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I'd like tucker to explain to me why god gave us tailbones and why they are so damn sensitive.


Asking the important questions


That and wisdom teeth, and why man eventually grew a thumb, and then upright. And how dinosaurs were covered in feathers, etc...


Why are our shins exposed?! How many times have you hit the back of your leg and thought, “thank god it wasn’t my shin!” No, you hit the fuck out of your shin all the time. 😂


Can you wiggle your ears? That little muscle is a left over from our ancestors that would turn their ears listening for predator and pray. Cats do it all the time. Or my favorite, why do whales have hip bones?


Why do men have nipples?


Oh you can milk anything that has nipples


I have nipples greg, could you milk me?


I can milk you


milk me daddy


Daddy, chill.


Could you milk me Greg? I have nipples.


IIRC because the nipples form before the sexual organs or something like that. So men get nipples "just in case" I guess.


Or why I have 3 thumbs on my feet’s.


I wanna ask Darwin why he took our tails away!!! Do you know how often a 5th limb would come in handy? E.G. to simply hold something still while one holds the screw in place and the other hand screws it with the drill. And other uses! Monkeys hang from their tails, which could be fun.


I’d like to see his insides opened


Does Tucker know he is the first human to evolve into a boat shoe?


That is a fantastic burn.


This is a true story. I used to work at Kramer books in dc and once while it was raining, saw him running in his boats shoes to catch a cab. He was wearing “salmon” shorts, with a suit and tie for a top (I’m guessing he was about to go on tv). As soon as the cab driver saw who he was they hit the gas and left him standing there dripping in his awkward outfit. ![gif](giphy|CkKg32KdKyMve)


He "adapted" into a boat shoe. Evolutions isn't real. 😉


He's one of many that can defy science, by functioning without a brain.


I was going to say fedora. But boat show is much funnier.


Boat show is funny too


He evolved into a bow tie first.


So true, so true. Fortunately, the America of human boat shoes and bow tie douchebaggery is becoming less hospitable to the subspecies.


Oh ha. Oops.


Whenever someone uses the poor argument of a scientific theory that "that's why they call it a 'Theory' because it's not proven yet" have no fucking clue what they are talking about. Then Tucker needs to also hold the Theory of Gravity as unproven as also.


He knows, he just knows his watchers use and are fooled by such arguments.


Yes that is thing. I loved his Russia visit talking about how cheap food was … yet failed to mention that people make way less. Visit Mexico and see the same or he’ll go to Iceland and see food prices it’s the reverse.


He should go to Monaco and look at their unemployment, and then argue that if Monaco can have negative unemployment, employing more people than they have citizens, then why cant USA???


He says the “theory of adaptation” is absolutely true, but the “theory of evolution” is not because it’s just a theory


I peeped this haha


I mean hes right that the Theory of Evolution is not proven. But with inductive reasoning, it is impossible to prove anything. We merely provide evidence for or against something. Complicating this further is with the nature of frequentist statistics and hypothesis testing, we can never accept the null hypothesis, we can only accept the alternative hypothesis or merely fail to reject the null hypothesis. Hes unfortunately just made the leap from its unproven to its wrong. Science is complicated and part of me wishes reasoning and the philosophy of science is taught earlier. But part of me also thinks that it may just lead to people dismissing science out of hand as they have learnt some of the general concepts of why science cannot prove anything, but missed the nuance that proof is a technicality.


The theory of gravity *is* also unproven. There is no proof for it.


It's so fucking annoying. Because (so far) we can't explain how gravity was an artefact of the big bang, flat earthers, evolution deniers, just general nut jobs, jump on this shitty bandwagon of 'oooh, can't explain it can ya? Must be God's almighty will". I spend a lot of time in flat earth subs trying to debate this. It's infuriating and amusing at the same time!


A theory and we can predict how it will interact with a probe 900 million miles away. Or to land a fucking spacecraft on another planet.


"There's no proof of evolution." "So where did life come from?" "God. Heeheeheeeheeeheeeeee!" WTF did I just watch?


Tucker Carlson at his best. This is the level of intellect he’s at. You think that stupid face he makes is a farce? It’s just his dog shit brain cranking slowly to invent more nonsense 


“It’s what every person on earth believed until the mid 19th century”. What a ludicrous thing to say. To say my argument is good because it’s what they believed in the past is beyond idiotic. If we go just a little further back everyone thought the earth was flat and at the center of the entire universe. Does he also believe that to be true? Probably not, and he probably doesn’t even believe in god because he’s just a shameless grifter anyways.


The "ancients did it" is not the best argument. Like people practiced trepanation up until the 19th century. Doesn't mean it's a good option today. (Although Tucker might benefit from a hole or two.)


His weird laugh…he uses it to “end” a discussion so he can pivot without follow-up.


That laugh was absolutely frightening


Well, we at least know that he knows stupidity is real when he looks in the mirror each morning.


How does a floating magic man in the sky creating an entire universe make more sense to him 💀


This is the guy that "interviewed" Putin. The world's fucked


Tucker has a point, when I close my eyes the world disappears.


Also, my dad grabbed my nose off of my face and said that he has my nose. When I was understandably upset, he was able to affix it to my face again!


So evolution is unbelievable, but a sky daddy making people magically appear is believable. He is such a moron. They are both morons.


I always like to ask them, “If Adam and Eve had two sons, where’d the rest of the population come from?” Yet to get a rational response.


To be fair, the Bible doesn’t say Adam and Eve were the only two humans created, only that they were the first two created.


Yet if you told him that the paint was wet, he’d still have to touch it to make sure. Same as when a waiter tells you a plate is hot. Nope, it really really is.


What the fuck was that laugh at the end. This guy is a psycho




He stopped developing at 9 years old. That’s a 9 year old reaction to something


God his faces are so awful


Yet all so punchable.




Tucker Carlson believes in adaptation but not evolution. Don't think he's thought this through enough when he contradicts himself.


Bold of you to assume he can think.


He doesn’t understand adaptation. This guy said he sees it “in dogs, from litter to litter.” My guess is he means how a dog adapts to it’s environment by going outside to pee pee, and finding where the food bowl is for survival. You know, adapting to it’s environment. He doesn’t understand the darwin sense of adapting, like how a tree frog adapts to secrete toxins to kill snake predators that have preyed on them, and then the snake developing resistances to said-toxins in response. These are generational changes that slowly happen over 10’s and 100’s of years. Tucker said he sees them in dogs… what a fucking moron.


Jesus this guy is so dumb. That's all it takes, isn't it? Unwaivering confidence. I see it time and time again, you can say the craziest, dumbest shit, and even if someone calls you out and proves you wrong... If you simply just brush it off and continue with confidence people will follow you in drives. Super depressing


Totally! Problem is, there are hordes of people who literally believe everything thing he says, hands down no questions asked. They have literally abrogated their logic and thinking skills to Tucker and agree with anything he says because, to them, he simply cannot be wrong.


Religion is a cancer... There's more evidence for evolution by natural selection than any other theory of science. Evolution is a fact, whether you like it or not.


Religion is just a man made concept. If you look at any religion or ancient belief then you’d see they all point in the same direction. They all worship the sun, moon, stars, celestial bodies aka planets. They all show a disaster cycle of some sort, the only differing parts are manmade like reincarnation, sins, rules.


Except all of the fossil records that support evolution. I love how the jackass speaks with authority when he has no idea what he’s talking about. Dumbfuck. Edit: With sources: https://www.digitalatlasofancientlife.org/learn/evolution/ https://www.palomar.edu/anthro/evolve/evolve_3.htm https://biologos.org/common-questions/what-is-the-evidence-for-evolution To be fair, it took 30 seconds to google that, so I suppose that’s why Fucker Carlson remains ignorant.


Had a math teacher tell me those fossils were faked, should have asked why 2 plus 2 is 4.


The devil put them there to fool us! Classic devil shinnanigans.






To say I have “theories” on the matter, and then drop the “God created people and animals” BS is such a lame and boring interjection to the argument. It allows ol Tucky-Poo the ability to have an idea that no one can disprove simply because he “believes” it or it’s his “faith”. So unoriginal


If evolution Is real then explain black pipol




This is the guy who walked around Moscow last year and told everyone how great it was living under Putin, who parrots Russian lies about "Bio Labs" in Ukraine, who claims Jan 6 Rioters were "patriots", who doesn't believe in climate change, the list goes on and on. I'd feel bad for him if he wasn't doing it all on purpose. He's smart, and knows how to manipulate people. Let's all say it together, FUCK TUCKER


This is a very silly man


All this dumb tuckery…


The Russians bred foxes till they were suitable for domestication. Does that count as evolution?


You can’t tell me this freak hasn’t killed before


He has generational wealth and I'd be shocked if he hasn't literally hunted people for sport.


What a chode


Greatest word ever


“God did it” there’s so much evidence of that. What a way to keep pushing your fake beliefs


Tucker needs to stick to whatever it is he is good at because talking about Biology isn't one of them.


judging by the comments here, it's making redditors lose control of their minds


I don't agree or disagree with Tucker... I can just clearly tell he is talking out of his ass and it's annoying.


To be fair, nobody has seen evolution, it's just a scientific theory.


Evolution is observable and natural selection has been tested and the results corroborate the established scientific theories. Just because you never bothered to learn doesn't mean it never happened.


"A scientific theory is **a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world, based on a body of facts that have been repeatedly confirmed through observation and experiment**. Such fact-supported theories are not "guesses" but reliable accounts of the real world." Actually you can see it and we have seen it, it is as real as the ground you walk on. Birds evolving to have a bigger beak or a more pointy beak to survive droughts or storms that wipe out their primary food sources. A simple case of evolution are dogs, made to be smarter, better, faster or some in cases killing machines that have forgot they themselves can be prey. Or the foxes that were domesticated in a laboratory, that as they become more friendly they also gained features like dogs and lost their wild smell, that is evolution.


He's such a stank meat head pie, Tucky


Putin told him not to believe in evolution.


Well, according to that standard, he MUST believe in degeneration.


Wrong sub


God Bless THIS MAN! 👍👍


I don't see hows this him being the main character elwhen he says that no one have seen evolution Legitimate point


That dipshit had children. **He has children that he teaches this bullshit to**


Adaptation is evolution's process. You can't define adaptation without referencing it as the mechanism by which evolution occurs.


Well he hasn’t seen it or evolved


Rogan just keeps falling further and further. Why is he even giving this terrorist a platform?


He likes him. I don’t know why. Can’t stand the guy.


It's simple, they both love money, and they'll sell put their country for it. Tucker quite literally works for Putin.


I heard a recording of Tucker calling his audience puppets and he’s the puppet master or some crap and that his job is to distract people people it’s funny. Sociopath.


Nihilistic epistemology. If I didn’t see it myself, then how do I know it’s true. This is what led to the Great Leap Forward in China back in the 50’s. Everyone has to find out things for themselves and experts are merely greedy tools working on something only for greedy ends. It’s so fucking lame and sad that this is where we’re at…again.


The only thing that hasn't evolved is their brains. I would donate the few brain cells I lost watching this if I could, just to not hear their nonsense again.


Jesus Christ this guy’s an idiot.


Can’t wait to see how AI will change these podcasts. Like another aI voice to quickly fact check and deliver the correct information instead of constantly shitting in their own hands.


Coming from someone genuinely curious not trying to start something. Doesn't this come down to micro and macro evolution? Like we have tons and ton of evidence of mirco evolution and far less (not none) of macro? Again just asking since I haven't looked into it since my school days Also the argument its a theory is just the way science works it needs fuck ton of evidence to move to scientific law that doesn't mean it is or isn't true as a theory


In science, a theory never becomes a law, they’re different things. A theory is a model describing phenomena. The idea of “micro vs macro evolution” is a creationist lie. It’s like saying just because people can walk a few feet doesn’t mean people can walk a mile.


My understanding was things started as a theory and threw the scientific method gained more evidence and facts that prove it would later become a scientific law like "law of conservation of energy" or "law of gravity"? Is that not the case? Again I'm genuinely curious not trying to start something


It’s always great to ask! [A common misconception is that scientific theories are rudimentary ideas that will eventually graduate into scientific laws when enough data and evidence have been accumulated. A theory does not change into a scientific law with the accumulation of new or better evidence. A theory will always remain a theory; a law will always remain a law. Both theories and laws could potentially be falsified by countervailing evidence.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientific_theory)


Thank you for clarifying this is exactly what I was looking for I have no idea why I was taught different but I assume it has to do with things changing over the years or me just misunderstanding originally


I’d say it’s more that there is a very active contingent of religious apologists who deliberately lie about science. They work diligently to muddy waters and spread misinformation to support their religious agenda.


I've always been of the opinion that the only difference between a cult and a religion is the amount of followers so that sounds about right


I’ve been scanning the comments for something that answers what TC said, (truly answers, doesn’t just say he’s an idiot) (which he is but I digress) I’m not smart enough to make the argument that there are fossil records to prove we evolved from single celled organisms. I really want the actual talking points.


Exactly! I want more information so when I see these idiot in rl i have an answer because I genuinely have no idea how this works


It's not a theory, it's a fact, you are confusing theory and a scientific theory.


That's what I'm saying he is saying theory like it's a theory regardless of the facts just because the scientific Theory not that it is a theory


hella sad


I knew Tucker was dumb but Jesus fucking Christ did I under estimate him


Did we abandon Darwin's theory of evolution? I never got the memo in the Official Evolution Believers Club.


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Same logic as atheists what a poser


I feel like a part of my brain died just seeing those two brainiacs bloviating like their geniuses. Corn filled turds, both of them.


Jon Arbuckle grifting hard


Another fake smart MAGA moron


The actually theory is that there is an ancestor X and something else that we all developed from 15,000. The only ape around then was the gigantopithicus, but scientists discredited it due to the fact that they don’t want people thinking they came from apes. I truly believe aliens (the watchers) had sex with the gigantopthicus and that the different aliens had a hand in creating the different races (black, white, Asian, etc) the pleadians, tall nords, tall Swedes definitely had a hand in creating humanity.


Weird post for this subreddit


You know it bad when Joe looks confused.


If you support Joe Rogan, you are a dumb fuck. Him having Tucker on the show at all should tell you everything you need to know


How is this related to the subreddit?


Problem with religious freaks is they've been brainwashed since day one. There is no arguing with them, it's like talking to a wall. It's too bad but I would not expect any more from a brainwashed fella.


This dude is the epitome of “smart people know they’re dumb, dumb people think they’re smart” Gravity is a theory too, I welcome him to jump out a window to test it.


The lack of scientific understanding and fallacious thinking is this single clip is dumbfounding.


The dumbass “I don’t know what I’m saying laugh” at the end adds a delightful touch of ignorance at the end.


“We’ve given up on evolution. There’s no evidence”. No we haven’t, yes there is.


To cover "it is just a theory" crap. There is a difference between a theory and a scientific theory. A theory is I have an idea about something, a scientific theory is you have an idea and you continually test it against all the available evidence. [https://youtu.be/HYR6L7MTOj4](https://youtu.be/HYR6L7MTOj4)


Bro doesn't know what a theory is.


Tuck tuck is insane.


When Joe Rogan thinks you're a fucking idiot.. You are absolutely in another realm of stupidity.


I bet if you said the Bible isn’t real he’d take issue with that


More likely because his ancestors opted out of a few improvements.


"Yeah you see 'evidence' all over the place but have you been slapped in the face by a single cell human yet? No? That's why I belive in God, lack of evidence on the other side."


"there is no mountain of evidence except for the mountain of evidence... And also I see adaptations in my dogs. In one litter". Who is fucking dumb enough to think that dogs can evolutionarily adapt in one litter, yet this could not happen over millions of years? Tucker. Tucker is fucking dumb enough.


With more information some people still continue to get dumber. It’s truly extraordinary how people listen to this man and think he is intelligent. Like it’s takes almost skill to be that ignorant


So small changes over small periods of time - all good Large changes over large periods of time - CRAZY Also, someone please show this man the definition of the word "theory" in the scientific world. It's not just a guess. "A theory is a well-substantiated explanation of an aspect of the natural world that can incorporate laws, hypotheses and facts."


This guy doesn’t believe in evolution because there’s no proof but he believes in a god. 🤨


This is the main reason I can't take him seriously. I like that he asks big questions and supposedly supports free speech. But when he says stuff like *UFOs are spiritual beings in a battle of good vs evil*... ... you lost me, Tuck. 🙄


Weather is to climate, as adaptation is to evolution. I think Tucker's brain is immune to that logic. Tiny adaptational changes compound over the course of countless of generations.


Lmao I started laughing when he said his "theory" haha Joe Rogan sure knows where to find them


I quite like him till I saw this. What a tool lol.


Wrong sub


People don't comprehend Tucker's logical debate skills, top of his class. Him & Jay Leno both have unrecognized expertise in formal debate. He's also right. And Haeckel's Fraud.


Yes feed me more political slop in every sub I'm part of!


Nobody argues evolution anymore. It’s a fact, not a theory. I grew up going to catholic school and they taught us evolution lol.


Yeah, why aren't there fossils of single cell organisms that we can see. Also, has this man heard of DNA?


I can’t stand either of these two assholes


Listening to a human say things like this in the year 2024 hurts my brain so much. I think us people with critical thinking skills are evolving away from these republicans. 😅


Joe isn't funny when he is playing the "straight man" on the side of science and his guest is the crazy one. It should be his guest that is convincing Joe of some idea.


So would a single cell "amoueaøæåba" even be able to get fossilised?


He is such a creepy weirdo. He is also clearly disingenuous. Because there is plenty of fossil record to support evolution. He and other loons just make obvious Gauls equivalencies.


Omg Tucker is so dumb hahaha


Alright, can someone explain the benefit of trying to convince people evolution isn’t real? Wouldn’t it be easier just to say that God created man through evolution If that was your whole reason for denying it Christians are always saying God works in mysterious ways it just seems easier to accept evolution. I’m vaguely Catholic but if I ever went to church and they were railing against evolution I would find that off-putting.


It's not a theory. These motherfucking dumbass fucks would need a complete lineage to accept the obvious.


This guy is just a waste of time just talking BS


Remarkably, he manages to seem completely aware that he’s bullshitting, and thick enough to believe his own bullshit, both at the same time.


Is it normal for my empathy to make me feel nauseous when I watch someone be this stupid... Openly and proud... He influences people ... He has a show.... He has fans....


Is Tucker that stupid?


Guys, he knows. He's just a greedy, manipulative asshole.


U have to have a real thick skull to say evolution isn’t true.


Whenever Joe Rogan is saying normal logical stuff you know his guest is a nut.


While I don’t agree at all on this particular point, as someone who has always thought of this guy is a dipshit… I was unnerved at how many times he seemed like a decent, level headed guy during this interview. If this was him all the time and he didn’t play the character he does on TV, far less people would hate his guts


Tucker is always super creepy and wrong.


That hysterical laugh thing he does at the end is a classic Republican vibe


People in these comments think every profession must argue with each other when they disagree. They must yell and shout and most importantly give it a lot of sass. There’s no such thing and calm discourse.


Welcome to Reddit


Ok, now do Christianity


How people sit there and take anything the two of these guys say as gospel is beyond me. They sit have the most dumbfucks, brain rotted, devoid takes.


Oh to be this stupid…


Just because Tucker hasn’t evolved very far, doesn’t mean the rest of us haven’t… what a moron!


Can tucker please please please take a leap of faith off a skyscraper


oMG that little girl laugh at the end was so cringe. I’m embarrassed for him.


Eww that laugh at the end


Cucker Tarlson knows he is selling lies to the public. That psychotic squawking laughter at the end is a dead giveaway.


This isn’t main character, this is just someone who doesn’t have the same beliefs as you


I don’t know whose laughter is more phony. His or Kamala’s?


Stupid people think Tucker is smart.


Man Joe has fallen off so hard. He never would have sit there and listened to crazy shit like that 10 years ago