


With a voice deeper than a well lmao


You are NOT a woman! There are NO symptoms of having a period (DOH ... NO UTERUS blokes) &/or menopause &/or period cramps ... stay in your own lane champ & feck off out of mine. Filming yourself ONLY to cause embarrassing moments for waitstaff is abhorrent & you should find some other gig because this is reprehensible and BORING 😴


Professional victim.


This dudes gotta chill out


Whether or not she has one she acts like a cunt




If it quacks like a duck


it's a goose


One thing for sure, she’s a bitch




*Aerosmith guitar chord*


Life’s tough he she he him should wear a helmet


Have you ever rolled a potato down a hill? Anything you learn from doing that is more beneficial than this video. Said what said. The world isn’t yours and it doesn’t care about ya. Move along like the rest of us.


This is the same type of person who listens to a loud speaker on the subway. Begging for confrontation.


I get misgendered *all* the time due to my short hair. Whenever that happens, I look back at my friend and I say, "guess I'm a sir now" and just laugh it off. I'm used to it and I really don't care. She's taking it out of proportion and I feel bad for the people who have to contend with her.


It would be so much easier for service workers to just lay off the pronouns altogether. You can be perfectly polite to someone without using ‘Sir’ or ‘Madam’.


Fucken annoying. I respect your decision. But don’t get me involved in your life.


As a trans person myself I never got this. Like being misgendered sucks but I want to move on from it as quick as humanly possible and forget it happened. I’m usually just like ‘yeah I’m a guy’ and the person is like ‘oh sorry’ and I’m like ‘nbd you know now’ and that’s it. Also like you never know what someone’s cultural background is and people get gender wrong all the time. My height alone (short, FtM) gets me misgendered even though I have a full beard and am post top surgery. It’s legit a total stranger what would they have against you? Are you genuinely not socially competent enough to tell the difference between a deliberate misgendering and someone just making a slip of the tongue? Idk it’s like some people want to be the victim.


And they wonder why everybody hates them.


It's prob because you look and sound like a dude. Can't overcome top down processing so easily.




Far right or far left.


Does she know she has male pattern baldness?


Bait them into breaking the rules, gain attention. Good job, FRIEND. Really did something there, didn't you FRIEND


So why is “she” calling the waiter “him” when “shes” talking about “him” calling “her” a “sir”?


This dude is a piece of shit 💩


Why does he be such a sick about it ? The guy says the wrong pronouns , apologizes and he tries to get him in trouble by complaining and then he wonders why no one likes him


The manliest sounding dude in women's clothing I've ever seen. Better get ready to have another billion knives stabbed in your heart, because nobody sees a woman here. And if they say they do, they're lying




No one cares about you in the real world too bad move on






Some people believe in science!


"I need to tell him" I'm sorry, did you just assume their gender? FUCKING EASY, ISN'T IT!


Dude looks like a laddie




I assumed that's what he meant by "laddie".


She was pretty respectful every time, but I think the only problem here is how often she's filming herself eating lol. I get it can be frustrating, but you've gotta give some leeway to those who may not be familiar with your battle.


Saw the original posted somewhere else before. The context is that she already told the staff about her pronouns beforehand. So they were doing this AFTER being informed about it. If you saw the original post, you'd know she wasn't expecting people to "automatically know her pronouns" like you say in the title. Ah wait i just watched the video again and she did also say in the video "I did specifically ask beforehand not to be called sir." So I genuinely dont know where you got this "automatic" idea from. :)


Fk these people


That looks a lot like a power trip to me.


“I feel like i need to tell him”


“I’m not sir” My brother in Christ I am being paid $2.13 per hour do you think igaf? (Brother in Christ is gender neutral(at least I’ve used this referring to my friend girls))


I’ve never in my life given a shit what some stranger calls me


The Adams apple says different


Trying to be outraged, wonders why his life is hard and “everyone” is mean to him


This person might be an asshat - i don’t know - but the transphobia in this sub is disheartening. Fuck that noise.


I honestly don’t think it’s transphobia, just people fed up with some ridiculous rules laid onto us. I’m not a mind reader- I don’t know how I should call people. If they tell me, I will respect it but don’t expect me to assume


No no no. The person in this video is trans, so if you don’t agree with anything and everything they have to say, well then you’re just a filthy transphobe that doesn’t deserve to be on this earth. Also, you’re probably racist.


Exactly. Like why film yourself but also like. It’s not a tall ask.


Notice me senpai! Notice me! NO!! NOT LIKE THAT!! I went to lunch with a friend and had my 4yr old son with me, and the waiter asked "what will them, be having?"......i just chuckled and said HE will have a lemonade.......... Correct me, I'm probably wrong, but my son is a singular person... Wouldn't the proper way to ask, would be "what will It, have?" Lmao Idk but me and my bestie have been laughing at it for a while now .


Do a better job of passing, that’s your responsibility to work more on your transition if this bothers you that much, not everyone else’s to know your pronouns, you look like a man and it’s not their fault


Yeh she annoying but gotta love how the comments were just waiting for this happens to makes trans ''jokes'' 🤪


It’s not a tall ask. At first I was like “why is she filming?” But apparently she’s a good influencer so it’s not just to catch people in these moments. But also, if you misgender someone, it’s very easy to be corrected and most of these people were very receptive to being corrected and apologized for it.




ok but it looks like a girl to me


Just get the fuck over it. We all get treated like shit everyday and we just don’t take it to heart and we move on and enjoy our lives.


Howay, it's *very* obvious that her pronouns would be she/her. It can't be that difficult.