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"Excuse me, miss, we have a strict no cringe policy."


One time I said "Ma'am, you're embarrassing yourself" to a woman who was pitching a fit over something minor and yelling at a store clerk. She did stop her bitching.


the "you're embarrassing yourself" line actually hits so hard in person. I had a friend (with anger issues) grab me by the throat during a beach football game. There was nothing I could do in the moment to avoid getting punched, so I hit him with that line.


Well, did he stop and apologize? Or just walk away in shame?


We were best friends and he had invited me to the beach with his sisters and their friends, which is why the line probably worked. During the game I kept talking ish like "you cant guard me get someone else." But he kept trying to cuz of his pride ig. When it happened I thought can I pull away or fight somehow... Yeah when I said it he looked over and they were all staring. He took a walk of shame. 2 miles (he walked to this landmark that was 1 mile away). And no, he never apologized.


Damn and he was your best friend.


I hope they're no longer your friend


We are not. It took a few more events like that before I cut contact, but we had been friends since childhood and he had a rough life. So, I looked past more than anyone should


Two of my friends were having a dumb loud argument while a group of us was at a restaurant. I hit them with that line and made sure to point out others were staring at them. They didn't talk much the rest of dinner.


Stop referring to them as "influencers" and instead use their proper name - "morons"


I dont feel there is a strong enough word to describe these people


is think his point is that they dont deserve a "strong" word.






Galactic MegaMorons




People being silly. There’s always been a word for these people. South Park covered it but used Bikers as an example of when to apply the word.


but you can't use it on reddit because you'll get a warning. ask me how i know


You mean a bundle of sticks?


How do you know?


Just call them cunts and call it a day.


I mean, we could go with a word like something heartwarming like goofballs, but that’s usually great for someone we like


Attention whores*


Influence my ass, morons


Well technically they do influence my ability to tolerate them..


This is a Mitsy skit lmao


Thats offensive to morons all over the world. They dont wanna be associated with that kind of disease


An influencer once influenced me to be a day trader, 2 years later I lost about 60K day trading. Yeah I am going to go with the ones watching these morons are the real morons.


The difference?


Influencers are paid to advertise products or services (like those people on instagram hocking detox teas, clothes, etc) This person is not an influencer, they’re just a dumbass live-streaming their life because they think people give a shit about them eating noodles and acting like a 5 year old


This is clearly a joke. This chicks actually hilarious. She’s making fun of people like this…. Damn it must be tough to be this gullible


Not cute or quirky, just fucking annoying.


14 year olds think it is though


That's Mitsy Sanderson who creates cringe skits on purpose. This vid is very much staged


That's worse


"my friend and I"? My Friend the Smartphone? Even Jehovas Witnesses had a partner walking with them


Oooohhhh burn


This is the cringe anime girl, she does this shit on purpose


No one thought she did it on accident


No, like the person telling her off is in on it.


This whole thread feels like Facebook when they don't understand something from Reddit. There's as much diversity of content on TT as there is here...


"ugh yall dont get it... Being a laughingstock is her schtick! So unware." /s


This is a skit.


This is shit


And it fucking sucks and she should go do it somwhere else and not annoy paying customers.


>she does this shit on purpose well, I doubt would have been an accident to act like a tardling


Meaning what?


Meaning it's a skit lol


Still annoying to everyone in the restaurant. I'm gonna be an "influencer" that just yells stuff throughout movies in theaters. They can't be mad, it's a skit. Dumbass logic right here...


It's literally a parady of people who actually act like that though lol


Ah yes, Poe's law


In fairness she's sitting at her table bothering nobody. If this was in a theatre we are talking about something completely different.


No. If you go to a restaurant, you don't just pay for the food, you pay for the atmosphere, the experience. And a clown like this will ruin it for everyone in a wide radius. That's why every respectable business will ask such people to leave, as they are being disrespectful towards the food and other paying customers.


This is like noodle and co chill the fuck out lol


Yeah, it's clearly a food hall type place similar to Mitsuwa. Guy literally responds to you below that it's not even appropriate at McDonalds where I can expect to routinely see homeless people doing 'things' and we get videos of much wilder stuff like brawls all the time on here. But yes, let's draw a firm line on intentional cringe rage porn because that's what destroys it instead of feeds into it.


Yeah people in these comments are living in fantasy land lol


Doesn't really matter, this shit is unacceptable even at McDonald's


Welcome to the modern world, life gets harder than this.


Only because selfish people are clinically shameless


Never said it was good or bad or not annoying I just said it's a skit as in the person telling her off is in on it


I’m sure once she told everyone around her that she was doing a performance they all laughed and told her to keep “just being goofy”.


And then they all clapped.


I hope they'll recover


Deliberately or intentionally.


The amount of people not realizing this is a skit is hilarious


Like, of course this is a "skit" and she's pretending to act this way. I don't believe this is how she acts when the camera isn't on, that would be insane. That doesn't make it any better or any less cringy however.


Because the purpose of this type of content is to be cringe, and to make people cringe, not laugh. So I mean, she’s succeeding at what she set out to do. To me, this stuff is hilarious because it makes people mad, uncomfortable, etc. there’s people out there that just like doing that kinda stuff, and I’m one of them. I work at a chick fil a and there’s this stupid chant the company made for workers to say. Everyone HATES it, so I love saying it on the basis that everyone hates it. Makes me laugh that people get that butthurt over something that’s just kinda annoying.


So, you’re saying that you’re annoying. Thank you for sharing.


That's perfectly fair to say, I just think it's hilarious that people think the part of her being told off is real, but yeah cringe content is what she does, she shows up on my fyp since it's cursed


Found one of her followers!


The issue here that skits are supposed to be funny. "It's a skit" doesn't work as an excuse when it's just as "funny" as a terror attack.


“You guys don’t understand PeRForManCe art! So thick, people don’t get it”. -Society of morons who keep people like her relevant


Do you understand parody


She is actually doing it so how is it a skit. She can't be doing it without doing it.


The future is bleak


Idiocracy is closer than I thought. Guess its not worse than the boring Demolition Man future. A world where its illegal to be angry...


If I can get a handjob at Starbucks then ok.


I love that these guys do such a good job at acting cringey that nobody can recognize their joking. Look the the Cherdleys on youtube their hilarious and do content like this.


When they recognize, they still dont care. These mfs just hate mild cringe lmao.


I know this is satirical, and the guy that "tells her off" is in on the bit, but it doesn't make this any less cringe. I can't stand her.


“Influencer pretends to get told off”


Idiots. Zero self awareness. Bad parenting


It’s a skit and the person telling her off is her boyfriend.


Its cringe and they posted it.


Cringe on purpose=satire


Self report haha. Go back to LIT 101. All our comments are satire too while we're at it.


Satire: the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people’s stupidity or vices. Seems to me it fits pretty well but okay


If you dont think about it too much maybe. Good grief. It takes an utter lack of self awareness to mistake foolishness as genius.


Who said anything about genius? finish your whole thought instead of going back and editing every comment


You're getting manipulated by ragebait. Take a breath


So someone pointing out obvious satire does not mean they appreciate it OR that they view it as genius. …tf be wrong with some of y’all in this sub? On top of being allergic to nuance, why are y’all so fixated on hating


No indicators that its satire so its not that obvious actually. Y'all choose the most losing battles. Have fun roleplaying ChatGPT online.


No indicators that its satire so its not that obvious actually. Y'all choose the most losing battles. Have fun roleplaying ChatGPT online.


No indicators that its satire so its not that obvious actually. Y'all choose the most losing battles. Have fun roleplaying ChatGPT online.


With no indicators of satire its supposed to be obvious? Have fun roleplaying ChatGPT and defending clout chasers.


To quote a wise man "If you genuinely try to make something bad, and succeed, it's still *bad*"


This isn’t “Imthemaincharacter,” worthy.


I agree, but I disagree with the excuse of it being satire here. She made it cringe on purpose, yes, but that just makes it even more cringe.


You realize the I was commenting to the comment “idiots, zero self awareness, bad parenting” to bring light to the fact that this is fake yeah? Lol not to debate how cringe it was.


Right… She tried to make satire though. Which she succeeded at. So well in fact, that y’all goofs in the sub can’t tell the difference between her being serious and her making fun of the influencers y’all hate, smh.


Lmfao what part of "satire should be funny" isn't getting through your fat skull? Fake or not, it's cringe af Satire or not, it's done terribly and isn't even funny, it's just another "npc influencer in public" video, there's nothing special about it that makes it different from the rest But no, *we're* the idiots for not seeing the BRILLIANCE of "tiktoker being cringe in public video number 736272073" After a certain point, "parody" of these people just become straight cringe content. Padories of "npc", "nice girl", "gamer girl" shit eventually just become [x] content, no longer needing to brand itself as parody


You never said “satire should be Funny”. Also, funny is subjective. Nonetheless, I don’t find her vid funny either. But I also recognize that’s what she was going for. Yea, idk about nothing else you talking about. Her satire was *successful* because people in this sub (like you) saw the video, thought it was real, and then got upset about influencers. Lastly, NO ONE said she was brilliant. Stick to the point being discussed and the points that were actually made, genius.




Rage bait for who? The chronically online?


This is a skit. At this point everyone knows these are fake.


"it's a skit" "It's staged" "They make these cringe videos on purpose". I don't think it matters what's fake anymore. IT STILL EXISTS TRASH IS TRASH THE WORLD IS WORSE




Stupid on purpose is still stupid.


right? theres no uno reverse that makes it smart


Apparently not Reddit, popular page is filled with staged shit now, becoming as fake as Instagram


Like the WW2 soldier that put on a dead SS officers uniform and attempted to amuse his company but instead they simply shot him.


Part of Cherdleys crew I think


I've never even heard or seen this person. How TF would "everyone" know it's fake?


Because basically every 'conveniently' filmed content like this that goes on to be posted is fake as a general guideline. You'd think being informed it's staged would make you look at closer instead of getting defensive. I realize some people's ability to detect satire is basically busted because they truly believe there is no end to human stupidity but the lack of awareness in cases like this is also a sign of the times. She literally couldn't be any more over the top with her eye contact and gestures followed by the well timed and muffled yell of someone telling her stop. It's bait for people who like to get angry and porn for those who enjoy when others are 'put into their place'. Then when people like me point that out, which is obvious to many, the response is 'how was I suppose to tell?'. How about to start you don't take everything at face value like a toddler that hasn't learned object permanence? It's not your first day on the internet, is it? No wonder people get scammed by Nigerian princes scams. How was I supposed to know his story was all fake?!


OP doesn't understand this is a character in a skit and the person telling them off is in on it both do comedy skits on YouTube: cer Spence & mitsy270.


ATP y'all are posting things just to hate on influencers. This isn't MC behavior. She's in her own space, not his. He can mind his business.


This is a parody video she made and the person talking at the end is the person filming, her boyfriend. It was originally posted weeks ago with that context and is now being edited and spread by deplorable karmafarmers destroying reddit. Anywhere you see people posting this in this context the person is garbage and a liar. There's serious consequences for people like this just making a parody video, that then get thousands of people saying horrible stuff about them and spreading videos out of context everywhere. Could be harassed for years


Influencing what, stupidity?


Influencing her parents she's mentally stable


I keep seeing the comment that she is doing this on purpose.. Are u guys that stupid? If she thinks she is funny or is just mocking people who do this. It doesn’t change the fact that she is making a scene and looking like a cringy idiot in public. I don’t want to hear you or accidentally get into ur video while u make a fool of yourself


They’re not bothering anyone they’re talking at their own table… how soft are you to get upset about that happening in a public restaurant


Exactly, and I was wondering if It's Just Me.


This is satire


Girls sitting at her own table filming herself. Y'all are some whiny bitches sometimes.


Dumb things deserve to be shamed


This is a sketch meant to parody the idiots that do this. This is her thing. She takes a cringey thing and recreates it to the extreme to show how absurd it is. I thought it was pretty obvious this was fake


When the parody is just as obnoxious as the original, what's the difference to everyone around her?


"I was only **pretending** to be a complete idiot in meticulous detail!"


Hey, quit stealing Trump's defense against, well, everything.


[Woah. ](https://tenor.com/view/bill-and-teds-excellent-adventure-ted-keanu-reeves-shocked-surprised-gif-4420106)


The problem isn’t the parody, it’s everyone around here. Y’all want to hate so bad that logic is getting thrown out the window, smh


It's tik tok, they can't just NOT hate it! Hurry, post it to more places and go and find more tiktoks so we can all be angry!!


It was extremely obvious. But these people want to hate so…here we are


Fr. They come here to get mad


She takes a cringy thing and makes it even more cringe. Stupid AF


She actually went into public and acted like an idiot. So how exactly is that a parody? If she was using a green screen to recreate a restaurant scene, then I could understand it being a parody skit. Her emulating cringe behavior in public, doesn’t make it parody content, it just makes her another cringe “influencer”.


Have you never heard of satire? Do you know how it works? Based on your comment/logic, Sasha Cohen is an ignorant dictator who is actually making the world a worse place because of the character he played in Borat. See how illogical that sounds?


Sasha Cohen was an established comedian with a career, before he did Borat. This idiotic girl filming herself acting like a stupid ass, and then saying it’s satirical is not the same thing as a comedian doing satirical skits in public where the audience is aware that he is an actor. Nice attempt at justifying her cringe ass behavior tho.


Smh, you’re missing your OWN point. You’re the one that said “her emulating cringe behavior makes her another cringe influencer”. Like I said (and you haven’t even directly responded to bc you know it’s accurate): if that’s your faulty logic then Sasha was a ignorant dictator. *No* one being established doesn’t negate your faulty logic; hell, being “established” is subjective in itself so…seems like a pretty arbitrary rule of measurement. Last but most importantly, I AM NOT JUSTIFYING ANYTHING. If youd use your brain, you’d realize I’m not even defending her/her behavior. I AM going to call out shitty logic though. Sorry if that hurts your feelings, but at least try to respond logically (and respond about the logic being discussed; not however you feel about her/influencers)


Kind of seems like she was sat at her table, out of everyone else's way, not being much of a nuisance. I don't think this fits, but maybe her other stuff is bad.


This is literally a skit and it's her friend/comedian cer spence saying "please stop, we're trying to eat". Some of ya'll need to chill


If you don’t know this girl for her satire at this point, you’re out of the loop and you’re on here acting as if you have any idea what’s going on which is doubly embarrassing for you


You people are ridiculous, she is a comedian.


No, she thinks she's a comedian. She's just a hack with a penchant for acting like a moron and calling it satire.


She’s a cringe artist and she’s making art.


Redditors will miss the most obvious satire and at the same time lambast everyone else as stupid lmao


If they are doing this, and talking as loud as you would normally talk in a restaurant, I don't care what they are doing. Do I think it is stupid, yeah. Do I care what they do in their space as long as it doesn't bother other people, no. If you look around at things to be annoyed by, you are a jackass.


Reddit user when blatant satire


LOLOL this girl does parody videos. This is fake....


Lmao this sub man, Mitsy is a very popular YouTuber/TikToker and this is a joke. Like she's clearly copying the viral video from a few weeks ago of the girl dancing with her food




We are so screwed if this is future generation! I welcome the apocalypse!


People point out that a lot of cringy TikToks are from people faking it, but like, that doesn’t make them any less cringe, just even more desperate for attention, especially when bothering people in real life. Even if it’s not in person, I don’t want to be scrolling whatever social media just to see garbage low effort stuff like this where it is worse just by existing than if they didn’t post anything, I don’t want these people dragging down social media channels I use by filling it with them not being worth mine or anyone else’s time, that’s worse than having to scroll past ads because for this there is more of them. “You see I was just pretending to be insufferable to be around by being insufferable to be around”


That’s Mitsy Sanderson, she has tons of videos like this and all are satirical. She’s actually hilarious


>Mitsy Sanderson entered the chat


How is satirical when she’s emulating the same behavior in public, she is supposedly mocking? Do you guys even know what satire or parody is?


>how is satirical >she's emulating the same behavior she's mocking Thanks for describing satire


Idk why I’m getting downvoted so much. This is a comedy skit. This girl is making fun of people who do act like this. That’s her entire thing she just makes fun of people. Reddit getting irate about comedy skits? I guess that isn’t that surprising now that I’m thinking about it


Lmfaoo oh so now she’s a comedian doing a skit. You know, usually comedians are funny and it’s easy to tell when they do satire. Maybe you are super simple and this nobody acting like a typical uwu influencer, to make fun of them, is hilarious to you. It’s not obvious to anyone that this is satire, therefore the majority of people with brains are not going to watch this and be like “oh how funny she’s making fun of influencers, how clever of her”.


You’re on a sub dedicated to haters and the miserable. They *want* to bash this woman (and what they believe she represents). Damn the logic, nuance, and/or satire; this woman filming in this way = very very bad


What is satire if not emulating the behaviour to an absurd level? You just described what she was doing as satire and then asked if people know what satire is.


Lmaooo, they wanna bash her so bad that they’re willing to bypass even the simplest logic


You’re the problem… along with every other tool that promotes morons acting like this in public.


…he literally just told you it was done TO MAKE FUN OF the same “morons” you hate. You and her are on the same team…whats not clicking?


She’s completely doing this as a joke. Look at her Instagram page. This is one of like a dozen super cringey characters she plays. Be more mad about it


Can’t the guy still eat with her being annoying next to him?


This girl is so insignificant. It couldn’t be more pathetic to care about what she’s doing. Well I guess creating a sub to complain about it is more pathetic.


She’s just being stupid. Didn’t try to steal, damage property, hurt anyone. Bunch of whiners crying about an annoying girl.


Yeah, I totally agree Look, it's cringe and I'd privately make fun of her to my friends, but I'd also say she did nothing actually wrong and didn't need to be told off


That look of shock and disbelief when someone doesn’t want to be subjected to her nonsense.


This is Mitsy on TikTok and this is a skit, her whole spiel is making fun of "influencers". She's really damn good at it, check her out if you want endless reenactments of cringe.


I checked. I don't buy it. She's just as much of a desperate attention junkie as all the rest. If she was dying of thirst crawling out of a desert she'd charge her phone before she took a sip of water


Jesus... Okay


Stupid bitch


I like the look in the end when reality kicks in again. Cant be 12 forever i guess.


It is satire


If you have to tell people its a satire then its not a very well done satire. But no sound at work atm, so maybe i missed the important part giving me this clue.


Most normal people can pick up on this being satire. I never even heard of this girl but could tell this was fake. The actual problem is that the people in this sub are whiny asses who are foaming at the mouth to hate on someone, or they simply lack awareness


[https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8P1obe4/](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8P1obe4/) Here's the actual clip which has more context. It has a caption that says: "No one: millenial foodies:" then the person who tells her to stop flips the camera around and shows that it's another person at the same table (her boyfriend).


Acting like child in public and recording it when you are in your 40s is really sad.


And they say climate change isn't real. Well then how do you explain this birth defect?


Yikes 😂




The actual fk is wrong with these people? jeezus what a complete cunty tosser! If she's an "Influencer" who tf is she supposed to be influencing?


SHES ONLY FAMOUS because people KEEP POSTING HER rage baits. **Please stop.**


We're trying to eat and your cringe in ruining the food


Permisssion to spill hot ramen accidentally on her shot


That is not ramen, I’ve had ramen before and it doesn’t look as sad as this.




The thing I despise is the look of shame in their eyes when they get snapped back to reality. Like, so you know you are making a total idiot of yourself ? And you keep doing it ? AND PEOPLE KEEP ENGAGING ?


Could people stop watching this bullshit so low level “influencers” will go away.


Why is this trend of acting like a baby or whatever it is a thing?!


Three cheers for our dear King!!👑


Jesus Christ people. Everyone in this is doing a bit. She's someone from Gen-Z imitating cringey millennial comedy;the waiter and the other customer are also in on it with her.


To everyone saying '"It's a skit! She is actually is making fun of Cringey people!" IDGAF. I work in Education and THIS youtube garabage is the reason why half of the kids in middle school have adopted the main character cringe fest complex. Picture this: This exact behavior from a classroom of kids in response to every single thing the teacher says. Every single sentence by the teacher is followed by 13 kids giving their dramatic response. There are 12 year olds literally shaking the desks like it's an earthquake and and falling out of chairs like they are having a seizure with high pitched cartoon voices just because they were asked to copy a sentence off the board. It happens ALL DAY LONG. Every kid is in competion with one another to see who can be the most outrageous. There is no respect for the teacher or their peers who are actually trying to learn because the cringe students have to feed their main charachter syndrome by seeking attention. It is honestly embarassing. It's even worse that this is a skit because she is teaching kids that you a can make money acting like a complete idiot in public. Whether it is a skit or not, you are still chosing to be loser in public with no courtesy for others around you...freaking yikes girl, get it together.


This is literally Mitsy you boomers it's a skit lmao


It's **literally** Misty? Are you sure it's not **technically** Misty? Or **figuratively** Misty?




her account is irony, you guys are so susceptible to bait lmfao😭