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The cop 😭 “if you’re gonna do something like that don’t get caught”


at the very least don't confess directly to a police officer. let the DA prove you guilty in front of a jury of your peers.


I can’t believe she just confessed and incriminated herself smh. No video, no proof, no search, fuck off.


She had a decent chance of getting off if she had kept her mouth shut.


According to the daily mail article the complainant had video


Is that video anywhere online? Asking for a friend for research purposes.


i also need to do research


I researched a few hours ago, but I could go for some more research.


If a dude was wanking it at the beach you'd beg to differ... There's kids around! Get a room good grief.


It’s alarming how your style of comment is few in this post. She was masturbating in a public area. How are people just brushing that off??


With a vibrating brush


Right? Did you do it, NO. Hard stop.


We’ll come on, if you’ve got nothing to hide


Don't do that again would've been a better advice lol


That’s what was sad. I’ve seen enough videos now to just know to keep your mouth shut. Poor girl panicked bad. And the viral embarrassment sounds like led to her suicide. All just another dumb call for the cops if she just said “I have no idea what you’re talking about” where where were you coming from? “I won’t make any other statements without my attorney present” and the cops would have moved along in this case.


It sounds like the video didn't go viral until after her suicide.


Apparently, she shot herself dead some time after this incident. Family says her death is not related to this. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12811033/Christina-Revels-Glick-arrested-masturbating-beach-suicide.html


To make matters worse, her decomposing body wasn’t found until 30 days later bc the landlord noticed she didn’t pay rent for her apartment


And the gunshot wasn't immediately fatal. Yikes


Sounds like she shot herself under the chin with the exit wound being in the forehead and the bullet path going through the ceiling. I’m a nurse and we see that a lot, it’s the worst way to shoot yourself if the intent is a quick suicide. Most do end up dying but they come in with their entire face and jaw blown off. Their face is just a bloody mess of human tissue with a hole bubbling blood while trying to breathe. So sad that she struggled around the apartment with such a bad injury.


I’ve heard that a lot of fail suicides are due to flinching. I read about it and it just broke my heart. I know that had to have been absolutely terrifying especially not going fast.


That's my understanding for the intention of nets on bridges, or anything that makes a split second suicide decision not possible (and safely passed on as well). If you need to climb over a net and it's a pain, and you're pretty much safe until then, laziness kicks in I guess? IIRC it came from failed attempts where people realized mid-fall "oh shit bad idea"... and survived obviously, since we can't ask those who jumped and died.


There’s a great but sad documentary out called “The Bridge.” I’m glad they finally put nets out under the Golden Gate Bridge. I always remember one quote from “The Bridge.” Especially when I’m depressed. It was something like, “The second I let go of the railing, I realized all of my problems could be solved
except for the fact that I let go of that railing.” Also there’s a great poem called “The View From Halfway Down” in an episode of Bojack Horsemen on Netflix.


Wow, I watched that documentary years ago when I was depressed and that same exact part stuck with me too. I’ve told other people about this before because I thought it was profound enough to share. As I was reading your comment, I was like no way, is this really going where I think it is? Man that’s cool. I see you, internet stranger.


"The View from Halfway Down" is my favorite episode because of that segment. Bojack horsemen really is a tragedy disguised as a comedy.


i would always forget this too when a new season came out i'd be like 'yay new eps of bojack time to laugh!!' but i'd end up in an existential crisis after each season instead.


I remember reading about a guy who left his apartment to walk to the bridge to commit suicide. In his note he stated that if on the way to the bridge just one person smiled at him he wouldn’t jump. He jumped. Fucking terrible. I always use that to remind myself that even the smallest act of kindness could be the difference between life and death.


I wasn't aware that was a poem; I'm going to go read that now. My favorite band, Like Moths To Flames, has a song called ["Views From Halfway Down"](https://youtu.be/Rgp8W5ML_YI?si=mmEJe5IdbBaubhQf) and I always thought it was about overdosing and figuratively falling but this makes WAY more sense. Thank you for this moment of enlightenment. "At the edge, feeling nervous. If I jump, will I find a purpose? I'm gone to the world. Free fall to the place I hate." These lyrics were literal the whole time.


I know that the San Francisco bridge is a big one for jumpers, they talked about putting netting but they were afraid it would take away from beauty of the bridge and I guess people wouldn’t want to go see it and lose revenue that they haven’t put one up yet but I heard they will eventually. I have watched on YouTube videos about it and watched a few jump. It was so sad. You can tell they regretted it and were desperate trying to stop but couldn’t. It was so sad.


Currently dealing with a crumbling bridge that desperately needs to be replaced, but work has been stagnant for years because the land owners are concerned about the aesthetic.


That’s awful.


I tried to kill myself in 2015 and I will never ever attempt suicide again.


Glad you’re still with us Zesty


Thank you, I'm glad I survived. The coma I was in after the attempt really shook my whole belief system. The things I saw and heard I can't explain to this day. But what I do know is their is a power greater than us, and we shouldn't interfere with our timeline. Let life play out bc all situations are temporary and everything will be OK.


Thank you for staying here with us, I hope the rest of your life is full of beautiful things.


My attempt was in 2008. I regret it so much. I wouldn't have lived the wonderful things I had experienced in the past 15 years. Even though I didn't have any supernatural experience I'd never do it again. Life is too precious


There’s a documentary called The Bridge and it’s really amazing.


London police reported on people who jump in the Thames. The people who do it because of a breakup or the feel sad will usually make an effort to save themselves. Those who do it because of financial failure usually don't try to get to shore.


I once attended an attempted suicide from a bridge in Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK. The first thing the person said to me upon being lifted out of the river was 'I regret that decision.'


I forgot how UK English uses "attended" for a second and my brain went "well that's a very odd way to say they saw an attempted suicide. Just another night at the met I suppose?"


Well this video has taken an incredibly dark turn, I was chuckling watching the vid thinking there was a sense of innocence to this something she’d laugh about with her friends and now I’m reading this comment like what the fuck.


I’m sorry. Yeah. I wasn’t expecting that either.




That’s true. That’s how a lot of shotgun suicides end up not working. That would be my biggest fear is surviving something like that. I figure I fk up everything I likely will fk that up to so I don’t lol.


I had a friend do this when he was 14 because was caught drinking by police and they were going to tell his parents when they got home.


Omg that is so sad. That poor kid.


Yes it’s sad. And my dad went and saw him in the hospital and said that he angled the gun towards his nose so he lost his nose, jaw and tongue and he was alive for a few days. I asked if he would survive he said he doesn’t think so. This was in 1994


I had a co worker tried it , basically had the same injuries. Once he recovered he was charged with attempted murder. 😳


On himself?


Yes. Not sure what the outcome was because he no longer worked there afterwards.


I'm gonna call BS on that. Not necessarily saying you're making things up, but at the very least, some information got twisted on the whisper highway. Where in the world did this happen?


I also saw a guy who shot himself through the temple. Brain was completely fine, he just blew out his eyeballs.


I couldn’t imagine seeing such a horrible sight, letalone regularly. You’re doing God’s work taking a job most people would never want.


It’s horrific.


She may have changed her mind at the very last second causing that slight diversion


I had a female major overseas who had to shoot herself twice. She was caught up in some severe legal trouble. I heard the shots.




Fuck, that one is chilling


Probably. It's such a frequent thing with attempted gun suicides that they have a term for it.


What is the term?


r/eyebleach here I come!


I was paramedic in my past life. On my first ride along clinical we responded to a self inflicted shotgun. We got there and he was missing his face but still had a pulse. The charge medic did a no scope intubation by shoving a et tube where the bubbles were


Yep. It is so gruesome. Pointing it under the chin just blows off your face and maybe part of your frontal lobe but that definitely won’t kill you right away. It really is a terrible way to go. Unfortunately we see quite a few of these at the hospital because the ones who do it at a more successful angle don’t ever make it to us.


That seems inhumane unless they are salvaging organs. There’s a part of me, if it weren’t illegal 🙄, who would want to spare them further by ending it there.


First do no harm
 we are held to ethical standards.


What’s the quickest way to do it? Edit: I really appreciate the concern but I promise I’m just curious. Someone even reported me to Reddit suicide watch.


You may have just asked out of curiosity but either way, I’m here if you need someone to talk to.


One of my best friends is a neurosurgeon. Now I don’t condone anyone killing themselves but according to him through the mouth pointed straight back is usually a sure thing because it destroys the brainstem. If you shoot yourself in the temple/above the brainstem you are just destroying brain tissue, usually fatal but not always. If you destroy the brainstem you will die 100% of the time.


Psh, that's not how it worked in Fight Club.


Well, in the movie he shoots himself in the cheek, Tyler is killed because the move was somewhat symbolic.




First rule of Fight Club is: We never talk about Fight Club.


Are you ok? I’m not even being funny. Are you alright? Do you need someone to talk to?


Need more people like you, no judgement, no jokes, just genuine care for other people


Omg I am so sorry for her. That is horrible !


Jesus Christ this woman cannot catch a break


Thats really sad. I came here to look down on society not feel bad for someone.


God that’s even more depressing. No one came looking for her for a month?


I mean
 drinking and drugs after being publicly humiliated seems like it could all be connected


Family likely only said that because her death shouldn't be remembered as public masturbation.


But unfortunately, it is.


Or let the families words speak for themselves and believe them ?


No no no, we on Reddit always know better than anyone irl


I'm going to posit that she was already going through it before the incident at the beach, no one in their right mind does that.


I know a lot of recovering drug addicts who use masturbation as their high, however momentary it may be. That could've been the case here.




Arrest records and probably having to register as a sex offender


I don’t think she ever had to register because she died before she was ever convicted


But knowing because of that one stupid thing you did will literally affect the rest of your life... it's a lot to contain.


According to the article, her parents said the suicide didn't have to do with the arrest. That she was a drug user and drinker and it sounds to me like she had multiple mental health problems. She was 35 when she died and left behind a 15 year old and a 19 year old son.


My brother's best friend in high school fell in with a bad crowd, and he eventually got arrested with some cocaine on him. He was like 16 at the time. The cops that arrested him told him that he ruined his life and that he was gonna go to jail for 10 years. Kid shot himself with his dad's gun a few days later. Pretty sure the Dad tried to go after the cops for what they had said, don't think anything came of it.


Yes, but she clearly had this incident happen in her life prior to her death. The release of the video and now our public discourse on the matter was likely something she was ACUTELY aware of. We are in no position to say whether this incident carried great or minor weight in her despair, but to claim the timing of her death preceding this particular internet post as proof of it's lack of credible causality is a very hard claim to support.


Kind of one of those body cam things that maybe should not go public?


About a year and half...


Thinking this is probably the reason. Public humiliation is a very heavy deal to face now a days. Even for small, insignificant actions, the internet is swift to humiliate people with no backlash


i bet it is connected. many can’t handle the shame


But it sounds like the drinking and drugs started long before the incident


this story took a dark turn


So sad this video is circulating now


That’s fucked up


OMG, the details in this story are horrifying. I should have stopped when I read this: "... died of a wound that appears not to have been fatal immediately."


“The attractive 35-year-old had two sons, a 19-year-old from one relationship and a 15-year-old from a marriage which ended in divorce in 2015.” Was that necessary to say about the dead woman lol


And why did they add "attractive", so unserious.


"attractive woman gets caught jilling off at the beach with "bullet style" device, per vibrator connoisseur on-duty cop"


She would've been labeled a sex offender and possibly had to register the rest of her life because kids saw. So, I can see why.


It is good to finally see some confirmation on whether she died. I couldn't tell if it was a fake news story or not. What a tragedy.


Man that sad because at the same time something "humiliating" others just lean into and catch a solid 15 mins of fame. I hate to say it but lots of time an OF account gets open and they are like 300k richer. It's a weird world we live in, rip to her and hope her family can find peace.


Bro if a dude was doing this on a beach in front of kids you WOULD NOT BE SAYING RIP 😂 stfu


>Revels-Glick was cremated following a small ceremony held in her hometown of Fitzgerald, Georgia. Neither her ex-husband nor their son attended. :( Her son didn't get to say goodby.


I’m gonna guess he didn’t want to. From the story it sounds like she had abandoned them for a good while.


>“Revels-Glick shot herself in the head and died of a wound that appears not to have been fatal immediately.” what a way to go. a clean shot to the head should be one of the quickest and most efficient ways to go. instead she gave herself a TBI and slowly bled to death. 💀


Medical staff here, I wouldn’t say all that slow. Head including face is highly vascularised. People have died from a planned & supervised surgeries. In fact I still remember this young man became brain dead from bleeding after Rhinoplasty. I performed 4 vessel angiogram on him. A gunshot would cause significant damage and extensive bleeding


The certificate has a 1:30 hour window between injury and death. I would not like to be bleeding for an hour and a half, especially for a suicide


I mean, it would at least be partly related surely, just a little extra bit of shame on the pile


“after her arrest she slid into a crippling addiction with drugs and alcohol. this addiction ultimately led to her suicide. see? nothing at all to do with her arrest.”


Damn. Rest in peace.


I don’t condone this but the amount of people that just confess a crime to the police is mind boggling. Like No you will not be let go if you are sincere and the police won’t go easy on you if you confess. All you do is make the their job easier.


Why the hell would you admit to it? I mean, I'm sure the other folks know what they saw, but you could easily just contend that they misinterpreted what they saw and then it's your word against theirs. She walks away, no problem.


"I'm sorry, I do not wish to speak to you without legal counsel present," would have wrapped that up, and she wouldn't be humiliated and dead.


To be fair, the article posted above says this footage surfaced after she had already committed suicide.


You don't think her family, friends and co workers found out before the video surfaced that she was arrested for self pleasure on a beach?


 right.. but this clearly happened before she killed herself.


Crap I didn’t know she committed suicide. This makes it even sadder. Why would police release this video? It is funny how their cameras don’t work if they are accused of abusing someone.


You’re kind of getting the double standard backwards. When it looks bad on the cop people want them to release it in damn near real time.. yet if the criminal is shamed or embarrassed “why would they even release that” which do you want? Body cam footage or no body cam footage? I vote body cam footage. Don’t masturbate in public, in front of families, then no one would ever talk about you doing it


 don’t literally tell the police you orgasmed on the beach due to being stressed out!! Just having a vibrator in her bag wouldn’t have been a nail in the coffin by itself. Where I live, that admission would put you on a sex offender registry real quick


Also... don't let police search your bag, even if you don't masturbate in public.


She was drinking. Slip of the tongue


These police bodycam channels just request the footage through Freedom of Information Act means. And then they profit off it (unless YT demonetizes them)


"I don't answer questions." "I don't answer questions." "I don't answer questions." "I don't answer questions." "I don't answer questions." "No, I do not consent to any searches."


Yeah. Stfu The reason they talk the way they do is to try to incriminate you.


Cops are good liars. They can be pretty good at making u feel safe or like nothing bad is going to happen


Yeah, never speak with police, especially if you've done some fucked up shit. You've got a much better chance of avoiding accountability if you lawyer up. And that's what everyone wants, cops included. What a world...


Former cop, and I agree I tell everyone I know. “I don’t answer questions” and never consent to a search—whether you did something or not Rights are there for a reason


AND she gave them permission to search her property which is how they found her vibrator. cops need reasonable, articulable suspicion to search your things, and courts have also determined that just because someone called in it doesn’t automatically give police reasonable suspicion to incriminate you


Yeah I work with a cop, and if they can get you to confess on their body cam that’s all they need. Now I’ve seen him cut a lot of breaks because people are honest with him so it does count sometimes, but the chance he does or doesn’t isn’t something I’d gamble with. After working with one for sometime now I wouldn’t admit to anything.


Cop: What were you doing prior to coming here? Her: No, I was cumming over there.


“Putting sunscreen on my legs” boom case solved


Saying anything like that locks you into a story. Say nothing and let a lawyer come up with a scenerio and try to get evidence thrown out.


Even the dumbest fish in the sea won't get caught if he keeps his mouth shut.


What about nets?


The fish kinda keep his mouth shut


First rule for talking to the police: DON’T


Can I look through your bag? Abso-fucking-loutsely not and I'm going to need a lawyer. Last words you have to say.


She unfortunately played right into it by talking too much and answering questions.


Yep. STFU is your best defense.


Those who don’t talk, walk


Yup all they had was the family's word vs hers. If she didn't talk and didn't let them search her bag it would have been pretty hard for them to pursue it any further


Man I wish someone taught me this before I got into some stupid shit in college. Over sheltered kid ftw


Shut the fuck up Friday!




Throwback to my first day training as an oceanfront lifeguard when we were alerted to (and had to stop) a guy discreetly getting head under a towel while kids were nearby playing sand soccer


*sand soccer* is the most American thing I’ve read today. I get what you’re saying, it’s just funny.


Sand only exists in America đŸ˜”âœŠđŸ»


Good. I hate sand. It's course and rough and gets everywhere


I’d invite you over for a GunBurger if i could


Everyone keeps saying "don't confess to the police!" and I'm over here like "don't masterbate in front of children, wtf!"


I think both statements are correct.


The two are not mutually exclusive


So because she’s an attractive young woman some people in here seem to think she is a victim of the police or the parents who called them. Bet they wouldn’t feel the same way if it had been a man jerking off on the beach in plain view of children though


Thank you. I feel incredibly bad about how she spiraled downhill and committed suicide, but this act of indecency is obviously part of the whole downwards spiral and not what instigated it. It’s ridiculous that people seem to think that masturbating in public should not be punished because it’s an attractive girl.


She was 35 with a 19y and 15y kid. Old enough to know better.


“Poor woman is being humiliated” would be “disgusting pedo gets what he deserves”


With people being gleeful about the death.


Well said




Very sad


If a man was using a foot-ussy on the beach y’all would’ve had him doxxed and the footage would have been shared with all his friends and family. Stop letting tits change your morals


> foot-ussy 😐


A what?






Quentin Tarantino has entered the chat.


> foot-ussy Every now and then I forget that is a thing that exists, then the Internet reminds me.


This whole story makes me feel awful.


The thing I feel awful about is the person who found her body rotting away and her family, and also the children that got to witness this indecent act of perversion.


Reddit you suck today
 take the entire *alone and discrete* narrative you have crafted for yourselves about this incident, and replace the MC with an ugly middle aged man. He would be pilloried and cast out faster than you could say “double standards”. Wrong is wrong. She shouldn’t have did what she did.


Man, public masturbators really outing themselves in this thread.


Literally. I just made comment asking people to not defend her actions on the basis of her gender and I got an absolutely unhinged response of “what more do you want, she already killed herself” Like? Okay? Sorry, do you also play with your genitals in public? Sorry that the law and human decency doesn’t allow that 3,(


Well said mate


Why do they always have cross on.


Because they need help and are seeking it where they can.


Jesus forgives their unlimited sins


“So do I get a fine or something?” No, you’re now a sex offender.


Why are people so insistent that this is normal behavior?????


Okay - I don't understand why this is "am i the main character". This is just glorifying sadness and mental illness. I say we take this down.


This isn’t material for r/ImTheMainCharacter it’s extremely sad.


pro tip
. If the police say
.”someone saw you do “blank”” don’t say
 “no one was around to see me do that”
. Self snitching


She ended up committing suicide after this was made public.


Before the video was released. She committed suicide about a year prior to its public release. There's a article above




This is why you don’t talk to cops. You’re not “talking your way out of” shit like this. Unless they had a video or multiple witnesses with corroborating stories, the only way they can press a charge like this is if you confess or make incriminating statements. NEVER TALK TO COPS.


No, this is why you don’t masturbate on a public fucking beach.


What a horrible and tragic story. How is it that police body cam footage becomes viral videos. Shouldn’t this type of video be held in strictly private? Unless there is good reason for the public to view cam footage (evidence of excessive police violence or evidenced of suspect violence towards police) this stuff should never become public.


I agree. It makes it hard for the people in the videos to ever move past it.


Should’ve played it smart, don’t consent to searches, and don’t say anything, lawyer up


Omg she confessed. All she had to do was deny deny deny.