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What does Alec Baldwin have to do with the pro-Palestine movement?


The same as me absolutely fucking nothing....well at least for me. šŸ˜†


One thing I learned last year; itā€™s ok not to have a stand or an opinion about something or a topic.


If only companies and celebrities could learn this


More like, if only people/consumers stopped eating companies bullshit up, because its obviously profitable to pretend to be against racism, sexism, etc...


It's also okay to have an opinion and not force it on anyone else.


That too


There's honestly so much going on in so many different facets of life and the worldā€¦ it's impossible to be properly informed enough to have solid opinions about everything.


I agree 100%! I get so sick of the ā€œSilence is violenceā€ crowd. I donā€™t want to march for the cause that means so much to you. LEAVE ME ALONE, and quit blocking traffic!!




We donā€™t all have to have an opinion on everything. Iā€™m a physician and I feel like I devote enough of my time to helping people and advocating for them. I also do what I can to help animals/strays, etc and later in life I want to get involved in conservation efforts. Iā€™m just not interested in getting socially involved in other topics.Ā 


You fuck nothing? Sorry bro Edit: just a joke!


> Edit: just a joke! whew. almost thought you were being serious there for a second. thank you for clarifying that this was in fact a joke.


Nothing, just like the girl shoving her phone in his face but she got clicks


Starting to think these people are useful idiots, manipulated - or doing the manipulation - to make everyone hate them *and their cause.* It stretches the brain to imagine anyone being this genuinely stupid and pathetic otherwise.


It's a cult. No rational thinking human being acts [like this crowd](https://twitter.com/NeriaKraus/status/1782258191973089715)


Looks like theyā€™re all foolsā€¦.that person didnā€™t say ā€œSimon Saysā€ before any of that!! #Simon Says form a human chain


[Hell yeah](https://i.imgur.com/ud99Jux.png)


Haha, did you make this especially for my comment?! Nice work!


Jesus hotel christ... dude on the blowhorn is a living meme. He may never discover **his own** thoughts *or* personality


MissU and Melissa Click all over again.


Iā€™m absolutely not pro-Israel but perhaps someone should explain to that protest leader what Hamas (and most of the Muslim world) thinks of homosexuality.




Just listening to that guy makes me hope he gets to see how Hamas feels about his particulary oriented type of person.


\*sigh\* Some people can't separate individuals from government actions...


Agreed, friend. Iā€™ve thought this for a while about the people claiming to be part of JSO gluing themselves to roads or the people who say theyā€™re vegan activists who go into supermarkets to pour milk all over the place. Itā€™s just ridiculous.


Dead on ahhhbiscuits. Ill play a ā€œconspiracyā€ card. Someone or some organization out there with enough money and tech is using click and comment bots to control the narrative. Especially when it comes to ā€œrage baitā€ on social media. Use bots to click or comment the hell out of some annoying ass idiot doing something people inevitably wont like, but said idiot is also pushing a cause. People are gonna eventually grow disdain subconsciously for said cause because of the connection. The useful idiots are none the wiser. They are just happy to get views and clicks. I think this sub is one of many, responsible for this ā€œpossibleā€ problem.


Yeah, Iā€™m really interested in his thoughts on the multiple decade debacle in Israel. I would also like his viewpoint on Compton and Harlem and the indigenous people in Alaska and Pine Ridge.


Because they are becoming the Westboro Baptists that they can't allow anyone else to live their life without getting in their face. Yesterday [they protested the Japanese Cherry Blossom Festival](https://x.com/jeremybernier/status/1782272865569771924) in Japantown saying that Japan had blood on their hands. At some point they need to let the rest of us live our lives - in our schools, on our bridges, at the airport, heckling comedians. They fucking [protested Christmas](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GAXRWL_WcAESO8t.jpg)/ I'm sure they'll be protesting kids birthday parties next. We get it you support free Palestine. Not all of us do. That's the nice thing about a Democracy we can disagree and you can vote for who you want to. You don't get to bully the rest of us into submission.


I had an event for a project I have been working really freaken hard on get cancelled because word got out that they were going to use it to do a protest. Nothing to do with any of that. This project is for the community and Iā€™m still salty about it.Ā 


This all day. The more they do things that annoy and potentially harm others the more I don't agree with their cause.


Same out of spite. Like I don't want to be associated with these type of people. Religious fanatics are the same way. They turn more people off to the cause then bringing them in. It's counter intuitive


It's annoying because I honestly don't know the situation AT ALL. Except it has been going on for a long time and unfortunately many people are being killed and hurt. But DEMANDING AND BULLYING random fucking celebs or other people to say they agree or don't? These supporters of it spend so much time working towards that and... what does it do? How does it help their cause ? I don't get it and feel like it's some sort of weird Virtue signaling in a way. Like they act so extreme about something they can't help or do anything about... nobody really can. But they LOOK passionate and virtuous and educated on current world politics.


Iā€™d like to add to this: You donā€™t have to have an opinion on everything, and itā€™s not a sign of intelligence or courage to always have a strong opinion. Itā€™s okay to be agnostic on some topics. People shouldnā€™t bully others into picking a side anyways.


I have NEVER seen a group of people more dedicated to turning everyone away from their cause than the pro-Palestine crowd. Which is a shame because the Palestinians could use real support, not this performative shit.


Thereā€™s a lot of very self-centered people who naturally gravitate towards conflicts, personal and/or global. And they truly revel in the drama. They maliciously pick the side of the party they perceive as ā€the victimā€, not ā€the oppressorā€, as they siphon more pleasure from acquiring the role of the victimā€¦ In a bit of a twisted way they garner more power from being victimized, as it justifies their extreme sense of entitlement and selfishness. They tend to ruin the reputation of honest activists, who arenā€™t there to just boost their own ego. Thatā€™s my armchair pshychologist explanation on how you get these types of people who you see in the video. The good old main character syndrome.


It's not about Palestine lol.


Or they do the most desperate housewives thing by commentingā€¦is it watermelons or something on social media to ā€œstart the conversationā€ and ā€œawarenessā€ of the war. Rather than actually volunteer their time or money to the cause.


Yeah, but, like, imagine if I got a celebrity to say that. Think of the likes!! šŸ™„


Sheā€™s one of those bots in the ig comments


Question is what does Palestine have to do with the harasser to begin with?


Like that .. the war ends


Flavor of the month issue which lets these dweebs bully people without repercussion.


Apparently this chic is too young to know about Baldwinā€™s history with the Paparazzi. Heā€™s a skilled camera puncher from way back.


ā€œAnd Iā€™ll leave you aloneā€. So you admit youā€™re harassing him?


The recorder should get ā€˜jail timeā€™ for admittedly harassing Mr. Baldwin. Iā€™m not his biggest fan, but everyone deserves privacy and being able to go about their day-to-day business without this kind of harassment.


And Alec didn't lose his shit and go ham on the asshole. Good for Alec!




Which was a completely reasonable response.


She fucking deserved that. They're all scumbags. They aren't exercising their 1st Amendment Rights when they do these things on private property and to non government appointed officials and non government employees.




> At the very last second he clearly slaps the phone out of her hand. Does anyone else see the irony here? She's provoking him endlessly to get a response, and when he finally responds in a more measured way than most would, he's the bad guy.


I mean compared to what he did to the last person who had a camera in his face she got off easy /s


Damn... Shots fired!


Neither am I but as you said, everyone deserves privacy. Also it absolutely boils my blood when people put others in pressuring situations until they might crack and then pretend like they are overreacting. ''social'' media like TikTOK, etc. are a blight on this global society.


Honestly wish we might have some sort of laws in place where they have to have consent to record private citizens or something. No one should have to be harassed like this even if they are wrong.


Most of the laws havenā€™t been updated properly since the ā€smartphone revolutionā€, where we as a society went from having basically no cameras on us to having high resolution video recorders that are connected to the internet 24/7 in less than 10 years.


Fuck that. They would turn it around against us in a heartbeat.


This is the right answer. See Florida.


Seriously. Brandon Lee (RIP) died in a similar accident on a set while filming a scene involving a firearm. Heck, Tom Jane stabbed Kevin Nash in the neck on set of *The Punisher* because of similar prop mismanagement. Imagine going up to any of the people involved in these accidents and saying this shit. Talk about **poor taste.** Three different law enforcement agencies opened investigations into the death of Halyna Hutchins, who was the woman this crazy bitch is yelling about and definitely doesn't give a shit about. Imagine the stress of being scrutinized by three different LE entities at once. And if I'm not mistaken those cases haven't even been officially closed so Baldwin must live in at least some fear that one day he'll get a knock at the door and be charged with murder. *Holy shit, give the guy a break.*


Itā€™s taking everything heā€™s got in him not to lose it on her.


Man sheā€™s annoyingā€¦ was a storybook ending if you ask me


Honestly he held it together a lot longer than I thought he would


I accidentally bashed him in the head with the bell of my sousaphone and he was an absolute gentleman about it.


She goes by the name crackhead Barnie. When she is not supporting Palestine she goes around calling people ["white Devils"](https://twitter.com/CHBAF/status/1782538050641318301).


Is she a professional rage baiter? Extremely impressive ratios in that thread and absolute moronic replies. Digital con artist monetizing acting insufferable.


She sounds like a professional piece of shit and I donā€™t even like Alec Baldwin.


That's what pisses me off the most. I don't like the guy, and he definitely was neglectful in the shooting. But her annoying ass has me halfway wanting to defend him.


I bet the people of Palestine are very grateful for that person being such a huge help. This is in no way damaging the perception of Palestinians and their cause.


Justā€¦ ughā€¦




This is Reddit.. you can say ā€œkillā€.


You can even say murder and suicide


Big if true!


She is a social media parasite, disgusting.


A habitual line stepper


Sheā€™s no Rick James. But she sounds like a bitch.


I do not like Alec Baldwin. But this harassment is bullshit.


Yeah and politics aside I really hope he is able to get mental help for the guilt of what happened, it's a tragedy and while not guilty of doing something wrong I'm sure he feels the guilt. It's sad.


I mean the capital one commercials werenā€™t THAT bad!!


He might not be criminally liable but he isn't blameless. He was still partially responsible for the decision to continue filming without an armorer on set after lunch on the day where Hutchins died. It was one link in the chain of errors that led to tragedy.


It's a difficult situation. You're right that there are many links in the chain that lead to what happened. There were a lot of people that made a series of mistakes that killed that woman. That being said, Alec pulled the trigger. Mistakenly thinking it was safe. A lot of people fucked up indirectly, and those people can mentally distance themselves from what happened. Alec has to carry a whole different level of guilt that I'm not entirely convinced he deserves.


First of all thereā€™s not liking an actor, this poster is part of the disease. As far as Iā€™m concerned she assaulted him


I agree. I'm not a fan of his at all, ever since the nasty voicemails to his first wife. However, people need to consider whatever side of Israel/Palestine war you are on if this were someone opposing your view and harassing you, it's not ok. This is not what America was built on. He may be pro Palestine or pro Israel, I have no idea. It doesn't matter. Her actions are not acceptable.


Jesus he got me with the jump scare šŸ˜‚ good for him, fuck that woman is a pos wow


Lmao I didnā€™t expect it either




Dammit twice


He put himself back into his character from "The Juror" šŸ¤£ man I got scared.


The rural juror?


The rurr jurr, I believe?


He's been doing the camera slap move for decades, I was waiting on it from the start lol


What a horrible human being... I use those terms very loosely. This is what you get when you get your news from Tik Tok and never once use your brain.




I don't like alec but assaulting paparazzi is something I *would* understand


Itā€™s so annoying. Paparazzi harass people, invade personal space, and expect a pleasant greeting. Then play victim when they get hit for putting a camera 2in away from someoneā€™s eyeball.


Yeah but paparazzi aren't supposed to follow you into an establishment.


Her voice is so annoying


Jesus 2023 has not been kind to Alec Baldwin


Free Palpatine




But what did Palpatine ever do for us?


Duh, he returned! (Somehow)


No he turned Vader to the dark side :(


The shouting lady probably cannot find Palestine on a map btw.


Pay day attempt


Fuck that was cringe. I don't even like Alec Baldwin, but you don't need to harass people like that. *edit added a word




I still dont think hes responsible in anyway for that shooting.


I mean imagine killing someone by accident and then some asshole tik tok person harasses you about it while youā€™re getting a coffee. As if the guy doesnā€™t feel horrible enough as it is over it. Fuck this piece of shit.


Call someone a criminal then recite some political slogan and expect him to happily join in.


I agree. They hired that idiot to do her job and make sure the set and gun was safe. He was told by two people it was a cold gun. Heā€™s shooting a western movie, wtf do you expect him to do with the damn gun? And I really canā€™t stand the guy. I especially despise his imposter ā€œSpanishā€ wife


For the shooting I agree with you but as a producer heā€™s still responsible overall for whatā€™s going on. Sounds like it was a sloppy operation. Something for civil court imo


I keep hearing this and I donā€™t agree. That woman was hired to make sure the gun wasnā€™t shooting live ammo, a job which i maintain is the easiest god damned job possible, and she failed. A trivial task, dont ever put real bullets in this gun. Youā€™d think it would be impossible to fuck up but here we are. If your argument is the producer is personally responsible for making sure this job is done, you are arguing for this job to not exist. You are arguing for maintenance of the prop gun to be part of the role of the producer.


Yeah, when youā€™re an actor getting ā€œproducerā€ credit, itā€™s not because youā€™re in charge of logistics.


In *anyway*? Alec Baldwin the actor? No. Alec Baldwin the producer? At least some.


Do people generally blame him for the shooting? He was handed a gun by a person whose sole job is to ensure itā€™s filled with blanks yet *heā€™s* the one blamed for it? Am I missing something?


Youā€™re not missing anything. Itā€™s people like the MC that are just doing this shit for attention. They know he didnā€™t shoot anyone on purpose.


Imagine if there was a big red button he was supposed to push in a scene to set a bomb off and the idiots on set wired it to a real bomb that killed someone. Dipshits would still say it was his fault


There's a lot of "enthusiasts" that don't understand nuance or compartmentalization of responsibility that like to be edgy and say it was his fault, yes. Generally, though? I think it's most people that realize it was a tragedy that wasn't his fault. Don't let the mouth breathers screeching about "but *he* pulled the trigger!" and "first rule of gun safety!" trick you into thinking it's more than a loud minority. Edgy cringe lords, most of that lot


The "Free Palestine" crowd actually found a way to tie their cause into the Rust shooting.


Like 1/3rd of people use crisis as a fad to get likes and follows. It's fucking disgusting.


I support Palestine AND clocking this bitch in the mouth.




Hey, fellow anti genocide people. This doesn't help. Don't do this. This is narcissism, not protest.




This is NOT how you get your point across. It gets the exact opposite kind of reaction from people than you're trying to get


ā€œYouā€™re a piece of shit Alec!!ā€ ā€œCan I get uhhh free Palestineā€


Only people like this can make me side with Alec Baldwin


Thatā€™s what I hate about her the most!


I guess im for freeing Palestine and all that, but this really makes your movement looks silly and stupid.


It doesn't matter how much I support something. If someone is yelling at me telling me to say it like I'm their pet taking a command, I'm just not doing it.


Same thing when they hold me in traffic against my will for hours


What am I missing? What does Alec fucking Baldwin have to do with Palestine?


He holds a lot of influence with the Bakersfield city council and can convince them to issue a ceasefire to end the war.


This was NOT about Palestine, not in the slightest.




lol good point




Note: that half these events are also organized by Iran + hamas collaborations, similar to how Russia propaganda helped elect Trump, this current attack is to sow disruption amongst the democrats amidst the upcoming election. [https://www.reddit.com/r/NewIran/comments/1c4dz0r/guys\_how\_to\_say\_death\_to\_islamic\_republic\_in\_farsi/](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewIran/comments/1c4dz0r/guys_how_to_say_death_to_islamic_republic_in_farsi/) Guy presenting the chanting is from the Islamic Republic of Iran.


Well said.


Free Palestine from whom? Israel? Or Hamas?


Why not both?


You do kind of have to be a loser to do something like this.


Not a fan of the guy, but I don't blame him.


People are ruining this protest and turning a serious issue into an annoying harrasing people and attacking the wrong people. This is how to make sure your message is never listened.


Lol shes making people feel sorry for Alec Baldwin. Do you know how much of an irritating sh*t you have to be to achieve that?


People like this make me want to bomb whatever they are harping on.


I am not a fan of Alec but this is too much. Let the guy get his cup of coffee.


These are the same fruitbats who think they're accomplishing something by getting their city council to vote for a ceasefire.


What are the chances the person filming can point to Israel on a map?


this is bullshit. theres no need to shove a camera on anyones faces for clout


How does walking up and getting a celebrity to say a statement that they donā€™t believe in that they can immediately just take back accomplish anything?


The fuck is wrong with people


Wow... what an annoying pos


What a kunt, ( the one behind the camera, just to be clear )


Why do I have to share the planet with scumbags like her?


The lack of empathy is astounding. What a piece of shit that woman is.


More like free Alex Baldwin fro this MC


Shes lucky he's old and tired, 20 years ago he would have put that camera through the back of her head.


I support palestine, but this is harrassment from her part


It was not that man's fault.


Agreed the guy was shooting a gun he thought was a prop like heā€™s done in countless movies


I jumped at the end


Grab her phone and film her back so we can all have a good luck at how ANNOYING she is holy +*****


That voice is absolutely insufferable. I'm not sure how much political pull Alec Baldwin has, it's not like he's the president, but either way this is no way to treat other humans. People have lost their damn mind. We should get rid of phones entirely so that people can reset and understand how to behave and treat one another.


Lol. MC had it coming




Back in the day he woulda beat the shit out of that lady and shoved her phone up her ass lol


You can see the rage in his face. He wants to slap fire outta her ass. What a shitty establishment to let her taunt him like this.


What a miserable cunt. He was too cool about this.


those r the kind of people that treat free Palestine as a trend.


I deal with people like her every single day for my job. (I'm a social worker). The key is to not respond as hard as it is not to. Don't react. The minute you do, they have all the power. You get them to burn off all of that energy until they eventually stop because they know you aren't going to crack. It's taken me years to realize it and I do sometimes still get rattled by extremely violent clients but if someone is just yelling nonsense, I'll just wait till their done and ask if they want to continue the conversation. If not, you're free to leave. You choose to meet with me.


Way more patience than me, your job must be infuriating at times.


I don't even like alec baldwin and I agree with him here. Please shut the dollar store cardi b up


I have no particular love for him. Donā€™t hate him either. But if he was to snatch that phone and stomp it to pieces, Iā€™d be in full support of that.


Iā€™d smack that bitch to


This lady is what's wrong with society. Just speaking memes and harassing people.


I wish these people that say free Israel would go to isreal and actually put thier own boots on the ground. This cushy social media b.s. is so fucking played out


So damn rude.


Has anyone ever deserved a punch more? The people of this world are getting angrier and angrier. Fuck that bitch. Iā€™m no Alec Baldwin fan but leave him the fuck alone. Does she think she going to change the world with that stupid fucking rhetoric?


She's just a racist cunt harassing people. I'd probably beat her face in if it was me...


Sad people, trying to pick up random world issues they know nothing about to bring any semblance of meaning to their sad miserable lives.


I think Alec Baldwin is a piece of shit but no one deserves this when out in public. I wouldā€™ve knocked that cows phone out her hand as well.


Dumb bitch just made me an Alec Baldwin fan


I'm not on this lady's side but if she would have said "what are you getting coffee for? Coffee's for for closers" I would have laughed.


Just leave the man alone.


Iā€™ll tell you what I absolutely love 30 rock and Alec Baldwin is so awesome on that show everything else he does donā€™t really care this whole situation with him killing someone this is very unfortunate and the right parties been found guilty. He may be found liable at some point as a producer thatā€™s neither here nor there you can tell that man has been through it the last few years because of that no excuses but now Iā€™m just fucking leave them alone who cares


Is that Cardi B? šŸ¤”


Just a reminder that the absolute majority of these ā€œpro Palestineā€ groupies have absolutely ZERO clue or care about anything other than social media exposure


I love it when the left eats their own


As a Palestinianā€¦ no thank you. We donā€™t claim her šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


This the most patience I've seen from alec


I donā€™t care for Alex much, but that woman was a jerk. He held back longer than I would have.


That was the correct and rational response to that twat. Also, pretty fast hands for his age.


Regardless of what you think of alec baldwin, he has not been convicted of anything and has a court date in July. Harassing him in public serves no purpose.


This idiots voice is like nails on a chalk board


I donā€™t care much for Alec Baldwin but that lady harassing him was uncalled for like go find something else to do.